${0},, "${0} ${1} already exists.","${0} ${1} zaten var.", "${0} ${1} does not exist",, "${0} ${1} has been modified after loading please reload entry.",, "${0} ${1} is linked with existing records.","${0} ${1} varolan kayıtlarla bağlantılıdır.", "${0} account not set in Inventory Settings.",, "${0} already saved",, "${0} already submitted",, "${0} cancelled",, "${0} cannot be cancelled",, "${0} cannot be deleted",, "${0} deleted",, "${0} entries failed",, "${0} entries imported",, "${0} entry failed",, "${0} entry imported",, "${0} fields selected",, "${0} filters applied","${0} uygulanan filtreler", "${0} has linked child accounts.",, "${0} of type ${1} does not exist",, "${0} out of ${1}",, "${0} party ${1} is different from ${2}",, "${0} quantity 1 added.",, "${0} row added.",, "${0} rows","${0} satırları", "${0} rows added.",, "${0} saved",, "${0} shortcuts",, "${0} stored at ${1}",, "${0} submitted",, "${0} value ${1} does not exist.",, 0%,0%, 03-23-2022,03-23-2022, 03/23/2022,03/23/2022, "1 filter applied","1 filtre uygulandı", 2022-03-23,2022-03-23, "23 Mar, 2022",23.03.2022, 23-03-2022,23-03-2022, 23.03.2022,, 23/03/2022,23/03/2022, 9888900000,9888900000, "A submittable entry is deleted only if it is in the cancelled state.",, Account,Hesap, "Account ${0} does not exist.",, "Account Entries","Hesap Girişleri", "Account Name","Hesap Adı", "Account Type","Hesap Türü", Accounting,, "Accounting Entries",, "Accounting Ledger Entry","Muhasebe Defteri Girdisi", "Accounting Settings","Muhasebe Ayarları", Accounts,Hesaplar, "Accounts Payable","Ödenecek Hesaplar", "Accounts Receivable","Alacak Hesapları", "Accumulated Depreciation","Birikmiş Amortisman", Action,, Active,, "Add Account","Hesap Ekle", "Add Customers","Müşteri Ekle", "Add Group","Grup Ekle", "Add Items","Öğe Ekle", "Add Row","Satır Ekle", "Add Suppliers","Tedarikçi Ekle", "Add Taxes","Vergi Ekle", "Add a few customers to create your first sales invoice",, "Add a few suppliers to create your first purchase invoice",, "Add a filter","Filtre ekleme", "Add a remark","Bir açıklama ekle", "Add attachment",, "Add invoice terms","Fatura koşulları ekleme", "Add products or services that you buy from your suppliers","Tedarikçilerinizden satın aldığınız ürün veya hizmetleri ekleyin", "Add products or services that you sell to your customers","Müşterilerinize sattığınız ürün veya hizmetleri ekleyin", "Add transfer terms",, "Add'l Discounts",, "Additional ${0} Serial Numbers required for ${1} quantity of ${2}.",, "Additional quantity (${0}) required${1} to make outward transfer of item ${2} from ${3} on ${4}",, Address,Adres, "Address Display","Adres Ekranı", "Address Line 1","Adres Satırı 1", "Address Line 2","Adres Satırı 2", "Address Name",, "Administrative Expenses","İdari Giderler", All,Tüm, Amount,Miktar, "Amount Paid",, "Amount: ${0} and writeoff: ${1} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${2}.","Amount: ${0} ve writeoff: ${1}, başvurulara ayrılan toplam tutardan daha azdır: ${2}.", "Amount: ${0} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${1}.","Tutar: ${0}, başvurulara ayrılan toplam tutardan daha azdır: ${1}.", Amounts,, "An entry is cancelled only if it is in the submitted state.",, "An entry is submitted only if it is submittable and is in the saved state.",, "An error occurred.","Bir hata oluştu.", "Applicable anywhere in Frappe Books",, "Applicable when Quick Search is open",, "Applicable when Template Builder is open",, "Applicable when a entry is open in the Form view or Quick Edit view",, "Applicable when the List View of an entry type is open",, "Application of Funds (Assets)","Fonların (Varlıkların) Uygulanması", "Apply Discount After Tax",, "Apply and view changes made to the print template",, April,, Arial,Arial, "Ascending Order","Artan Düzen", Asset,Varlık, "Attach Image",, Attachment,, August,, "Auto Payments",, "Auto Stock Transfer",, Autocomplete,, Back,, "Back Reference",, "Bad import data, could not read file.",, Balance,Denge, "Balance Amount",, "Balance Sheet",bilanço, Bank,Banka, "Bank Accounts","banka hesabı", "Bank Entry","Banka Girişi", "Bank Name","Banka Adı", "Bank Overdraft Account","Banka Kredili Mevduat Hesabı", Barcode,, "Base Grand Total",, "Based On",dayalı, Batch,, "Batch not set for row ${0}.",, "Batch set for row ${0}.",, "Bill Created","Fatura Oluşturuldu", Billing,, Black,Siyah, Blue,Mavi, Both,"Her ikisi de", "Both From and To Location cannot be undefined",, Buildings,Site, Cancel,"İptal etmek", "Cancel ${0}?",, "Cancel or Delete an entry.",, Cancelled,"İptal edildi", "Cannot Commit Error",, "Cannot Delete",, "Cannot Delete Account",, "Cannot Export",, "Cannot Import",, "Cannot Open File",, "Cannot cancel ${0} ${1} because of the following ${2}: ${3}",, "Cannot cancel ${0} because of the following ${1}: ${2}",, "Cannot delete ${0} ""${1}"" because of linked entries.",, "Cannot open file",, "Cannot perform operation.",, "Cannot read file",, "Capital Equipments","Sermaye Ekipmanları", "Capital Stock","Sermaye Stoğu", Cash,Nakit, "Cash Denominations",, "Cash Entry","Nakit Girişi", "Cash In Hand","Elinde Nakit", Cashflow,"Nakit Akışı", "Central Tax","Merkezi Vergi", "Change DB",, "Change File","Dosyayı Değiştir", "Change Ref Type","Ref Türünü Değiştir", "Changes made to settings will be visible on reload.",, Chargeable,Ödetilebilir, "Chart Of Accounts Reviewed","İncelenen Hesap Planı", "Chart of Accounts","Hesap Planı", Check,, Cheque,Çek, "City / Town",Şehir, Clear,Açık, "Clearance Date","İzin Tarihi", Close,Kapatma, "Close Frappe Books and try manually.",, "Close POS Shift",, "Close Quick Search",, Closing,Kapanma, "Closing ${0} Amount can not be negative.",, "Closing (Cr)","Kapanış (Cr)", "Closing (Dr)","Kapanış (Dr)", "Closing Amount",, "Closing Cash In Denominations",, "Closing Date",, Collapse,, Color,Renk, "Commission on Sales","Satış Komisyonu", Common,Genel, Company,, "Company Logo","Şirket Logosu", "Company Name","Şirket Adı", "Company Setup","Şirket Kurulumu", Completed,Tamamlandı, Condition,Koşul, "Consolidate Columns","Sütunları Birleştir", Contacts,, Contains,İçeriyor, "Continue submitting Sales Invoice?",, "Contra Entry","Kontra Giriş", "Conversion Error",, "Conversion Factor",, "Cost Of Goods Sold Acc.",, "Cost of Goods Sold","Satılan Malların Maliyeti", "Could not connect to database file ${0}, please select the file manually",, Count,, "Counter Cash Account",, Country,Ülke, "Country Code","Ülke Kodu", "Country code used to initialize regional settings.","Bölgesel ayarları başlatmak için kullanılan ülke kodu.", Courier,Kurye, Cr.,Cr., "Cr. ${0}",, Create,Uretmek, "Create Demo","Demo Oluştur", "Create Purchase","Satın Alma Oluştur", "Create Purchase Invoice",, "Create Sale","Satış Oluştur", "Create Sales Invoice",, "Create a demo company to try out Frappe Books",, "Create a new company and store it on your computer",, "Create a new company or select an existing one from your computer",, "Create a new entry of the same type as the List View",, "Create new ${0} entry?",, "Create your first purchase invoice from the created supplier",, "Create your first sales invoice for the created customer",, Created,Üretildi, "Created By","Tarafından oluşturuldu", "Creating Items and Parties","Öğeler ve Taraflar Oluşturma", "Creating Journal Entries","Günlük Girişleri Oluşturma", "Creating Purchase Invoices","Satınalma Faturaları Oluşturma", Credit,Kredi, "Credit Card Entry","Kredi Kartı Girişi", "Credit Note","Kredi Notu", Creditors,Alacaklı, Currency,"Para birimi", "Currency Name","Para Birimi Adı", Current,Şimdiki, "Current Assets","Dönen Varlıklar", "Current Liabilities","Cari Borçlar", "Custom Field",, "Custom Fields",, "Custom Form",, "Custom Hex","Özel Altıgen", Customer,Müşteri, "Customer Created","Müşteri Oluşturuldu", "Customer Currency","Müşteri Para Birimi", Customers,Müşteriler, Customizations,, "Customize Form",, "Customize your invoices by adding a logo and address details","Logo ve adres bilgilerini ekleyerek faturalarınızı özelleştirin", Dashboard,"Gösterge paneli", Data,, "Database Error",, "Database file: ${0}","Veritabanı dosyası: ${0}", Date,Tarih, "Date Format","Tarih Biçimi", "Date Time",, Day,Gün, Debit,Banka, "Debit Note","Borç Notu", Debtors,Borçlu, December,, "Decrease print template display scale",, Default,, "Default Account","Varsayılan Hesap", "Default Cash Denominations",, "Default Location",, Defaults,, Delete,Silmek, "Delete ${0}?","${0} silinsin mi?", "Delete Account",, "Delete Failed",, "Delete Group",, Delivered,, Denomination,, Depreciation,Yıpranma, "Depreciation Entry","Amortisman Girişi", Description,Tanım, Details,Detaylar, "Difference Amount",, "Direct Expenses","Doğrudan Giderler", "Direct Income","Doğrudan Gelir", "Directory for database file ${0} does not exist, please select the file manually",, Disabled,, "Discount Account",, "Discount Account is not set.",, "Discount Amount",, "Discount Amount (${0}) cannot be greated than Amount (${1}).",, "Discount Percent",, "Discount Percent (${0}) cannot be greater than 100.",, "Discounted Amount",, Discounts,, "Display Doc",, "Display Logo in Invoice","Logoyu Faturada Görüntüleme", "Display Precision","Ekran Hassasiyeti", "Display Precision should have a value between 0 and 9.","Ekran Hassasiyeti 0 ile 9 arasında bir değere sahip olmalıdır.", "Display Scale",, "Dividends Paid","Ödenen Temettüler", "Doc ${0} ${1} not set",, Docs,Doküman, Documentation,Belge, "Does Not Contain",Içermez, Done,, Dr.,Dr., "Dr. ${0}",, Draft,Taslak, Duplicate,Çiftleme, "Duplicate Entry",, "Duplicate Template",, "Duplicate columns found: ${0}",, "Duties and Taxes","Görev ve Vergiler", "Dynamic Link",, "Earnest Money","pey akçesi", "Electronic Equipments","Elektronik Ekipmanlar", Email,E-posta, "Email Address","E-Posta Adresi", Empty,Boş, "Empty file selected",, "Enable Barcodes",, "Enable Batches",, "Enable Discount Accounting",, "Enable Form Customization",, "Enable Inventory",, "Enable Invoice Returns",, "Enable Point of Sale",, "Enable Price List",, "Enable Serial Number",, "Enable Stock Returns",, "Enable UOM Conversion",, Enabled,, "Enabled For",, "Enter Country to load States","Devletleri yüklemek için Ülkeyi girin", "Enter State","Durumu Girin", "Enter barcode",, "Entertainment Expenses","Eğlence Giderleri", Entry,, "Entry Currency",, "Entry Label",, "Entry No","Giriş No", "Entry No.",, "Entry Type","Giriş Türü", "Entry has Grand Total ${0}. Please verify amounts.",, Equity,Özkaynak, Error,Hata, "Exchange Gain/Loss","Değişim Kazancı / Kaybı", "Exchange Rate",döviz, "Excise Entry","ÖTV Girişi", "Existing Company",, Expand,, "Expected Amount",, Expense,Gider, "Expense Account","Gider Hesabı", Expenses,Masraflar, "Expenses Included In Valuation","Değerlemeye Dahil Edilen Giderler", "Expiry Date",, Export,İhracat, "Export Failed","Dışa Aktarma Başarısız Oldu", "Export Format",, "Export Successful","İhracat Başarılı", "Export Wizard",, Failed,, Fax,Faks, Features,, February,, Field,Alan, Fieldname,Alanadı, "Fieldname ${0} already exists for ${1}",, "Fieldname ${0} already used for Custom Field ${1}",, Fieldtype,, "File ${0} does not exist.",, "File selection failed",, Fill,, Filter,Filtre, "Fiscal Year","Mali Yıl", "Fiscal Year End Date","Mali Yıl Bitiş Tarihi", "Fiscal Year Start Date","Mali Yıl Başlangıç Tarihi", "Fix Failed",, "Fixed Asset",Demirbaş, "Fixed Assets",Demirbaş, Float,, "Following cells have errors: ${0}.",, "Following links do not exist: ${absentLinks .map((l) =>",, Font,Yazı, "For Purchase",, "For Sales",, "Forbidden Error",, "Form Section",, "Form Tab",, "Form Type",, Fr,, Fraction,Kesir, "Fraction Units","Kesir Birimleri", "Frappe Books does not have access to the selected file: ${0}",, "Freight and Forwarding Charges","Nakliye ve Nakliye Ücretleri", From,, "From Account",Hesaptan, "From Date","Tarihten itibaren", "From Loc.",, "From Year","Yıldan İtibaren", "Full Name","tam adı", "Furnitures and Fixtures","Mobilya ve Demirbaşlar", GST,, "GSTIN No.","GSTIN Yok.", GSTR1,GSTR1NAME, GSTR2,GSTR2COMMENT, "Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal","Varlık Elden Çıkarmada Kazanç/ Kayıp", General,Genel, "General Ledger",Kebir, "Get Started",Başla, Global,, "Go back to the previous page",, Gram,Gramlık, "Grand Total","Genel Toplam", "Greater Than","Daha büyük", Green,Yeşil, "Group By",Gruplandır, HSN/SAC,HSN/SAC, "HSN/SAC Code","HSN/SAC Kodu", "Half Yearly","Yarım Yıllık", "Half Years","Yarım Yıl", "Has Batch",, "Has Serial Number",, "Height (in cm)",, Help,, "Hex Value","Onaltılık Değer", "Hidden values will be visible on Print on.",, "Hide Get Started","Gizle Başla", "Hide Group Amounts","Grup Tutarlarını Gizle", "Hide Month/Year",, "Hides the Get Started section from the sidebar. Change will be visible on restart or refreshing the app.","Kenar çubuğundan Başlarken bölümünü gizler. Değişiklik, uygulamayı yeniden başlattığınızda veya yenilediğinizde görünür olacaktır.", Hour,Saat, INR,INR, Image,Görüntü, "Import Complete",, "Import Data","Verileri İçe Aktar", "Import Data.",, "Import Type","İçe Aktarma Türü", "Import Wizard",, "Importer not set, reload tool",, Inactive,, "Include Cancelled","İptal Edilenleri Dahil Et", Income,Gelir, "Income Account","Gelir Hesabı", "Increase print template display scale",, Indigo,Çivit, "Indirect Expenses","Dolaylı Giderler", "Indirect Income","Dolaylı Gelir", Inflow,Giriş, "Instance Id","Örnek Kimliği", "Insufficient Quantity",, "Insufficient Quantity.",, "Insufficient Quantity. Item ${0} has only ${1} quantities available. you selected ${2}",, Int,, "Intergrated Tax","Entegre Vergi", "Internal Precision","İç Hassasiyet", "Invalid Key Error",, "Invalid Quantity for Item ${0}",, "Invalid barcode value ${0}.",, "Invalid value ${0} for ${1}","${1} için geçersiz değer $ {0}", "Invalid value found for ${0}",, Inventory,, "Inventory Settings",, Investments,Yatırımlar, Invoice,Fatura, "Invoice Created","Fatura Oluşturuldu", "Invoice Date","Fatura Tarihi", "Invoice Item",, "Invoice No","Fatura No", "Invoice No.","Fatura No.", "Invoice Value","Fatura Değeri", Invoices,Faturalandırıyor, Is,Oluyor, "Is Custom",, "Is Empty",Boş, "Is Group","Grup mu", "Is Landscape",, "Is Not",Değil, "Is Not Empty","Boş Değil", "Is POS Shift Open",, "Is Price List Enabled",, "Is Required",, "Is Whole",, Item,Öğe, "Item ${0} has Zero Quantity",, "Item ${0} is a batched item",, "Item ${0} is not a batched item",, "Item ${0} not in Stock",, "Item Description","Ürün Açıklaması", "Item Discounts",, "Item Name","Öğe Adı", "Item Prices",, "Item with From location not found",, "Item with To location not found",, "Item with barcode ${0} not found.",, Items,Öğeler, January,, "John Doe","John Doe", "Journal Entries","Günlük Girişleri", "Journal Entry","Günlük Girişi", "Journal Entry Account","Günlük Giriş Hesabı", "Journal Entry Number Series",, "Journal Entry Print Template",, July,, June,, "Key Hints",, Kg,Kiloluk, Label,, Language,Dil, "Left Index","Sol Dizin", "Legal Expenses","Yasal Giderler", "Less Filters",, "Less Than",daha, Liability,Yükümlülük, Limit,, Link,, "Link Validation Error",, "Linked Entries",, List,Liste, "List View",, "Load an existing company from your computer",, "Loading Report...","Rapor Yükleniyor...", "Loading instance...",, Loading...,Yükleniyor..., "Loans (Liabilities)","Krediler (Borçlar)", "Loans and Advances (Assets)","Krediler ve Avanslar (Varlıklar)", Locale,Yerel, Location,, "Location Name",, Logo,Logo, "Make Entry","Giriş Yap", "Make Payment On Submit",, "Make Purchase Receipt On Submit",, "Make Shipment On Submit",, "Mandatory Error",, Manufacture,, "Manufacture Date",, "Mar 23, 2022",23.03.2022, March,, "Mark ${0} as submitted?",, "Marketing Expenses","Pazarlama Giderleri", "Material Issue",, "Material Receipt",, "Material Transfer",, May,, Meter,Metre, Misc,, Miscellaneous,, "Miscellaneous Expenses","Çeşitli Giderler", Mo,, Modified,Modifiye, "Modified By","Tarafından değiştirildi", Monthly,Aylık, Months,Aylar, More,, "More Filters",, "More shortcuts will be added soon.",, "Movement Type",, Name,İsim, Navigate,Gitmek, "Need ${0} Serial Numbers for Item ${1}. You have provided ${2}",, "Net Total","Net Toplam", "New ${0}","Yeni ${0}", "New ${0} ${1}",, "New Account","Yeni Hesap", "New Company",, "New Entry",, "New Template",, No,Hayır, "No Display Entries Found",, "No Print Templates not found for entry type ${0}",, "No Value",, "No Values to be Displayed","Görüntülenecek Değer Yok", "No entries found","Hiçbir girdi bulunamadı", "No entries were imported.",, "No expenses in this period","Bu dönemde masraf yok", "No filters selected","Filtre seçilmedi", "No linked entries found",, "No results found","Sonuç bulunamadı", "No rows added. Select a file or add rows.",, "No transactions yet","Henüz işlem yok", "Non Active Serial Number ${0} cannot be used as Manufacture raw material",, "Non Active Serial Number ${0} cannot be used for Material Issue",, "Non Active Serial Number ${0} cannot be used for Material Transfer",, "Non Inactive Serial Number ${0} cannot be used for Material Receipt",, None,Hiçbiri, "Not Found",, "Not Saved",, "Not Submitted",, "Not Transferred",, Notes,Notlar, November,, "Number Display",, "Number Series","Sayı Serisi", "Number of ${0}","${0} sayısı", "Number of Rows",, October,, "Office Equipments","Ofis Ekipmanları", "Office Maintenance Expenses","Ofis Bakım Giderleri", "Office Rent","Ofis Kiralama", Okay,, "Onboarding Complete","Onboarding Tamamlandı", "Only From or To can be set for Manufacture",, "Open Count",, "Open Documentation",, "Open Folder","Klasörü Aç", "Open Print View",, "Open Print View if Print is available.",, "Open Quick Search",, "Open Report Print View",, "Open the Export Wizard modal",, "Opening (Cr)","Açılış (Cr)", "Opening (Dr)","Açılış (Dr)", "Opening Amount",, "Opening Balance Equity","Açılış Bakiyesi Özkaynakları", "Opening Balances","Açılış Bakiyeleri", "Opening Cash Amount can not be negative.",, "Opening Cash In Denominations",, "Opening Date",, "Opening Entry","Giriş Açılıyor", Options,, Orange,Portakal, Organisation,Örgüt, Outflow,"Dışarı akma", Outstanding,, "Outstanding Amount","Ödenmemiş Tutar", POS,, "POS Counter Cash Account is not set. Please set it on POS Settings",, "POS Customer",, "POS Inventory is not set. Please set it on POS Settings",, "POS Settings",, "POS Shift Amount",, "POS Write Off Account is not set. Please set it on POS Settings",, "Pad Zeros","Ped Sıfırları", Page,Sayfa, Paid,Ödenmiş, "Paid ${0}",, "Paid Change",, Parent,Ebeveyn, "Parent Account","Ana Hesap", Party,Taraf, "Patch Run","Yama Çalışması", Pay,Ödemek, Payable,Ödenebilir, Payment,Ödeme, "Payment ${0} is Saved",, "Payment For","İçin ödeme", "Payment Method","Ödeme Yöntemi", "Payment No","Ödeme No", "Payment Number Series",, "Payment Print Template",, "Payment Reference","Ödeme Referansı", "Payment Type","Ödeme Şekli", "Payment amount cannot be ${0}.","Ödeme tutarı ${0} olamaz.", "Payment amount cannot be less than zero.","Ödeme tutarı sıfırdan az olamaz.", "Payment amount cannot exceed ${0}.","Ödeme tutarı ${0} değerini geçemez.", "Payment amount: ${0} should be greater than 0.","Ödeme tutarı: ${0} 0'dan büyük olmalıdır.", "Payment amount: ${0} should be less than Outstanding amount: ${1}.","Ödeme tutarı: ${0} Ödenmemiş tutardan az olmalıdır: ${1}.", "Payment of ${0} will be made from account ""${1}"" to account ""${2}"" on Submit.",, Payments,Ödemeler, "Payroll Payable","Ödenecek Bordro", "Pending Qty. ${0}",, "Pending qty. ${0}",, Periodicity,"Periyodik olarak tekrarlanma", Phone,Telefon, "Pick Columns",, "Pick Import Columns",, Pink,Pembe, Place,Yer, "Place of supply","Arz yeri", "Plants and Machineries","Tesisler ve Makineler", "Please Wait","Lütfen Bekleyin", "Please check Key Hints for valid key names",, "Please create a ${0} entry to view Template Preview.",, "Please fill all values.",, "Please restart and try again.",, "Please select a Print Template",, "Please select a valid reference type.","Lütfen geçerli bir referans türü seçin.", "Please set GSTIN in General Settings.",, "Please set Round Off Account in the Settings.",, "Please set a Display Doc",, "Point of Sale",, "Postal Code","posta Kodu", "Postal Expenses","Posta Giderleri", "Posting Date","Kayıt Tarihi", Prefix,Önek, "Price List",, "Price List Item",, "Prime Bank","Başbakan Bankası", Print,Yazdırma, "Print ${0}",, "Print Settings","Yazdırma Ayarları", "Print Setup",, "Print Template",, "Print Template Name not set",, "Print Template is empty",, "Print Templates",, "Print View",, "Print and Stationery","Baskı ve Kırtasiye", Product,Ürün, "Profit And Loss","Kar ve Zarar", "Profit and Loss","Kar ve Zarar", Purchase,"Satın alma", "Purchase Acc.",, "Purchase Invoice","Satınalma Faturası", "Purchase Invoice Item","Satınalma Faturası Kalemi", "Purchase Invoice Number Series",, "Purchase Invoice Print Template",, "Purchase Invoice Terms",, "Purchase Invoices","Satınalma Faturaları", "Purchase Item",, "Purchase Item Created","Satınalma Öğesi Oluşturuldu", "Purchase Items","Ürün Satın Alma", "Purchase Payment",, "Purchase Payment Account",, "Purchase Payments","Satın Alma Ödemeleri", "Purchase Receipt",, "Purchase Receipt Item",, "Purchase Receipt Location",, "Purchase Receipt Number Series",, "Purchase Receipt Print Template",, "Purchase Receipt Terms",, Purchases,Alımlar, Purple,Mor, Purpose,, "Qty in Batch",, "Qty. ${0}",, "Qty. in Transfer Unit",, Quantity,Miktar, "Quantity (${0}) has to be greater than zero",, "Quantity needs to be set",, Quarterly,"Üç aylık", Quarters,Konut, "Quick Search",, "Quick edit error: ${0} entry has no name.",, Quote,, "Quote Reference",, Rate,Oran, "Rate (${0}) cannot be less zero.","Oran (${0}) daha az sıfır olamaz.", "Rate (${0}) has to be greater than zero",, "Rate can't be negative.","Oran negatif olamaz.", "Rate needs to be set",, "Raw Value: ${0}",, Receivable,Alacak, Receive,Almak, Red,Kırmızı, "Ref Name","Hakem Adı", "Ref Type","Ref Türü", "Ref. / Cheque No.","İlan. / Çek No.", "Ref. Date","İlan. Tarih", "Ref. Name","İlan. İsim", "Ref. Type","İlan. Tip", Reference,Referans, "Reference Date","Başvuru Tarihi", "Reference Number","Referans Numarası", "Reference Type","Referans Türü", References,, "Reload Frappe Books?",, Report,Bildiri, "Report Error","Hata Bildir", "Report Issue","Rapor Sorunu", "Report will use more than one page if required.",, Reports,Rapor, "Required fields not selected: ${0}",, "Retained Earnings","Elde Tutulan Kazançlar", Return,, "Return Against",, "Return Issued",, "Reverse Chrg.","Chrg'yi tersine çevir.", Reverted,Döndürüyordu, Reverts,Döndürüyor, "Review Accounts","Hesapları Gözden Geçirme", "Review your chart of accounts, add any account or tax heads as needed","Hesap çizelgenizi gözden geçirin, gerektiğinde herhangi bir hesap veya vergi müdürü ekleyin", "Right Index","Sağ Dizin", Role,Rol, "Root Type","Kök Türü", "Round Off",tamamlamak, "Round Off Account","Hesabı Yuvarla", "Round Off Account Not Found",, "Rounded Off",, "Row ${0}",, Sa,, Salary,Maaş, Sales,Satışlar, "Sales Acc.",, "Sales Expenses","Satış Giderleri", "Sales Invoice","Satış Faturası", "Sales Invoice ${0} is Submitted",, "Sales Invoice Item","Satış Fatura Kalemi", "Sales Invoice Number Series",, "Sales Invoice Print Template",, "Sales Invoice Terms",, "Sales Invoices","Satış Faturaları", "Sales Item",, "Sales Item Created","Oluşturulan Satış Kalemi", "Sales Items","Satış Kalemleri", "Sales Payment",, "Sales Payment Account",, "Sales Payments","Satış Ödemeleri", "Sales Quote",, "Sales Quote Item",, "Sales Quote Number Series",, "Sales Quote Print Template",, "Sales Quotes",, "Sales and Purchase",, Save,Kaydetmek, "Save ${0}?",, "Save Customizations",, "Save Template","Şablonu Kaydet", "Save Template File",, "Save as PDF","PDF olarak kaydet", "Save as PDF Successful","PDF olarak kaydet Başarılı", "Save changes made to ${0}?",, "Save or Submit an entry.",, Saved,, "Search an Item",, "Secured Loans","Teminatlı Krediler", "Securities and Deposits","Menkul Kıymetler ve Mevduatlar", Select,Seçmek, "Select CoA","Coa'yı seçin", "Select Color","Renk Seç", "Select Country","Ülke Seç", "Select File","Dosya Seç", "Select Image","Resim Seç", "Select Template File",, "Select a Display Doc to view the Template",, "Select a Template type",, "Select a form type to customize",, "Select a pre-defined page size, or set a custom page size for your Print Template.",, "Select column",, "Select file","Dosya seç", "Select folder","Klasör seç", "Select the template type.",, Selected,, September,, "Serial Number",, "Serial Number ${0} does not belong to the item ${1}.",, "Serial Number ${0} does not exist.",, "Serial Number ${0} is not Active.",, "Serial Number ${0} is not Inactive",, "Serial Number ${0} status is not Active.",, "Serial Number Description",, "Serial Number is enabled for Item ${0}",, "Serial Number is not enabled for Item ${0}",, "Serial Number not set for row ${0}.",, "Serial Number set for row ${0}.",, Service,Hizmet, "Set Discount Amount",, "Set Period",, "Set Print Size",, "Set Template Type",, "Set Up",, "Set Up Your Workspace","Çalışma Alanınızı Ayarlama", "Set a Template value to see the Print Template",, "Set an Import Type","İçe Aktarma Türünü Ayarlama", "Set the display language.","Ekran dilini ayarlayın.", "Set the local code. This is used for number formatting.","Yerel kodu ayarlayın. Bu sayı biçimlendirmesi için kullanılır.", "Set up your company information, email, country and fiscal year","Şirket bilgilerinizi, e-postanızı, ülkenizi ve mali yılınızı ayarlayın", "Set up your opening balances before performing any accounting entries","Herhangi bir muhasebe girdisi gerçekleştirmeden önce açılış bakiyelerinizi ayarlama", "Set up your organization","Kuruluşunuzu kurun", "Set up your tax templates for your sales or purchase transactions","Satış veya satın alma işlemleriniz için vergi şablonlarınızı ayarlama", "Sets how many digits are shown after the decimal point.","Ondalık noktadan sonra kaç basamak gösterileceğini ayarlar.", "Sets the app-wide date display format.","Uygulama genelinde tarih görüntüleme biçimini ayarlar.", "Sets the internal precision used for monetary calculations. Above 6 should be sufficient for most currencies.","Parasal hesaplamalar için kullanılan iç hassasiyeti ayarlar. Çoğu para birimi için 6'nın üzerinde yeterli olmalıdır.", "Setting Up Instance","Örnek Kurma", Settings,Ayarlar, Setup,Kurulum, "Setup Complete","Kurulum Tamamlandı", "Setup Wizard","Kurulum Sihirbazı", "Setup system defaults like date format and display precision","Tarih biçimi ve görüntü hassasiyeti gibi sistem varsayılanlarını ayarlama", Shipment,, "Shipment ${0} is Submitted",, "Shipment Item",, "Shipment Location",, "Shipment Number Series",, "Shipment Print Template",, "Shipment Terms",, Shortcuts,, "Should entries be submitted after syncing?",, "Show HSN",, "Show Me","göster bana", "Show Month/Year",, "Single Value","Tek Değer", "Skip Child Tables",, "Skip Transactions",, "Smallest Currency Fraction Value","En Küçük Para Birimi Kesir Değeri", Softwares,Yazılımlar, "Something has gone terribly wrong. Please check the console and raise an issue.","Bir şeyler çok ters gitti. Lütfen konsolu kontrol edin ve bir sorun yaratın.", "Source of Funds (Liabilities)","Fon Kaynağı (Yükümlülükler)", "Standard Chart of Accounts","Standart Hesap Planı", Start,Başlamak, "Start From Row Index",, State,Devlet, "State Tax","Devlet Vergisi", Status,Durum, Stock,Stok, "Stock Adjustment","Stok Ayarı", "Stock Assets","Stok Varlıkları", "Stock Balance",, "Stock Entries",, "Stock Expenses","Stok Giderleri", "Stock In Hand","Eldeki Stok", "Stock In Hand Acc.",, "Stock Ledger",, "Stock Ledger Entry",, "Stock Liabilities","Hisse Senedi Yükümlülükleri", "Stock Movement",, "Stock Movement Item",, "Stock Movement No.",, "Stock Movement Number Series",, "Stock Movement Print Template",, "Stock Movements",, "Stock Not Received",, "Stock Not Shipped",, "Stock Not Transferred",, "Stock Received But Not Billed","Stok Alındı Ancak Faturalandırılmadı", "Stock Received But Not Billed Acc.",, "Stock Transfer Item",, "Stock Unit",, StockTransfer,, Stores,, Su,, Submit,Sunmak, "Submit ${0}?",, "Submit & Print",, "Submit entries?",, Submitted,Gönderilen, Success,, Supplier,Tedarikçi, "Supplier Created","Tedarikçi Oluşturuldu", Suppliers,Tedarikçiler, Symbol,Sembol, System,Sistem, "System Settings","Sistem Ayarları", "System Setup","Sistem Kurulumu", Table,, Target,, Tax,Vergi, "Tax Account","Vergi Hesabı", "Tax Amount",, "Tax Assets","Vergi Varlıkları", "Tax Detail","Vergi Detayı", "Tax ID","Vergi Kimliği", "Tax Invoice Account",, "Tax Payment Account",, "Tax Rate",, "Tax Summary","Vergi Özeti", "Tax Template",, "Tax Templates",, "Tax and Totals",, "Taxable Value","Vergilendirilebilir Değer", "Taxed Amount",, Taxes,Vergiler, "Taxes and Charges",, Teal,Çamurcun, "Telephone Expenses","Telefon Giderleri", Template,Şablon, "Template Builder",, "Template Compilation Error",, "Template Name",, "Template Type",, "Template file saved",, Temporary,Geçici, "Temporary Accounts","Geçici Hesaplar", "Temporary Opening","Geçici Açılış", Terms,Şartlar, Text,, Th,, "The following characters cannot be used ${0} in a Number Series name.",, "The following items have insufficient quantity for Shipment: ${0}",, "This Month","Bu Ay", "This Quarter","Bu Çeyrek", "This Year","Bu Yıl", "This action is permanent","Bu eylem kalıcıdır", "This action is permanent and will cancel the following payment: ${0}","Bu işlem kalıcıdır ve aşağıdaki ödemeyi iptal eder: ${0}", "This action is permanent and will cancel the following payments: ${0}","Bu işlem kalıcıdır ve aşağıdaki ödemeleri iptal eder: ${0}", "This action is permanent and will delete associated ledger entries.","Bu eylem kalıcıdır ve ilişkili defter girdilerini siler.", "This action is permanent.","Bu eylem kalıcıdır.", "Times New Roman","Times New Roman", To,, "To Account",açıklamak, "To Account and From Account can't be the same: ${0}","Hesaba ve Hesaptan aynı olamaz: $ {0}", "To Date",çıkmak, "To Loc.",, "To Year","Yıl için", "Toggle Edit Mode",, "Toggle Key Hints",, "Toggle Linked Entries widget, not available in Quick Edit view.",, "Toggle between form and full width",, "Toggle sidebar",, "Toggle the Create filter",, "Toggle the Docs filter",, "Toggle the List filter",, "Toggle the Page filter",, "Toggle the Report filter",, "Top Expenses","En Yüksek Giderler", Total,Toplam, "Total Amount",, "Total Asset (Debit)","Toplam Aktif (Borç)", "Total Debit: ${0} must be equal to Total Credit: ${1}","Toplam Borç: ${0} Toplam Krediye eşit olmalıdır: ${1}", "Total Discount",, "Total Equity (Credit)","Toplam Özkaynak (Kredi)", "Total Expense (Debit)","Toplam Gider (Borç)", "Total Income (Credit)","Toplam Gelir (Kredi)", "Total Liability (Credit)","Toplam Sorumluluk (Kredi)", "Total Profit","Toplam Kar", "Total Quantity",, "Total Spending","Toplam Harcama", "Track Inventory",, Transfer,Aktarma, "Transfer No",, "Transfer Type","Aktarım Türü", "Transfer Unit",, "Transfer Unit ${0} is not applicable for Item ${1}",, "Transfer will cause future entries to have negative stock.",, "Travel Expenses","Seyahat Masrafları", "Trial Balance",mizan, Tu,, Type,Tip, "Type to search...","Aramak için yazın...", UOM,, "UOM Conversion Item",, "UOM Conversions",, Unit,Birim, "Unit Type","Birim Türü", Unpaid,Ödenmemiş, "Unpaid ${0}",, "Unsecured Loans","Teminatsız Krediler", "Until Date","Tarihe kadar", "Use Full Width",, "Use List Filters",, "User Remark","Kullanıcı Açıklaması", "Utility Expenses","Hizmet Giderleri", "Validation Error",, Value,Değer, "Value missing for ${0}","${0} için eksik değer", "Value: ${0}",, Version," Sürüm", View,, "View Accounting Entries",, "View Paid Invoices",, "View Purchases","Satın Alımları Görüntüle", "View Sales","Satışları Görüntüle", "View Stock Entries",, "View Unpaid Invoices",, "View linked entries",, We,, "Welcome to Frappe Books","Frappe Books'a hoş geldiniz", "Width (in cm)",, "Write Off","Askıya Al", "Write Off Account","Hesabı Askıya Al", "Write Off Account ${0} does not exist. Please set Write Off Account in General Settings",, "Write Off Account not set. Please set Write Off Account in General Settings","Hesab Askıya alınmadı. Lütfen Genel Ayarlar'da Hesap Kapatma ayarını yapın", "Write Off Entry","Kayıt Dışı Giriş", "Year to Date",, Yearly,Yıllık, Years,Yıllar, Yellow,Sarı, Yes,Evet, "check values and click on",, "in Batch ${0}",, john@doe.com,, "to apply changes",,