import { constants } from 'fs'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import path from 'path'; import { DatabaseDemuxBase, DatabaseMethod } from 'utils/db/types'; import { getSchemas } from '../../schemas'; import { databaseMethodSet } from '../helpers'; import patches from '../patches'; import { BespokeQueries } from './bespoke'; import DatabaseCore from './core'; import { runPatches } from './runPatch'; import { BespokeFunction, Patch } from './types'; export class DatabaseManager extends DatabaseDemuxBase { db?: DatabaseCore; get #isInitialized(): boolean { return this.db !== undefined && this.db.knex !== undefined; } getSchemaMap() { return this.db?.schemaMap ?? {}; } async createNewDatabase(dbPath: string, countryCode: string) { await this.#unlinkIfExists(dbPath); return await this.connectToDatabase(dbPath, countryCode); } async connectToDatabase(dbPath: string, countryCode?: string) { countryCode = await this._connect(dbPath, countryCode); await this.#migrate(); return countryCode; } async _connect(dbPath: string, countryCode?: string) { countryCode ??= await DatabaseCore.getCountryCode(dbPath); this.db = new DatabaseCore(dbPath); await this.db.connect(); const schemaMap = getSchemas(countryCode); this.db.setSchemaMap(schemaMap); return countryCode; } async #migrate(): Promise { if (!this.#isInitialized) { return; } const isFirstRun = await this.#getIsFirstRun(); if (isFirstRun) { await this.db!.migrate(); } /** * This needs to be supplimented with transactions * TODO: Add transactions in core.ts */ const dbPath = this.db!.dbPath; const copyPath = await this.#makeTempCopy(); try { await this.#runPatchesAndMigrate(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); await this.db!.close(); copyPath && (await fs.copyFile(copyPath, dbPath)); throw err; } finally { copyPath && (await fs.unlink(copyPath)); } } async #runPatchesAndMigrate() { const patchesToExecute = await this.#getPatchesToExecute(); patchesToExecute.sort((a, b) => (b.priority ?? 0) - (a.priority ?? 0)); const preMigrationPatches = patchesToExecute.filter( (p) => p.patch.beforeMigrate ); const postMigrationPatches = patchesToExecute.filter( (p) => !p.patch.beforeMigrate ); await runPatches(preMigrationPatches, this); await this.db!.migrate(); await runPatches(postMigrationPatches, this); } async #getPatchesToExecute(): Promise { if (this.db === undefined) { return []; } const query: { name: string }[] = await this.db.knex!('PatchRun').select( 'name' ); const executedPatches = =>; return patches.filter((p) => !executedPatches.includes(; } async call(method: DatabaseMethod, ...args: unknown[]) { if (!this.#isInitialized) { return; } if (!databaseMethodSet.has(method)) { return; } // @ts-ignore const response = await this.db[method](...args); if (method === 'close') { delete this.db; } return response; } async callBespoke(method: string, ...args: unknown[]): Promise { if (!this.#isInitialized) { return; } if (!BespokeQueries.hasOwnProperty(method)) { return; } // @ts-ignore const queryFunction: BespokeFunction = BespokeQueries[method]; return await queryFunction(this.db!, ...args); } async #unlinkIfExists(dbPath: string) { const exists = await fs .access(dbPath, constants.W_OK) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false); if (exists) { fs.unlink(dbPath); } } async #getIsFirstRun(): Promise { if (!this.#isInitialized) { return true; } const tableList: unknown[] = await this.db!.knex!.raw( "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'" ); return tableList.length === 0; } async #makeTempCopy() { const src = this.db!.dbPath; if (src === ':memory:') { return null; } const dir = path.parse(src).dir; const dest = path.join(dir, '__premigratory_temp.db'); await fs.copyFile(src, dest); return dest; } } export default new DatabaseManager();