Important: * archive name must be in the format $(name)-$(version).tar.gz and directory within it must be named as $(name)-$(version)
* filename of the .spec file must be exactly as a package name, do not change it
* do not run `rpmdev-setuptree` and `rpmbuild` as a root user
To prepare your environment for building .rpm package do the following:
1. install instruments:
`sudo yum install epel-release rpmdevtools yum-utils`
2. install latest pip and wheel (you can also look at this [documentation](
`sudo python`
3. create directory hierarchy for rpm (this will create directory ~/rpmbuild with the subdirectories BUILD RPMS SOURCES SPECS SRPMS):
4. place `bench.spec` into ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
5. place `bench-0.92.tar.gz` into ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
6. install all required for .rpm building dependencies:
`sudo yum-builddep ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/bench.spec`
To build .rpm package run:
`rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/bench.spec`
The resulting .rpm will be in `~/rpmbuild/RPMS/` and .srpm in `~/rpmbuild/SRPMS` To install .rpm package run:
`sudo yum localinstall path/to/rpm/package`

Useful links: [rpm packaging tutorial] (