From 4b93ba5376357242a570b27fde718485d1cf07db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?=E5=A4=A7=E7=9C=BC=E4=BB=94=E6=97=AD?= <> Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2022 15:54:47 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Add Simplified Chinese translation Add Simplified Chinese translation --- translations/zh-CN.csv | 629 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 629 insertions(+) create mode 100644 translations/zh-CN.csv diff --git a/translations/zh-CN.csv b/translations/zh-CN.csv new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e5b7deb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/translations/zh-CN.csv @@ -0,0 +1,629 @@ +${0} ${1} already exists.,${0} ${1} 已经存在。 +${0} ${1} has been modified after loading,${0} ${1} 加载后已修改 +${0} ${1} is linked with existing records.,${0} ${1} 与现有记录相关联。 +${0} already exists.,${0} 已经存在。 +${0} filters applied,${0} 已应用过滤器 +${0} rows,${0} 行 +* required fields,* 必填字段 +0%,0% +03-23-2022,03-23-2022 +03/23/2022,03/23/2022 +1 filter applied,已应用 1 个过滤器 +2022/3/23,2022/3/23 +"23 Mar, 2022","23 Mar, 2022" +23-03-2022,23-03-2022 +23/03/2022,23/03/2022 +9888900000,9888900000 +Account,帐户 +Account Entries,帐户条目 +Account Name,帐户名称 +Account Type,帐户类型 +Accounting Ledger Entry,会计分类帐输入 +Accounting Settings,会计设置 +Accounts,账户 +Accounts Payable,应付账款 +Accounts Receivable,应收账款 +Accumulated Depreciation,累计折旧 +Add Account,添加帐户 +Add Customers,添加客户 +Add Group,添加组 +Add Items,添加项目 +Add Row,添加行 +Add Suppliers,添加供应商 +Add Taxes,加税 +Add a few customers to create your first invoice,添加一些客户来创建您的第一个发票 +Add a few suppliers to create your first bill,添加一些供应商来创建您的第一个账单 +Add a filter,添加过滤器 +Add a remark,添加备注 +Add invoice terms,添加发票条款 +Add products or services that you buy from your suppliers,添加您从供应商处购买的产品或服务 +Add products or services that you sell to your customers,添加您向客户销售的产品或服务 +Address,地址 +Address Display,地址显示 +Address Line 1,地址第 1 行 +Address Line 2,地址第 2 行 +Administrative Expenses,行政开支 +All,全部 +Amount,总计 +Amount (Company Currency),金额(公司货币) +Amount: ${0} and writeoff: ${1} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${2}.,金额:${0} 和注销:${1} 少于分配给参考的总金额:${2}。 +Amount: ${0} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${1}.,金额:${0} 小于分配给参考的总金额:${1}。 +An error occurred.,发生错误。 +Application of Funds (Assets),资金(资产)应用 +Arial,Arial +Ascending Order,升序 +Asset,资产 +Assign Imported Labels,分配导入的标签 +Back,后退 +Bad import data.,导入数据错误。 +Balance,平衡 +Balance Sheet,资产负债表 +Bank,银行 +Bank Accounts,银行账户 +Bank Entry,银行条目 +Bank Name,银行名称 +Bank Overdraft Account,银行透支账户 +Based On,基于 +Basic,基础 +Basic I,基础 I +Basic II,基础 II +Bill,账单 +Bill Created,账单已创建 +Bill No,帐单编号 +Black,黑色 +Blue,蓝色 +Both,两者 +Buildings,建筑物 +Business,商业 +Cancel,取消 +Cancel ${0} ${1}?,取消 ${0} ${1}? +Cancelled,取消 +Capital Equipments,资本设备 +Capital Stock,资本存量 +Cash,现金 +Cash Entry,现金入账 +Cash In Hand,手头现金 +Cashflow,现金周转 +Central Tax,中央税收 +Change File,更改文件 +Change Ref Type,更改引用类型 +Chargeable,收费 +Chart Of Accounts Reviewed,已审核的会计科目表 +Chart of Accounts,会计科目表 +Check for Updates,检查更新 +Checking for updates,查询更新 +Cheque,检查 +City / Town,城市/城镇 +Clear,清除 +Clearance Date,清仓日期 +Click to create,点击创建 +Close,关闭 +Closing,正在关闭 +Closing (Cr),正在关闭 (贷方) +Closing (Dr),正在关闭 (借方) +Color,颜色 +Commission on Sales,销售佣金 +Common,常用 +Common Items,常用物品 +Company Address,公司地址 +Company Logo,公司标志 +Company Name,公司名称 +Company Settings,公司设置 +Company Setup,公司设置 +Completed,已完成 +Condition,条件 +Consolidate Columns,合并列 +Contains,包含 +Contra Entry,反对进入 +Cost of Goods Sold,商品销售成本 +Could not import ${0} ${1}.,无法导入 ${0} ${1}。 +Could not select file.,无法选择文件。 +Country,国家 +Country Code,国家代码 +Country code used to initialize regional settings.,用于初始化区域设置的国家/地区代码。 +Courier,快递 +Cr.,贷方 +Create,创建 +Create Bill,创建账单 +Create Demo,创建演示 +Create Invoice,创建发票 +Create Purchase,创建采购 +Create Sale,创建销售 +Create a new file and store it in your computer.,创建一个新文件并将其存储在您的计算机中。 +Create a new file or select an existing one from your computer,创建一个新文件或从您的计算机中选择一个现有文件 +Create your first bill and mail it to your supplier,创建您的第一个账单并将其邮寄给您的供应商 +Create your first invoice and mail it to your customer,创建您的第一张发票并将其邮寄给您的客户 +Created,已创建 +Created By,创建者 +Creating Items and Parties,创建物品和派对 +Creating Journal Entries,创建日记帐分录 +Creating Purchase Invoices,创建采购发票 +Credit,信用 +Credit Card Entry,信用卡入口 +Credit Note,信用票据 +Creditors,债权人 +Currency,货币 +Currency Name,货币名称 +Current,当前 +Current Assets,当前资产 +Current Liabilities,流动负债 +Custom Hex,自定义十六进制 +Customer,客户 +Customer Created,客户创建 +Customer Currency,客户货币 +Customers,客户 +Customise,自定义 +Customize your invoices by adding a logo and address details,通过添加徽标和地址详细信息自定义您的发票 +Dashboard,仪表板 +Data Import,数据导入 +Database file: ${0},数据库文件:${0} +Date,日期 +Date Format,日期格式 +Day,天 +Debit,借记 +Debit Note,借记单 +Debtors,债务人 +Default Account,默认帐户 +Delete,删除 +Delete ${0} ${1}?,删除 ${0} ${1}? +Delete ${0}?,删除 ${0}? +Depreciation,折旧 +Depreciation Entry,折旧条目 +Description,描述 +Details,详细信息 +Direct Expenses,直接开支 +Direct Income,直接收入 +Display Logo in Invoice,在发票上显示标志 +Display Precision,显示精度 +Display Precision should have a value between 0 and 9.,显示精度应具有介于 0 和 9 之间的值。 +Dividends Paid,已支付股息 +Docs,文档 +Documentation,文档 +Does Not Contain,不包含 +Download Update,下载更新 +Downloading update,下载更新 +Dr.,借方 +Draft,草稿 +Duplicate,重复 +Duplicate ${0} ${1}?,重复 ${0} ${1}? +Duties and Taxes,关税和税收 +Earnest Money,定金 +Edit,编辑 +Electronic Equipments,电子设备 +Email,电子邮件 +Email Address,电子邮件地址 +Empty,空的 +Enter Country to load States,输入国家以加载状态 +Enter State,输入状态 +Entertainment Expenses,业务招待费 +Entry No,输入编号 +Entry Type,输入类型 +Equity,股权 +Error,错误 +Exchange Gain/Loss,汇兑收益/亏损 +Exchange Rate,汇率 +Excise Entry,消费税条目 +Existing File,现有文件 +Expense,费用 +Expense Account,费用账户 +Expenses,花费 +Expenses Included In Valuation,计价费用 +Export,导出 +Export Failed,导出失败 +Export Successful,导出成功 +Fax,传真 +Field,字段 +Fieldname,字段名称 +File selection failed.,文件选择失败。 +Filter,过滤器 +Fiscal Year,财政年度 +Fiscal Year End Date,财政年度结束日期 +Fiscal Year Start Date,财政年度开始日期 +Fixed Asset,固定资产 +Fixed Assets,固定资产 +Font,字体 +For,对于 +Fraction,分数 +Fraction Units,分数单位 +Freight and Forwarding Charges,运费和转运费用 +From Account,从帐户 +From Date,从日期 +From Year,从年份 +Full Name,全名 +Furnitures and Fixtures,家具和固定设备 +GSTIN No.,GSTIN 编号 +GSTR1,GSTR1 +GSTR2,GSTR2 +Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal,资产处置损益 +General,常规 +General Ledger,总帐 +Get Started,开始使用 +Gram,克 +Grand Total,总计 +Grand Total (Company Currency),总计(公司货币) +Greater Than,大于 +Green,绿色 +Group By,按分组 +HSN/SAC,HSN/SAC +HSN/SAC Code,HSN/SAC 代码 +Half Yearly,每半年 +Half Years,半年后 +Hex Value,十六进制值 +Hide Get Started,隐藏入门 +Hide Group Amounts,隐藏组金额 +Hides the Get Started section from the sidebar. Change will be visible on restart or refreshing the app.,从边栏中隐藏“入门”部分。 更改将在重新启动或刷新应用程序时可见。 +Hour,小时 +How to Use Data Import,如何使用数据导入 +I can't find my language.,我无法找到我的语言。 +INR,INR +Image,图像 +Import Data,导入数据 +Import Failed,导入失败 +Import More,导入更多 +Import Success,导入成功 +Import Type,导入类型 +Importer Settings,导入设置 +Include Cancelled,包括已取消 +Income,收入 +Income Account,收入账户 +Indigo,靛蓝 +Indirect Expenses,间接开支 +Indirect Income,间接收入 +Inflow,流入 +Install Update,安装更新 +Instance Id,实例 ID +Intergrated Tax,综合所得税 +Internal Precision,内部精度 +Invalid value ${0} for ${1},${1} 的值 ${0} 无效 +Investments,投资 +Invoice,发票 +Invoice Created,已创建发票 +Invoice Date,发票日期 +Invoice No,发票号码 +Invoice No.,发票号码 +Invoice Setup,发票设置 +Invoice Value,发票面额 +Invoices,发票 +Is,是 +Is Empty,是空的 +Is Group,是组 +Is Not,不是 +Is Not Empty,不为空 +Item,项目 +Item Description,项目描述 +Item Name,项目名称 +Items,项目 +John Doe,John Doe +Journal Entries,日记帐分录 +Journal Entry,日记帐分录 +Journal Entry Account,日记帐分录帐户 +Kg,千克 +Label Index,标签索引 +Language,语言 +Ledger Entries,分类帐条目 +Left Index,左索引 +Legal Expenses,法律开支 +Less Than,少于 +Liability,负债 +List,列表 +Load an existing .db file from your computer.,从您的计算机加载现有的 .db 文件。 +Loading Report...,正在加载报告... +Loading...,正在加载... +Loans (Liabilities),贷款(负债) +Loans and Advances (Assets),贷款和垫款(资产) +Locale,区域设置 +Logo,徽标 +Make Entry,进行条目 +Make Payment,进行支付 +23-Mar-22,23-Mar-22 +Marketing Expenses,营销费用 +Merriweather,Merriweather +Meter,米 +Minimal,最小 +Miscellaneous Expenses,杂项费用 +Modern,现代 +Modified,已修改 +Modified By,修改者 +Monthly,每月一次 +Months,月份 +Montserrat,Montserrat +Name,名称 +Navigate,导航 +Net Total,净总值 +Net Total (Company Currency),净总额(公司货币) +New ${0},新建 ${0} +New Account,新建账户 +New File,新建文件 +New Journal Entry,新建日记帐分录 +New Purchase,新建购买 +New Purchase Invoice,新建采购发票 +New Sale,新建销售 +New Sales Invoice,新建销售发票 +New version available,新版本可用 +Next,下一步 +No,否 +No Data to Import,无数据可导入 +No Values to be Displayed,无值显示 +No entries found,没有发现记录 +No expenses in this period,这期间没有任何费用 +No filters selected,没有选择过滤器 +No labels have been assigned.,没有标签。 +No results found,没有找到结果 +No transactions yet,没有交易 +No updates available,没有可用的更新 +None,无 +Notes,笔记 +Number Series,系列号 +Number of ${0},${0} 的数量 +Office Equipments,办公设备 +Office Maintenance Expenses,办公室维修费用 +Office Rent,办公室租金 +Onboarding Complete,入职完成 +Open Folder,打开文件夹 +Open Sans,Open Sans +Opening (Cr),正在打开 (贷方) +Opening (Dr),正在打开 (借方) +Opening Balance Equity,期初余额权益 +Opening Balances,期初余额 +Opening Entry,打开条目 +Orange,橙色 +Organisation,机构 +Outflow,流出 +Outstanding Amount,未结金额 +Oxygen,Oxygen +Pad Zeros,填充零 +Page,页面 +Paid,有偿 +Parent,父母 +Parent Account,父帐户 +Party,聚会 +Patch Run,修补程序运行 +Pay,支付 +Payable,应付 +Payment,支付 +Payment For,付款方式 +Payment Method,付款方式 +Payment No,付款号 +Payment Reference,付款凭据 +Payment Type,付款方式 +Payment amount cannot be ${0}.,付款金额不能为 ${0}。 +Payment amount cannot be less than zero.,付款金额不能小于零。 +Payment amount cannot exceed ${0}.,付款金额不能超过 ${0}。 +Payment amount: ${0} should be greater than 0.,付款金额:${0} 应大于 0。 +Payment amount: ${0} should be less than Outstanding amount: ${1}.,付款金额:${0} 应小于未结金额:${1}。 +Payments,付款 +Payroll Payable,应付工资 +Periodicity,周期性 +Phone,电话 +Pink,粉红色 +Place,场所 +Place of supply,供应地 +Plants and Machineries,设备和机械 +Please Wait,请稍等 +Please assign the following fields ${0},请分配以下字段 ${0} +Please fill all values,请填写所有值 +Please select a file with data to import.,请选择一个包含要导入数据的文件。 +Please select a valid reference type.,请选择有效的引用类型。 +Postal Code,邮政编码 +Postal Expenses,邮政费用 +Posting Date,发布日期 +Prefix,前缀 +Prime Bank,主要银行 +Print,打印 +Print Settings,打印设置 +Print and Stationery,打印和文具 +Product,产品 +Profit And Loss,收益与损失 +Profit and Loss,收益与损失 +Purchase,采购 +Purchase Invoice,采购发票 +Purchase Invoice Item,采购发票项目 +Purchase Invoices,采购发票 +Purchase Item Created,已创建采购项目 +Purchase Items,采购项目 +Purchase Payments,采购款项 +Purchases,采购 +Purple,紫色 +Quantity,数量 +Quarterly,每季 +Quarters,四分之一 +Rate,费率 +Rate (${0}) cannot be less zero.,费率 (${0}) 不能小于零。 +Rate (Company Currency),费率(公司货币) +Rate can't be negative.,费率不能为负。 +Receivable,应收账款 +Receive,收到 +Recent Invoices,近期发票 +Red,红色 +Ref Name,引用名称 +Ref Type,引用类型 +Ref. / Cheque No.,引用 /检查号码 +Ref. Date,引用日期 +Ref. Name,引用姓名 +Ref. Type,引用类型 +Reference,引用 +Reference Date,引用日期 +Reference Number,引用编号 +Reference Type,引用类型 +Reload App,重新加载应用程序 +Report,报告 +Report Error,报告错误 +Report Issue,报告问题 +Reports,报告 +Required Fields not Assigned,未分配必填字段 +Reset,重置 +Retained Earnings,保留收益 +Reverse Chrg.,反向征收机制 +Reverted,已恢复 +Reverts,恢复 +Review Accounts,审核帐户 +"Review your chart of accounts, add any account or tax heads as needed",查看您的科目表,根据需要添加任何科目或税目 +Right Index,右索引 +Role,角色 +Root Type,根类型 +Round Off,四舍五入 +Round Off Account,四舍五入帐户 +Salary,薪水 +Sales,销售额 +Sales Expenses,销售费用 +Sales Invoice,销售发票 +Sales Invoice Item,销售发票项目 +Sales Invoice Settings,销售发票设置 +Sales Invoices,销售发票 +Sales Invoice,销售发票 +Sales Item Created,已创建销售项目 +Sales Items,销售项目 +Sales Payments,销售付款 +Save,保存 +Save Template,保存模板 +Save as PDF,另存为 PDF +Save as PDF Successful,另存为 PDF 成功 +Saving,保存 +Search,搜索 +Secured Loans,担保贷款 +Securities and Deposits,证券和存款 +Select,选择 +Select CoA,选择 CoA +Select Color,选择颜色 +Select Country,选择国家 +Select File,选择文件 +Select Folder,选择文件夹 +Select Image,选择图片 +Select Logo,选择徽标 +Select a file for import,选择要导入的文件 +Select file,选择文件 +Select folder,选择文件夹 +Select your language,选择您的语言 +Selected file,所选文件 +Service,服务 +Set an Import Type,设置导入类型 +Set the display language.,设置显示语言。 +Set the local code. This is used for number formatting.,设置本地代码。 这用于数字格式。 +Sets how many digits are shown after the decimal point.,设置小数点后显示的位数。 +Sets the app-wide date display format.,设置应用范围的日期显示格式。 +Sets the internal precision used for monetary calculations. Above 6 should be sufficient for most currencies.,设置用于货币计算的内部精度。 对于大多数货币来说,6 以上应该足够了。 +Setting Up Instance,设置实例 +Setting Up...,配置... +Settings,设置 +Settings changes will be visible on reload,设置更改将在重新加载时可见 +Setup,设置 +Setup Complete,设置完成 +Setup Wizard,安装向导 +Set Up Your Workspace,设置您的工作区 +Setup system defaults like date format and display precision,设置系统默认值,如日期格式和显示精度 +"Set up your company information, email, country and fiscal year",设置您的公司信息、电子邮件、国家和财政年度 +Set up your opening balances before performing any accounting entries,在执行任何会计分录之前设置您的期初余额 +Set up your organization,设置您的组织 +Set up your tax templates for your sales or purchase transactions,为您的销售或采购交易设置税务模板 +Show Me,给我看看 +Single Value,单值 +Smallest Currency Fraction Value,最小货币分数值 +Softwares,软件 +Something has gone terribly wrong. Please check the console and raise an issue.,发生了严重的错误。 请检查控制台并提出问题。 +Source of Funds (Liabilities),资金来源(负债) +Standard Chart of Accounts,标准会计科目表 +Start,开始 +State,状态 +State Tax,国家税收 +Status,状态 +Stock,股票 +Stock Adjustment,股票调整 +Stock Assets,股票资产 +Stock Expenses,股票费用 +Stock In Hand,现有股票 +Stock Liabilities,股票负债 +Stock Received But Not Billed,股票已收到但未开票 +Submit,提交 +Submit Journal Entry?,提交日记帐分录? +Submit Purchase Invoice?,提交采购发票? +Submit Sales Invoice?,提交销售发票? +Submit on Import,导入时提交 +Submitted,已提交 +Submitting,提交 +Subtotal,小计 +Successfully created the following ${0} entries:,成功创建了以下 ${0} 条目: +Supplier,供应商 +Supplier Created,供应商创建 +Supplier Currency,供应商货币 +Suppliers,供应商 +Symbol,符号 +System,系统 +System Settings,系统设置 +System Setup,系统设置 +Tax,税收 +Tax Account,税务账户 +Tax Assets,税收资产 +Tax Detail,税务详细信息 +Tax ID,税号 +Tax Summary,税务摘要 +Taxable Value,应税值 +Taxes,税收 +Teal,蓝绿色 +Telephone Expenses,电话费 +Template,模板 +Temporary,暂时 +Temporary Accounts,临时账户 +Temporary Opening,临时开放 +Terms,条款 +The following ${0} entries were created: ${1},创建了以下 ${0} 个条目:${1} +Theme Color,主题颜色 +This Month,本月 +This Quarter,本季度 +This Year,今年 +This action is permanent,此操作是永久性的 +This action is permanent and will cancel the following payment: ${0},此操作是永久性的,并将取消以下付款:${0} +This action is permanent and will cancel the following payments: ${0},此操作是永久性的,并将取消以下付款:${0} +This action is permanent and will delete associated ledger entries.,此操作是永久性的,并将删除相关的分类帐条目。 +This action is permanent.,此操作是永久性的。 +Times New Roman,Times New Roman +To Account,到账 +To Account and From Account can't be the same: ${0},到账户和从帐户不能相同:${0} +To Date,到日期 +To Year,到年 +Top Expenses,最高费用 +Total,共计 +Total Asset (Debit),总资产(借方) +Total Credit,贷方总额 +Total Debit,借方总额 +Total Debit: ${0} must be equal to Total Credit: ${1},总借方:${0} 必须等于总贷方:${1} +Total Equity (Credit),总权益(信用) +Total Expense (Debit),总费用(借方) +Total Income (Credit),总收入(贷方) +Total Liability (Credit),总负债(贷方) +Total Profit,总利润 +Total Spending,总支出 +Transfer,转移 +Transfer Type,转移类型 +Travel Expenses,旅行开支 +Trial Balance,试算平衡表 +Type,类型 +Type to search...,输入搜索... +Unit,单元 +Unit Type,单位类型 +Unpaid,未付 +Unsecured Loans,无抵押贷款 +Until Date,截止日期 +Update downloaded,已下载更新 +User Remark,用户备注 +Utility Expenses,水电费 +Value,值 +Value missing for ${0},${0} 的值缺失 +Verify Imported Data,${0} 的值缺失 +Version,版本 +Version ${0} available,版本 ${0} 可用 +View Purchases,查看采购 +View Sales,查看销售 +Welcome to Frappe Books,欢迎使用 Frappe Books +Write Off,注销 +Write Off Account,注销账户 +Write Off Account not set. Please set Write Off Account in General Settings,未设置注销帐户。 请在通用设置中设置注销账户 +Write Off Entry,注销条目 +Yearly,每年 +Years,年 +Yellow,黄色 +Yes,是 +Your Name,您的名字, +reports,报告 +setup,设置 +verify the imported data and click on,验证导入的数据并点击 From 2c0ee8b0a9176459ae099b5935cc26d173d8a8cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: 18alantom <> Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2022 23:09:58 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] fix: simplified chinese characters - add to languages - update README --- | 23 +- src/utils/language.ts | 1 + translations/zh-CN.csv | 1216 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 3 files changed, 621 insertions(+), 619 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index cee32f31..76576bc0 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -128,17 +128,18 @@ If you want to contribute code then you can fork this repo, make changes and rai ## Translation Contributors -| Language | Contributors | -| ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| French | [DeepL](, [mael-chouteau]( | -| German | [DeepL](, [barredterra]( | -| Portuguese | [DeepL]( | -| Arabic | [taha2002]( | -| Catalan | D铆dac E. Jim茅nez | -| Dutch | [FastAct]( | -| Spanish | [talmax1124]( | -| Gujarati | [dhruvilxcode]( | -| Korean | [Isaac-Kwon]( | +| Language | Contributors | +| ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| French | [DeepL](, [mael-chouteau]( | +| German | [DeepL](, [barredterra]( | +| Portuguese | [DeepL]( | +| Arabic | [taha2002]( | +| Catalan | D铆dac E. Jim茅nez | +| Dutch | [FastAct]( | +| Spanish | [talmax1124]( | +| Gujarati | [dhruvilxcode]( | +| Korean | [Isaac-Kwon]( | +| Simplified Chinese | [wcxu21]( | ## License diff --git a/src/utils/language.ts b/src/utils/language.ts index c9b59415..c5a0381a 100644 --- a/src/utils/language.ts +++ b/src/utils/language.ts @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ export const languageCodeMap: Record = { Gujarati: 'gu', Turkish: 'tr', Korean: 'ko', + 'Simplified Chinese': 'zh-CN', }; export async function setLanguageMap( diff --git a/translations/zh-CN.csv b/translations/zh-CN.csv index e5b7deb4..968a8d5b 100644 --- a/translations/zh-CN.csv +++ b/translations/zh-CN.csv @@ -1,629 +1,629 @@ -${0} ${1} already exists.,${0} ${1} 已经存在。 -${0} ${1} has been modified after loading,${0} ${1} 加载后已修改 -${0} ${1} is linked with existing records.,${0} ${1} 与现有记录相关联。 -${0} already exists.,${0} 已经存在。 -${0} filters applied,${0} 已应用过滤器 -${0} rows,${0} 行 -* required fields,* 必填字段 +${0} ${1} already exists.,${0} ${1} 宸茬粡瀛樺湪銆 +${0} ${1} has been modified after loading,${0} ${1} 鍔犺浇鍚庡凡淇敼 +${0} ${1} is linked with existing records.,${0} ${1} 涓庣幇鏈夎褰曠浉鍏宠仈銆 +${0} already exists.,${0} 宸茬粡瀛樺湪銆 +${0} filters applied,${0} 宸插簲鐢ㄨ繃婊ゅ櫒 +${0} rows,${0} 琛 +* required fields,* 蹇呭~瀛楁 0%,0% 03-23-2022,03-23-2022 03/23/2022,03/23/2022 -1 filter applied,已应用 1 个过滤器 +1 filter applied,宸插簲鐢 1 涓繃婊ゅ櫒 2022/3/23,2022/3/23 "23 Mar, 2022","23 Mar, 2022" 23-03-2022,23-03-2022 23/03/2022,23/03/2022 9888900000,9888900000 -Account,帐户 -Account Entries,帐户条目 -Account Name,帐户名称 -Account Type,帐户类型 -Accounting Ledger Entry,会计分类帐输入 -Accounting Settings,会计设置 -Accounts,账户 -Accounts Payable,应付账款 -Accounts Receivable,应收账款 -Accumulated Depreciation,累计折旧 -Add Account,添加帐户 -Add Customers,添加客户 -Add Group,添加组 -Add Items,添加项目 -Add Row,添加行 -Add Suppliers,添加供应商 -Add Taxes,加税 -Add a few customers to create your first invoice,添加一些客户来创建您的第一个发票 -Add a few suppliers to create your first bill,添加一些供应商来创建您的第一个账单 -Add a filter,添加过滤器 -Add a remark,添加备注 -Add invoice terms,添加发票条款 -Add products or services that you buy from your suppliers,添加您从供应商处购买的产品或服务 -Add products or services that you sell to your customers,添加您向客户销售的产品或服务 -Address,地址 -Address Display,地址显示 -Address Line 1,地址第 1 行 -Address Line 2,地址第 2 行 -Administrative Expenses,行政开支 -All,全部 -Amount,总计 -Amount (Company Currency),金额(公司货币) -Amount: ${0} and writeoff: ${1} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${2}.,金额:${0} 和注销:${1} 少于分配给参考的总金额:${2}。 -Amount: ${0} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${1}.,金额:${0} 小于分配给参考的总金额:${1}。 -An error occurred.,发生错误。 -Application of Funds (Assets),资金(资产)应用 +Account,甯愭埛 +Account Entries,甯愭埛鏉$洰 +Account Name,甯愭埛鍚嶇О +Account Type,甯愭埛绫诲瀷 +Accounting Ledger Entry,浼氳鍒嗙被甯愯緭鍏 +Accounting Settings,浼氳璁剧疆 +Accounts,璐︽埛 +Accounts Payable,搴斾粯璐︽ +Accounts Receivable,搴旀敹璐︽ +Accumulated Depreciation,绱鎶樻棫 +Add Account,娣诲姞甯愭埛 +Add Customers,娣诲姞瀹㈡埛 +Add Group,娣诲姞缁 +Add Items,娣诲姞椤圭洰 +Add Row,娣诲姞琛 +Add Suppliers,娣诲姞渚涘簲鍟 +Add Taxes,鍔犵◣ +Add a few customers to create your first invoice,娣诲姞涓浜涘鎴锋潵鍒涘缓鎮ㄧ殑绗竴涓彂绁 +Add a few suppliers to create your first bill,娣诲姞涓浜涗緵搴斿晢鏉ュ垱寤烘偍鐨勭涓涓处鍗 +Add a filter,娣诲姞杩囨护鍣 +Add a remark,娣诲姞澶囨敞 +Add invoice terms,娣诲姞鍙戠エ鏉℃ +Add products or services that you buy from your suppliers,娣诲姞鎮ㄤ粠渚涘簲鍟嗗璐拱鐨勪骇鍝佹垨鏈嶅姟 +Add products or services that you sell to your customers,娣诲姞鎮ㄥ悜瀹㈡埛閿鍞殑浜у搧鎴栨湇鍔 +Address,鍦板潃 +Address Display,鍦板潃鏄剧ず +Address Line 1,鍦板潃绗 1 琛 +Address Line 2,鍦板潃绗 2 琛 +Administrative Expenses,琛屾斂寮鏀 +All,鍏ㄩ儴 +Amount,鎬昏 +Amount (Company Currency),閲戦锛堝叕鍙歌揣甯侊級 +Amount: ${0} and writeoff: ${1} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${2}.,閲戦锛${0} 鍜屾敞閿锛${1} 灏戜簬鍒嗛厤缁欏弬鑰冪殑鎬婚噾棰濓細${2}銆 +Amount: ${0} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${1}.,閲戦锛${0} 灏忎簬鍒嗛厤缁欏弬鑰冪殑鎬婚噾棰濓細${1}銆 +An error occurred.,鍙戠敓閿欒銆 +Application of Funds (Assets),璧勯噾锛堣祫浜э級搴旂敤 Arial,Arial -Ascending Order,升序 -Asset,资产 -Assign Imported Labels,分配导入的标签 -Back,后退 -Bad import data.,导入数据错误。 -Balance,平衡 -Balance Sheet,资产负债表 -Bank,银行 -Bank Accounts,银行账户 -Bank Entry,银行条目 -Bank Name,银行名称 -Bank Overdraft Account,银行透支账户 -Based On,基于 -Basic,基础 -Basic I,基础 I -Basic II,基础 II -Bill,账单 -Bill Created,账单已创建 -Bill No,帐单编号 -Black,黑色 -Blue,蓝色 -Both,两者 -Buildings,建筑物 -Business,商业 -Cancel,取消 -Cancel ${0} ${1}?,取消 ${0} ${1}? -Cancelled,取消 -Capital Equipments,资本设备 -Capital Stock,资本存量 -Cash,现金 -Cash Entry,现金入账 -Cash In Hand,手头现金 -Cashflow,现金周转 -Central Tax,中央税收 -Change File,更改文件 -Change Ref Type,更改引用类型 -Chargeable,收费 -Chart Of Accounts Reviewed,已审核的会计科目表 -Chart of Accounts,会计科目表 -Check for Updates,检查更新 -Checking for updates,查询更新 -Cheque,检查 -City / Town,城市/城镇 -Clear,清除 -Clearance Date,清仓日期 -Click to create,点击创建 -Close,关闭 -Closing,正在关闭 -Closing (Cr),正在关闭 (贷方) -Closing (Dr),正在关闭 (借方) -Color,颜色 -Commission on Sales,销售佣金 -Common,常用 -Common Items,常用物品 -Company Address,公司地址 -Company Logo,公司标志 -Company Name,公司名称 -Company Settings,公司设置 -Company Setup,公司设置 -Completed,已完成 -Condition,条件 -Consolidate Columns,合并列 -Contains,包含 -Contra Entry,反对进入 -Cost of Goods Sold,商品销售成本 -Could not import ${0} ${1}.,无法导入 ${0} ${1}。 -Could not select file.,无法选择文件。 -Country,国家 -Country Code,国家代码 -Country code used to initialize regional settings.,用于初始化区域设置的国家/地区代码。 -Courier,快递 -Cr.,贷方 -Create,创建 -Create Bill,创建账单 -Create Demo,创建演示 -Create Invoice,创建发票 -Create Purchase,创建采购 -Create Sale,创建销售 -Create a new file and store it in your computer.,创建一个新文件并将其存储在您的计算机中。 -Create a new file or select an existing one from your computer,创建一个新文件或从您的计算机中选择一个现有文件 -Create your first bill and mail it to your supplier,创建您的第一个账单并将其邮寄给您的供应商 -Create your first invoice and mail it to your customer,创建您的第一张发票并将其邮寄给您的客户 -Created,已创建 -Created By,创建者 -Creating Items and Parties,创建物品和派对 -Creating Journal Entries,创建日记帐分录 -Creating Purchase Invoices,创建采购发票 -Credit,信用 -Credit Card Entry,信用卡入口 -Credit Note,信用票据 -Creditors,债权人 -Currency,货币 -Currency Name,货币名称 -Current,当前 -Current Assets,当前资产 -Current Liabilities,流动负债 -Custom Hex,自定义十六进制 -Customer,客户 -Customer Created,客户创建 -Customer Currency,客户货币 -Customers,客户 -Customise,自定义 -Customize your invoices by adding a logo and address details,通过添加徽标和地址详细信息自定义您的发票 -Dashboard,仪表板 -Data Import,数据导入 -Database file: ${0},数据库文件:${0} -Date,日期 -Date Format,日期格式 -Day,天 -Debit,借记 -Debit Note,借记单 -Debtors,债务人 -Default Account,默认帐户 -Delete,删除 -Delete ${0} ${1}?,删除 ${0} ${1}? -Delete ${0}?,删除 ${0}? -Depreciation,折旧 -Depreciation Entry,折旧条目 -Description,描述 -Details,详细信息 -Direct Expenses,直接开支 -Direct Income,直接收入 -Display Logo in Invoice,在发票上显示标志 -Display Precision,显示精度 -Display Precision should have a value between 0 and 9.,显示精度应具有介于 0 和 9 之间的值。 -Dividends Paid,已支付股息 -Docs,文档 -Documentation,文档 -Does Not Contain,不包含 -Download Update,下载更新 -Downloading update,下载更新 -Dr.,借方 -Draft,草稿 -Duplicate,重复 -Duplicate ${0} ${1}?,重复 ${0} ${1}? -Duties and Taxes,关税和税收 -Earnest Money,定金 -Edit,编辑 -Electronic Equipments,电子设备 -Email,电子邮件 -Email Address,电子邮件地址 -Empty,空的 -Enter Country to load States,输入国家以加载状态 -Enter State,输入状态 -Entertainment Expenses,业务招待费 -Entry No,输入编号 -Entry Type,输入类型 -Equity,股权 -Error,错误 -Exchange Gain/Loss,汇兑收益/亏损 -Exchange Rate,汇率 -Excise Entry,消费税条目 -Existing File,现有文件 -Expense,费用 -Expense Account,费用账户 -Expenses,花费 -Expenses Included In Valuation,计价费用 -Export,导出 -Export Failed,导出失败 -Export Successful,导出成功 -Fax,传真 -Field,字段 -Fieldname,字段名称 -File selection failed.,文件选择失败。 -Filter,过滤器 -Fiscal Year,财政年度 -Fiscal Year End Date,财政年度结束日期 -Fiscal Year Start Date,财政年度开始日期 -Fixed Asset,固定资产 -Fixed Assets,固定资产 -Font,字体 -For,对于 -Fraction,分数 -Fraction Units,分数单位 -Freight and Forwarding Charges,运费和转运费用 -From Account,从帐户 -From Date,从日期 -From Year,从年份 -Full Name,全名 -Furnitures and Fixtures,家具和固定设备 -GSTIN No.,GSTIN 编号 +Ascending Order,鍗囧簭 +Asset,璧勪骇 +Assign Imported Labels,鍒嗛厤瀵煎叆鐨勬爣绛 +Back,鍚庨 +Bad import data.,瀵煎叆鏁版嵁閿欒銆 +Balance,骞宠  +Balance Sheet,璧勪骇璐熷鸿〃 +Bank,閾惰 +Bank Accounts,閾惰璐︽埛 +Bank Entry,閾惰鏉$洰 +Bank Name,閾惰鍚嶇О +Bank Overdraft Account,閾惰閫忔敮璐︽埛 +Based On,鍩轰簬 +Basic,鍩虹 +Basic I,鍩虹 I +Basic II,鍩虹 II +Bill,璐﹀崟 +Bill Created,璐﹀崟宸插垱寤 +Bill No,甯愬崟缂栧彿 +Black,榛戣壊 +Blue,钃濊壊 +Both,涓よ +Buildings,寤虹瓚鐗 +Business,鍟嗕笟 +Cancel,鍙栨秷 +Cancel ${0} ${1}?,鍙栨秷 ${0} ${1}锛 +Cancelled,鍙栨秷 +Capital Equipments,璧勬湰璁惧 +Capital Stock,璧勬湰瀛橀噺 +Cash,鐜伴噾 +Cash Entry,鐜伴噾鍏ヨ处 +Cash In Hand,鎵嬪ご鐜伴噾 +Cashflow,鐜伴噾鍛ㄨ浆 +Central Tax,涓ぎ绋庢敹 +Change File,鏇存敼鏂囦欢 +Change Ref Type,鏇存敼寮曠敤绫诲瀷 +Chargeable,鏀惰垂 +Chart Of Accounts Reviewed,宸插鏍哥殑浼氳绉戠洰琛 +Chart of Accounts,浼氳绉戠洰琛 +Check for Updates,妫鏌ユ洿鏂 +Checking for updates,鏌ヨ鏇存柊 +Cheque,妫鏌 +City / Town,鍩庡競/鍩庨晣 +Clear,娓呴櫎 +Clearance Date,娓呬粨鏃ユ湡 +Click to create,鐐瑰嚮鍒涘缓 +Close,鍏抽棴 +Closing,姝e湪鍏抽棴 +Closing (Cr),姝e湪鍏抽棴 (璐锋柟) +Closing (Dr),姝e湪鍏抽棴 (鍊熸柟) +Color,棰滆壊 +Commission on Sales,閿鍞剑閲 +Common,甯哥敤 +Common Items,甯哥敤鐗╁搧 +Company Address,鍏徃鍦板潃 +Company Logo,鍏徃鏍囧織 +Company Name,鍏徃鍚嶇О +Company Settings,鍏徃璁剧疆 +Company Setup,鍏徃璁剧疆 +Completed,宸插畬鎴 +Condition,鏉′欢 +Consolidate Columns,鍚堝苟鍒 +Contains,鍖呭惈 +Contra Entry,鍙嶅杩涘叆 +Cost of Goods Sold,鍟嗗搧閿鍞垚鏈 +Could not import ${0} ${1}.,鏃犳硶瀵煎叆 ${0} ${1}銆 +Could not select file.,鏃犳硶閫夋嫨鏂囦欢銆 +Country,鍥藉 +Country Code,鍥藉浠g爜 +Country code used to initialize regional settings.,鐢ㄤ簬鍒濆鍖栧尯鍩熻缃殑鍥藉/鍦板尯浠g爜銆 +Courier,蹇 +Cr.,璐锋柟 +Create,鍒涘缓 +Create Bill,鍒涘缓璐﹀崟 +Create Demo,鍒涘缓婕旂ず +Create Invoice,鍒涘缓鍙戠エ +Create Purchase,鍒涘缓閲囪喘 +Create Sale,鍒涘缓閿鍞 +Create a new file and store it in your computer.,鍒涘缓涓涓柊鏂囦欢骞跺皢鍏跺瓨鍌ㄥ湪鎮ㄧ殑璁$畻鏈轰腑銆 +Create a new file or select an existing one from your computer,鍒涘缓涓涓柊鏂囦欢鎴栦粠鎮ㄧ殑璁$畻鏈轰腑閫夋嫨涓涓幇鏈夋枃浠 +Create your first bill and mail it to your supplier,鍒涘缓鎮ㄧ殑绗竴涓处鍗曞苟灏嗗叾閭瘎缁欐偍鐨勪緵搴斿晢 +Create your first invoice and mail it to your customer,鍒涘缓鎮ㄧ殑绗竴寮犲彂绁ㄥ苟灏嗗叾閭瘎缁欐偍鐨勫鎴 +Created,宸插垱寤 +Created By,鍒涘缓鑰 +Creating Items and Parties,鍒涘缓鐗╁搧鍜屾淳瀵 +Creating Journal Entries,鍒涘缓鏃ヨ甯愬垎褰 +Creating Purchase Invoices,鍒涘缓閲囪喘鍙戠エ +Credit,淇$敤 +Credit Card Entry,淇$敤鍗″叆鍙 +Credit Note,淇$敤绁ㄦ嵁 +Creditors,鍊烘潈浜 +Currency,璐у竵 +Currency Name,璐у竵鍚嶇О +Current,褰撳墠 +Current Assets,褰撳墠璧勪骇 +Current Liabilities,娴佸姩璐熷 +Custom Hex,鑷畾涔夊崄鍏繘鍒 +Customer,瀹㈡埛 +Customer Created,瀹㈡埛鍒涘缓 +Customer Currency,瀹㈡埛璐у竵 +Customers,瀹㈡埛 +Customise,鑷畾涔 +Customize your invoices by adding a logo and address details,閫氳繃娣诲姞寰芥爣鍜屽湴鍧璇︾粏淇℃伅鑷畾涔夋偍鐨勫彂绁 +Dashboard,浠〃鏉 +Data Import,鏁版嵁瀵煎叆 +Database file: ${0},鏁版嵁搴撴枃浠讹細${0} +Date,鏃ユ湡 +Date Format,鏃ユ湡鏍煎紡 +Day,澶 +Debit,鍊熻 +Debit Note,鍊熻鍗 +Debtors,鍊哄姟浜 +Default Account,榛樿甯愭埛 +Delete,鍒犻櫎 +Delete ${0} ${1}?,鍒犻櫎 ${0} ${1}锛 +Delete ${0}?,鍒犻櫎 ${0}锛 +Depreciation,鎶樻棫 +Depreciation Entry,鎶樻棫鏉$洰 +Description,鎻忚堪 +Details,璇︾粏淇℃伅 +Direct Expenses,鐩存帴寮鏀 +Direct Income,鐩存帴鏀跺叆 +Display Logo in Invoice,鍦ㄥ彂绁ㄤ笂鏄剧ず鏍囧織 +Display Precision,鏄剧ず绮惧害 +Display Precision should have a value between 0 and 9.,鏄剧ず绮惧害搴斿叿鏈変粙浜 0 鍜 9 涔嬮棿鐨勫笺 +Dividends Paid,宸叉敮浠樿偂鎭 +Docs,鏂囨。 +Documentation,鏂囨。 +Does Not Contain,涓嶅寘鍚 +Download Update,涓嬭浇鏇存柊 +Downloading update,涓嬭浇鏇存柊 +Dr.,鍊熸柟 +Draft,鑽夌ǹ +Duplicate,閲嶅 +Duplicate ${0} ${1}?,閲嶅 ${0} ${1}锛 +Duties and Taxes,鍏崇◣鍜岀◣鏀 +Earnest Money,瀹氶噾 +Edit,缂栬緫 +Electronic Equipments,鐢靛瓙璁惧 +Email,鐢靛瓙閭欢 +Email Address,鐢靛瓙閭欢鍦板潃 +Empty,绌虹殑 +Enter Country to load States,杈撳叆鍥藉浠ュ姞杞界姸鎬 +Enter State,杈撳叆鐘舵 +Entertainment Expenses,涓氬姟鎷涘緟璐 +Entry No,杈撳叆缂栧彿 +Entry Type,杈撳叆绫诲瀷 +Equity,鑲℃潈 +Error,閿欒 +Exchange Gain/Loss,姹囧厬鏀剁泭/浜忔崯 +Exchange Rate,姹囩巼 +Excise Entry,娑堣垂绋庢潯鐩 +Existing File,鐜版湁鏂囦欢 +Expense,璐圭敤 +Expense Account,璐圭敤璐︽埛 +Expenses,鑺辫垂 +Expenses Included In Valuation,璁′环璐圭敤 +Export,瀵煎嚭 +Export Failed,瀵煎嚭澶辫触 +Export Successful,瀵煎嚭鎴愬姛 +Fax,浼犵湡 +Field,瀛楁 +Fieldname,瀛楁鍚嶇О +File selection failed.,鏂囦欢閫夋嫨澶辫触銆 +Filter,杩囨护鍣 +Fiscal Year,璐㈡斂骞村害 +Fiscal Year End Date,璐㈡斂骞村害缁撴潫鏃ユ湡 +Fiscal Year Start Date,璐㈡斂骞村害寮濮嬫棩鏈 +Fixed Asset,鍥哄畾璧勪骇 +Fixed Assets,鍥哄畾璧勪骇 +Font,瀛椾綋 +For,瀵逛簬 +Fraction,鍒嗘暟 +Fraction Units,鍒嗘暟鍗曚綅 +Freight and Forwarding Charges,杩愯垂鍜岃浆杩愯垂鐢 +From Account,浠庡笎鎴 +From Date,浠庢棩鏈 +From Year,浠庡勾浠 +Full Name,鍏ㄥ悕 +Furnitures and Fixtures,瀹跺叿鍜屽浐瀹氳澶 +GSTIN No.,GSTIN 缂栧彿 GSTR1,GSTR1 GSTR2,GSTR2 -Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal,资产处置损益 -General,常规 -General Ledger,总帐 -Get Started,开始使用 -Gram,克 -Grand Total,总计 -Grand Total (Company Currency),总计(公司货币) -Greater Than,大于 -Green,绿色 -Group By,按分组 +Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal,璧勪骇澶勭疆鎹熺泭 +General,甯歌 +General Ledger,鎬诲笎 +Get Started,寮濮嬩娇鐢 +Gram,鍏 +Grand Total,鎬昏 +Grand Total (Company Currency),鎬昏锛堝叕鍙歌揣甯侊級 +Greater Than,澶т簬 +Green,缁胯壊 +Group By,鎸夊垎缁 HSN/SAC,HSN/SAC -HSN/SAC Code,HSN/SAC 代码 -Half Yearly,每半年 -Half Years,半年后 -Hex Value,十六进制值 -Hide Get Started,隐藏入门 -Hide Group Amounts,隐藏组金额 -Hides the Get Started section from the sidebar. Change will be visible on restart or refreshing the app.,从边栏中隐藏“入门”部分。 更改将在重新启动或刷新应用程序时可见。 -Hour,小时 -How to Use Data Import,如何使用数据导入 -I can't find my language.,我无法找到我的语言。 +HSN/SAC Code,HSN/SAC 浠g爜 +Half Yearly,姣忓崐骞 +Half Years,鍗婂勾鍚 +Hex Value,鍗佸叚杩涘埗鍊 +Hide Get Started,闅愯棌鍏ラ棬 +Hide Group Amounts,闅愯棌缁勯噾棰 +Hides the Get Started section from the sidebar. Change will be visible on restart or refreshing the app.,浠庤竟鏍忎腑闅愯棌鈥滃叆闂ㄢ濋儴鍒嗐 鏇存敼灏嗗湪閲嶆柊鍚姩鎴栧埛鏂板簲鐢ㄧ▼搴忔椂鍙銆 +Hour,灏忔椂 +How to Use Data Import,濡備綍浣跨敤鏁版嵁瀵煎叆 +I can't find my language.,鎴戞棤娉曟壘鍒版垜鐨勮瑷銆 INR,INR -Image,图像 -Import Data,导入数据 -Import Failed,导入失败 -Import More,导入更多 -Import Success,导入成功 -Import Type,导入类型 -Importer Settings,导入设置 -Include Cancelled,包括已取消 -Income,收入 -Income Account,收入账户 -Indigo,靛蓝 -Indirect Expenses,间接开支 -Indirect Income,间接收入 -Inflow,流入 -Install Update,安装更新 -Instance Id,实例 ID -Intergrated Tax,综合所得税 -Internal Precision,内部精度 -Invalid value ${0} for ${1},${1} 的值 ${0} 无效 -Investments,投资 -Invoice,发票 -Invoice Created,已创建发票 -Invoice Date,发票日期 -Invoice No,发票号码 -Invoice No.,发票号码 -Invoice Setup,发票设置 -Invoice Value,发票面额 -Invoices,发票 -Is,是 -Is Empty,是空的 -Is Group,是组 -Is Not,不是 -Is Not Empty,不为空 -Item,项目 -Item Description,项目描述 -Item Name,项目名称 -Items,项目 +Image,鍥惧儚 +Import Data,瀵煎叆鏁版嵁 +Import Failed,瀵煎叆澶辫触 +Import More,瀵煎叆鏇村 +Import Success,瀵煎叆鎴愬姛 +Import Type,瀵煎叆绫诲瀷 +Importer Settings,瀵煎叆璁剧疆 +Include Cancelled,鍖呮嫭宸插彇娑 +Income,鏀跺叆 +Income Account,鏀跺叆璐︽埛 +Indigo,闈涜摑 +Indirect Expenses,闂存帴寮鏀 +Indirect Income,闂存帴鏀跺叆 +Inflow,娴佸叆 +Install Update,瀹夎鏇存柊 +Instance Id,瀹炰緥 ID +Intergrated Tax,缁煎悎鎵寰楃◣ +Internal Precision,鍐呴儴绮惧害 +Invalid value ${0} for ${1},${1} 鐨勫 ${0} 鏃犳晥 +Investments,鎶曡祫 +Invoice,鍙戠エ +Invoice Created,宸插垱寤哄彂绁 +Invoice Date,鍙戠エ鏃ユ湡 +Invoice No,鍙戠エ鍙风爜 +Invoice No.,鍙戠エ鍙风爜 +Invoice Setup,鍙戠エ璁剧疆 +Invoice Value,鍙戠エ闈㈤ +Invoices,鍙戠エ +Is,鏄 +Is Empty,鏄┖鐨 +Is Group,鏄粍 +Is Not,涓嶆槸 +Is Not Empty,涓嶄负绌 +Item,椤圭洰 +Item Description,椤圭洰鎻忚堪 +Item Name,椤圭洰鍚嶇О +Items,椤圭洰 John Doe,John Doe -Journal Entries,日记帐分录 -Journal Entry,日记帐分录 -Journal Entry Account,日记帐分录帐户 -Kg,千克 -Label Index,标签索引 -Language,语言 -Ledger Entries,分类帐条目 -Left Index,左索引 -Legal Expenses,法律开支 -Less Than,少于 -Liability,负债 -List,列表 -Load an existing .db file from your computer.,从您的计算机加载现有的 .db 文件。 -Loading Report...,正在加载报告... -Loading...,正在加载... -Loans (Liabilities),贷款(负债) -Loans and Advances (Assets),贷款和垫款(资产) -Locale,区域设置 -Logo,徽标 -Make Entry,进行条目 -Make Payment,进行支付 +Journal Entries,鏃ヨ甯愬垎褰 +Journal Entry,鏃ヨ甯愬垎褰 +Journal Entry Account,鏃ヨ甯愬垎褰曞笎鎴 +Kg,鍗冨厠 +Label Index,鏍囩绱㈠紩 +Language,璇█ +Ledger Entries,鍒嗙被甯愭潯鐩 +Left Index,宸︾储寮 +Legal Expenses,娉曞緥寮鏀 +Less Than,灏戜簬 +Liability,璐熷 +List,鍒楄〃 +Load an existing .db file from your computer.,浠庢偍鐨勮绠楁満鍔犺浇鐜版湁鐨 .db 鏂囦欢銆 +Loading Report...,姝e湪鍔犺浇鎶ュ憡... +Loading...,姝e湪鍔犺浇... +Loans (Liabilities),璐锋锛堣礋鍊猴級 +Loans and Advances (Assets),璐锋鍜屽灚娆撅紙璧勪骇锛 +Locale,鍖哄煙璁剧疆 +Logo,寰芥爣 +Make Entry,杩涜鏉$洰 +Make Payment,杩涜鏀粯 23-Mar-22,23-Mar-22 -Marketing Expenses,营销费用 +Marketing Expenses,钀ラ攢璐圭敤 Merriweather,Merriweather -Meter,米 -Minimal,最小 -Miscellaneous Expenses,杂项费用 -Modern,现代 -Modified,已修改 -Modified By,修改者 -Monthly,每月一次 -Months,月份 +Meter,绫 +Minimal,鏈灏 +Miscellaneous Expenses,鏉傞」璐圭敤 +Modern,鐜颁唬 +Modified,宸蹭慨鏀 +Modified By,淇敼鑰 +Monthly,姣忔湀涓娆 +Months,鏈堜唤 Montserrat,Montserrat -Name,名称 -Navigate,导航 -Net Total,净总值 -Net Total (Company Currency),净总额(公司货币) -New ${0},新建 ${0} -New Account,新建账户 -New File,新建文件 -New Journal Entry,新建日记帐分录 -New Purchase,新建购买 -New Purchase Invoice,新建采购发票 -New Sale,新建销售 -New Sales Invoice,新建销售发票 -New version available,新版本可用 -Next,下一步 -No,否 -No Data to Import,无数据可导入 -No Values to be Displayed,无值显示 -No entries found,没有发现记录 -No expenses in this period,这期间没有任何费用 -No filters selected,没有选择过滤器 -No labels have been assigned.,没有标签。 -No results found,没有找到结果 -No transactions yet,没有交易 -No updates available,没有可用的更新 -None,无 -Notes,笔记 -Number Series,系列号 -Number of ${0},${0} 的数量 -Office Equipments,办公设备 -Office Maintenance Expenses,办公室维修费用 -Office Rent,办公室租金 -Onboarding Complete,入职完成 -Open Folder,打开文件夹 +Name,鍚嶇О +Navigate,瀵艰埅 +Net Total,鍑鎬诲 +Net Total (Company Currency),鍑鎬婚锛堝叕鍙歌揣甯侊級 +New ${0},鏂板缓 ${0} +New Account,鏂板缓璐︽埛 +New File,鏂板缓鏂囦欢 +New Journal Entry,鏂板缓鏃ヨ甯愬垎褰 +New Purchase,鏂板缓璐拱 +New Purchase Invoice,鏂板缓閲囪喘鍙戠エ +New Sale,鏂板缓閿鍞 +New Sales Invoice,鏂板缓閿鍞彂绁 +New version available,鏂扮増鏈彲鐢 +Next,涓嬩竴姝 +No,鍚 +No Data to Import,鏃犳暟鎹彲瀵煎叆 +No Values to be Displayed,鏃犲兼樉绀 +No entries found,娌℃湁鍙戠幇璁板綍 +No expenses in this period,杩欐湡闂存病鏈変换浣曡垂鐢 +No filters selected,娌℃湁閫夋嫨杩囨护鍣 +No labels have been assigned.,娌℃湁鏍囩銆 +No results found,娌℃湁鎵惧埌缁撴灉 +No transactions yet,娌℃湁浜ゆ槗 +No updates available,娌℃湁鍙敤鐨勬洿鏂 +None,鏃 +Notes,绗旇 +Number Series,绯诲垪鍙 +Number of ${0},${0} 鐨勬暟閲 +Office Equipments,鍔炲叕璁惧 +Office Maintenance Expenses,鍔炲叕瀹ょ淮淇垂鐢 +Office Rent,鍔炲叕瀹ょ閲 +Onboarding Complete,鍏ヨ亴瀹屾垚 +Open Folder,鎵撳紑鏂囦欢澶 Open Sans,Open Sans -Opening (Cr),正在打开 (贷方) -Opening (Dr),正在打开 (借方) -Opening Balance Equity,期初余额权益 -Opening Balances,期初余额 -Opening Entry,打开条目 -Orange,橙色 -Organisation,机构 -Outflow,流出 -Outstanding Amount,未结金额 +Opening (Cr),姝e湪鎵撳紑 (璐锋柟) +Opening (Dr),姝e湪鎵撳紑 (鍊熸柟) +Opening Balance Equity,鏈熷垵浣欓鏉冪泭 +Opening Balances,鏈熷垵浣欓 +Opening Entry,鎵撳紑鏉$洰 +Orange,姗欒壊 +Organisation,鏈烘瀯 +Outflow,娴佸嚭 +Outstanding Amount,鏈粨閲戦 Oxygen,Oxygen -Pad Zeros,填充零 -Page,页面 -Paid,有偿 -Parent,父母 -Parent Account,父帐户 -Party,聚会 -Patch Run,修补程序运行 -Pay,支付 -Payable,应付 -Payment,支付 -Payment For,付款方式 -Payment Method,付款方式 -Payment No,付款号 -Payment Reference,付款凭据 -Payment Type,付款方式 -Payment amount cannot be ${0}.,付款金额不能为 ${0}。 -Payment amount cannot be less than zero.,付款金额不能小于零。 -Payment amount cannot exceed ${0}.,付款金额不能超过 ${0}。 -Payment amount: ${0} should be greater than 0.,付款金额:${0} 应大于 0。 -Payment amount: ${0} should be less than Outstanding amount: ${1}.,付款金额:${0} 应小于未结金额:${1}。 -Payments,付款 -Payroll Payable,应付工资 -Periodicity,周期性 -Phone,电话 -Pink,粉红色 -Place,场所 -Place of supply,供应地 -Plants and Machineries,设备和机械 -Please Wait,请稍等 -Please assign the following fields ${0},请分配以下字段 ${0} -Please fill all values,请填写所有值 -Please select a file with data to import.,请选择一个包含要导入数据的文件。 -Please select a valid reference type.,请选择有效的引用类型。 -Postal Code,邮政编码 -Postal Expenses,邮政费用 -Posting Date,发布日期 -Prefix,前缀 -Prime Bank,主要银行 -Print,打印 -Print Settings,打印设置 -Print and Stationery,打印和文具 -Product,产品 -Profit And Loss,收益与损失 -Profit and Loss,收益与损失 -Purchase,采购 -Purchase Invoice,采购发票 -Purchase Invoice Item,采购发票项目 -Purchase Invoices,采购发票 -Purchase Item Created,已创建采购项目 -Purchase Items,采购项目 -Purchase Payments,采购款项 -Purchases,采购 -Purple,紫色 -Quantity,数量 -Quarterly,每季 -Quarters,四分之一 -Rate,费率 -Rate (${0}) cannot be less zero.,费率 (${0}) 不能小于零。 -Rate (Company Currency),费率(公司货币) -Rate can't be negative.,费率不能为负。 -Receivable,应收账款 -Receive,收到 -Recent Invoices,近期发票 -Red,红色 -Ref Name,引用名称 -Ref Type,引用类型 -Ref. / Cheque No.,引用 /检查号码 -Ref. Date,引用日期 -Ref. Name,引用姓名 -Ref. Type,引用类型 -Reference,引用 -Reference Date,引用日期 -Reference Number,引用编号 -Reference Type,引用类型 -Reload App,重新加载应用程序 -Report,报告 -Report Error,报告错误 -Report Issue,报告问题 -Reports,报告 -Required Fields not Assigned,未分配必填字段 -Reset,重置 -Retained Earnings,保留收益 -Reverse Chrg.,反向征收机制 -Reverted,已恢复 -Reverts,恢复 -Review Accounts,审核帐户 -"Review your chart of accounts, add any account or tax heads as needed",查看您的科目表,根据需要添加任何科目或税目 -Right Index,右索引 -Role,角色 -Root Type,根类型 -Round Off,四舍五入 -Round Off Account,四舍五入帐户 -Salary,薪水 -Sales,销售额 -Sales Expenses,销售费用 -Sales Invoice,销售发票 -Sales Invoice Item,销售发票项目 -Sales Invoice Settings,销售发票设置 -Sales Invoices,销售发票 -Sales Invoice,销售发票 -Sales Item Created,已创建销售项目 -Sales Items,销售项目 -Sales Payments,销售付款 -Save,保存 -Save Template,保存模板 -Save as PDF,另存为 PDF -Save as PDF Successful,另存为 PDF 成功 -Saving,保存 -Search,搜索 -Secured Loans,担保贷款 -Securities and Deposits,证券和存款 -Select,选择 -Select CoA,选择 CoA -Select Color,选择颜色 -Select Country,选择国家 -Select File,选择文件 -Select Folder,选择文件夹 -Select Image,选择图片 -Select Logo,选择徽标 -Select a file for import,选择要导入的文件 -Select file,选择文件 -Select folder,选择文件夹 -Select your language,选择您的语言 -Selected file,所选文件 -Service,服务 -Set an Import Type,设置导入类型 -Set the display language.,设置显示语言。 -Set the local code. This is used for number formatting.,设置本地代码。 这用于数字格式。 -Sets how many digits are shown after the decimal point.,设置小数点后显示的位数。 -Sets the app-wide date display format.,设置应用范围的日期显示格式。 -Sets the internal precision used for monetary calculations. Above 6 should be sufficient for most currencies.,设置用于货币计算的内部精度。 对于大多数货币来说,6 以上应该足够了。 -Setting Up Instance,设置实例 -Setting Up...,配置... -Settings,设置 -Settings changes will be visible on reload,设置更改将在重新加载时可见 -Setup,设置 -Setup Complete,设置完成 -Setup Wizard,安装向导 -Set Up Your Workspace,设置您的工作区 -Setup system defaults like date format and display precision,设置系统默认值,如日期格式和显示精度 -"Set up your company information, email, country and fiscal year",设置您的公司信息、电子邮件、国家和财政年度 -Set up your opening balances before performing any accounting entries,在执行任何会计分录之前设置您的期初余额 -Set up your organization,设置您的组织 -Set up your tax templates for your sales or purchase transactions,为您的销售或采购交易设置税务模板 -Show Me,给我看看 -Single Value,单值 -Smallest Currency Fraction Value,最小货币分数值 -Softwares,软件 -Something has gone terribly wrong. Please check the console and raise an issue.,发生了严重的错误。 请检查控制台并提出问题。 -Source of Funds (Liabilities),资金来源(负债) -Standard Chart of Accounts,标准会计科目表 -Start,开始 -State,状态 -State Tax,国家税收 -Status,状态 -Stock,股票 -Stock Adjustment,股票调整 -Stock Assets,股票资产 -Stock Expenses,股票费用 -Stock In Hand,现有股票 -Stock Liabilities,股票负债 -Stock Received But Not Billed,股票已收到但未开票 -Submit,提交 -Submit Journal Entry?,提交日记帐分录? -Submit Purchase Invoice?,提交采购发票? -Submit Sales Invoice?,提交销售发票? -Submit on Import,导入时提交 -Submitted,已提交 -Submitting,提交 -Subtotal,小计 -Successfully created the following ${0} entries:,成功创建了以下 ${0} 条目: -Supplier,供应商 -Supplier Created,供应商创建 -Supplier Currency,供应商货币 -Suppliers,供应商 -Symbol,符号 -System,系统 -System Settings,系统设置 -System Setup,系统设置 -Tax,税收 -Tax Account,税务账户 -Tax Assets,税收资产 -Tax Detail,税务详细信息 -Tax ID,税号 -Tax Summary,税务摘要 -Taxable Value,应税值 -Taxes,税收 -Teal,蓝绿色 -Telephone Expenses,电话费 -Template,模板 -Temporary,暂时 -Temporary Accounts,临时账户 -Temporary Opening,临时开放 -Terms,条款 -The following ${0} entries were created: ${1},创建了以下 ${0} 个条目:${1} -Theme Color,主题颜色 -This Month,本月 -This Quarter,本季度 -This Year,今年 -This action is permanent,此操作是永久性的 -This action is permanent and will cancel the following payment: ${0},此操作是永久性的,并将取消以下付款:${0} -This action is permanent and will cancel the following payments: ${0},此操作是永久性的,并将取消以下付款:${0} -This action is permanent and will delete associated ledger entries.,此操作是永久性的,并将删除相关的分类帐条目。 -This action is permanent.,此操作是永久性的。 +Pad Zeros,濉厖闆 +Page,椤甸潰 +Paid,鏈夊伩 +Parent,鐖舵瘝 +Parent Account,鐖跺笎鎴 +Party,鑱氫細 +Patch Run,淇ˉ绋嬪簭杩愯 +Pay,鏀粯 +Payable,搴斾粯 +Payment,鏀粯 +Payment For,浠樻鏂瑰紡 +Payment Method,浠樻鏂瑰紡 +Payment No,浠樻鍙 +Payment Reference,浠樻鍑嵁 +Payment Type,浠樻鏂瑰紡 +Payment amount cannot be ${0}.,浠樻閲戦涓嶈兘涓 ${0}銆 +Payment amount cannot be less than zero.,浠樻閲戦涓嶈兘灏忎簬闆躲 +Payment amount cannot exceed ${0}.,浠樻閲戦涓嶈兘瓒呰繃 ${0}銆 +Payment amount: ${0} should be greater than 0.,浠樻閲戦锛${0} 搴斿ぇ浜 0銆 +Payment amount: ${0} should be less than Outstanding amount: ${1}.,浠樻閲戦锛${0} 搴斿皬浜庢湭缁撻噾棰濓細${1}銆 +Payments,浠樻 +Payroll Payable,搴斾粯宸ヨ祫 +Periodicity,鍛ㄦ湡鎬 +Phone,鐢佃瘽 +Pink,绮夌孩鑹 +Place,鍦烘墍 +Place of supply,渚涘簲鍦 +Plants and Machineries,璁惧鍜屾満姊 +Please Wait,璇风◢绛 +Please assign the following fields ${0},璇峰垎閰嶄互涓嬪瓧娈 ${0} +Please fill all values,璇峰~鍐欐墍鏈夊 +Please select a file with data to import.,璇烽夋嫨涓涓寘鍚瀵煎叆鏁版嵁鐨勬枃浠躲 +Please select a valid reference type.,璇烽夋嫨鏈夋晥鐨勫紩鐢ㄧ被鍨嬨 +Postal Code,閭斂缂栫爜 +Postal Expenses,閭斂璐圭敤 +Posting Date,鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡 +Prefix,鍓嶇紑 +Prime Bank,涓昏閾惰 +Print,鎵撳嵃 +Print Settings,鎵撳嵃璁剧疆 +Print and Stationery,鎵撳嵃鍜屾枃鍏 +Product,浜у搧 +Profit And Loss,鏀剁泭涓庢崯澶 +Profit and Loss,鏀剁泭涓庢崯澶 +Purchase,閲囪喘 +Purchase Invoice,閲囪喘鍙戠エ +Purchase Invoice Item,閲囪喘鍙戠エ椤圭洰 +Purchase Invoices,閲囪喘鍙戠エ +Purchase Item Created,宸插垱寤洪噰璐」鐩 +Purchase Items,閲囪喘椤圭洰 +Purchase Payments,閲囪喘娆鹃」 +Purchases,閲囪喘 +Purple,绱壊 +Quantity,鏁伴噺 +Quarterly,姣忓 +Quarters,鍥涘垎涔嬩竴 +Rate,璐圭巼 +Rate (${0}) cannot be less zero.,璐圭巼 (${0}) 涓嶈兘灏忎簬闆躲 +Rate (Company Currency),璐圭巼锛堝叕鍙歌揣甯侊級 +Rate can't be negative.,璐圭巼涓嶈兘涓鸿礋銆 +Receivable,搴旀敹璐︽ +Receive,鏀跺埌 +Recent Invoices,杩戞湡鍙戠エ +Red,绾㈣壊 +Ref Name,寮曠敤鍚嶇О +Ref Type,寮曠敤绫诲瀷 +Ref. / Cheque No.,寮曠敤 /妫鏌ュ彿鐮 +Ref. Date,寮曠敤鏃ユ湡 +Ref. Name,寮曠敤濮撳悕 +Ref. Type,寮曠敤绫诲瀷 +Reference,寮曠敤 +Reference Date,寮曠敤鏃ユ湡 +Reference Number,寮曠敤缂栧彿 +Reference Type,寮曠敤绫诲瀷 +Reload App,閲嶆柊鍔犺浇搴旂敤绋嬪簭 +Report,鎶ュ憡 +Report Error,鎶ュ憡閿欒 +Report Issue,鎶ュ憡闂 +Reports,鎶ュ憡 +Required Fields not Assigned,鏈垎閰嶅繀濉瓧娈 +Reset,閲嶇疆 +Retained Earnings,淇濈暀鏀剁泭 +Reverse Chrg.,鍙嶅悜寰佹敹鏈哄埗 +Reverted,宸叉仮澶 +Reverts,鎭㈠ +Review Accounts,瀹℃牳甯愭埛 +"Review your chart of accounts, add any account or tax heads as needed",鏌ョ湅鎮ㄧ殑绉戠洰琛紝鏍规嵁闇瑕佹坊鍔犱换浣曠鐩垨绋庣洰 +Right Index,鍙崇储寮 +Role,瑙掕壊 +Root Type,鏍圭被鍨 +Round Off,鍥涜垗浜斿叆 +Round Off Account,鍥涜垗浜斿叆甯愭埛 +Salary,钖按 +Sales,閿鍞 +Sales Expenses,閿鍞垂鐢 +Sales Invoice,閿鍞彂绁 +Sales Invoice Item,閿鍞彂绁ㄩ」鐩 +Sales Invoice Settings,閿鍞彂绁ㄨ缃 +Sales Invoices,閿鍞彂绁 +Sales Invoice,閿鍞彂绁 +Sales Item Created,宸插垱寤洪攢鍞」鐩 +Sales Items,閿鍞」鐩 +Sales Payments,閿鍞粯娆 +Save,淇濆瓨 +Save Template,淇濆瓨妯℃澘 +Save as PDF,鍙﹀瓨涓 PDF +Save as PDF Successful,鍙﹀瓨涓 PDF 鎴愬姛 +Saving,淇濆瓨 +Search,鎼滅储 +Secured Loans,鎷呬繚璐锋 +Securities and Deposits,璇佸埜鍜屽瓨娆 +Select,閫夋嫨 +Select CoA,閫夋嫨 CoA +Select Color,閫夋嫨棰滆壊 +Select Country,閫夋嫨鍥藉 +Select File,閫夋嫨鏂囦欢 +Select Folder,閫夋嫨鏂囦欢澶 +Select Image,閫夋嫨鍥剧墖 +Select Logo,閫夋嫨寰芥爣 +Select a file for import,閫夋嫨瑕佸鍏ョ殑鏂囦欢 +Select file,閫夋嫨鏂囦欢 +Select folder,閫夋嫨鏂囦欢澶 +Select your language,閫夋嫨鎮ㄧ殑璇█ +Selected file,鎵閫夋枃浠 +Service,鏈嶅姟 +Set an Import Type,璁剧疆瀵煎叆绫诲瀷 +Set the display language.,璁剧疆鏄剧ず璇█銆 +Set the local code. This is used for number formatting.,璁剧疆鏈湴浠g爜銆 杩欑敤浜庢暟瀛楁牸寮忋 +Sets how many digits are shown after the decimal point.,璁剧疆灏忔暟鐐瑰悗鏄剧ず鐨勪綅鏁般 +Sets the app-wide date display format.,璁剧疆搴旂敤鑼冨洿鐨勬棩鏈熸樉绀烘牸寮忋 +Sets the internal precision used for monetary calculations. Above 6 should be sufficient for most currencies.,璁剧疆鐢ㄤ簬璐у竵璁$畻鐨勫唴閮ㄧ簿搴︺ 瀵逛簬澶у鏁拌揣甯佹潵璇达紝6 浠ヤ笂搴旇瓒冲浜嗐 +Setting Up Instance,璁剧疆瀹炰緥 +Setting Up...,閰嶇疆... +Settings,璁剧疆 +Settings changes will be visible on reload,璁剧疆鏇存敼灏嗗湪閲嶆柊鍔犺浇鏃跺彲瑙 +Setup,璁剧疆 +Setup Complete,璁剧疆瀹屾垚 +Setup Wizard,瀹夎鍚戝 +Set Up Your Workspace,璁剧疆鎮ㄧ殑宸ヤ綔鍖 +Setup system defaults like date format and display precision,璁剧疆绯荤粺榛樿鍊硷紝濡傛棩鏈熸牸寮忓拰鏄剧ず绮惧害 +"Set up your company information, email, country and fiscal year",璁剧疆鎮ㄧ殑鍏徃淇℃伅銆佺數瀛愰偖浠躲佸浗瀹跺拰璐㈡斂骞村害 +Set up your opening balances before performing any accounting entries,鍦ㄦ墽琛屼换浣曚細璁″垎褰曚箣鍓嶈缃偍鐨勬湡鍒濅綑棰 +Set up your organization,璁剧疆鎮ㄧ殑缁勭粐 +Set up your tax templates for your sales or purchase transactions,涓烘偍鐨勯攢鍞垨閲囪喘浜ゆ槗璁剧疆绋庡姟妯℃澘 +Show Me,缁欐垜鐪嬬湅 +Single Value,鍗曞 +Smallest Currency Fraction Value,鏈灏忚揣甯佸垎鏁板 +Softwares,杞欢 +Something has gone terribly wrong. Please check the console and raise an issue.,鍙戠敓浜嗕弗閲嶇殑閿欒銆 璇锋鏌ユ帶鍒跺彴骞舵彁鍑洪棶棰樸 +Source of Funds (Liabilities),璧勯噾鏉ユ簮锛堣礋鍊猴級 +Standard Chart of Accounts,鏍囧噯浼氳绉戠洰琛 +Start,寮濮 +State,鐘舵 +State Tax,鍥藉绋庢敹 +Status,鐘舵 +Stock,鑲$エ +Stock Adjustment,鑲$エ璋冩暣 +Stock Assets,鑲$エ璧勪骇 +Stock Expenses,鑲$エ璐圭敤 +Stock In Hand,鐜版湁鑲$エ +Stock Liabilities,鑲$エ璐熷 +Stock Received But Not Billed,鑲$エ宸叉敹鍒颁絾鏈紑绁 +Submit,鎻愪氦 +Submit Journal Entry?,鎻愪氦鏃ヨ甯愬垎褰曪紵 +Submit Purchase Invoice?,鎻愪氦閲囪喘鍙戠エ锛 +Submit Sales Invoice?,鎻愪氦閿鍞彂绁紵 +Submit on Import,瀵煎叆鏃舵彁浜 +Submitted,宸叉彁浜 +Submitting,鎻愪氦 +Subtotal,灏忚 +Successfully created the following ${0} entries:,鎴愬姛鍒涘缓浜嗕互涓 ${0} 鏉$洰锛 +Supplier,渚涘簲鍟 +Supplier Created,渚涘簲鍟嗗垱寤 +Supplier Currency,渚涘簲鍟嗚揣甯 +Suppliers,渚涘簲鍟 +Symbol,绗﹀彿 +System,绯荤粺 +System Settings,绯荤粺璁剧疆 +System Setup,绯荤粺璁剧疆 +Tax,绋庢敹 +Tax Account,绋庡姟璐︽埛 +Tax Assets,绋庢敹璧勪骇 +Tax Detail,绋庡姟璇︾粏淇℃伅 +Tax ID,绋庡彿 +Tax Summary,绋庡姟鎽樿 +Taxable Value,搴旂◣鍊 +Taxes,绋庢敹 +Teal,钃濈豢鑹 +Telephone Expenses,鐢佃瘽璐 +Template,妯℃澘 +Temporary,鏆傛椂 +Temporary Accounts,涓存椂璐︽埛 +Temporary Opening,涓存椂寮鏀 +Terms,鏉℃ +The following ${0} entries were created: ${1},鍒涘缓浜嗕互涓 ${0} 涓潯鐩細${1} +Theme Color,涓婚棰滆壊 +This Month,鏈湀 +This Quarter,鏈搴 +This Year,浠婂勾 +This action is permanent,姝ゆ搷浣滄槸姘镐箙鎬х殑 +This action is permanent and will cancel the following payment: ${0},姝ゆ搷浣滄槸姘镐箙鎬х殑锛屽苟灏嗗彇娑堜互涓嬩粯娆撅細${0} +This action is permanent and will cancel the following payments: ${0},姝ゆ搷浣滄槸姘镐箙鎬х殑锛屽苟灏嗗彇娑堜互涓嬩粯娆撅細${0} +This action is permanent and will delete associated ledger entries.,姝ゆ搷浣滄槸姘镐箙鎬х殑锛屽苟灏嗗垹闄ょ浉鍏崇殑鍒嗙被甯愭潯鐩 +This action is permanent.,姝ゆ搷浣滄槸姘镐箙鎬х殑銆 Times New Roman,Times New Roman -To Account,到账 -To Account and From Account can't be the same: ${0},到账户和从帐户不能相同:${0} -To Date,到日期 -To Year,到年 -Top Expenses,最高费用 -Total,共计 -Total Asset (Debit),总资产(借方) -Total Credit,贷方总额 -Total Debit,借方总额 -Total Debit: ${0} must be equal to Total Credit: ${1},总借方:${0} 必须等于总贷方:${1} -Total Equity (Credit),总权益(信用) -Total Expense (Debit),总费用(借方) -Total Income (Credit),总收入(贷方) -Total Liability (Credit),总负债(贷方) -Total Profit,总利润 -Total Spending,总支出 -Transfer,转移 -Transfer Type,转移类型 -Travel Expenses,旅行开支 -Trial Balance,试算平衡表 -Type,类型 -Type to search...,输入搜索... -Unit,单元 -Unit Type,单位类型 -Unpaid,未付 -Unsecured Loans,无抵押贷款 -Until Date,截止日期 -Update downloaded,已下载更新 -User Remark,用户备注 -Utility Expenses,水电费 -Value,值 -Value missing for ${0},${0} 的值缺失 -Verify Imported Data,${0} 的值缺失 -Version,版本 -Version ${0} available,版本 ${0} 可用 -View Purchases,查看采购 -View Sales,查看销售 -Welcome to Frappe Books,欢迎使用 Frappe Books -Write Off,注销 -Write Off Account,注销账户 -Write Off Account not set. Please set Write Off Account in General Settings,未设置注销帐户。 请在通用设置中设置注销账户 -Write Off Entry,注销条目 -Yearly,每年 -Years,年 -Yellow,黄色 -Yes,是 -Your Name,您的名字 +To Account,鍒拌处 +To Account and From Account can't be the same: ${0},鍒拌处鎴峰拰浠庡笎鎴蜂笉鑳界浉鍚岋細${0} +To Date,鍒版棩鏈 +To Year,鍒板勾 +Top Expenses,鏈楂樿垂鐢 +Total,鍏辫 +Total Asset (Debit),鎬昏祫浜э紙鍊熸柟锛 +Total Credit,璐锋柟鎬婚 +Total Debit,鍊熸柟鎬婚 +Total Debit: ${0} must be equal to Total Credit: ${1},鎬诲熸柟锛${0} 蹇呴』绛変簬鎬昏捶鏂癸細${1} +Total Equity (Credit),鎬绘潈鐩婏紙淇$敤锛 +Total Expense (Debit),鎬昏垂鐢紙鍊熸柟锛 +Total Income (Credit),鎬绘敹鍏ワ紙璐锋柟锛 +Total Liability (Credit),鎬昏礋鍊猴紙璐锋柟锛 +Total Profit,鎬诲埄娑 +Total Spending,鎬绘敮鍑 +Transfer,杞Щ +Transfer Type,杞Щ绫诲瀷 +Travel Expenses,鏃呰寮鏀 +Trial Balance,璇曠畻骞宠 琛 +Type,绫诲瀷 +Type to search...,杈撳叆鎼滅储... +Unit,鍗曞厓 +Unit Type,鍗曚綅绫诲瀷 +Unpaid,鏈粯 +Unsecured Loans,鏃犳姷鎶艰捶娆 +Until Date,鎴鏃ユ湡 +Update downloaded,宸蹭笅杞芥洿鏂 +User Remark,鐢ㄦ埛澶囨敞 +Utility Expenses,姘寸數璐 +Value,鍊 +Value missing for ${0},${0} 鐨勫肩己澶 +Verify Imported Data,${0} 鐨勫肩己澶 +Version,鐗堟湰 +Version ${0} available,鐗堟湰 ${0} 鍙敤 +View Purchases,鏌ョ湅閲囪喘 +View Sales,鏌ョ湅閿鍞 +Welcome to Frappe Books,娆㈣繋浣跨敤 Frappe Books +Write Off,娉ㄩ攢 +Write Off Account,娉ㄩ攢璐︽埛 +Write Off Account not set. Please set Write Off Account in General Settings,鏈缃敞閿甯愭埛銆 璇峰湪閫氱敤璁剧疆涓缃敞閿璐︽埛 +Write Off Entry,娉ㄩ攢鏉$洰 +Yearly,姣忓勾 +Years,骞 +Yellow,榛勮壊 +Yes,鏄 +Your Name,鎮ㄧ殑鍚嶅瓧, -reports,报告 -setup,设置 -verify the imported data and click on,验证导入的数据并点击 +reports,鎶ュ憡 +setup,璁剧疆 +verify the imported data and click on,楠岃瘉瀵煎叆鐨勬暟鎹苟鐐瑰嚮