import frappe from 'frappe'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; export async function getExchangeRate({ fromCurrency, toCurrency, date }) { if (!date) { date = DateTime.local().toISODate(); } if (!fromCurrency || !toCurrency) { throw new frappe.errors.NotFoundError( 'Please provide `fromCurrency` and `toCurrency` to get exchange rate.' ); } let cacheKey = `currencyExchangeRate:${date}:${fromCurrency}:${toCurrency}`; let exchangeRate = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem(cacheKey)); if (!exchangeRate) { try { let res = await fetch( `${date}&base=${fromCurrency}&symbols=${toCurrency}` ); let data = await res.json(); exchangeRate = data.rates[toCurrency]; localStorage.setItem(cacheKey, exchangeRate); } catch (error) { console.error(error); throw new Error( `Could not fetch exchange rate for ${fromCurrency} -> ${toCurrency}` ); } } return exchangeRate; }