mirror of https://github.com/frappe/bench.git synced 2025-01-25 07:58:24 +00:00

357 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

# wget setup_frappe.py | python
import os, sys, subprocess, getpass, json, multiprocessing, shutil, platform
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
tmp_bench_repo = '/tmp/.bench'
def install_bench(args):
# pre-requisites for bench repo cloning
success = run_os_command({
'apt-get': [
'sudo apt-get update',
'sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential python-setuptools python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev'
'yum': [
'sudo yum groupinstall -y "Development tools"',
'sudo yum install -y epel-release redhat-lsb-core git python-setuptools python-devel openssl-devel libffi-devel'
# epel-release is required to install redis, so installing it before the playbook-run.
# redhat-lsb-core is required, so that ansible can set ansible_lsb variable
if not find_executable("git"):
success = run_os_command({
'brew': 'brew install git'
if not success:
print 'Could not install pre-requisites. Please check for errors or install them manually.'
# secure pip installation
if find_executable('pip'):
'yum': 'sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools pip',
'apt-get': 'sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools pip',
'brew': "sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools pip --user"
if not os.path.exists("get-pip.py"):
'apt-get': 'wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py',
'yum': 'wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py'
success = run_os_command({
'apt-get': 'sudo python get-pip.py',
'yum': 'sudo python get-pip.py',
if success:
'pip': 'sudo pip install --upgrade pip setuptools',
# Restricting ansible version due to following bug in ansible 2.1
# https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/issues/3752
success = run_os_command({
'pip': "sudo pip install 'ansible=='"
if not success:
# clone bench repo
if not args.run_travis:
if not args.user:
if args.production:
args.user = 'frappe'
elif os.environ.has_key('SUDO_USER'):
args.user = os.environ['SUDO_USER']
args.user = getpass.getuser()
if args.user == 'root':
raise Exception('Please run this script as a non-root user with sudo privileges, but without using sudo or pass --user=USER')
# create user if not exists
extra_vars = vars(args)
if os.path.exists(tmp_bench_repo):
repo_path = tmp_bench_repo
repo_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'bench')
run_playbook('develop/create_user.yml', extra_vars=extra_vars)
extra_vars.update(get_passwords(args.run_travis or args.without_bench_setup))
if args.production:
extra_vars.update(max_worker_connections=multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 1024)
branch = 'master' if args.production else 'develop'
if args.develop:
run_playbook('develop/install.yml', sudo=True, extra_vars=extra_vars)
elif args.production:
run_playbook('production/install.yml', sudo=True, extra_vars=extra_vars)
if os.path.exists(tmp_bench_repo):
def check_distribution_compatibility():
supported_dists = {'ubuntu': [14, 15, 16], 'debian': [7, 8],
'centos': [7], 'macos': [10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12]}
dist_name, dist_version = get_distribution_info()
if dist_name in supported_dists:
if float(dist_version) in supported_dists[dist_name]:
print "Sorry, the installer doesn't support {0} {1}. Aborting installation!".format(dist_name, dist_version)
if dist_name in supported_dists:
print "Install on {0} {1} instead".format(dist_name, supported_dists[dist_name][-1])
def get_distribution_info():
# return distribution name and major version
if platform.system() == "Linux":
current_dist = platform.dist()
return current_dist[0].lower(), current_dist[1].rsplit('.')[0]
elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
current_dist = platform.mac_ver()
return "macos", current_dist[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0]
def install_python27():
version = (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
if version == (2, 7):
print 'Installing Python 2.7'
# install python 2.7
success = run_os_command({
'apt-get': 'sudo apt-get install -y python2.7',
'yum': 'sudo yum install -y python27',
'brew': 'brew install python'
if not success:
could_not_install('Python 2.7')
# replace current python with python2.7
os.execvp('python2.7', ([] if is_sudo_user() else ['sudo']) + ['python2.7', __file__] + sys.argv[1:])
def install_package(package):
package_exec = find_executable(package)
if not package_exec:
success = run_os_command({
'apt-get': ['sudo apt-get install -y {0}'.format(package)],
'yum': ['sudo yum install -y {0}'.format(package)]
if not success:
def check_brew_installed():
if 'Darwin' not in os.uname():
brew_exec = find_executable('brew')
if not brew_exec:
raise Exception('''
Please install brew package manager before proceeding with bench setup. Please run following
to install brew package manager on your machine,
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
def clone_bench_repo(args):
'''Clones the bench repository in the user folder'''
if os.path.exists(tmp_bench_repo):
return 0
elif args.without_bench_setup:
clone_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'bench')
clone_path = tmp_bench_repo
branch = args.bench_branch or 'master'
repo_url = args.repo_url or 'https://github.com/frappe/bench'
success = run_os_command(
{'git': 'git clone {repo_url} {bench_repo} --depth 1 --branch {branch}'.format(
repo_url=repo_url, bench_repo=clone_path, branch=branch)}
return success
def run_os_command(command_map):
'''command_map is a dictionary of {'executable': command}. For ex. {'apt-get': 'sudo apt-get install -y python2.7'} '''
success = True
for executable, commands in command_map.items():
if find_executable(executable):
if isinstance(commands, basestring):
commands = [commands]
for command in commands:
returncode = subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True)
success = success and ( returncode == 0 )
return success
def could_not_install(package):
raise Exception('Could not install {0}. Please install it manually.'.format(package))
def is_sudo_user():
return os.geteuid() == 0
def get_passwords(ignore_prompt=False):
if not ignore_prompt:
mysql_root_password, admin_password = '', ''
pass_set = True
while pass_set:
# mysql root password
if not mysql_root_password:
mysql_root_password = getpass.unix_getpass(prompt='Please enter mysql root password: ')
conf_mysql_passwd = getpass.unix_getpass(prompt='Re-enter mysql root password: ')
if mysql_root_password != conf_mysql_passwd:
mysql_root_password = ''
# admin password
if not admin_password:
admin_password = getpass.unix_getpass(prompt='Please enter Administrator password: ')
conf_admin_passswd = getpass.unix_getpass(prompt='Re-enter Administrator password: ')
if admin_password != conf_admin_passswd:
admin_password = ''
pass_set = False
mysql_root_password = admin_password = 'travis'
passwords = {
'mysql_root_password': mysql_root_password,
'admin_password': admin_password
if not ignore_prompt:
passwords_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'passwords.txt')
with open(passwords_file_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(passwords, f, indent=1)
return passwords
def get_extra_vars_json(extra_args):
# We need to pass production as extra_vars to the playbook to execute conditionals in the
# playbook. Extra variables can passed as json or key=value pair. Here, we will use JSON.
json_path = os.path.join('/tmp', 'extra_vars.json')
extra_vars = dict(extra_args.items())
with open(json_path, mode='w') as j:
json.dump(extra_vars, j, indent=1, sort_keys=True)
return ('@' + json_path)
def run_playbook(playbook_name, sudo=False, extra_vars=None):
args = ['ansible-playbook', '-c', 'local', playbook_name]
if extra_vars:
args.extend(['-e', get_extra_vars_json(extra_vars)])
if extra_vars.get('verbosity'):
if sudo:
user = extra_vars.get('user') or getpass.getuser()
args.extend(['--become', '--become-user={0}'.format(user)])
if os.path.exists(tmp_bench_repo):
cwd = tmp_bench_repo
cwd = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'bench')
success = subprocess.check_call(args, cwd=os.path.join(cwd, 'playbooks'))
return success
def parse_commandline_args():
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Frappe Installer')
# Arguments develop and production are mutually exclusive both can't be specified together.
# Hence, we need to create a group for discouraging use of both options at the same time.
args_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
args_group.add_argument('--develop', dest='develop', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Install developer setup')
args_group.add_argument('--production', dest='production', action='store_true',
default=False, help='Setup Production environment for bench')
parser.add_argument('--site', dest='site', action='store', default='site1.local',
help='Specifiy name for your first ERPNext site')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', dest='verbosity', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Run the script in verbose mode')
parser.add_argument('--user', dest='user', help='Install frappe-bench for this user')
parser.add_argument('--bench-branch', dest='bench_branch', help='Clone a particular branch of bench repository')
parser.add_argument('--repo-url', dest='repo_url', help='Clone bench from the given url')
# To enable testing of script using Travis, this should skip the prompt
parser.add_argument('--run-travis', dest='run_travis', action='store_true', default=False,
parser.add_argument('--without-bench-setup', dest='without_bench_setup', action='store_true', default=False,
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
except ImportError:
# install python2.7
args = parse_commandline_args()
print '''
Frappe/ERPNext has been successfully installed on your machine.
Please find mysql root password and admin password in "passwords.txt" in your root directory,
you can remove the file after making note of the passwords.