${0},, "${0} ${1} already exists.","${0} ${1} موجودة من قبل.", "${0} ${1} does not exist","${0} ${1} غير موجود", "${0} ${1} has been modified after loading please reload entry.","${0} ${1} تم تعديله بعد التحميل يرجى إعادة تحميل الإدخال.", "${0} ${1} is linked with existing records.","${0} ${1} مرطبت بسجل موجود.", "${0} account not set in Inventory Settings.","${0} لم يتم تعيين الحساب في إعدادات المخزون.", "${0} already saved","${0} تم حفظ بالفعل", "${0} already submitted","${0} تم الارسال بالفعل", "${0} cancelled","${0} تم الالغاء", "${0} cannot be cancelled","${0} لا يمكن الالغاء", "${0} cannot be deleted","${0} لا يمكن الحذف", "${0} deleted","${0} تم الحذف", "${0} entries failed","${0} فشل الادخال", "${0} entries imported","${0} الإدخالات المستوردة", "${0} entry failed","${0} فشل الإدخال", "${0} entry imported","${0} الإدخال مستورد", "${0} fields selected","${0} الحقول المحددة", "${0} filters applied","${0} تم تطبيق الفيلتر", "${0} has linked child accounts.","${0} لديه حسابات فرعية مرتبطة.", "${0} of type ${1} does not exist","${0} من النوع ${1} غير موجود", "${0} out of ${1}",, "${0} party ${1} is different from ${2}",, "${0} quantity 1 added.",, "${0} row added.",, "${0} rows",, "${0} rows added.",, "${0} saved",, "${0} shortcuts",, "${0} stored at ${1}",, "${0} submitted",, "${0} value ${1} does not exist.",, 0%,, 03-23-2022,, 03/23/2022,, "1 filter applied","تم تطبيق فلتر واحد", 2022-03-23,, "23 Mar, 2022",, 23-03-2022,, 23.03.2022,, 23/03/2022,, 9888900000,, "A submittable entry is deleted only if it is in the cancelled state.",, Account,الحساب, "Account ${0} does not exist.",, "Account Entries","إدخالات الحساب", "Account Name","اسم الحساب", "Account Type","نوع الحساب", Accounting,الحسابات, "Accounting Entries",, "Accounting Ledger Entry",, "Accounting Settings","إعدادات المحاسبة", Accounts,الحسابات, "Accounts Payable","الحسابات الدائنة", "Accounts Receivable","حسابات القبض", "Accumulated Depreciation","الاستهلاك المتراكم", Action,, Active,, "Add Account","إضافة حساب", "Add Customers","إضافة العملاء", "Add Group","إضافة مجموعة", "Add Items","إضافة عناصر", "Add Row","إضافة صف", "Add Suppliers","إضافة الموردين", "Add Taxes","إضافة ضرائب", "Add a few customers to create your first sales invoice",, "Add a few suppliers to create your first purchase invoice",, "Add a filter","إضافة تصفية", "Add a remark",, "Add attachment"," أضف مرفق", "Add invoice terms",, "Add products or services that you buy from your suppliers",, "Add products or services that you sell to your customers",, "Add transfer terms",, "Add'l Discounts",, "Additional ${0} Serial Numbers required for ${1} quantity of ${2}.",, "Additional quantity (${0}) required${1} to make outward transfer of item ${2} from ${3} on ${4}",, Address,العنوان, "Address Display","عرض العنوان", "Address Line 1","سطر العنوان 1", "Address Line 2","سطر العنوان 2", "Address Name",, "Administrative Expenses","مصاريف إدارية", All,, Amount,المبلغ, "Amount Paid",, "Amount: ${0} and writeoff: ${1} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${2}.","المبلغ: ${0} والشطب: $ {1} أقل من إجمالي المبلغ المخصص للمراجع: $ {2} .", "Amount: ${0} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${1}.","المبلغ: ${0} أقل من إجمالي المبلغ المخصص للمراجع: $ {1} ", Amounts," المجموع", "An entry is cancelled only if it is in the submitted state.",, "An entry is submitted only if it is submittable and is in the saved state.",, "An error occurred.","حدث خطأ", "Applicable anywhere in Frappe Books",, "Applicable when Quick Search is open",, "Applicable when Template Builder is open",, "Applicable when a entry is open in the Form view or Quick Edit view",, "Applicable when the List View of an entry type is open",, "Application of Funds (Assets)","تطبيق الأموال (الأصول)", "Apply Discount After Tax",, "Apply and view changes made to the print template",, April,, Arial,, "Ascending Order"," ترتيب تصاعدي", Asset,, "Attach Image",, Attachment," المرفقات", August,, "Auto Payments"," خاصية الدفع التلقائي", "Auto Stock Transfer"," خاصية نقل المنتجات تلقائيًا بين المخازن", Autocomplete,, Back,, "Back Reference",, "Bad import data, could not read file.",, Balance,التوازن, "Balance Amount",, "Balance Sheet","تقرير الميزانية", Bank,, "Bank Accounts","حسابات بنكية", "Bank Entry","ادخالات البنوك", "Bank Name","اسم البنك", "Bank Overdraft Account","حساب مصرفي السحب على المكشوف", Barcode," الباركود", "Base Grand Total"," اجمالي المبلغ ", "Based On","على اساس", Batch,, "Batch not set for row ${0}.",, "Batch set for row ${0}.",, "Bill Created","الفاتورة أنشأت", Billing,"عملية الفوترة", Black,أسود, Blue,ازرق, Both,كلاهما, "Both From and To Location cannot be undefined",, Buildings,المباني, Cancel,إلغاء, "Cancel ${0}?",, "Cancel or Delete an entry.",, Cancelled,ملغاة, "Cannot Commit Error",, "Cannot Delete",, "Cannot Delete Account",, "Cannot Export",, "Cannot Import",, "Cannot Open File",, "Cannot cancel ${0} ${1} because of the following ${2}: ${3}",, "Cannot cancel ${0} because of the following ${1}: ${2}",, "Cannot delete ${0} ""${1}"" because of linked entries.",, "Cannot open file",, "Cannot perform operation.",, "Cannot read file",, "Capital Equipments","معدات رأس المال", "Capital Stock","رأس المال", Cash,نقد, "Cash Denominations",, "Cash Entry","قيود النقدية", "Cash In Hand","نقدا في اليد", Cashflow,"التدفق النقدي", "Central Tax","الضرائب المركزية", "Change DB","تغيير قاعدة البيانات ", "Change File","تغيير الملف", "Change Ref Type","تغير نوع المرجع", "Changes made to settings will be visible on reload.",, Chargeable,, "Chart Of Accounts Reviewed","مراجعة دليل الحسابات", "Chart of Accounts","دليل الحسابات", Check,, Cheque,"شيك مصرفى", "City / Town","المدينة / البلدة", Clear,واضح, "Clearance Date","تاريخ التخليص", Close,إغلاق, "Close Frappe Books and try manually.",, "Close POS Shift",, "Close Quick Search",, Closing,اغلاق, "Closing ${0} Amount can not be negative.",, "Closing (Cr)","(Cr) إغلاق", "Closing (Dr)","(Dr) إغلاق", "Closing Amount",, "Closing Cash In Denominations",, "Closing Date",, Collapse,, Color,اللون, "Commission on Sales","عمولة على المبيعات", Common,عام, Company,, "Company Logo","شعار الشركة", "Company Name","اسم الشركة", "Company Setup","إعداد الشركة", Completed,مكتمل, Condition,شرط, "Consolidate Columns","دمج الاعمدة", Contacts," بيانات الاتصال", Contains,يحتوي, "Continue submitting Sales Invoice?",, "Contra Entry",, "Conversion Error",, "Conversion Factor","عامل التحويل", "Cost Of Goods Sold Acc."," حساب تكلفة البضاعة المباعة ", "Cost of Goods Sold","تكلفة البضائع المباعة", "Could not connect to database file ${0}, please select the file manually",, Count,, "Counter Cash Account",, Country,البلد, "Country Code","كود البلد", "Country code used to initialize regional settings.","كود البلد يستخدم لتثبت اعدادات الاقليمية", Courier,, Cr.,, "Cr. ${0}",, Create,إنشاء, "Create Demo","انشاءنموذج تجريبي", "Create Purchase","انشاء مشتريات", "Create Purchase Invoice",, "Create Sale","انشاء مبيعات", "Create Sales Invoice",, "Create a demo company to try out Frappe Books",, "Create a new company and store it on your computer",, "Create a new company or select an existing one from your computer",, "Create a new entry of the same type as the List View",, "Create new ${0} entry?",, "Create your first purchase invoice from the created supplier",, "Create your first sales invoice for the created customer",, Created,"تم الانشاء", "Created By","تم الانشاء بواسطة", "Creating Items and Parties","انشاء الاصناف والعناصر", "Creating Journal Entries","انشاء قيد يومية", "Creating Purchase Invoices","انشاء فاتورة مشتريات", Credit,الائتمان, "Credit Card Entry",, "Credit Note","اشعار دائن", Creditors,الدائنون, Currency,العملة, "Currency Name","اسم العملة", Current,الحالي, "Current Assets","الأصول الحالية", "Current Liabilities","الخصوم المتداولة", "Custom Field",, "Custom Fields",, "Custom Form",, "Custom Hex",, Customer,الزبون, "Customer Created","خلق العميل", "Customer Currency","عملة العميل", Customers,العملاء, Customizations," التهيئة", "Customize Form",, "Customize your invoices by adding a logo and address details","تخصيص الفاتورة باضافة الشعار وتفاصيل العنوان", Dashboard,"لوحة القيادة", Data,, "Database Error",, "Database file: ${0}",, Date,التاريخ, "Date Format","تنسيق التاريخ", "Date Time",, Day,اليوم, Debit,مدين, "Debit Note","أشعار مين", Debtors,المدينون, December,, "Decrease print template display scale",, Default,, "Default Account","الحساب الافتراضي", "Default Cash Denominations",, "Default Location"," الموقع الافتراضي", Defaults,"الاعدادات الافتراضية ", Delete,حذف, "Delete ${0}?",, "Delete Account",, "Delete Failed",, "Delete Group",, Delivered,, Denomination,, Depreciation,إهلاك, "Depreciation Entry","ادخال قيد الاهلاك", Description,الوصف, Details,التفاصيل, "Difference Amount",, "Direct Expenses","المصاريف المباشرة", "Direct Income","الدخل المباشر", "Directory for database file ${0} does not exist, please select the file manually",, Disabled,, "Discount Account"," حساب الخصم", "Discount Account is not set.",, "Discount Amount",, "Discount Amount (${0}) cannot be greated than Amount (${1}).",, "Discount Percent",, "Discount Percent (${0}) cannot be greater than 100.",, "Discounted Amount",, Discounts," الخصومات", "Display Doc",, "Display Logo in Invoice","عرض الشعار في الفاتورة", "Display Precision","دقة العرض", "Display Precision should have a value between 0 and 9.","دقة العرض يجب أن تكون لها قيمة بين 0 و 9.", "Display Scale",, "Dividends Paid","توزيعات أرباح مدفوعة", "Doc ${0} ${1} not set",, Docs,, Documentation,التوثيق, "Does Not Contain","لا يحتوي", Done,, Dr.,, "Dr. ${0}",, Draft,مسودة, Duplicate,تكرار, "Duplicate Entry",, "Duplicate Template",, "Duplicate columns found: ${0}",, "Duties and Taxes","الرسوم والضرائب", "Dynamic Link",, "Earnest Money","كسب المال", "Electronic Equipments","معدات إلكترونية", Email,"البريد الإلكتروني", "Email Address","عنوان البريد الإلكتروني", Empty,فارغ, "Empty file selected",, "Enable Barcodes"," تفعيل الباركود", "Enable Batches"," تفعيل الباتش نمبر", "Enable Discount Accounting"," تفعيل حساب الخصم", "Enable Form Customization",, "Enable Inventory"," تفعيل المخزون", "Enable Invoice Returns",, "Enable Point of Sale",, "Enable Price List"," تفعيل قائمة الاسعار", "Enable Serial Number"," تفعيل السريال نمبر", "Enable Stock Returns",, "Enable UOM Conversion"," تفعيل إمكانية تحويل وحدات القياس", Enabled,"مفعل ", "Enabled For","مفعل ل ", "Enter Country to load States","اختار الدولة حتى يتم تحميل المدن", "Enter State","ادخل المدينة", "Enter barcode",, "Entertainment Expenses","مصاريف ترفيه", Entry,, "Entry Currency",, "Entry Label",, "Entry No","رقم الإدخال", "Entry No.",, "Entry Type","نوع الإدخال", "Entry has Grand Total ${0}. Please verify amounts.",, Equity,"حقوق الملكية", Error,خطأ, "Exchange Gain/Loss","مكاسب / خسارة الصرف", "Exchange Rate","سعر الصرف", "Excise Entry",, "Existing Company",, Expand,, "Expected Amount",, Expense,المصاريف, "Expense Account","حساب المصروف", Expenses,المصروفات, "Expenses Included In Valuation","المصروفات المدرجة في التقييم", "Expiry Date",, Export,تصدير, "Export Failed","فشل التصدير", "Export Format",, "Export Successful","تم التصدير بنجاح", "Export Wizard",, Failed,, Fax,فاكس, Features," الخصائص", February,, Field,الحقل, Fieldname,"اسم المجال", "Fieldname ${0} already exists for ${1}",, "Fieldname ${0} already used for Custom Field ${1}",, Fieldtype,, "File ${0} does not exist.",, "File selection failed",, Fill,, Filter," التصفية", "Fiscal Year","السنة المالية", "Fiscal Year End Date","تاريخ نهاية السنة المالية", "Fiscal Year Start Date","تاريخ بدء السنة المالية", "Fix Failed",, "Fixed Asset","الاصول الثابنة", "Fixed Assets","الأصول الثابتة", Float,, "Following cells have errors: ${0}.",, "Following links do not exist: ${absentLinks .map((l) =>",, Font,الخط, "For Purchase",, "For Sales",, "Forbidden Error",, "Form Section",, "Form Tab",, "Form Type",, Fr,, Fraction,كسر, "Fraction Units","وحدات الكسر", "Frappe Books does not have access to the selected file: ${0}",, "Freight and Forwarding Charges","مصاريف الشحن", From,, "From Account","من الحساب", "From Date","من تاريخ", "From Loc.",, "From Year","من سنة", "Full Name","الاسم الكامل", "Furnitures and Fixtures","الأثاث والتجهيزات", GST,, "GSTIN No.",, GSTR1,, GSTR2,, "Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal","الربح / الخسارة من التصرف في الأصول", General,عام, "General Ledger","تقرير الاستاذ العام", "Get Started",ابدأ, Global,, "Go back to the previous page",, Gram,, "Grand Total","المجموع الكلي", "Greater Than","أكبر من", Green,اخضر, "Group By"," تجميع حسب", HSN/SAC,, "HSN/SAC Code",, "Half Yearly","نصف سنوى", "Half Years",, "Has Batch",, "Has Serial Number",, "Height (in cm)",, Help,مساعدة, "Hex Value",, "Hidden values will be visible on Print on.",, "Hide Get Started","إخفاء قائمة البدء", "Hide Group Amounts","إخفاء مجاميع المبالغ", "Hide Month/Year",, "Hides the Get Started section from the sidebar. Change will be visible on restart or refreshing the app.","يخفي قسم البدء من الشريط الجانبي. سيكون التغيير مرئيًا عند إعادة التشغيل أو تحديث التطبيق", Hour,, INR,, Image,صورة, "Import Complete",, "Import Data","استيراد البيانات", "Import Data.",, "Import Type","نوع الاستيراد", "Import Wizard"," استيراد البيانات", "Importer not set, reload tool",, Inactive,, "Include Cancelled"," يتضمن الملغي", Income,الدخل, "Income Account","حساب الدخل", "Increase print template display scale",, Indigo,, "Indirect Expenses","مصاريف غير مباشرة", "Indirect Income","الدخل غير المباشر", Inflow,التدفق, "Instance Id",, "Insufficient Quantity",, "Insufficient Quantity.",, "Insufficient Quantity. Item ${0} has only ${1} quantities available. you selected ${2}",, Int,, "Intergrated Tax","ضريبة متكاملة", "Internal Precision","الدقة الداخلية", "Invalid Key Error",, "Invalid Quantity for Item ${0}",, "Invalid barcode value ${0}.",, "Invalid value ${0} for ${1}",, "Invalid value found for ${0}",, Inventory,المخازن, "Inventory Settings",, Investments,استثمارات, Invoice,الفاتورة, "Invoice Created","الفاتورة المُنشأة", "Invoice Date","تاريخ الفاتورة", "Invoice Item",, "Invoice No","رقم الفاتورة", "Invoice No.","رقم الفاتورة", "Invoice Value","قيمة الفاتورة", Invoices,الفواتير, Is,هو, "Is Custom",, "Is Empty",فارغ, "Is Group","هي المجموعة", "Is Landscape",, "Is Not",ليس, "Is Not Empty","ليس فارغ", "Is POS Shift Open",, "Is Price List Enabled",, "Is Required",, "Is Whole",, Item,صنف, "Item ${0} has Zero Quantity",, "Item ${0} is a batched item",, "Item ${0} is not a batched item",, "Item ${0} not in Stock",, "Item Description",, "Item Discounts",, "Item Name","اسم العنصر", "Item Prices",, "Item with From location not found",, "Item with To location not found",, "Item with barcode ${0} not found.",, Items,العناصر, January,, "John Doe",, "Journal Entries",, "Journal Entry","إدخال دفتر اليومية", "Journal Entry Account",, "Journal Entry Number Series"," تسلسل القيود اليومية", "Journal Entry Print Template"," قالب الطابعة القيود اليومية", July,, June,, "Key Hints",, Kg,, Label,, Language,اللغة, "Left Index",, "Legal Expenses","المصاريف القانونية", "Less Filters",, "Less Than","أقل من", Liability,, Limit,, Link,, "Link Validation Error",, "Linked Entries",, List,, "List View",, "Load an existing company from your computer",, "Loading Report...",, "Loading instance...",, Loading...,"تحميل ...", "Loans (Liabilities)","قروض (خصوم)", "Loans and Advances (Assets)","القروض والسلف (الأصول)", Locale,اللغة, Location,, "Location Name",, Logo,الشعار, "Make Entry"," ادخال جديد ", "Make Payment On Submit",, "Make Purchase Receipt On Submit",, "Make Shipment On Submit",, "Mandatory Error",, Manufacture,, "Manufacture Date",, "Mar 23, 2022",, March,, "Mark ${0} as submitted?",, "Marketing Expenses","مصاريف التسويق", "Material Issue",, "Material Receipt",, "Material Transfer",, May,, Meter,, Misc,, Miscellaneous,, "Miscellaneous Expenses","مصاريف متنوعة", Mo,, Modified,, "Modified By",, Monthly,, Months,, More,, "More Filters",, "More shortcuts will be added soon.",, "Movement Type"," نوع التنقل ", Name,الاسم, Navigate,, "Need ${0} Serial Numbers for Item ${1}. You have provided ${2}",, "Net Total","الإجمالي الصافي", "New ${0}",, "New ${0} ${1}",, "New Account","حساب جديد", "New Company",, "New Entry"," ادخال جديد ", "New Template",, No,لا, "No Display Entries Found",, "No Print Templates not found for entry type ${0}",, "No Value",, "No Values to be Displayed",, "No entries found",, "No entries were imported.",, "No expenses in this period","لا توجد نفقات في هذه الفترة", "No filters selected","لم يتم تحديد عوامل تصفية", "No linked entries found",, "No results found",, "No rows added. Select a file or add rows.",, "No transactions yet","لا توجد معاملات حتى الآن", "Non Active Serial Number ${0} cannot be used as Manufacture raw material",, "Non Active Serial Number ${0} cannot be used for Material Issue",, "Non Active Serial Number ${0} cannot be used for Material Transfer",, "Non Inactive Serial Number ${0} cannot be used for Material Receipt",, None,"لا شيء", "Not Found",, "Not Saved",, "Not Submitted",, "Not Transferred",, Notes,ملاحظات, November,, "Number Display","لغة وعملة النظام", "Number Series","سلسلة الأرقام", "Number of ${0}",, "Number of Rows",, October,, "Office Equipments","معدات مكتبية", "Office Maintenance Expenses","مصاريف صيانة المكاتب", "Office Rent","إيجار مكتب", Okay,, "Onboarding Complete","اكتمال الإعداد", "Only From or To can be set for Manufacture",, "Open Count",, "Open Documentation",, "Open Folder","فتح مجلد", "Open Print View",, "Open Print View if Print is available.",, "Open Quick Search",, "Open Report Print View",, "Open the Export Wizard modal",, "Opening (Cr)","(Cr) الافتتاح", "Opening (Dr)","(Dr) افتتاح", "Opening Amount",, "Opening Balance Equity","الرصيد الافتتاحي حقوق الملكية", "Opening Balances","أرصدة الافتتاح", "Opening Cash Amount can not be negative.",, "Opening Cash In Denominations",, "Opening Date",, "Opening Entry",, Options,, Orange,, Organisation,التنظيم, Outflow,التدفق, Outstanding,, "Outstanding Amount","المبلغ المستحق", POS,, "POS Counter Cash Account is not set. Please set it on POS Settings",, "POS Customer",, "POS Inventory is not set. Please set it on POS Settings",, "POS Settings",, "POS Shift Amount",, "POS Write Off Account is not set. Please set it on POS Settings",, "Pad Zeros",, Page,, Paid,مدفوع, "Paid ${0}",, "Paid Change",, Parent,الوالد, "Parent Account","الحساب الوالد", Party,"مورد / عميل", "Patch Run",, Pay,دفع, Payable,, Payment,الدفع, "Payment ${0} is Saved",, "Payment For","الدفع مقابل", "Payment Method","طريقة الدفع", "Payment No","رقم الدفع", "Payment Number Series"," تسلسل المدفوعات", "Payment Print Template"," قالب الطابعة المدفوعات", "Payment Reference","مرجع الدفع", "Payment Type","نوع الدفع", "Payment amount cannot be ${0}.","لا يمكن أن يكون مبلغ الدفعة ${0}", "Payment amount cannot be less than zero.","مبلغ الدفعة لا يمكن أن يكون أقل من الصفر.", "Payment amount cannot exceed ${0}.","مبلغ الدفعة لا يمكن أن يتجاوز ${0} .", "Payment amount: ${0} should be greater than 0.","مبلغ الدفعة: ${0} يجب أن يكون أكبر من 0.", "Payment amount: ${0} should be less than Outstanding amount: ${1}.","مبلغ الدفعة: ${0} يجب أن يكون أقل من المبلغ المستحق: ${1}", "Payment of ${0} will be made from account ""${1}"" to account ""${2}"" on Submit.",, Payments,المدفوعات, "Payroll Payable","الرواتب المستحقة الدفع", "Pending Qty. ${0}",, "Pending qty. ${0}",, Periodicity,الدورية, Phone,الهاتف, "Pick Columns",, "Pick Import Columns",, Pink,, Place,مكان, "Place of supply","مكان التوريد", "Plants and Machineries","المصانع والآليات", "Please Wait",, "Please check Key Hints for valid key names",, "Please create a ${0} entry to view Template Preview.",, "Please fill all values.",, "Please restart and try again.",, "Please select a Print Template",, "Please select a valid reference type.",, "Please set GSTIN in General Settings.",, "Please set Round Off Account in the Settings.",, "Please set a Display Doc",, "Point of Sale",, "Postal Code","الرمز البريدي", "Postal Expenses","المصاريف البريدية", "Posting Date","تاريخ النشر", Prefix,بادئة, "Price List"," قائمة الاسعار ", "Price List Item",, "Prime Bank",, Print,طباعة, "Print ${0}",, "Print Settings","إعدادات الطباعة", "Print Setup",, "Print Template",, "Print Template Name not set",, "Print Template is empty",, "Print Templates"," قوالب الطباعة", "Print View",, "Print and Stationery","طباعة و المكتبة", Product,"منتج ", "Profit And Loss","تقرير الربح والخسارة", "Profit and Loss","الربح والخسارة", Purchase,شراء, "Purchase Acc."," حساب المبيعات", "Purchase Invoice"," فاتورة مشتريات ", "Purchase Invoice Item",, "Purchase Invoice Number Series"," تسلسل فاتورة المشتريات", "Purchase Invoice Print Template"," قالب الطابعة فاتورة المشتريات", "Purchase Invoice Terms"," شروط فاتورة المشتريات", "Purchase Invoices"," فاتورة مشتريات ", "Purchase Item",, "Purchase Item Created",, "Purchase Items","شراء العناصر", "Purchase Payment",, "Purchase Payment Account"," حساب دفع المشتريات", "Purchase Payments"," مدفوعات المشتريات ", "Purchase Receipt"," ايصال الشراء ", "Purchase Receipt Item",, "Purchase Receipt Location"," موقع استلام المشتريات", "Purchase Receipt Number Series"," تسلسل استلام المشتريات", "Purchase Receipt Print Template"," قالب الطابعة استلام المشتريات", "Purchase Receipt Terms"," شروط استلام المشتريات", Purchases,المشتريات, Purple,, Purpose,, "Qty in Batch",, "Qty. ${0}",, "Qty. in Transfer Unit",, Quantity,الكمية, "Quantity (${0}) has to be greater than zero",, "Quantity needs to be set",, Quarterly,, Quarters,, "Quick Search",, "Quick edit error: ${0} entry has no name.",, Quote,, "Quote Reference",, Rate,معدل, "Rate (${0}) cannot be less zero.","لا يمكن أن يكون السعر (${0}) أقل من صفر.", "Rate (${0}) has to be greater than zero",, "Rate can't be negative.","لا يمكن أن يكون المعدل سالبًا", "Rate needs to be set",, "Raw Value: ${0}",, Receivable,, Receive,تلقي, Red,, "Ref Name",, "Ref Type"," نوع المصدر", "Ref. / Cheque No.","المرجع. / رقم الشيك", "Ref. Date","المرجع. التاريخ", "Ref. Name","المرجع. الاسم", "Ref. Type","المرجع. النوع", Reference,, "Reference Date","تاريخ المرجع", "Reference Number","الرقم المرجعي", "Reference Type","نوع المرجع", References," المرجع", "Reload Frappe Books?",, Report,, "Report Error","الإبلاغ عن خطأ", "Report Issue","الابلاغ عن مشكلة ", "Report will use more than one page if required.",, Reports,التقارير, "Required fields not selected: ${0}",, "Retained Earnings","الأرباح المحتجزة", Return,, "Return Against",, "Return Issued",, "Reverse Chrg.","الشحن العكسي", Reverted,"تم إرجاعه", Reverts,, "Review Accounts","مراجعة الحسابات", "Review your chart of accounts, add any account or tax heads as needed",, "Right Index",, Role,الدور, "Root Type","نوع الجذر", "Round Off","جولة خارج", "Round Off Account","تقريب الحساب", "Round Off Account Not Found",, "Rounded Off",, "Row ${0}",, Sa,, Salary,الراتب, Sales,المبيعات, "Sales Acc."," حساب المبيعات", "Sales Expenses","مصاريف المبيعات", "Sales Invoice","فاتورة مبيعات", "Sales Invoice ${0} is Submitted",, "Sales Invoice Item","اصناف فاتورة المبيعات", "Sales Invoice Number Series"," تسلسل فاتورة المبيعات", "Sales Invoice Print Template"," قالب الطابعة فاتورة المبيعات ", "Sales Invoice Terms"," شروط فاتورة المبيعات", "Sales Invoices","فواتير المبيعات", "Sales Item",, "Sales Item Created","تم انشاء صنف مبيعات", "Sales Items","عناصر المبيعات", "Sales Payment",, "Sales Payment Account"," حساب دفع المبيعات", "Sales Payments","مدفوعات المبيعات", "Sales Quote",, "Sales Quote Item",, "Sales Quote Number Series",, "Sales Quote Print Template",, "Sales Quotes",, "Sales and Purchase",, Save,حفظ, "Save ${0}?",, "Save Customizations",, "Save Template","حفظ النموذج", "Save Template File",, "Save as PDF","حفظ كملف PDF", "Save as PDF Successful","PDF حفظ كملف ناجح", "Save changes made to ${0}?",, "Save or Submit an entry.",, Saved,, "Search an Item",, "Secured Loans","قروض مضمونة", "Securities and Deposits","الأوراق المالية والودائع", Select,تحديد, "Select CoA","حدد شهادة توثيق البرامج", "Select Color","تحديد اللون", "Select Country","تحديد الدولة", "Select File","تحديد ملف", "Select Image","حدد صورة", "Select Template File",, "Select a Display Doc to view the Template",, "Select a Template type",, "Select a form type to customize",, "Select a pre-defined page size, or set a custom page size for your Print Template.",, "Select column",, "Select file","تحديد ملف", "Select folder","تحديد مجلد", "Select the template type.",, Selected,, September,, "Serial Number",, "Serial Number ${0} does not belong to the item ${1}.",, "Serial Number ${0} does not exist.",, "Serial Number ${0} is not Active.",, "Serial Number ${0} is not Inactive",, "Serial Number ${0} status is not Active.",, "Serial Number Description",, "Serial Number is enabled for Item ${0}",, "Serial Number is not enabled for Item ${0}",, "Serial Number not set for row ${0}.",, "Serial Number set for row ${0}.",, Service,الخدمة, "Set Discount Amount",, "Set Period",, "Set Print Size",, "Set Template Type",, "Set Up",, "Set Up Your Workspace","إعداد مساحة العمل الخاصة بك", "Set a Template value to see the Print Template",, "Set an Import Type","تعيين نوع الاستيراد", "Set the display language.","ضبط لغة العرض.", "Set the local code. This is used for number formatting.","اضبط الكود المحلي. يستخدم هذا لتنسيق الأرقام", "Set up your company information, email, country and fiscal year",, "Set up your opening balances before performing any accounting entries",, "Set up your organization","إعداد منظمتك", "Set up your tax templates for your sales or purchase transactions",, "Sets how many digits are shown after the decimal point.","تعيين عدد الأرقام التي تظهر بعد العلامة العشرية.", "Sets the app-wide date display format.","يضبط تنسيق عرض التاريخ على مستوى التطبيق.", "Sets the internal precision used for monetary calculations. Above 6 should be sufficient for most currencies.","يضبط الدقة الداخلية المستخدمة في الحسابات النقدية. يجب أن يكون الرقم الأعلى من 6 كافيًا لمعظم العملات", "Setting Up Instance",, Settings,الإعدادات, Setup,الإعداد, "Setup Complete","اكتمل الإعداد", "Setup Wizard","معالج الإعداد", "Setup system defaults like date format and display precision",, Shipment," الشحن ", "Shipment ${0} is Submitted",, "Shipment Item",, "Shipment Location"," موقع شحن البضاعة", "Shipment Number Series"," تسلسل شحن المخزون", "Shipment Print Template"," قالب الطابعة شحن البضائع", "Shipment Terms"," شروط شحن البضائع", Shortcuts," الاختصارات", "Should entries be submitted after syncing?",, "Show HSN",, "Show Me",أرني, "Show Month/Year",, "Single Value",, "Skip Child Tables",, "Skip Transactions",, "Smallest Currency Fraction Value","أصغر قيمة لكسر العملة", Softwares,البرامج, "Something has gone terribly wrong. Please check the console and raise an issue.","لقد حدث خطأ ما بشكل رهيب. يرجى التحقق من وحدة التحكم وإثارة المشكلة", "Source of Funds (Liabilities)","مصدر الأموال (الخصوم)", "Standard Chart of Accounts","المخطط القياسي للحسابات", Start,ابدأ, "Start From Row Index",, State,الدولة, "State Tax","ضريبة الولاية", Status,الحالة, Stock,, "Stock Adjustment","تسوية المخزون", "Stock Assets","أصول المخزون", "Stock Balance"," رصيد المخزون ", "Stock Entries",, "Stock Expenses","مصاريف المخزون", "Stock In Hand","المخزون في متناول اليد", "Stock In Hand Acc."," حساب المخزون في متناول اليد", "Stock Ledger","دفتر الجرد الرئيسي للمخزون ", "Stock Ledger Entry",, "Stock Liabilities","مطلوبات المخزون", "Stock Movement"," حركة المخزون", "Stock Movement Item",, "Stock Movement No."," رقم تنقلات المخزون ", "Stock Movement Number Series"," تسلسل تنقلات المخزون", "Stock Movement Print Template"," قالب الطابعة تنقلات المخزون", "Stock Movements",, "Stock Not Received",, "Stock Not Shipped",, "Stock Not Transferred",, "Stock Received But Not Billed","تم استلام المخزون ولكن لم يتم إصدار فاتورة به", "Stock Received But Not Billed Acc."," حساب استلام المخزون من المورد ولم يتم إصدار فاتورة ", "Stock Transfer Item",, "Stock Unit",, StockTransfer,, Stores," المخازن", Su,, Submit,إرسال, "Submit ${0}?",, "Submit & Print",, "Submit entries?",, Submitted,مقدم, Success,, Supplier,المورد, "Supplier Created","إنشاء المورد", Suppliers,الموردون, Symbol,الرمز, System,النظام, "System Settings","إعدادات النظام", "System Setup","إعداد النظام", Table,, Target,, Tax,الضريبة, "Tax Account","حساب الضرائب", "Tax Amount",, "Tax Assets","الأصول الضريبية", "Tax Detail","التفاصيل الضريبية", "Tax ID","المعرّف الضريبي", "Tax Invoice Account",, "Tax Payment Account",, "Tax Rate",, "Tax Summary","ملخص الضريبة", "Tax Template",, "Tax Templates",, "Tax and Totals",, "Taxable Value","القيمة الخاضعة للضريبة", "Taxed Amount",, Taxes,الضرائب, "Taxes and Charges",, Teal,, "Telephone Expenses","مصاريف الهاتف", Template,قالب, "Template Builder",, "Template Compilation Error",, "Template Name","لغة وعملة النظام", "Template Type",, "Template file saved",, Temporary,مؤقت, "Temporary Accounts","حسابات مؤقتة", "Temporary Opening","الافتتاح المؤقت", Terms,الشروط, Text,, Th,, "The following characters cannot be used ${0} in a Number Series name.",, "The following items have insufficient quantity for Shipment: ${0}",, "This Month","هذا الشهر", "This Quarter","هذا الربع", "This Year","هذه السنة", "This action is permanent","هذا العمل دائم", "This action is permanent and will cancel the following payment: ${0}","هذا الإجراء نهائي وسيؤدي إلى إلغاء الدفعة التالية: ${0}", "This action is permanent and will cancel the following payments: ${0}","هذا الإجراء نهائي وسيؤدي إلى إلغاء الدفعات التالية: ${0} ", "This action is permanent and will delete associated ledger entries.",, "This action is permanent.",, "Times New Roman",, To,, "To Account",الحساب, "To Account and From Account can't be the same: ${0}",, "To Date","حتى تاريخ", "To Loc.",, "To Year","حتى سنة", "Toggle Edit Mode",, "Toggle Key Hints",, "Toggle Linked Entries widget, not available in Quick Edit view.",, "Toggle between form and full width",, "Toggle sidebar",, "Toggle the Create filter",, "Toggle the Docs filter",, "Toggle the List filter",, "Toggle the Page filter",, "Toggle the Report filter",, "Top Expenses","أهم المصروفات", Total,اجمالى, "Total Amount",, "Total Asset (Debit)","اجمالى الاصول(مين)", "Total Debit: ${0} must be equal to Total Credit: ${1}",, "Total Discount",, "Total Equity (Credit)","اجمالى حقوق الملكية(دائن)", "Total Expense (Debit)","اجمالى المصروفات(مدين)", "Total Income (Credit)","اجمالى الدخل(دائن)", "Total Liability (Credit)","اجمالى الالتزامات(دائن)", "Total Profit","اجمالى الربح", "Total Quantity",, "Total Spending","إجمالي الإنفاق", "Track Inventory",, Transfer,تحويل, "Transfer No"," رقم نقل الشحنة", "Transfer Type","نوع التحويل", "Transfer Unit",, "Transfer Unit ${0} is not applicable for Item ${1}",, "Transfer will cause future entries to have negative stock.",, "Travel Expenses","مصاريف السفر", "Trial Balance","تقرير ميزان المراجعة", Tu,, Type,النوع, "Type to search...","اكتب حتى يتم البحث", UOM,"وحدة القياس", "UOM Conversion Item",, "UOM Conversions","وحدة القياس", Unit," قطعة", "Unit Type","نوع الوحدة", Unpaid,"غير مدفوعة الأجر", "Unpaid ${0}",, "Unsecured Loans","قروض غير مضمونة", "Until Date","حتى تاريخ", "Use Full Width",, "Use List Filters",, "User Remark","ملاحظة المستخدم", "Utility Expenses","نفقات المرافق", "Validation Error",, Value,القيمة, "Value missing for ${0}","القيمة مفقودة لـ ${0}", "Value: ${0}",, Version,, View,, "View Accounting Entries",, "View Paid Invoices",, "View Purchases","عرض المشريات", "View Sales","عرض المبيعات", "View Stock Entries",, "View Unpaid Invoices",, "View linked entries",, We,, "Welcome to Frappe Books","مرحبًا بكم في Frappe Books", "Width (in cm)",, "Write Off",شطب, "Write Off Account","شطب الحساب", "Write Off Account ${0} does not exist. Please set Write Off Account in General Settings",, "Write Off Account not set. Please set Write Off Account in General Settings","شطب الحساب لم يتم تعيينه. يرجى تعيين حساب الشطب في الإعدادات العامة", "Write Off Entry",, "Year to Date",, Yearly,سنوي, Years,سنوات, Yellow,اصفر, Yes,نعم, "check values and click on",, "in Batch ${0}",, john@doe.com,, "to apply changes",,