diff --git a/translations/es.csv b/translations/es.csv index b9aeb933..f772be46 100644 --- a/translations/es.csv +++ b/translations/es.csv @@ -1,10 +1,32 @@ "${0} ${1} already exists.",, +"${0} ${1} does not exist",, "${0} ${1} has been modified after loading",, "${0} ${1} is linked with existing records.","${0} ${1} está vinculado con registros existentes.", -"${0} already exists.","${0} ya existe.", +"${0} account not set in Inventory Settings.",, +"${0} already saved",, +"${0} already submitted",, +"${0} cancelled",, +"${0} cannot be cancelled",, +"${0} cannot be deleted",, +"${0} deleted",, +"${0} entries failed",, +"${0} entries imported",, +"${0} entry failed",, +"${0} entry imported",, +"${0} fields selected",, "${0} filters applied","${0} filtros aplicados", +"${0} of type ${1} does not exist",, +"${0} out of ${1}",, +"${0} party ${1} is different from ${2}",, +"${0} quantity 1 added.",, +"${0} row added.",, "${0} rows",, -"* required fields","* campos obligatorios", +"${0} rows added.",, +"${0} saved",, +"${0} shortcuts",, +"${0} stored at ${1}",, +"${0} submitted",, +"${0} value ${1} does not exist.",, 0%,, 03-23-2022,, 03/23/2022,, @@ -12,72 +34,108 @@ 2022-03-23,, "23 Mar, 2022",, 23-03-2022,, +23.03.2022,, 23/03/2022,, 9888900000,, +"A submittable entry is deleted only if it is in the cancelled state.",, Account,Cuenta, +"Account ${0} does not exist.",, "Account Entries","Asientos de cuenta", "Account Name","Nombre de la cuenta", "Account Type","Tipo de cuenta", +Accounting,, +"Accounting Entries",, "Accounting Ledger Entry",, "Accounting Settings","Configuración de Contabilidad", Accounts,Cuentas, "Accounts Payable","Cuentas por pagar", "Accounts Receivable","Cuentas por cobrar", "Accumulated Depreciation","Depreciación acumulada", +Action,, +Active,, "Add Account","Añadir cuenta", "Add Customers","Añadir Clientes", "Add Group","Añadir grupo", -"Add Items","Añadir elementos", +"Add Items","Añadir artículos", "Add Row","Añadir fila", -"Add Suppliers","Agregar proveedores", +"Add Suppliers","Añadir proveedores", "Add Taxes","Añadir impuestos", -"Add a few customers to create your first invoice","Agregue algunos clientes para crear su primera factura", -"Add a few suppliers to create your first bill","Agregue algunos proveedores para crear su primera factura", +"Add a few customers to create your first sales invoice","Añade algunos clientes para crear tu primera factura de venta", +"Add a few suppliers to create your first purchase invoice","Añade algunos proveedores para crear tu primera factura de compra", "Add a filter","Añadir un filtro", "Add a remark",, -"Add invoice terms",, +"Add attachment","Añadir adjunto", +"Add invoice terms","Añadir condiciones de la factura", "Add products or services that you buy from your suppliers","Añade productos o servicios que compras a tus proveedores", "Add products or services that you sell to your customers","Añade productos o servicios que vendes a tus clientes", +"Add transfer terms",, +"Additional ${0} Serial Numbers required for ${1} quantity of ${2}.",, +"Additional quantity (${0}) required${1} to make outward transfer of item ${2} from ${3} on ${4}",, Address,Dirección, "Address Display","Visualización de dirección", "Address Line 1","Línea de dirección 1", "Address Line 2","Línea de dirección 2", +"Address Name",, "Administrative Expenses","Gastos Administrativos", All,, -Amount,Cantidad, -"Amount (Company Currency)","Cantidad (moneda de la empresa)", +Amount,Importe, +"Amount Paid","Importe pagado", "Amount: ${0} and writeoff: ${1} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${2}.","Cantidad: ${0} y cancelación: ${1} es menor que la cantidad total asignada a las referencias: ${2}.", "Amount: ${0} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${1}.","Cantidad: ${0} es menor que la cantidad total asignada a las referencias: ${1}.", +Amounts,Importes, +"An entry is cancelled only if it is in the submitted state.",, +"An entry is submitted only if it is submittable and is in the saved state.",, "An error occurred.","Ocurrió un error.", +"Applicable anywhere in Frappe Books",, +"Applicable when Quick Search is open",, +"Applicable when Template Builder is open",, +"Applicable when a entry is open in the Form view or Quick Edit view",, +"Applicable when the List View of an entry type is open",, "Application of Funds (Assets)","Aplicación de Fondos (Activos)", +"Apply Discount After Tax",, +"Apply and view changes made to the print template",, +April,Abril, Arial,, "Ascending Order",, -Asset,, -"Assign Imported Labels","Asignar etiquetas importadas", -Back,Atrás, -"Bad import data.","Malos datos de importación.", -Balance,Equilibrio', +Asset,Activo, +Attachment,Adjunto, +August,Agosto, +"Auto Payments",, +"Back Reference",, +"Bad import data, could not read file.",, +Balance,Balance, "Balance Sheet","Balance general", -Bank,, +Bank,Banco, "Bank Accounts","Cuentas Bancarias", "Bank Entry","Entrada bancaria", "Bank Name","Nombre del banco", "Bank Overdraft Account","Cuenta de sobregiro bancario", -"Based On",, -Basic,, -"Basic I",, -"Basic II",, -Bill,Factura, +Barcode,, +"Base Grand Total",, +"Based On","Basado en", +Batch,, +"Batch not set for row ${0}.",, +"Batch set for row ${0}.",, "Bill Created","Factura creada", -"Bill No","Número de factura", +Billing,Facturación, Black,Negro, Blue,, Both,Ambos, +"Both From and To Location cannot be undefined",, Buildings,Edificios, -Business,, Cancel,Cancelar, -"Cancel ${0} ${1}?",, +"Cancel ${0}?",, +"Cancel or Delete an entry.",, Cancelled,Cancelado, +"Cannot Commit Error",, +"Cannot Delete",, +"Cannot Export",, +"Cannot Import",, +"Cannot Open File",, +"Cannot cancel ${0} ${1} because of the following ${2}: ${3}",, +"Cannot delete ${0} ""${1}"" because of linked entries.",, +"Cannot perform operation.",, +"Cannot read file",, "Capital Equipments","Equipos de capital", "Capital Stock","Capital Social", Cash,Efectivo, @@ -85,54 +143,60 @@ Cash,Efectivo, "Cash In Hand","Efectivo en mano", Cashflow,"Flujo de caja", "Central Tax","Impuesto Central", +"Change DB",, "Change File","Cambiar archivo", "Change Ref Type",, +"Changes made to settings will be visible on reload.",, Chargeable,, "Chart Of Accounts Reviewed","Plan de cuentas revisado", "Chart of Accounts","Plan de cuentas", -"Check for Updates","Buscar actualizaciones", -"Checking for updates","Buscando actualizaciones", Cheque,Cheque, "City / Town","Ciudad / Pueblo", Clear,, "Clearance Date","Fecha de liquidación", -"Click to create","Haga clic para crear", Close,Cerrar, +"Close Frappe Books and try manually.",, +"Close Quick Search",, Closing,, "Closing (Cr)","Cierre (Cr)", "Closing (Dr)","Cierre (Dr)", +Collapse,, Color,Color, "Commission on Sales","Comisión sobre Ventas", Common,Común, -"Common Items","Artículos comunes", -"Company Address","Dirección de la empresa", +Company,, "Company Logo","Logotipo de la empresa", "Company Name","Nombre de la empresa", -"Company Settings","Configuración de la empresa", "Company Setup","Configuración de la empresa", Completed,Completado, Condition,, "Consolidate Columns",, +Contacts,Contactos, Contains,Contiene, "Contra Entry","Entrada contraria", +"Conversion Error",, +"Conversion Factor",, +"Cost Of Goods Sold Acc.",, "Cost of Goods Sold","Costo de los bienes vendidos", -"Could not import ${0} ${1}.","No se pudo importar ${0} ${1}.", -"Could not select file.","No se pudo seleccionar el archivo.", +"Could not connect to database file ${0}, please select the file manually",, Country,País, "Country Code",, "Country code used to initialize regional settings.",, Courier,, Cr.,, +"Cr. ${0}",, Create,Crear, -"Create Bill","Crear Factura", "Create Demo","Crear Demo", -"Create Invoice","Crear Factura", "Create Purchase",, +"Create Purchase Invoice","Añadir facturas de compras", "Create Sale",, +"Create Sales Invoice","Añadir facturas de ventas", +"Create a new entry of the same type as the List View",, "Create a new file and store it in your computer.","Cree un nuevo archivo y guárdelo en su computadora.", "Create a new file or select an existing one from your computer","Cree un archivo nuevo o seleccione uno existente de su computadora", -"Create your first bill and mail it to your supplier","Cree su primera factura y envíela por correo a su proveedor", -"Create your first invoice and mail it to your customer","Cree su primera factura y envíela por correo a su cliente", +"Create new ${0} entry?",, +"Create your first purchase invoice from the created supplier","Cree su primer factura de compra", +"Create your first sales invoice for the created customer","Cree su primer factura de venta", Created,, "Created By",, "Creating Items and Parties",, @@ -152,85 +216,134 @@ Customer,Cliente, "Customer Created","Creado por el cliente", "Customer Currency","Moneda del cliente", Customers,Clientes, -Customise,Personalizar, +Customizations,, "Customize your invoices by adding a logo and address details","Personalice sus facturas agregando un logotipo y detalles de la dirección", Dashboard,Tablero, -"Data Import","Importación de datos", +"Database Error",, "Database file: ${0}",, Date,Fecha, "Date Format","Formato de fecha", -Day,, +Day,Día, Debit,Débito, "Debit Note","Nota de débito", Debtors,Deudores, +December,Diciembre, +"Decrease print template display scale",, +Default,, "Default Account","Cuenta predeterminada", +"Default Location",, +Defaults,, Delete,Eliminar, -"Delete ${0} ${1}?",, "Delete ${0}?",, +"Delete Failed",, +Delivered,, Depreciation,Depreciación, "Depreciation Entry","Entrada de depreciación", Description,Descripción, Details,Detalles, "Direct Expenses","Gastos Directos", "Direct Income","Ingresos Directos", +"Directory for database file ${0} does not exist, please select the file manually",, +"Discount Account",, +"Discount Account is not set.",, +"Discount Amount",, +"Discount Amount (${0}) cannot be greated than Amount (${1}).",, +"Discount Percent",, +"Discount Percent (${0}) cannot be greater than 100.",, +"Discounted Amount",, +Discounts,, +"Display Doc",, "Display Logo in Invoice","Mostrar logotipo en la factura", "Display Precision","Precisión de visualización", "Display Precision should have a value between 0 and 9.","La precisión de visualización debe tener un valor entre 0 y 9.", +"Display Scale",, "Dividends Paid","Dividendos pagados", +"Doc ${0} ${1} not set",, Docs,, Documentation,Documentación, "Does Not Contain","No contiene", -"Download Update","Descargar actualización", -"Downloading update","Descargando actualización", +Done,, Dr.,, +"Dr. ${0}",, Draft,Borrador, Duplicate,Duplicar, -"Duplicate ${0} ${1}?","¿Duplicar ${0} ${1}?", +"Duplicate Entry",, +"Duplicate Template",, +"Duplicate columns found: ${0}",, "Duties and Taxes","Derechos e impuestos", "Earnest Money","Dinero de arras'", -Edit,Editar, "Electronic Equipments","Equipos electrónicos", Email,"Correo electrónico", "Email Address","Dirección de correo electrónico", Empty,Vacío, +"Empty file selected",, +"Enable Barcodes",, +"Enable Batches",, +"Enable Discount Accounting",, +"Enable Inventory",, +"Enable Serial Number",, +"Enable UOM Conversion",, "Enter Country to load States",, "Enter State",, +"Enter barcode",, "Entertainment Expenses","Gastos de entretenimiento", +Entry,, +"Entry Currency",, +"Entry Label",, "Entry No","Nº de entrada", +"Entry No.",, "Entry Type","Tipo de entrada", +"Entry has Grand Total ${0}. Please verify amounts.",, Equity,Equidad, Error,Error, "Exchange Gain/Loss","Ganancia/pérdida cambiaria", "Exchange Rate","Tipo de cambio", "Excise Entry","Entrada de impuestos especiales", "Existing File","Archivo existente", +Expand,, Expense,Gasto, "Expense Account",, Expenses,Gastos, "Expenses Included In Valuation","Gastos incluidos en la valoración", +"Expiry Date",, Export,Exportar, "Export Failed","Exportación fallida", +"Export Format",, "Export Successful","Exportación exitosa", +"Export Wizard",, +FIFO,, +Failed,, Fax,Fax, +Features,, +February,Febrero, Field,, Fieldname,"Nombre de campo", -"File selection failed.","Error en la selección de archivos.", +"File ${0} does not exist.",, +"File selection failed",, Filter,Filtro, -"Fiscal Year",, +"Fiscal Year","Año fiscal", "Fiscal Year End Date","Fecha de finalización del año fiscal", "Fiscal Year Start Date","Fecha de inicio del año fiscal", +"Fix Failed",, "Fixed Asset",, "Fixed Assets","Activos fijos", +"Following cells have errors: ${0}.",, +"Following links do not exist: ${absentLinks .map((l) =>",, Font,Fuente, For,Para, +"Forbidden Error",, +Fr,Vi, Fraction,Fracción, "Fraction Units","Unidades de fracción", "Freight and Forwarding Charges","Cargos de flete y expedición", +From,, "From Account","De la cuenta", "From Date","Desde la fecha", +"From Loc.",, "From Year",, "Full Name","Nombre completo", "Furnitures and Fixtures","Mobiliario y Enseres", +GST,, "GSTIN No.","Número GSTIN", GSTR1,GSTR1, GSTR2,GSTR2, @@ -238,9 +351,10 @@ GSTR2,GSTR2, General,Generales, "General Ledger","Libro mayor", "Get Started",Comenzar, -Gram,, +Global,, +"Go back to the previous page",, +Gram,Gramo, "Grand Total","Total general", -"Grand Total (Company Currency)","Total general (moneda de la empresa)", "Greater Than","Mayor que", Green,, "Group By",, @@ -248,120 +362,176 @@ HSN/SAC,HSN/SAC, "HSN/SAC Code",, "Half Yearly",Semestral, "Half Years",, +"Has Batch",, +"Has Serial Number",, Help,Ayuda, "Hex Value","Valor hexadecimal", "Hide Get Started","Ocultar Empezar", "Hide Group Amounts",, +"Hide Month/Year","Ocultar Mes/Año", "Hides the Get Started section from the sidebar. Change will be visible on restart or refreshing the app.","`Oculta la sección Comenzar de la barra lateral. El cambio será visible al reiniciar o actualizar la aplicación.,,,,", -Hour,, -"How to Use Data Import","Cómo utilizar la importación de datos", -"I can't find my language.","No puedo encontrar mi idioma.", +Hour,Hora, INR,, Image,Imagen, +"Import Complete",, "Import Data","Importar datos", -"Import Failed","Importación fallida", -"Import More","Importar más", -"Import Success","Importación exitosa", +"Import Data.",, "Import Type","Tipo de importación", -"Importer Settings","Configuración del importador", +"Import Wizard",, +"Importer not set, reload tool",, +Inactive,, "Include Cancelled",, Income,Ingresos, "Income Account",, +"Increase print template display scale",, Indigo,, "Indirect Expenses","Gastos Indirectos", "Indirect Income","Ingresos indirectos", Inflow,Afluencia, -"Install Update","Instalar actualización", "Instance Id",, +"Insufficient Quantity.",, "Intergrated Tax","Impuesto Integrado", "Internal Precision","Precisión interna", +"Invalid Key Error",, +"Invalid barcode value ${0}.",, "Invalid value ${0} for ${1}",, +"Invalid value found for ${0}",, +Inventory,Inventario, +"Inventory Settings",, Investments,Inversiones, Invoice,Factura, "Invoice Created","Factura creada", "Invoice Date","Fecha de la factura", +"Invoice Item",, "Invoice No","Nº de factura", "Invoice No.","Número de factura", -"Invoice Setup","Configuración de factura", "Invoice Value","Valor de la factura", Invoices,Facturas, Is,Es, +"Is Custom",, "Is Empty","Está vacío", "Is Group","Es grupo", "Is Not","No es", "Is Not Empty","No está vacío", +"Is Whole",, Item,Artículo, -"Item Description",, -"Item Name","Nombre del elemento", +"Item ${0} is a batched item",, +"Item ${0} is not a batched item",, +"Item Description","Descripción del artículo", +"Item Name","Nombre del artículo", +"Item with From location not found",, +"Item with To location not found",, +"Item with barcode ${0} not found.",, Items,Artículos, +January,Enero, "John Doe",, "Journal Entries",, "Journal Entry","Entrada de diario", "Journal Entry Account",, -Kg,, -"Label Index","Índice de etiquetas", +"Journal Entry Number Series",, +"Journal Entry Print Template",, +July,Julio, +June,Junio, +"Key Hints",, +Kg,Kilogramo, Language,Idioma, -"Ledger Entries","Asientos contables", "Left Index",, "Legal Expenses","Gastos Legales", +"Less Filters",, "Less Than","Menos de", Liability,, +Limit,, +"Link Validation Error",, +"Linked Entries",, List,, +"List View",, "Load an existing .db file from your computer.","Cargue un archivo .db existente desde su computadora.", "Loading Report...",, +"Loading instance...",, Loading...,Cargando..., "Loans (Liabilities)","Préstamos (Pasivos)", "Loans and Advances (Assets)","Préstamos y anticipos (activos)", Locale,Local, +Location,, +"Location Name",, Logo,Logotipo, -"Make Entry",, -"Make Payment","Hacer pago", +"Make Entry","Añadir registro", +"Make Payment On Submit",, +"Mandatory Error",, +Manufacture,, +"Manufacture Date",, "Mar 23, 2022",, +March,Marzo, +"Mark ${0} as submitted?",, "Marketing Expenses","Gastos de marketing", -Merriweather,, -Meter,, -Minimal,, +"Material Issue",, +"Material Receipt",, +"Material Transfer",, +May,Mayo, +Meter,Metro, +Misc,, +Miscellaneous,, "Miscellaneous Expenses","Gastos Misceláneos", -Modern,, +Mo,Lu, Modified,, "Modified By",, Monthly,Mensual, Months,, -Montserrat,, +More,, +"More Filters",, +"More shortcuts will be added soon.",, +"Movement Type",, +"Moving Average",, Name,Nombre, Navigate,, "Net Total","Total Neto", -"Net Total (Company Currency)","Total neto (moneda de la empresa)", "New ${0}",, +"New ${0} ${1}",, "New Account","Cuenta nueva", +"New Entry","Nuevo registro", "New File","Nuevo archivo", -"New Journal Entry","Nueva entrada de diario", -"New Purchase",, -"New Purchase Invoice",, -"New Sale",, -"New Sales Invoice",, -"New version available","Nueva versión disponible", -Next,Siguiente, +"New Template",, No,No, -"No Data to Import","No hay datos para importar", +"No Display Entries Found",, +"No Print Templates not found for entry type ${0}",, +"No Value",, "No Values to be Displayed",, -"No entries found",, +"No entries found","Ningún registro encontrado", +"No entries were imported.",, "No expenses in this period","Sin gastos en este periodo", "No filters selected","No hay filtros seleccionados", -"No labels have been assigned.","No se han asignado etiquetas.", +"No linked entries found",, "No results found",, +"No rows added. Select a file or add rows.",, "No transactions yet","No hay transacciones todavía", -"No updates available","No hay actualizaciones disponibles", +"Non Active Serial Number ${0} cannot be used as Manufacture raw material",, +"Non Active Serial Number ${0} cannot be used for Material Issue",, +"Non Active Serial Number ${0} cannot be used for Material Transfer",, +"Non Inactive Serial Number ${0} cannot be used for Material Receipt",, None,Ninguno, +"Not Found",, +"Not Saved",, +"Not Submitted",, +"Not Transferred",, Notes,Notas, +November,Noviembre, +"Number Display",, "Number Series","Serie de números", "Number of ${0}",, +October,Octubre, "Office Equipments","Equipos de oficina", "Office Maintenance Expenses","Gastos de mantenimiento de oficina", "Office Rent","Alquiler de oficina", +Okay,, "Onboarding Complete","Incorporación completa", +"Only From or To can be set for Manufacture",, +"Open Count",, +"Open Documentation",, "Open Folder","Abrir carpeta", -"Open Sans",, +"Open Print View",, +"Open Print View if Print is available.",, +"Open Quick Search",, +"Open the Export Wizard modal",, "Opening (Cr)","Apertura (Cr)", "Opening (Dr)","Apertura (Dr)", "Opening Balance Equity","Patrimonio del saldo de apertura", @@ -370,14 +540,15 @@ Notes,Notas, Orange,, Organisation,Organización, Outflow,Salida, +Outstanding,, "Outstanding Amount","Cantidad pendiente", -Oxygen,, "Pad Zeros","Pad ceros", Page,, Paid,Pagado, +"Paid ${0}",Pagado ${0}, Parent,Padre, "Parent Account","Cuenta principal", -Party,Fiesta, +Party,"Socio comercial", "Patch Run",, Pay,Pagar, Payable,, @@ -385,6 +556,8 @@ Payment,Pago, "Payment For","Pago por", "Payment Method","Método de pago", "Payment No","Nº de pago", +"Payment Number Series",, +"Payment Print Template",, "Payment Reference","Referencia de pago", "Payment Type","Tipo de pago", "Payment amount cannot be ${0}.","El monto del pago no puede ser ${0}.", @@ -392,19 +565,28 @@ Payment,Pago, "Payment amount cannot exceed ${0}.","El monto del pago no puede exceder ${0}.", "Payment amount: ${0} should be greater than 0.","Importe del pago: ${0} debe ser mayor que 0.", "Payment amount: ${0} should be less than Outstanding amount: ${1}.","Importe del pago: ${0} debe ser menor que el importe pendiente: ${1}.", +"Payment of ${0} will be made from account ""${1}"" to account ""${2}"" on Submit.",, Payments,Pagos, "Payroll Payable","Nómina a pagar", +"Pending Qty. ${0}",, +"Pending qty. ${0}",, Periodicity,Periodicidad, Phone,Teléfono, +"Pick Import Columns",, Pink,, Place,Lugar, "Place of supply","Lugar de suministro", "Plants and Machineries","Plantas y Maquinarias", "Please Wait","Por favor espere", -"Please assign the following fields ${0}","Por favor asigne los siguientes campos ${0}", -"Please fill all values","Por favor complete todos los valores", -"Please select a file with data to import.","Seleccione un archivo con datos para importar.", +"Please check Key Hints for valid key names",, +"Please create a ${0} entry to view Template Preview.",, +"Please fill all values.",, +"Please restart and try again.",, +"Please select a Print Template",, "Please select a valid reference type.",, +"Please set GSTIN in General Settings.",, +"Please set Round Off Account in the Settings.",, +"Please set a Display Doc",, "Postal Code","Código Postal", "Postal Expenses","Gastos Postales", "Posting Date","Fecha de publicación", @@ -412,29 +594,53 @@ Prefix,Prefijo, "Prime Bank",, Print,Imprimir, "Print Settings","Configuración de impresión", +"Print Setup",, +"Print Template",, +"Print Template Name not set",, +"Print Template is empty",, +"Print Templates",, "Print and Stationery","Impresión y Papelería", -Product,, +Product,Producto, "Profit And Loss","Ganancias y pérdidas", "Profit and Loss","Ganancias y Pérdidas", Purchase,Comprar, -"Purchase Invoice",, +"Purchase Acc.","Cuenta de compras", +"Purchase Invoice","Factura de Compra", "Purchase Invoice Item",, -"Purchase Invoices",, +"Purchase Invoice Number Series",, +"Purchase Invoice Print Template",, +"Purchase Invoice Terms",, +"Purchase Invoices","Facturas de compra", +"Purchase Item","Artículo de compra", "Purchase Item Created",, -"Purchase Items","Comprar artículos", -"Purchase Payments",, +"Purchase Items","Artículos de compra", +"Purchase Payment","Pago de compra", +"Purchase Payment Account",, +"Purchase Payments","Pagos de compra", +"Purchase Receipt","Recibos de compra", +"Purchase Receipt Item","Artículo del recibo de compra", +"Purchase Receipt Number Series",, +"Purchase Receipt Print Template",, +"Purchase Receipt Terms",, Purchases,Compras, Purple,, +"Qty. ${0}",, +"Qty. in Transfer Unit",, Quantity,Cantidad, +"Quantity (${0}) has to be greater than zero",, +"Quantity needs to be set",, Quarterly,Trimestral, Quarters,, +"Quick Search",, +"Quick edit error: ${0} entry has no name.",, Rate,Tarifa, "Rate (${0}) cannot be less zero.","La tasa (${0}) no puede ser menos de cero.", -"Rate (Company Currency)","Tarifa (moneda de la empresa)", +"Rate (${0}) has to be greater than zero",, "Rate can't be negative.","La tasa no puede ser negativa.", +"Rate needs to be set",, +"Raw Value: ${0}",, Receivable,, Receive,Recibir, -"Recent Invoices","Facturas recientes", Red,, "Ref Name",, "Ref Type",, @@ -446,41 +652,53 @@ Reference,, "Reference Date","Fecha de referencia", "Reference Number","Número de referencia", "Reference Type","Tipo de referencia", -"Reload App","Recargar aplicación", +References,Referencias, +"Reload Frappe Books?",, Report,, "Report Error","Informe de error", "Report Issue","Informe de problema", Reports,Informes, -"Required Fields not Assigned","Campos obligatorios no asignados", -Reset,Reiniciar, +"Required fields not selected: ${0}",, "Retained Earnings","Utilidades retenidas", "Reverse Chrg.","Carga inversa", Reverted,Revertido, Reverts,, "Review Accounts","Revisar Cuentas", -"Review your chart of accounts, add any account or tax heads as needed",, +"Review your chart of accounts, add any account or tax heads as needed","Revise su plan contable y añada las cuentas contables que sean necesarias", "Right Index",, Role,Rol, "Root Type","Tipo de raíz", "Round Off",Redondear, "Round Off Account","Cuenta de redondeo", +"Round Off Account Not Found",, +"Rounded Off",, +"Row ${0}",, +Sa,, Salary,Salario, Sales,Ventas, -"Sales Expenses","Gastos de Ventas", -"Sales Invoice",, +"Sales Acc.","Cuenta de ventas", +"Sales Expenses","Gastos de ventas", +"Sales Invoice","Factura de venta", "Sales Invoice Item",, -"Sales Invoice Settings",, -"Sales Invoices",, -"Sales Invoice",, +"Sales Invoice Number Series",, +"Sales Invoice Print Template",, +"Sales Invoice Terms",, +"Sales Invoices","Facturas de venta", +"Sales Item",, "Sales Item Created",, "Sales Items","Artículos de venta", -"Sales Payments",, +"Sales Payment","Pago de venta", +"Sales Payment Account",, +"Sales Payments","Pagos de venta", Save,Guardar, +"Save ${0}?",, "Save Template","Guardar plantilla", +"Save Template File",, "Save as PDF","Guardar como PDF", "Save as PDF Successful","Guardar como PDF con éxito", -Saving,, -Search,Buscar, +"Save changes made to ${0}?",, +"Save or Submit an entry.",, +Saved,, "Secured Loans","Préstamos garantizados", "Securities and Deposits","Valores y Depósitos", Select,, @@ -490,35 +708,58 @@ Select,, "Select File","Seleccionar archivo", "Select Folder","Seleccionar carpeta", "Select Image","Seleccionar imagen", -"Select Logo","Seleccionar logotipo", -"Select a file for import","Seleccione un archivo para importar", +"Select Template File",, +"Select a Display Doc to view the Template",, +"Select a Template type",, +"Select column",, "Select file","Seleccionar archivo", -"Select folder","Seleccionar carpeta", -"Select your language","Seleccione su idioma", -"Selected file","Archivo seleccionado", +Selected,, +September,Setiembre, +"Serial Number",, +"Serial Number ${0} does not belong to the item ${1}.",, +"Serial Number ${0} does not exist.",, +"Serial Number ${0} is not Active.",, +"Serial Number ${0} is not Inactive",, +"Serial Number Description",, +"Serial Number is enabled for Item ${0}",, +"Serial Number is not enabled for Item ${0}",, +"Serial Number not set for row ${0}.",, +"Serial Number set for row ${0}.",, Service,Servicio, +"Set Discount Amount",, +"Set Period",, +"Set Up",Configurar, +"Set Up Your Workspace","Configure su espacio de trabajo", +"Set a Template value to see the Print Template",, "Set an Import Type","Establecer un tipo de importación", "Set the display language.","Establecer el idioma de visualización.", "Set the local code. This is used for number formatting.","`Establezca el código local. Esto se usa para formatear números.,,,,", -"Sets how many digits are shown after the decimal point.","Establece cuántos dígitos se muestran después del punto decimal.", -"Sets the app-wide date display format.","Establece el formato de visualización de la fecha en toda la aplicación.", -"Sets the internal precision used for monetary calculations. Above 6 should be sufficient for most currencies.","`Establece la precisión interna utilizada para los cálculos monetarios. Por encima de 6 debería ser suficiente para la mayoría de las monedas.,,,,", -"Set Up","Configurar", -"Setting Up Instance",, -"Setting Up...",Configurando..., -Settings,Configuración, -"Settings changes will be visible on reload","Los cambios de configuración serán visibles al recargar", -Setup,Configuración, -"Setup Complete","Configuración completa", -"Setup Wizard","Asistente de configuración", -"Set Up Your Workspace","Configure su espacio de trabajo", -"Setup system defaults like date format and display precision","Configurar valores predeterminados del sistema como formato de fecha y precisión de visualización", "Set up your company information, email, country and fiscal year","Configure la información de su empresa, país y año fiscal", "Set up your opening balances before performing any accounting entries","Configure sus saldos de apertura antes de realizar cualquier asiento contable", "Set up your organization","Configura tu organización", "Set up your tax templates for your sales or purchase transactions","Configure sus plantillas de impuestos para sus transacciones de compra o venta", +"Sets how many digits are shown after the decimal point.","Establece cuántos dígitos se muestran después del punto decimal.", +"Sets the app-wide date display format.","Establece el formato de visualización de la fecha en toda la aplicación.", +"Sets the internal precision used for monetary calculations. Above 6 should be sufficient for most currencies.","`Establece la precisión interna utilizada para los cálculos monetarios. Por encima de 6 debería ser suficiente para la mayoría de las monedas.,,,,", +"Setting Up Instance",, +Settings,Configuración, +Setup,Configuración, +"Setup Complete","Configuración completa", +"Setup Wizard","Asistente de configuración", +"Setup system defaults like date format and display precision","Configurar valores predeterminados del sistema como formato de fecha y precisión de visualización", +Shipment,, +"Shipment Item",, +"Shipment Number Series",, +"Shipment Print Template",, +"Shipment Terms",, +Shortcuts,, +"Should entries be submitted after syncing?",, +"Show HSN",, "Show Me",Muéstrame', +"Show Month/Year","Mostrar Mes/Año", "Single Value",, +"Skip Child Tables",, +"Skip Transactions",, "Smallest Currency Fraction Value","Valor de fracción de moneda más pequeño", Softwares,Software, "Something has gone terribly wrong. Please check the console and raise an issue.","`Algo ha ido terriblemente mal. Verifique la consola y plantee un problema.,,,,", @@ -531,22 +772,35 @@ Status,Estado, Stock,, "Stock Adjustment","Ajuste de existencias", "Stock Assets","Activos de acciones", +"Stock Balance",, +"Stock Entries",, "Stock Expenses","Gastos de existencias", "Stock In Hand","Stock en mano", +"Stock In Hand Acc.",, +"Stock Ledger",, +"Stock Ledger Entry",, "Stock Liabilities","Pasivos por acciones", +"Stock Movement",, +"Stock Movement Item",, +"Stock Movement No.",, +"Stock Movement Number Series",, +"Stock Movement Print Template",, +"Stock Movements",, +"Stock Not Transferred",, "Stock Received But Not Billed","Stock recibido pero no facturado", +"Stock Received But Not Billed Acc.",, +"Stock Transfer Item",, +"Stock Unit",, +StockTransfer,, +Stores,, +Su,Do, Submit,Enviar, -"Submit Journal Entry?",, -"Submit Purchase Invoice?",, -"Submit Sales Invoice?",, -"Submit on Import","Enviar al importar", +"Submit ${0}?",, +"Submit entries?",, Submitted,Enviado, -Submitting,, -Subtotal,Subtotal, -"Successfully created the following ${0} entries:","Se crearon con éxito las siguientes entradas ${0}:", +Success,, Supplier,Proveedor, "Supplier Created","Proveedor creado", -"Supplier Currency","Moneda del proveedor", Suppliers,Proveedores, Symbol,Símbolo, System,Sistema, @@ -554,21 +808,30 @@ System,Sistema, "System Setup","Configuración del sistema", Tax,Impuesto, "Tax Account","Cuenta fiscal", +"Tax Amount",, "Tax Assets","Activos Fiscales", "Tax Detail","Detalle fiscal", "Tax ID","Número de identificación fiscal", +"Tax Rate",, "Tax Summary",, +"Tax and Totals",, "Taxable Value","Valor imponible", +"Taxed Amount","Importe gravado", Taxes,Impuestos, Teal,, "Telephone Expenses","Gastos Telefónicos", Template,Plantilla, +"Template Builder",, +"Template Compilation Error",, +"Template Name",, +"Template Type",, +"Template file saved",, Temporary,, "Temporary Accounts","Cuentas Temporales", "Temporary Opening","Apertura Temporal", Terms,Términos, -"The following ${0} entries were created: ${1}","Se crearon las siguientes ${0} entradas: ${1}", -"Theme Color","Color del tema", +Th,Ju, +"The following characters cannot be used ${0} in a Number Series name.",, "This Month","Este Mes", "This Quarter","Este Trimestre", "This Year","Este año", @@ -578,54 +841,85 @@ Terms,Términos, "This action is permanent and will delete associated ledger entries.",, "This action is permanent.",, "Times New Roman",, +To,, "To Account","A la cuenta", "To Account and From Account can't be the same: ${0}",, "To Date","Hasta la fecha", +"To Loc.",, "To Year",, +"Toggle Edit Mode",, +"Toggle Key Hints",, +"Toggle Linked Entries widget, not available in Quick Edit view.",, +"Toggle between form and full width",, +"Toggle sidebar",, +"Toggle the Create filter",, +"Toggle the Docs filter",, +"Toggle the List filter",, +"Toggle the Page filter",, +"Toggle the Report filter",, "Top Expenses","Gastos principales", Total,, +"Total Amount",, "Total Asset (Debit)",, -"Total Credit",, -"Total Debit",, "Total Debit: ${0} must be equal to Total Credit: ${1}",, +"Total Discount",, "Total Equity (Credit)",, "Total Expense (Debit)",, "Total Income (Credit)",, "Total Liability (Credit)",, "Total Profit",, "Total Spending","Gasto total", +"Track Item",, Transfer,Transferir', +"Transfer No",, "Transfer Type","Tipo de transferencia", +"Transfer Unit",, +"Transfer Unit ${0} is not applicable for Item ${1}",, +"Transfer will cause future entries to have negative stock.",, "Travel Expenses","Gastos de viaje", -"Trial Balance","Balance de prueba'", +"Trial Balance","Balance provisional", +Tu,Ma, Type,Tipo, "Type to search...",, -Unit,, +UOM,, +"UOM Conversion Item",, +"UOM Conversions",, +Unit,Unidad, "Unit Type","Tipo de unidad", Unpaid,"No pagado", +"Unpaid ${0}",, "Unsecured Loans","Préstamos no garantizados", -"Until Date",, -"Update downloaded","Actualización descargada", +"Until Date","Hasta la fecha", +"Use Full Width",, +"Use List Filters",, "User Remark","Observación del usuario", "Utility Expenses","Gastos de servicios públicos", +"Validation Error",, +"Valuation Method",, Value,Valor, "Value missing for ${0}","Valor faltante para ${0}", -"Verify Imported Data","Verificar datos importados", +"Value: ${0}",, Version,, -"Version ${0} available","Versión ${0} disponible", +View,, +"View Accounting Entries",, +"View Paid Invoices",, "View Purchases",, "View Sales",, +"View Stock Entries",, +"View Unpaid Invoices",, +"View linked entries",, +We,Mi, "Welcome to Frappe Books","Bienvenido a Libros Frappe", "Write Off",Cancelar, "Write Off Account","Cancelar cuenta", +"Write Off Account ${0} does not exist. Please set Write Off Account in General Settings",, "Write Off Account not set. Please set Write Off Account in General Settings","Cuenta de anulación no establecida. Establezca Cancelar cuenta en Configuración general", "Write Off Entry","Cancelar entrada", Yearly,Anual, -Years,, +Years,Años, Yellow,, Yes,Sí, -"Your Name","Tu nombre", +"check values and click on",, +"in Batch ${0}",, john@doe.com,, -reports,, -setup,, -"verify the imported data and click on","verifique los datos importados y haga clic en", +"to apply changes",, \ No newline at end of file