mirror of https://github.com/frappe/bench.git synced 2025-02-02 19:08:24 +00:00

[enhancement] Install using python: wget setup_frappe.py | python

This commit is contained in:
Anand Doshi 2016-02-29 20:09:19 +05:30
parent 26356f2b3e
commit 37e6285486

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@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
# wget setup_frappe.py | python
import os
import sys
import pwd
import stat
import subprocess
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
import string
from random import choice
def install_bench(args):
# pre-requisites for bench repo cloning
# which user to use for bench repo cloning
user_password = add_user(args.user)
# clone bench repo!
# install pip
# install bench
def install_python27():
version = (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
if version == (2, 7):
print "Installing Python 2.7"
# install python 2.7
success = run_os_command({
"apt-get": "sudo apt-get install -y python2.7",
"yum": "sudo yum install -y python27",
"brew": "brew install python"
if not success:
could_not_install("Python 2.7")
# replace current python with python2.7
os.execvp("python2.7", ([] if is_sudo_user() else ["sudo"]) + ["python2.7", __file__] + sys.argv[1:])
def install_git():
if find_executable("git"):
# git already installed
print "Installing Git"
success = run_os_command({
"apt-get": "sudo apt-get install -y git",
"yum": "sudo yum install -y git",
"brew": "brew install git"
if not success:
def add_user(user):
if user=="root":
raise Exception("--user cannot be root")
elif not user:
raise Exception("Please pass --user USER. For example: --user frappe")
user_password = None
except KeyError:
# user does not exist
success = run_os_command({
"adduser": "sudo adduser --create-home {user}".format(user=user)
if not success:
raise Exception("Could not create user {0}. Please add the user manually.".format(user))
user_password = get_random_string()
subprocess.check_call(["chpasswd", "{user}:{password}".format(user=user, password=user_password)])
# give read and execute rights to "Others" for the user's folder
user_folder = get_user_folder(user)
user_folder_stat = os.stat(user_folder)
os.chmod(user_folder, user_folder_stat.st_mode | stat.S_IROTH)
os.chmod(user_folder, user_folder_stat.st_mode | stat.S_IXOTH)
return user_password
def run_os_command(command_map):
"""command_map is a dictionary of {"executable": command}. For ex. {"apt-get": "sudo apt-get install -y python2.7"} """
success = False
for executable, command in command_map.items():
if find_executable(executable):
returncode = subprocess.check_call(command.split())
success = ( returncode == 0 )
return success
def could_not_install(package):
raise Exception("Could not install {0}. Please install it manually.".format(package))
def is_sudo_user():
return os.geteuid() == 0
def get_user_folder(user):
return os.path.expanduser("~{user}".format(user=user))
def get_random_string(length=16):
"""generate a random string"""
return ''.join([choice(string.letters + string.digits) for i in range(length)])
def parse_commandline_args():
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Frappe Installer')
parser.add_argument('--user', metavar='USER', dest='user', action='store',
help="System user which will be used to start various processes required by Frappe framework. If this user doesn't exist, it will be created.")
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
except ImportError:
# install python2.7
args = parse_commandline_args()