import { t } from 'fyo'; import { ValueError } from 'fyo/utils/errors'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import { AccountRootType, AccountRootTypeEnum, } from 'models/baseModels/Account/types'; import { AccountReport, ACC_BAL_WIDTH, ACC_NAME_WIDTH, convertAccountRootNodeToAccountList, getFiscalEndpoints, } from 'reports/AccountReport'; import { Account, AccountListNode, AccountNameValueMapMap, ColumnField, DateRange, GroupedMap, LedgerEntry, ReportCell, ReportData, ReportRow, RootTypeRow, ValueMap, } from 'reports/types'; import { Field } from 'schemas/types'; import { QueryFilter } from 'utils/db/types'; export class TrialBalance extends AccountReport { static title = t`Trial Balance`; static reportName = 'trial-balance'; fromDate?: string; toDate?: string; hideGroupAmounts: boolean = false; loading: boolean = false; _rawData: LedgerEntry[] = []; _dateRanges?: DateRange[]; accountMap?: Record; get rootTypes(): AccountRootType[] { return [ AccountRootTypeEnum.Asset, AccountRootTypeEnum.Liability, AccountRootTypeEnum.Income, AccountRootTypeEnum.Expense, AccountRootTypeEnum.Equity, ]; } async setReportData(filter?: string) { this.loading = true; if (filter !== 'hideGroupAmounts') { await this._setRawData(); } const map = this._getGroupedMap(true, 'account'); const rangeGroupedMap = await this._getGroupedByDateRanges(map); const accountTree = await this._getAccountTree(rangeGroupedMap); const rootTypeRows: RootTypeRow[] = this.rootTypes .map((rootType) => { const rootNode = this.getRootNode(rootType, accountTree)!; const rootList = convertAccountRootNodeToAccountList(rootNode); return { rootType, rootNode, rows: this.getReportRowsFromAccountList(rootList), }; }) .filter((row) => !!row.rootNode); this.reportData = await this.getReportDataFromRows(rootTypeRows); this.loading = false; } async getReportDataFromRows( rootTypeRows: RootTypeRow[] ): Promise { const reportData = rootTypeRows.reduce((reportData, r) => { reportData.push(...r.rows); reportData.push(this.getEmptyRow()); return reportData; }, [] as ReportData); reportData.pop(); return reportData; } async _getGroupedByDateRanges( map: GroupedMap ): Promise { const accountValueMap: AccountNameValueMapMap = new Map(); for (const account of map.keys()) { const valueMap: ValueMap = new Map(); /** * Set Balance for every DateRange key */ for (const entry of map.get(account)!) { const key = this._getRangeMapKey(entry); if (key === null) { throw new ValueError( `invalid entry in trial balance ${}` ); } const map = valueMap.get(key!); const totalCredit = map?.credit ?? 0; const totalDebit = map?.debit ?? 0; valueMap.set(key, { credit: totalCredit + ( ?? 0), debit: totalDebit + (entry.debit ?? 0), }); } accountValueMap.set(account, valueMap); } return accountValueMap; } async _getDateRanges(): Promise { if (!this.toDate || !this.fromDate) { await this.setDefaultFilters(); } const toDate = DateTime.fromISO(this.toDate!); const fromDate = DateTime.fromISO(this.fromDate!); return [ { fromDate: DateTime.fromISO('0001-01-01'), toDate: fromDate, }, { fromDate, toDate }, { fromDate: toDate, toDate: DateTime.fromISO('9999-12-31'), }, ]; } getRowFromAccountListNode(al: AccountListNode) { const nameCell = { value:, rawValue:, align: 'left', width: ACC_NAME_WIDTH, bold: !al.level, indent: al.level ?? 0, } as ReportCell; const balanceCells = this._dateRanges!.map((k) => { const map = al.valueMap?.get(k); const hide = this.hideGroupAmounts && al.isGroup; return [ { rawValue: map?.debit ?? 0, value: hide ? '' : this.fyo.format(map?.debit ?? 0, 'Currency'), align: 'right', width: ACC_BAL_WIDTH, }, { rawValue: map?.credit ?? 0, value: hide ? '' : this.fyo.format(map?.credit ?? 0, 'Currency'), align: 'right', width: ACC_BAL_WIDTH, } as ReportCell, ]; }); return { cells: [nameCell, balanceCells].flat(2), level: al.level, isGroup: !!al.isGroup, folded: false, foldedBelow: false, } as ReportRow; } async _getQueryFilters(): Promise { const filters: QueryFilter = {}; filters.reverted = false; return filters; } async setDefaultFilters(): Promise { if (!this.toDate || !this.fromDate) { const { year } =; const endpoints = await getFiscalEndpoints(year + 1, year); this.fromDate = endpoints.fromDate; this.toDate = DateTime.fromISO(endpoints.toDate) .minus({ days: 1 }) .toISODate(); } await this._setDateRanges(); } getFilters(): Field[] { return [ { fieldtype: 'Date', fieldname: 'fromDate', placeholder: t`From Date`, label: t`From Date`, required: true, }, { fieldtype: 'Date', fieldname: 'toDate', placeholder: t`To Date`, label: t`To Date`, required: true, }, { fieldtype: 'Check', label: t`Hide Group Amounts`, fieldname: 'hideGroupAmounts', } as Field, ] as Field[]; } getColumns(): ColumnField[] { return [ { label: t`Account`, fieldtype: 'Link', fieldname: 'account', align: 'left', width: ACC_NAME_WIDTH, }, { label: t`Opening (Dr)`, fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'openingDebit', align: 'right', width: ACC_BAL_WIDTH, }, { label: t`Opening (Cr)`, fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'openingCredit', align: 'right', width: ACC_BAL_WIDTH, }, { label: t`Debit`, fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'debit', align: 'right', width: ACC_BAL_WIDTH, }, { label: t`Credit`, fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'credit', align: 'right', width: ACC_BAL_WIDTH, }, { label: t`Closing (Dr)`, fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'closingDebit', align: 'right', width: ACC_BAL_WIDTH, }, { label: t`Closing (Cr)`, fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'closingCredit', align: 'right', width: ACC_BAL_WIDTH, }, ] as ColumnField[]; } }