const { getPeriodList } = require('../FinancialStatements/FinancialStatements'); const { DateTime } = require('luxon'); class Cashflow { async run({ fromDate, toDate, periodicity }) { let res = await frappe.db.sql( ` select sum(debit) as inflow, sum(credit) as outflow, strftime("%m-%Y", date) as "month-year" from AccountingLedgerEntry where account in ( select name from Account where accountType in ('Cash', 'Bank') and isGroup = 0 ) and date >= $fromDate and date <= $toDate group by strftime("%m-%Y", date) `, { $fromDate: fromDate, $toDate: toDate } ); let periodList = getPeriodList(fromDate, toDate, periodicity); let data = => { let monthYear = this.getMonthYear(periodKey, 'MMM yyyy'); let cashflowForPeriod = res.find(d => d['month-year'] === monthYear); if (cashflowForPeriod) { cashflowForPeriod.periodKey = periodKey; return cashflowForPeriod; } return { inflow: 0, outflow: 0, periodKey, 'month-year': monthYear }; }); return { data, periodList }; } getMonthYear(periodKey, format) { return DateTime.fromFormat(periodKey, format).toFormat('MM-yyyy'); } } module.exports = Cashflow;