--- - name: Apply basic roles, mariadb, wkhtmltopdf, nodejs, nginx, fail2ban and psutil hosts: localhost become: yes become_user: root vars: - mysql_conf_tpl: files/mariadb_config.cnf - nginx_conf_file: files/nginx.conf - mysql_secure_installation: True roles: - { role: locale, tags: "locale" } - { role: swap, tags: "swap", when: production } - { role: logwatch, tags: "logwatch", when: production } - { role: bash_screen_wall, tags: "bash_screen_wall", when: production } - { role: frappe_selinux, tags: "frappe_selinux", when: production } - { role: dns_caching, tags: "dns_caching", when: production } - { role: ntpd, tags: "ntpd", when: production } - { role: mariadb, tags: "mariadb" } - { role: wkhtmltopdf, tags: "wkhtmltopdf" } - { role: nodejs, tags: "nodejs" } - { role: psutil, tags: "psutil" } - { role: supervisor, tags: "supervisor", when: production } - { role: nginx, tags: "nginx", when: production } - { role: fail2ban, tags: "fail2ban" , when: production } tasks: - name: Set hostname hostname: name='{{ hostname }}' when: hostname is defined and production - name: Start NTPD service: name=ntpd state=started when: ansible_distribution == 'CentOS' and production - name: Start NTPD service: name=ntp state=started when: ansible_distribution == 'Debian' or ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and production