const frappe = require('frappejs'); const Observable = require('frappejs/utils/observable'); const naming = require('./naming'); module.exports = class BaseDocument extends Observable { constructor(data) { super(); this.fetchValuesCache = {}; this.flags = {}; this.setup(); Object.assign(this, data); // clear fetch-values cache frappe.db.on('change', (params) => this.fetchValuesCache[`${params.doctype}:${}`] = {}); } setup() { // add listeners } get meta() { if (!this._meta) { this._meta = frappe.getMeta(this.doctype); } return this._meta; } async getSettings() { if (!this._settings) { this._settings = await frappe.getSingle(this.meta.settings); } return this._settings; } // set value and trigger change async set(fieldname, value) { if (typeof fieldname === 'object') { const valueDict = fieldname; for (let fieldname in valueDict) { await this.set(fieldname, valueDict[fieldname]); } return; } if (this[fieldname] !== value) { this._dirty = true; this[fieldname] = await this.validateField(fieldname, value); await this.applyChange(fieldname); } } async applyChange(fieldname) { if (await this.applyFormula()) { // multiple changes await this.trigger('change', { doc: this }); } else { // no other change, trigger control refresh await this.trigger('change', { doc: this, fieldname: fieldname }); } } setDefaults() { for (let field of this.meta.fields) { if (this[field.fieldname]===null || this[field.fieldname]===undefined) { let defaultValue = null; if (field.fieldtype === 'Date') { defaultValue = (new Date()).toISOString().substr(0, 10); } if (field.fieldtype === 'Table') { defaultValue = []; } if (field.default) { defaultValue = field.default; } this[field.fieldname] = defaultValue; } } } setKeywords() { let keywords = []; for (let fieldname of this.meta.getKeywordFields()) { keywords.push(this[fieldname]); } this.keywords = keywords.join(', '); } append(key, document) { if (!this[key]) { this[key] = []; } this[key].push(this.initDoc(document)); } initDoc(data) { if (data.prototype instanceof Document) { return data; } else { return new Document(data); } } async validateField(key, value) { let field = this.meta.getField(key); if (field && field.fieldtype == 'Select') { return this.meta.validateSelect(field, value); } return value; } getValidDict() { let data = {}; for (let field of this.meta.getValidFields()) { data[field.fieldname] = this[field.fieldname]; } return data; } getFullDict() { let data = this.getValidDict(); return data; } setStandardValues() { // set standard values on server-side only if (frappe.isServer) { let now = (new Date()).toISOString(); if (!this.submitted) { this.submitted = 0; } if (!this.owner) { this.owner = frappe.session.user; } if (!this.creation) { this.creation = now; } if (!this.modifiedBy) { this.modifiedBy = frappe.session.user; } this.modified = now; } } async load() { let data = await frappe.db.get(this.doctype,; if ( { this.syncValues(data); if (this.meta.isSingle) { this.setDefaults(); } } else { throw new frappe.errors.NotFound(`Not Found: ${this.doctype} ${}`); } } syncValues(data) { this.clearValues(); Object.assign(this, data); this._dirty = false; this.trigger('change', {doc: this}); } clearValues() { for (let field of this.meta.getValidFields()) { if(this[field.fieldname]) { delete this[field.fieldname]; } } } setChildIdx() { // renumber children for (let field of this.meta.getValidFields()) { if (field.fieldtype==='Table') { for(let i=0; i < (this[field.fieldname] || []).length; i++) { this[field.fieldname][i].idx = i; } } } } async compareWithCurrentDoc() { if (frappe.isServer && !this._notInserted) { let currentDoc = await frappe.db.get(this.doctype,; // check for conflict if (currentDoc && this.modified != currentDoc.modified) { throw new frappe.errors.Conflict(frappe._('Document {0} {1} has been modified after loading', [this.doctype,])); } if (this.submitted && !this.meta.isSubmittable) { throw new frappe.errors.ValidationError(frappe._('Document type {1} is not submittable', [this.doctype])); } // set submit action flag if (this.submitted && !currentDoc.submitted) { this.flags.submitAction = true; } if (currentDoc.submitted && !this.submitted) { this.flags.revertAction = true; } } } async applyFormula() { if (!this.meta.hasFormula()) { return false; } let doc = this; // children for (let tablefield of this.meta.getTableFields()) { let formulaFields = frappe.getMeta(tablefield.childtype).getFormulaFields(); if (formulaFields.length) { // for each row for (let row of this[tablefield.fieldname]) { for (let field of formulaFields) { if (shouldApplyFormula(field, row)) { const val = await field.formula(row, doc); if (val !== false && val !== undefined) { row[field.fieldname] = val; } } } } } } // parent for (let field of this.meta.getFormulaFields()) { if (shouldApplyFormula(field, doc)) { const val = await field.formula(doc); if (val !== false && val !== undefined) { doc[field.fieldname] = val; } } } return true; function shouldApplyFormula (field, doc) { if (field.readOnly) { return true; } if (!frappe.isServer) { if (doc[field.fieldname] == null) { return true; } } return false; } } async commit() { // re-run triggers this.setStandardValues(); this.setKeywords(); this.setChildIdx(); await this.applyFormula(); await this.trigger('validate'); } async insert() { await naming.setName(this); await this.commit(); await this.trigger('beforeInsert'); const data = await frappe.db.insert(this.doctype, this.getValidDict()); this.syncValues(data); await this.trigger('afterInsert'); await this.trigger('afterSave'); return this; } async update() { await this.compareWithCurrentDoc(); await this.commit(); await this.trigger('beforeUpdate'); // before submit if (this.flags.submitAction) await this.trigger('beforeSubmit'); if (this.flags.revertAction) await this.trigger('beforeRevert'); const data = await frappe.db.update(this.doctype, this.getValidDict()); this.syncValues(data); await this.trigger('afterUpdate'); await this.trigger('afterSave'); // after submit if (this.flags.submitAction) await this.trigger('afterSubmit'); if (this.flags.revertAction) await this.trigger('afterRevert'); return this; } async delete() { await this.trigger('beforeDelete'); await frappe.db.delete(this.doctype,; await this.trigger('afterDelete'); } async submit() { this.submitted = 1; this.update(); } async revert() { this.submitted = 0; this.update(); } // trigger methods on the class if they match // with the trigger name async trigger(event, params) { if (this[event]) { await this[event](params); } await super.trigger(event, params); } // helper functions getSum(tablefield, childfield) { return this[tablefield].map(d => (d[childfield] || 0)).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); } async getFrom(doctype, name, fieldname) { if (!name) return ''; let _values = this.fetchValuesCache[`${doctype}:${name}`] || (this.fetchValuesCache[`${doctype}:${name}`] = {}); if (!_values[fieldname]) { _values[fieldname] = await frappe.db.getValue(doctype, name, fieldname); } return _values[fieldname]; } };