import { assertDoesNotThrow, assertThrows, } from 'backend/database/tests/helpers'; import { Invoice } from 'models/baseModels/Invoice/Invoice'; import { ModelNameEnum } from 'models/types'; import { RawValue } from 'schemas/types'; import test from 'tape'; import { closeTestFyo, getTestFyo, setupTestFyo } from 'tests/helpers'; import { InventorySettings } from '../InventorySettings'; import { StockTransfer } from '../StockTransfer'; import { ValuationMethod } from '../types'; import { getALEs, getItem, getSLEs, getStockTransfer } from './helpers'; const fyo = getTestFyo(); setupTestFyo(fyo, __filename); const item = 'Pen'; const location = 'Common'; const party = 'Someone'; const testDocs = { Item: { [item]: getItem(item, 100), }, Location: { [location]: { name: location }, }, Party: { [party]: { name: party, Role: 'Both' } }, } as Record>; test('insert test docs', async (t) => { for (const schemaName in testDocs) { for (const name in testDocs[schemaName]) { await fyo.doc.getNewDoc(schemaName, testDocs[schemaName][name]).sync(); } } t.ok(await fyo.db.exists(ModelNameEnum.Party, party), 'party created'); t.ok( await fyo.db.exists(ModelNameEnum.Location, location), 'location created' ); t.ok(await fyo.db.exists(ModelNameEnum.Item, item), 'item created'); }); test('inventory settings', async (t) => { const doc = (await fyo.doc.getDoc( ModelNameEnum.InventorySettings )) as InventorySettings; t.equal(doc.valuationMethod, ValuationMethod.FIFO, 'fifo valuation set'); t.ok(doc.stockInHand, 'stock in hand set'); t.ok(doc.stockReceivedButNotBilled, 'stock rec. but not billed set'); }); test('PurchaseReceipt, create inward stock movement', async (t) => { const date = new Date('2022-01-01'); const rate = (testDocs['Item'][item].rate as number) ?? 0; const quantity = 10; const doc = await getStockTransfer( ModelNameEnum.PurchaseReceipt, party, date, [ { item, location, quantity, rate, }, ], fyo ); await doc.sync(); const grandTotal = quantity * rate; t.equal(doc.grandTotal?.float, quantity * rate); await doc.submit(); t.equal( (await fyo.db.getAllRaw(ModelNameEnum.PurchaseReceipt)).length, 1, 'purchase receipt created' ); t.equal( (await getSLEs(!, doc.schemaName, fyo)).length, 1, 'sle created' ); t.equal( await fyo.db.getStockQuantity(item, location), quantity, 'stock purchased' ); t.ok('PREC-')); const ales = await getALEs(!, doc.schemaName, fyo); for (const ale of ales) { t.equal(, party, 'party matches'); if (ale.account === 'Stock Received But Not Billed') { t.equal(parseFloat(ale.debit), 0); t.equal(parseFloat(, grandTotal); } else { t.equal(parseFloat(, 0); t.equal(parseFloat(ale.debit), grandTotal); } } }); test('Shipment, create outward stock movement', async (t) => { const date = new Date('2022-01-02'); const rate = (testDocs['Item'][item].rate as number) ?? 0; const quantity = 5; const doc = await getStockTransfer( ModelNameEnum.Shipment, party, date, [ { item, location, quantity, rate, }, ], fyo ); await doc.sync(); const grandTotal = quantity * rate; t.equal(doc.grandTotal?.float, grandTotal); await doc.submit(); t.equal( (await fyo.db.getAllRaw(ModelNameEnum.Shipment)).length, 1, 'shipment created' ); t.equal( (await getSLEs(!, doc.schemaName, fyo)).length, 1, 'sle created' ); t.equal( await fyo.db.getStockQuantity(item, location), 10 - quantity, 'stock purchased' ); t.ok('SHPM-')); const ales = await getALEs(!, doc.schemaName, fyo); for (const ale of ales) { t.equal(, party, 'party matches'); if (ale.account === 'Cost of Goods Sold') { t.equal(parseFloat(ale.debit), grandTotal); t.equal(parseFloat(, 0); } else { t.equal(parseFloat(ale.debit), 0); t.equal(parseFloat(, grandTotal); } } }); test('Shipment, invalid', async (t) => { const date = new Date('2022-01-03'); const rate = (testDocs['Item'][item].rate as number) ?? 0; const quantity = 10; const doc = await getStockTransfer( ModelNameEnum.Shipment, party, date, [ { item, location, quantity, rate, }, ], fyo ); await doc.sync(); const grandTotal = quantity * rate; t.equal(await fyo.db.getStockQuantity(item, location), 5, 'stock unchanged'); t.equal(doc.grandTotal?.float, grandTotal); await assertThrows(async () => await doc.submit()); t.equal( (await getSLEs(!, doc.schemaName, fyo)).length, 0, 'sles not created' ); t.equal( (await getALEs(!, doc.schemaName, fyo)).length, 0, 'ales not created' ); }); test('Stock Transfer, invalid cancellation', async (t) => { const { name } = ( (await fyo.db.getAllRaw(ModelNameEnum.PurchaseReceipt)) as { name: string; }[] )[0] ?? {}; t.ok(name?.startsWith('PREC-')); const doc = await fyo.doc.getDoc(ModelNameEnum.PurchaseReceipt, name); await assertThrows(async () => await doc.cancel()); t.equal(await fyo.db.getStockQuantity(item, location), 5, 'stock unchanged'); t.equal( (await getSLEs(name, doc.schemaName, fyo)).length, 1, 'sle unchanged' ); const ales = await getALEs(name, doc.schemaName, fyo); t.ok(ales.every((i) => !i.reverted) && ales.length === 2, 'ale unchanged'); }); test('Shipment, cancel and delete', async (t) => { const { name } = ( (await fyo.db.getAllRaw(ModelNameEnum.Shipment, { order: 'asc' })) as { name: string; }[] )[0] ?? {}; t.ok(name?.startsWith('SHPM-'), 'number series matches'); const doc = await fyo.doc.getDoc(ModelNameEnum.Shipment, name); t.ok(doc.isSubmitted, `doc ${name} is submitted`); await assertDoesNotThrow(async () => await doc.cancel()); t.ok(doc.isCancelled), `doc is cancelled`; t.equal(await fyo.db.getStockQuantity(item, location), 10, 'stock changed'); t.equal((await getSLEs(name, doc.schemaName, fyo)).length, 0, 'sle deleted'); const ales = await getALEs(name, doc.schemaName, fyo); t.ok(ales.every((i) => !!i.reverted) && ales.length === 4, 'ale reverted'); await doc.delete(); t.equal((await getALEs(name, doc.schemaName, fyo)).length, 0, 'ales deleted'); t.equal( ( await fyo.db.getAllRaw(ModelNameEnum.Shipment, { filters: { name: name }, }) ).length, 0, 'doc deleted' ); }); test('Purchase Receipt, cancel and delete', async (t) => { const { name } = ( (await fyo.db.getAllRaw(ModelNameEnum.PurchaseReceipt, { order: 'asc', })) as { name: string; }[] )[0] ?? {}; t.ok(name?.startsWith('PREC-'), 'number series matches'); const doc = await fyo.doc.getDoc(ModelNameEnum.PurchaseReceipt, name); t.ok(doc.isSubmitted, `doc ${name} is submitted`); await assertDoesNotThrow(async () => await doc.cancel()); t.ok(doc.isCancelled), `doc is cancelled`; t.equal(await fyo.db.getStockQuantity(item, location), null, 'stock changed'); t.equal((await getSLEs(name, doc.schemaName, fyo)).length, 0, 'sle deleted'); const ales = await getALEs(name, doc.schemaName, fyo); t.ok(ales.every((i) => !!i.reverted) && ales.length === 4, 'ale reverted'); await doc.delete(); t.equal((await getALEs(name, doc.schemaName, fyo)).length, 0, 'ales deleted'); t.equal( ( await fyo.db.getAllRaw(ModelNameEnum.Shipment, { filters: { name: name }, }) ).length, 0, 'doc deleted' ); }); test('Purchase Invoice then Purchase Receipt', async (t) => { const rate = testDocs.Item[item].rate as number; const quantity = 3; const pinv = fyo.doc.getNewDoc(ModelNameEnum.PurchaseInvoice) as Invoice; const date = new Date('2022-01-04'); await pinv.set({ date, party, account: 'Creditors', }); await pinv.append('items', { item, quantity, rate }); await pinv.sync(); await pinv.submit(); t.equal(, 'PINV-1001', 'PINV name matches'); t.equal(pinv.stockNotTransferred, quantity, 'stock not transferred'); const prec = await pinv.getStockTransfer(); if (prec === null) { return t.ok(false, 'prec was null'); } = new Date('2022-01-05'); t.equal( ModelNameEnum.PurchaseReceipt, prec.schemaName, 'stock transfer is a PREC' ); t.equal(prec.backReference,, 'back reference is set'); t.equal(prec.items?.[0].quantity, quantity, 'PREC transfers quantity'); await assertDoesNotThrow(async () => await prec.sync()); await assertDoesNotThrow(async () => await prec.submit()); t.equal(, 'PREC-1002', 'PREC name matches'); t.equal(pinv.stockNotTransferred, 0, 'stock has been transferred'); t.equal(pinv.items?.[0].stockNotTransferred, 0, 'stock has been transferred'); }); test('Back Ref Purchase Receipt cancel', async (t) => { const prec = (await fyo.doc.getDoc( ModelNameEnum.PurchaseReceipt, 'PREC-1002' )) as StockTransfer; t.equal(prec.backReference, 'PINV-1001', 'back reference matches'); await assertDoesNotThrow(async () => { await prec.cancel(); }); const pinv = (await fyo.doc.getDoc( ModelNameEnum.PurchaseInvoice, 'PINV-1001' )) as Invoice; t.equal(pinv.stockNotTransferred, 3, 'pinv stock untransferred'); t.equal( pinv.items?.[0].stockNotTransferred, 3, 'pinv item stock untransferred' ); }); test('Cancel Purchase Invoice after Purchase Receipt is created', async (t) => { const pinv = (await fyo.doc.getDoc( ModelNameEnum.PurchaseInvoice, 'PINV-1001' )) as Invoice; const prec = await pinv.getStockTransfer(); if (prec === null) { return t.ok(false, 'prec was null'); } = new Date('2022-01-05'); await prec.sync(); await prec.submit(); t.equal(, 'PREC-1003', 'PREC name matches'); t.equal(prec.backReference, 'PINV-1001', 'PREC backref matches'); await assertThrows(async () => { await pinv.cancel(); }, 'cancel prevented cause of PREC'); const ales = await fyo.db.getAllRaw(ModelNameEnum.AccountingLedgerEntry, { fields: ['name', 'reverted'], filters: { referenceName:!, reverted: true }, }); t.equal(ales.length, 0); }); test('Sales Invoice then partial Shipment', async (t) => { const rate = testDocs.Item[item].rate as number; const sinv = fyo.doc.getNewDoc(ModelNameEnum.SalesInvoice) as Invoice; await sinv.set({ party, date: new Date('2022-01-06'), account: 'Debtors', }); await sinv.append('items', { item, quantity: 3, rate }); await sinv.sync(); await sinv.submit(); t.equal(, 'SINV-1001', 'SINV name matches'); t.equal(sinv.stockNotTransferred, 3, 'stock not transferred'); const shpm = await sinv.getStockTransfer(); if (shpm === null) { return t.ok(false, 'shpm was null'); } = new Date('2022-01-07'); await shpm.items?.[0].set('quantity', 1); await assertDoesNotThrow(async () => await shpm.sync()); await assertDoesNotThrow(async () => await shpm.submit()); t.equal(ModelNameEnum.Shipment, shpm.schemaName, 'stock transfer is a SHPM'); t.equal(shpm.backReference,, 'back reference is set'); t.equal(shpm.items?.[0].quantity, 1, 'shpm transfers quantity 1'); t.equal(, 'SHPM-1003', 'SHPM name matches'); t.equal(sinv.stockNotTransferred, 2, 'stock qty 2 has not been transferred'); t.equal( sinv.items?.[0].stockNotTransferred, 2, 'item stock qty 2 has not been transferred' ); }); test('Sales Invoice then another Shipment', async (t) => { const sinv = (await fyo.doc.getDoc( ModelNameEnum.SalesInvoice, 'SINV-1001' )) as Invoice; const shpm = await sinv.getStockTransfer(); if (shpm === null) { return t.ok(false, 'shpm was null'); } await assertDoesNotThrow(async () => await shpm.sync()); await assertDoesNotThrow(async () => await shpm.submit()); t.equal(, 'SHPM-1004', 'SHPM name matches'); t.equal(shpm.items?.[0].quantity, 2, 'shpm transfers quantity 2'); t.equal(sinv.stockNotTransferred, 0, 'stock has been transferred'); t.equal( sinv.items?.[0].stockNotTransferred, 0, 'item stock has been transferred' ); t.equal(await sinv.getStockTransfer(), null, 'no more stock transfers'); }); test('Cancel Sales Invoice after Shipment is created', async (t) => { const sinv = (await fyo.doc.getDoc( ModelNameEnum.SalesInvoice, 'SINV-1001' )) as Invoice; await assertThrows( async () => await sinv.cancel(), 'cancel prevent cause of SHPM' ); const ales = await fyo.db.getAllRaw(ModelNameEnum.AccountingLedgerEntry, { fields: ['name', 'reverted'], filters: { referenceName:!, reverted: true }, }); t.equal(ales.length, 0); }); test('Cancel partial Shipment', async (t) => { let shpm = (await fyo.doc.getDoc( ModelNameEnum.Shipment, 'SHPM-1003' )) as StockTransfer; t.equal(shpm.backReference, 'SINV-1001', 'SHPM 1 back ref is set'); t.equal(shpm.items?.[0].quantity, 1, 'SHPM transfers qty 1'); await assertDoesNotThrow(async () => await shpm.cancel()); t.ok(shpm.isCancelled, 'SHPM cancelled'); const sinv = (await fyo.doc.getDoc( ModelNameEnum.SalesInvoice, 'SINV-1001' )) as Invoice; t.equal(sinv.stockNotTransferred, 1, 'stock qty 1 untransferred'); shpm = (await fyo.doc.getDoc( ModelNameEnum.Shipment, 'SHPM-1004' )) as StockTransfer; t.equal(shpm.backReference, 'SINV-1001', 'SHPM 2 back ref is set'); t.equal(shpm.items?.[0].quantity, 2, 'SHPM transfers qty 2'); await assertDoesNotThrow(async () => await shpm.cancel()); t.ok(shpm.isCancelled, 'SHPM cancelled'); t.equal(sinv.stockNotTransferred, 3, 'all stock untransferred'); }); test('Duplicate Shipment, backref unset', async (t) => { const shpm = (await fyo.doc.getDoc( ModelNameEnum.Shipment, 'SHPM-1003' )) as StockTransfer; t.ok(shpm.backReference, 'SHPM back ref is set'); const doc = shpm.duplicate(); t.notOk(doc.backReference, 'Duplicate SHPM back ref is not set'); }); test('Cancel and Delete Sales Invoice with cancelled Shipments', async (t) => { const sinv = (await fyo.doc.getDoc( ModelNameEnum.SalesInvoice, 'SINV-1001' )) as Invoice; await assertDoesNotThrow(async () => await sinv.cancel()); t.ok(sinv.isCancelled, 'sinv cancelled'); const transfers = (await fyo.db.getAllRaw(ModelNameEnum.Shipment, { fields: ['name'], filters: { backReference: 'SINV-1001' }, })) as { name: string }[]; await assertDoesNotThrow(async () => await sinv.delete()); t.notOk( await fyo.db.exists(ModelNameEnum.SalesInvoice, 'SINV-1001'), 'SINV-1001 deleted' ); for (const { name } of transfers) { t.notOk( await fyo.db.exists(ModelNameEnum.Shipment, 'SINV-1001'), `linked Shipment ${name} deleted` ); } }); closeTestFyo(fyo, __filename);