mirror of
synced 2024-11-13 16:56:33 +00:00
glob on env/**/bin is slowest operation in terms of overhead on CLI.
773 lines
21 KiB
773 lines
21 KiB
# imports - standard imports
import contextlib
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from functools import lru_cache
from glob import glob
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
from pathlib import Path
# imports - third party imports
import click
# imports - module imports
import bench
from bench.exceptions import PatchError, ValidationError
from bench.utils import (
logger = logging.getLogger(bench.PROJECT_NAME)
def get_env_cmd(cmd: str, bench_path: str = ".") -> str:
exact_location = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(bench_path, "env", "bin", cmd.strip("*"))
if os.path.exists(exact_location):
return exact_location
# this supports envs' generated by patched virtualenv or venv (which may cause an extra 'local' folder to be created)
existing_python_bins = glob(
os.path.join(bench_path, "env", "**", "bin", cmd), recursive=True
if existing_python_bins:
return os.path.abspath(existing_python_bins[0])
return exact_location
def get_venv_path(verbose=False, python="python3"):
with open(os.devnull, "wb") as devnull:
is_venv_installed = not subprocess.call(
[python, "-m", "venv", "--help"], stdout=devnull
if is_venv_installed:
return f"{python} -m venv"
log("venv cannot be found", level=2)
def update_node_packages(bench_path=".", apps=None, verbose=None):
print("Updating node packages...")
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from bench.utils.app import get_develop_version
v = LooseVersion(get_develop_version("frappe", bench_path=bench_path))
# After rollup was merged, frappe_version = 10.1
# if develop_verion is 11 and up, only then install yarn
if v < LooseVersion("11.x.x-develop"):
update_npm_packages(bench_path, apps=apps, verbose=verbose)
update_yarn_packages(bench_path, apps=apps, verbose=verbose)
def install_python_dev_dependencies(bench_path=".", apps=None, verbose=False):
import bench.cli
from bench.bench import Bench
verbose = bench.cli.verbose or verbose
quiet_flag = "" if verbose else "--quiet"
bench = Bench(bench_path)
if isinstance(apps, str):
apps = [apps]
elif not apps:
apps = bench.get_installed_apps()
for app in apps:
pyproject_deps = None
app_path = os.path.join(bench_path, "apps", app)
pyproject_path = os.path.join(app_path, "pyproject.toml")
dev_requirements_path = os.path.join(app_path, "dev-requirements.txt")
if os.path.exists(pyproject_path):
pyproject_deps = _generate_dev_deps_pattern(pyproject_path)
if pyproject_deps:
bench.run(f"{bench.python} -m pip install {quiet_flag} --upgrade {pyproject_deps}")
if not pyproject_deps and os.path.exists(dev_requirements_path):
f"{bench.python} -m pip install {quiet_flag} --upgrade -r {dev_requirements_path}"
def _generate_dev_deps_pattern(pyproject_path):
from tomli import loads
except ImportError:
from tomllib import loads
requirements_pattern = ""
pyroject_config = loads(open(pyproject_path).read())
with contextlib.suppress(KeyError):
for pkg, version in pyroject_config["tool"]["bench"]["dev-dependencies"].items():
op = "==" if "=" not in version else ""
requirements_pattern += f"{pkg}{op}{version} "
return requirements_pattern
def update_yarn_packages(bench_path=".", apps=None, verbose=None):
import bench.cli as bench_cli
from bench.bench import Bench
verbose = bench_cli.verbose or verbose
bench = Bench(bench_path)
apps = apps or bench.apps
apps_dir = os.path.join(bench.name, "apps")
# TODO: Check for stuff like this early on only??
if not which("yarn"):
print("Please install yarn using below command and try again.")
print("`npm install -g yarn`")
for app in apps:
app_path = os.path.join(apps_dir, app)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app_path, "package.json")):
click.secho(f"\nInstalling node dependencies for {app}", fg="yellow")
yarn_install = "yarn install --check-files"
if verbose:
yarn_install += " --verbose"
bench.run(yarn_install, cwd=app_path)
def update_npm_packages(bench_path=".", apps=None, verbose=None):
verbose = bench.cli.verbose or verbose
npm_install = "npm install --verbose" if verbose else "npm install"
apps_dir = os.path.join(bench_path, "apps")
package_json = {}
if not apps:
apps = os.listdir(apps_dir)
for app in apps:
package_json_path = os.path.join(apps_dir, app, "package.json")
if os.path.exists(package_json_path):
with open(package_json_path) as f:
app_package_json = json.loads(f.read())
# package.json is usually a dict in a dict
for key, value in app_package_json.items():
if key not in package_json:
package_json[key] = value
if isinstance(value, dict):
elif isinstance(value, list):
package_json[key] = value
if package_json == {}:
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "package.json")) as f:
package_json = json.loads(f.read())
with open(os.path.join(bench_path, "package.json"), "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(package_json, indent=1, sort_keys=True))
exec_cmd(npm_install, cwd=bench_path)
def migrate_env(python, backup=False):
import shutil
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from bench.bench import Bench
bench = Bench(".")
nvenv = "env"
path = os.getcwd()
python = which(python)
pvenv = os.path.join(path, nvenv)
if python.startswith(pvenv):
# The supplied python version is in active virtualenv which we are about to nuke.
"Python version supplied is present in currently sourced virtual environment.\n"
"`deactiviate` the current virtual environment before migrating environments.",
# Clear Cache before Bench Dies.
config = bench.conf
rredis = urlparse(config["redis_cache"])
redis = f"{which('redis-cli')} -p {rredis.port}"
logger.log("Clearing Redis Cache...")
exec_cmd(f"{redis} FLUSHALL")
logger.log("Clearing Redis DataBase...")
exec_cmd(f"{redis} FLUSHDB")
except Exception:
logger.warning("Please ensure Redis Connections are running or Daemonized.")
# Backup venv: restore using `virtualenv --relocatable` if needed
if backup:
from datetime import datetime
parch = os.path.join(path, "archived", "envs")
os.makedirs(parch, exist_ok=True)
source = os.path.join(path, "env")
target = parch
logger.log("Backing up Virtual Environment")
stamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
dest = os.path.join(path, str(stamp))
os.rename(source, dest)
shutil.move(dest, target)
# Create virtualenv using specified python
def _install_app(app):
app_path = f"-e {os.path.join('apps', app)}"
exec_cmd(f"{pvenv}/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade {app_path}")
logger.log(f"Setting up a New Virtual {python} Environment")
exec_cmd(f"{python} -m venv {pvenv}")
# Install frappe first
for app in bench.apps:
if str(app) != "frappe":
logger.log(f"Migration Successful to {python}")
except Exception:
logger.warning("Python env migration Error", exc_info=True)
def validate_upgrade(from_ver, to_ver, bench_path="."):
if to_ver >= 6 and not which("npm") and not which("node") and not which("nodejs"):
raise Exception("Please install nodejs and npm")
def post_upgrade(from_ver, to_ver, bench_path="."):
from bench.bench import Bench
from bench.config import redis
from bench.config.nginx import make_nginx_conf
from bench.config.supervisor import generate_supervisor_config
conf = Bench(bench_path).conf
print("-" * 80 + f"Your bench was upgraded to version {to_ver}")
if conf.get("restart_supervisor_on_update"):
"As you have setup your bench for production, you will have to reload"
" configuration for nginx and supervisor. To complete the migration, please"
" run the following commands:\nsudo service nginx restart\nsudo"
" supervisorctl reload"
def patch_sites(bench_path="."):
from bench.bench import Bench
from bench.utils.system import migrate_site
bench = Bench(bench_path)
for site in bench.sites:
migrate_site(site, bench_path=bench_path)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise PatchError
def restart_supervisor_processes(bench_path=".", web_workers=False, _raise=False):
from bench.bench import Bench
bench = Bench(bench_path)
conf = bench.conf
cmd = conf.get("supervisor_restart_cmd")
bench_name = get_bench_name(bench_path)
if cmd:
bench.run(cmd, _raise=_raise)
sudo = ""
supervisor_status = get_cmd_output("supervisorctl status", cwd=bench_path)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if e.returncode == 127:
log("restart failed: Couldn't find supervisorctl in PATH", level=3)
sudo = "sudo "
supervisor_status = get_cmd_output("sudo supervisorctl status", cwd=bench_path)
if not sudo and (
"error: <class 'PermissionError'>, [Errno 13] Permission denied" in supervisor_status
sudo = "sudo "
supervisor_status = get_cmd_output("sudo supervisorctl status", cwd=bench_path)
if web_workers and f"{bench_name}-web:" in supervisor_status:
groups = [f"{bench_name}-web:\t"]
elif f"{bench_name}-workers:" in supervisor_status:
groups = [f"{bench_name}-web:", f"{bench_name}-workers:"]
# backward compatibility
elif f"{bench_name}-processes:" in supervisor_status:
groups = [f"{bench_name}-processes:"]
# backward compatibility
groups = ["frappe:"]
for group in groups:
failure = bench.run(f"{sudo}supervisorctl restart {group}", _raise=_raise)
if failure:
f"restarting supervisor group `{group}` failed. Use `bench restart` to retry.",
def restart_systemd_processes(bench_path=".", web_workers=False, _raise=True):
bench_name = get_bench_name(bench_path)
f"sudo systemctl stop -- $(systemctl show -p Requires {bench_name}.target | cut"
" -d= -f2)",
f"sudo systemctl start -- $(systemctl show -p Requires {bench_name}.target |"
" cut -d= -f2)",
def restart_process_manager(bench_path=".", web_workers=False):
# only overmind has the restart feature, not sure other supported procmans do
if which("overmind") and os.path.exists(os.path.join(bench_path, ".overmind.sock")):
worker = "web" if web_workers else ""
exec_cmd(f"overmind restart {worker}", cwd=bench_path)
def build_assets(bench_path=".", app=None, using_cached=False):
command = "bench build"
if app:
command += f" --app {app}"
env = {"BENCH_DEVELOPER": "1"}
if using_cached:
env["USING_CACHED"] = "1"
exec_cmd(command, cwd=bench_path, env=env)
def handle_version_upgrade(version_upgrade, bench_path, force, reset, conf):
from bench.utils import log, pause_exec
if version_upgrade[0]:
if force:
"""Force flag has been used for a major version change in Frappe and it's apps.
This will take significant time to migrate and might break custom apps.""",
f"""This update will cause a major version change in Frappe/ERPNext from {version_upgrade[1]} to {version_upgrade[2]}.
This would take significant time to migrate and might break custom apps."""
click.confirm("Do you want to continue?", abort=True)
if not reset and conf.get("shallow_clone"):
"""shallow_clone is set in your bench config.
However without passing the --reset flag, your repositories will be unshallowed.
To avoid this, cancel this operation and run `bench update --reset`.
Consider the consequences of `git reset --hard` on your apps before you run that.
To avoid seeing this warning, set shallow_clone to false in your common_site_config.json
if version_upgrade[0] or (not version_upgrade[0] and force):
validate_upgrade(version_upgrade[1], version_upgrade[2], bench_path=bench_path)
def update(
pull: bool = False,
apps: str = None,
patch: bool = False,
build: bool = False,
requirements: bool = False,
backup: bool = True,
compile: bool = True,
force: bool = False,
reset: bool = False,
restart_supervisor: bool = False,
restart_systemd: bool = False,
"""command: bench update"""
import re
from bench import patches
from bench.app import pull_apps
from bench.bench import Bench
from bench.config.common_site_config import update_config
from bench.exceptions import CannotUpdateReleaseBench
from bench.utils.app import is_version_upgrade
from bench.utils.system import backup_all_sites
bench_path = os.path.abspath(".")
bench = Bench(bench_path)
conf = bench.conf
if conf.get("release_bench"):
raise CannotUpdateReleaseBench("Release bench detected, cannot update!")
if not (pull or patch or build or requirements):
pull, patch, build, requirements = True, True, True, True
if apps and pull:
apps = [app.strip() for app in re.split(",| ", apps) if app]
apps = []
version_upgrade = is_version_upgrade()
handle_version_upgrade(version_upgrade, bench_path, force, reset, conf)
conf.update({"maintenance_mode": 1, "pause_scheduler": 1})
update_config(conf, bench_path=bench_path)
if backup:
print("Backing up sites...")
if pull:
print("Updating apps source...")
pull_apps(apps=apps, bench_path=bench_path, reset=reset)
if requirements:
print("Setting up requirements...")
if patch:
print("Patching sites...")
if build:
print("Building assets...")
if version_upgrade[0] or (not version_upgrade[0] and force):
post_upgrade(version_upgrade[1], version_upgrade[2], bench_path=bench_path)
bench.reload(web=False, supervisor=restart_supervisor, systemd=restart_systemd)
conf.update({"maintenance_mode": 0, "pause_scheduler": 0})
update_config(conf, bench_path=bench_path)
"_" * 80 + "\nBench: Deployment tool for Frappe and Frappe Applications"
" (https://frappe.io/bench).\nOpen source depends on your contributions, so do"
" give back by submitting bug reports, patches and fixes and be a part of the"
" community :)"
def clone_apps_from(bench_path, clone_from, update_app=True):
from bench.app import install_app
print(f"Copying apps from {clone_from}...")
subprocess.check_output(["cp", "-R", os.path.join(clone_from, "apps"), bench_path])
node_modules_path = os.path.join(clone_from, "node_modules")
if os.path.exists(node_modules_path):
print(f"Copying node_modules from {clone_from}...")
subprocess.check_output(["cp", "-R", node_modules_path, bench_path])
def setup_app(app):
# run git reset --hard in each branch, pull latest updates and install_app
app_path = os.path.join(bench_path, "apps", app)
# remove .egg-ino
subprocess.check_output(["rm", "-rf", app + ".egg-info"], cwd=app_path)
if update_app and os.path.exists(os.path.join(app_path, ".git")):
remotes = subprocess.check_output(["git", "remote"], cwd=app_path).strip().split()
if "upstream" in remotes:
remote = "upstream"
remote = remotes[0]
print(f"Cleaning up {app}")
branch = subprocess.check_output(
["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"], cwd=app_path
subprocess.check_output(["git", "reset", "--hard"], cwd=app_path)
subprocess.check_output(["git", "pull", "--rebase", remote, branch], cwd=app_path)
install_app(app, bench_path, restart_bench=False)
with open(os.path.join(clone_from, "sites", "apps.txt")) as f:
apps = f.read().splitlines()
for app in apps:
def remove_backups_crontab(bench_path="."):
from crontab import CronTab
from bench.bench import Bench
logger.log("removing backup cronjob")
bench_dir = os.path.abspath(bench_path)
user = Bench(bench_dir).conf.get("frappe_user")
logfile = os.path.join(bench_dir, "logs", "backup.log")
system_crontab = CronTab(user=user)
backup_command = f"cd {bench_dir} && {sys.argv[0]} --verbose --site all backup"
job_command = f"{backup_command} >> {logfile} 2>&1"
def set_mariadb_host(host, bench_path="."):
update_common_site_config({"db_host": host}, bench_path=bench_path)
def set_redis_cache_host(host, bench_path="."):
update_common_site_config({"redis_cache": f"redis://{host}"}, bench_path=bench_path)
def set_redis_queue_host(host, bench_path="."):
update_common_site_config({"redis_queue": f"redis://{host}"}, bench_path=bench_path)
def set_redis_socketio_host(host, bench_path="."):
update_common_site_config({"redis_socketio": f"redis://{host}"}, bench_path=bench_path)
def update_common_site_config(ddict, bench_path="."):
filename = os.path.join(bench_path, "sites", "common_site_config.json")
if os.path.exists(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
content = json.load(f)
content = {}
with open(filename, "w") as f:
json.dump(content, f, indent=1, sort_keys=True)
def validate_app_installed_on_sites(app, bench_path="."):
print("Checking if app installed on active sites...")
ret = check_app_installed(app, bench_path=bench_path)
if ret is None:
check_app_installed_legacy(app, bench_path=bench_path)
return ret
def check_app_installed(app, bench_path="."):
out = subprocess.check_output(
["bench", "--site", "all", "list-apps", "--format", "json"],
stderr=open(os.devnull, "wb"),
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return None
apps_sites_dict = json.loads(out)
except JSONDecodeError:
return None
for site, apps in apps_sites_dict.items():
if app in apps:
raise ValidationError(f"Cannot remove, app is installed on site: {site}")
def check_app_installed_legacy(app, bench_path="."):
site_path = os.path.join(bench_path, "sites")
for site in os.listdir(site_path):
req_file = os.path.join(site_path, site, "site_config.json")
if os.path.exists(req_file):
out = subprocess.check_output(
["bench", "--site", site, "list-apps"], cwd=bench_path
if re.search(r"\b" + app + r"\b", out):
print(f"Cannot remove, app is installed on site: {site}")
def validate_branch():
from bench.bench import Bench
from bench.utils.app import get_current_branch
apps = Bench(".").apps
installed_apps = set(apps)
check_apps = {"frappe", "erpnext"}
intersection_apps = installed_apps.intersection(check_apps)
for app in intersection_apps:
branch = get_current_branch(app)
if branch == "master":
"""'master' branch is renamed to 'version-11' since 'version-12' release.
As of January 2020, the following branches are
version Frappe ERPNext
11 version-11 version-11
12 version-12 version-12
13 version-13 version-13
14 develop develop
Please switch to new branches to get future updates.
To switch to your required branch, run the following commands: bench switch-to-branch [branch-name]"""
def cache_helper(clear=False, remove_app="", remove_key="") -> None:
can_remove = bool(remove_key or remove_app)
if not clear and not can_remove:
elif can_remove:
cache_remove(remove_app, remove_key)
elif clear:
pass # unreachable
def cache_list() -> None:
from datetime import datetime
tot_size = 0
tot_items = 0
printed_header = False
for item in get_bench_cache_path("apps").iterdir():
if item.suffix not in [".tar", ".tgz"]:
stat = item.stat()
size_mb = stat.st_size / 1_000_000
created = datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_ctime)
accessed = datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_atime)
app = item.name.split("-")[0]
tot_items += 1
tot_size += stat.st_size
compressed = item.suffix == ".tgz"
if not printed_header:
f"{'APP':15} "
f"{'FILE':25} "
f"{'SIZE':>13} "
f"{'CREATED':19} "
f"{'ACCESSED':19} "
printed_header = True
f"{app:15} "
f"{item.name:25} "
f"{size_mb:10.3f} MB "
f"{str(compressed):10} "
f"{created:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} "
f"{accessed:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} "
if tot_items:
click.echo(f"Total size {tot_size / 1_000_000:.3f} MB belonging to {tot_items} items")
click.echo("No cached items")
def cache_remove(app: str = "", key: str = "") -> None:
rem_items = 0
rem_size = 0
for item in get_bench_cache_path("apps").iterdir():
if not should_remove_item(item, app, key):
rem_items += 1
rem_size += item.stat().st_size
click.echo(f"Removed {item.name}")
if rem_items:
click.echo(f"Cleared {rem_size / 1_000_000:.3f} MB belonging to {rem_items} items")
click.echo("No items removed")
def should_remove_item(item: Path, app: str, key: str) -> bool:
if item.suffix not in [".tar", ".tgz"]:
return False
name = item.name
if app and key and name.startswith(f"{app}-{key[:10]}."):
return True
if app and name.startswith(f"{app}-"):
return True
if key and f"-{key[:10]}." in name:
return True
return False
def cache_clear() -> None:
cache_path = get_bench_cache_path("apps")
tot_items = len(os.listdir(cache_path))
if not tot_items:
click.echo("No cached items")
tot_size = get_dir_size(cache_path)
if tot_items:
click.echo(f"Cleared {tot_size / 1_000_000:.3f} MB belonging to {tot_items} items")
def get_dir_size(p: Path) -> int:
return sum(i.stat(follow_symlinks=False).st_size for i in p.iterdir())