# Frappe Core Core libs for Frappe Framework JS ## Examples ### Declaring Models Models are declared by adding a `.json` model file in the `models/doctype` folder of the module/app. { "autoname": "hash", "name": "ToDo", "doctype": "DocType", "issingle": 0, "fields": [ { "fieldname": "subject", "label": "Subject", "fieldtype": "Data", "reqd": 1 }, { "fieldname": "description", "label": "Description", "fieldtype": "Text" }, { "fieldname": "status", "label": "Status", "fieldtype": "Select", "options": [ "Open", "Closed" ], "default": "Open", "reqd": 1 } ] } ### Setup / Migrate const frappe = require('frappe-core'); frappe.init(); // sync all schema from `models` folders in all apps frappe.migrate(); ### Managing Documents Frappe Object-Relational-Mapper (ORM) helps you manage (create, read, update, delete) documents based on the DocTypes declared. Documents are stored in SQLite using `sql.js` #### Create const frappe = require('frappe-core'); frappe.init(); // make a new todo let todo = frappe.get_doc({doctype: 'ToDo', subject: 'something'}); todo.insert(); #### Read const frappe = require('frappe-core'); frappe.init(); // get all open todos let todos = frappe.db.get_all('ToDo', ['name'], {status: "Open"}); let first_todo = frappe.get_doc('ToDo', toods[0].name); #### Update const frappe = require('frappe-core'); frappe.init(); // get all open todos let todos = frappe.db.get_all('ToDo', ['name'], {status: "Open"}); let first_todo = frappe.get_doc('ToDo', toods[0].name); first_todo.status = 'Closed'; first_todo.update(); ### Metadata const frappe = require('frappe-core'); frappe.init(); let todo_meta = frappe.get_meta('ToDo'); // get all fields of type "Data" let data_fields = todo_meta.fields.map(d => d.fieldtype=='Data' ? d : null); ### Controllers You can write event handlers in controllers, by declaring a `.js` file in the `models/doctype/` folder along with the model file. The name of the class must be the slugged name of the DocType const frappe = require('frappe-core'); class todo extends frappe.document.Document { validate() { // set default status as "Open" if not set if (!this.status) { this.status = 'Open'; } } } module.exports = { todo: todo }; ### Database You can also directly write SQL with `frappe.db.sql` const frappe = require('frappe-core'); frappe.init(); all_todos = frappe.db.sql('select name from todo');