import { Fyo, t } from 'fyo'; import { DocValue } from 'fyo/core/types'; import { Doc } from 'fyo/model/doc'; import { Action, ChangeArg, DefaultMap, FiltersMap, FormulaMap, HiddenMap, ListViewSettings, RequiredMap, ValidationMap } from 'fyo/model/types'; import { NotFoundError, ValidationError } from 'fyo/utils/errors'; import { getDocStatus, getLedgerLinkAction, getNumberSeries, getStatusMap, statusColor } from 'models/helpers'; import { LedgerPosting } from 'models/Transactional/LedgerPosting'; import { Transactional } from 'models/Transactional/Transactional'; import { ModelNameEnum } from 'models/types'; import { Money } from 'pesa'; import { QueryFilter } from 'utils/db/types'; import { AccountTypeEnum } from '../Account/types'; import { Invoice } from '../Invoice/Invoice'; import { Party } from '../Party/Party'; import { PaymentFor } from '../PaymentFor/PaymentFor'; import { PaymentMethod, PaymentType } from './types'; type AccountTypeMap = Record; export class Payment extends Transactional { party?: string; amount?: Money; writeoff?: Money; paymentType?: PaymentType; for?: PaymentFor[]; _accountsMap?: AccountTypeMap; async change({ changed }: ChangeArg) { if (changed === 'for') { this.updateAmountOnReferenceUpdate(); await this.updateDetailsOnReferenceUpdate(); } if (changed === 'amount') { this.updateReferenceOnAmountUpdate(); } } async updateDetailsOnReferenceUpdate() { const forReferences = (this.for ?? []) as Doc[]; const { referenceType, referenceName } = forReferences[0] ?? {}; if ( forReferences.length !== 1 || || this.paymentType || !referenceName || !referenceType ) { return; } const schemaName = referenceType as string; const doc = (await this.fyo.doc.getDoc( schemaName, referenceName as string )) as Invoice; let paymentType: PaymentType; if (doc.isSales) { paymentType = 'Receive'; } else { paymentType = 'Pay'; } = as string; this.paymentType = paymentType; } updateAmountOnReferenceUpdate() { this.amount = this.fyo.pesa(0); for (const paymentReference of (this.for ?? []) as Doc[]) { this.amount = (this.amount as Money).add( paymentReference.amount as Money ); } } updateReferenceOnAmountUpdate() { const forReferences = (this.for ?? []) as Doc[]; if (forReferences.length !== 1) { return; } forReferences[0].amount = this.amount; } async validate() { await super.validate(); if (this.submitted) { return; } await this.validateFor(); this.validateAccounts(); this.validateTotalReferenceAmount(); await this.validateReferences(); } async validateFor() { for (const childDoc of this.for ?? []) { const referenceName = childDoc.referenceName; const referenceType = childDoc.referenceType; const refDoc = (await this.fyo.doc.getDoc( childDoc.referenceType!, childDoc.referenceName )) as Invoice; if (referenceName && referenceType && !refDoc) { throw new ValidationError( t`${referenceType} of type ${this.fyo.schemaMap?.[referenceType] ?.label!} does not exist` ); } if (!refDoc) { continue; } if (refDoc?.party !== { throw new ValidationError( t`${!} party ${!} is different from ${this .party!}` ); } } } validateAccounts() { if (this.paymentAccount !== this.account || !this.account) { return; } throw new this.fyo.errors.ValidationError( t`To Account and From Account can't be the same: ${ this.account as string }` ); } validateTotalReferenceAmount() { const forReferences = (this.for ?? []) as Doc[]; if (forReferences.length === 0) { return; } const referenceAmountTotal = forReferences .map(({ amount }) => amount as Money) .reduce((a, b) => a.add(b), this.fyo.pesa(0)); if ( (this.amount as Money) .add((this.writeoff as Money) ?? 0) .gte(referenceAmountTotal) ) { return; } const writeoff = this.fyo.format(this.writeoff!, 'Currency'); const payment = this.fyo.format(this.amount!, 'Currency'); const refAmount = this.fyo.format(referenceAmountTotal, 'Currency'); if ((this.writeoff as Money).gt(0)) { throw new ValidationError( this.fyo.t`Amount: ${payment} and writeoff: ${writeoff} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${refAmount}.` ); } throw new ValidationError( this.fyo.t`Amount: ${payment} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${refAmount}.` ); } async validateWriteOffAccount() { if ((this.writeoff as Money).isZero()) { return; } const writeOffAccount =! .writeOffAccount as string | null | undefined; if (!writeOffAccount) { throw new NotFoundError( t`Write Off Account not set. Please set Write Off Account in General Settings`, false ); } const exists = await this.fyo.db.exists( ModelNameEnum.Account, writeOffAccount ); if (exists) { return; } throw new NotFoundError( t`Write Off Account ${writeOffAccount} does not exist. Please set Write Off Account in General Settings`, false ); } async getPosting() { /** * account : From Account * paymentAccount : To Account * * if Receive * - account : Debtors, etc * - paymentAccount : Cash, Bank, etc * * if Pay * - account : Cash, Bank, etc * - paymentAccount : Creditors, etc */ await this.validateWriteOffAccount(); const posting: LedgerPosting = new LedgerPosting(this, this.fyo); const paymentAccount = this.paymentAccount as string; const account = this.account as string; const amount = this.amount as Money; await posting.debit(paymentAccount as string, amount); await as string, amount); await this.applyWriteOffPosting(posting); return posting; } async applyWriteOffPosting(posting: LedgerPosting) { const writeoff = this.writeoff as Money; if (writeoff.isZero()) { return posting; } const account = this.account as string; const paymentAccount = this.paymentAccount as string; const writeOffAccount =! .writeOffAccount as string; if (this.paymentType === 'Pay') { await, writeoff); await posting.debit(writeOffAccount, writeoff); } else { await posting.debit(account, writeoff); await, writeoff); } } async validateReferences() { const forReferences = (this.for ?? []) as PaymentFor[]; if (forReferences.length === 0) { return; } for (const row of forReferences) { this.validateReferenceType(row); } await this.validateReferenceOutstanding(); } validateReferenceType(row: PaymentFor) { const referenceType = row.referenceType; if ( ![ModelNameEnum.SalesInvoice, ModelNameEnum.PurchaseInvoice].includes( referenceType! ) ) { throw new ValidationError(t`Please select a valid reference type.`); } } async validateReferenceOutstanding() { let outstandingAmount = this.fyo.pesa(0); for (const row of this.for ?? []) { const referenceDoc = (await this.fyo.doc.getDoc( row.referenceType as string, row.referenceName as string )) as Invoice; outstandingAmount = outstandingAmount.add( referenceDoc.outstandingAmount ?? 0 ); } const amount = this.amount as Money; if ( && amount.lte(outstandingAmount)) { return; } let message = this.fyo.t`Payment amount: ${this.fyo.format( this.amount!, 'Currency' )} should be less than Outstanding amount: ${this.fyo.format( outstandingAmount, 'Currency' )}.`; if (amount.lte(0)) { const amt = this.fyo.format(this.amount!, 'Currency'); message = this.fyo.t`Payment amount: ${amt} should be greater than 0.`; } throw new ValidationError(message); } async afterSubmit() { await super.afterSubmit(); await this.updateReferenceDocOutstanding(); await this.updatePartyOutstanding(); } async updateReferenceDocOutstanding() { for (const row of (this.for ?? []) as PaymentFor[]) { const referenceDoc = await this.fyo.doc.getDoc( row.referenceType!, row.referenceName! ); const previousOutstandingAmount = referenceDoc.outstandingAmount as Money; const outstandingAmount = previousOutstandingAmount.sub(row.amount!); await referenceDoc.setAndSync({ outstandingAmount }); } } async afterCancel() { await super.afterCancel(); this.revertOutstandingAmount(); } async revertOutstandingAmount() { await this._revertReferenceOutstanding(); await this.updatePartyOutstanding(); } async _revertReferenceOutstanding() { for (const ref of (this.for ?? []) as PaymentFor[]) { const refDoc = await this.fyo.doc.getDoc( ref.referenceType!, ref.referenceName! ); const outstandingAmount = (refDoc.outstandingAmount as Money).add( ref.amount! ); await refDoc.setAndSync({ outstandingAmount }); } } async updatePartyOutstanding() { const partyDoc = (await this.fyo.doc.getDoc( ModelNameEnum.Party,! )) as Party; await partyDoc.updateOutstandingAmount(); } static defaults: DefaultMap = { numberSeries: (doc) => getNumberSeries(doc.schemaName, doc.fyo), date: () => new Date().toISOString(), }; async _getAccountsMap(): Promise { if (this._accountsMap) { return this._accountsMap; } const accounts = (await this.fyo.db.getAll(ModelNameEnum.Account, { fields: ['name', 'accountType'], filters: { accountType: [ 'in', [ AccountTypeEnum.Bank, AccountTypeEnum.Cash, AccountTypeEnum.Payable, AccountTypeEnum.Receivable, ], ], }, })) as { name: string; accountType: AccountTypeEnum }[]; return (this._accountsMap = accounts.reduce((acc, ac) => { acc[ac.accountType] ??= []; acc[ac.accountType]!.push(; return acc; }, {} as AccountTypeMap)); } async _getReferenceAccount() { const account = await this._getAccountFromParty(); if (!account) { return await this._getAccountFromFor(); } return account; } async _getAccountFromParty() { const party = (await this.loadAndGetLink('party')) as Party | null; if (!party || party.role === 'Both') { return null; } return party.defaultAccount ?? null; } async _getAccountFromFor() { const reference = this?.for?.[0]; if (!reference) { return null; } const refDoc = (await reference.loadAndGetLink( 'referenceName' )) as Invoice | null; return (refDoc?.account ?? null) as string | null; } formulas: FormulaMap = { account: { formula: async () => { const accountsMap = await this._getAccountsMap(); if (this.paymentType === 'Receive') { return ( (await this._getReferenceAccount()) ?? accountsMap[AccountTypeEnum.Receivable]?.[0] ?? null ); } if (this.paymentMethod === 'Cash') { return accountsMap[AccountTypeEnum.Cash]?.[0] ?? null; } if (this.paymentMethod !== 'Cash') { return accountsMap[AccountTypeEnum.Bank]?.[0] ?? null; } return null; }, dependsOn: ['paymentMethod', 'paymentType', 'party'], }, paymentAccount: { formula: async () => { const accountsMap = await this._getAccountsMap(); if (this.paymentType === 'Pay') { return ( (await this._getReferenceAccount()) ?? accountsMap[AccountTypeEnum.Payable]?.[0] ?? null ); } if (this.paymentMethod === 'Cash') { return accountsMap[AccountTypeEnum.Cash]?.[0] ?? null; } if (this.paymentMethod !== 'Cash') { return accountsMap[AccountTypeEnum.Bank]?.[0] ?? null; } return null; }, dependsOn: ['paymentMethod', 'paymentType', 'party'], }, paymentType: { formula: async () => { if (! { return; } const partyDoc = (await this.loadAndGetLink('party')) as Party; if (partyDoc.role === 'Supplier') { return 'Pay'; } else if (partyDoc.role === 'Customer') { return 'Receive'; } const outstanding = partyDoc.outstandingAmount as Money; if (outstanding?.isZero() ?? true) { return this.paymentType; } if (outstanding?.isPositive()) { return 'Receive'; } return 'Pay'; }, }, amount: { formula: async () => this.getSum('for', 'amount', false), dependsOn: ['for'], }, amountPaid: { formula: async () => this.amount!.sub(this.writeoff!), dependsOn: ['amount', 'writeoff', 'for'], }, }; validations: ValidationMap = { amount: async (value: DocValue) => { if ((value as Money).isNegative()) { throw new ValidationError( this.fyo.t`Payment amount cannot be less than zero.` ); } if (((this.for ?? []) as Doc[]).length === 0) { return; } const amount = this.getSum('for', 'amount', false); if ((value as Money).gt(amount)) { throw new ValidationError( this.fyo.t`Payment amount cannot exceed ${this.fyo.format(amount, 'Currency')}.` ); } else if ((value as Money).isZero()) { throw new ValidationError( this.fyo.t`Payment amount cannot be ${this.fyo.format(value, 'Currency')}.` ); } }, }; required: RequiredMap = { referenceId: () => this.paymentMethod !== 'Cash', clearanceDate: () => this.paymentMethod !== 'Cash', }; hidden: HiddenMap = { referenceId: () => this.paymentMethod === 'Cash', clearanceDate: () => this.paymentMethod === 'Cash', amountPaid: () => this.writeoff?.isZero() ?? true, attachment: () => !(this.attachment || !(this.isSubmitted || this.isCancelled)), for: () => !!((this.isSubmitted || this.isCancelled) && !this.for?.length), }; static filters: FiltersMap = { party: (doc: Doc) => { const paymentType = (doc as Payment).paymentType; if (paymentType === 'Pay') { return { role: ['in', ['Supplier', 'Both']] } as QueryFilter; } if (paymentType === 'Receive') { return { role: ['in', ['Customer', 'Both']] } as QueryFilter; } return {}; }, numberSeries: () => { return { referenceType: 'Payment' }; }, account: (doc: Doc) => { const paymentType = doc.paymentType as PaymentType; const paymentMethod = doc.paymentMethod as PaymentMethod; if (paymentType === 'Receive') { return { accountType: 'Receivable', isGroup: false }; } if (paymentMethod === 'Cash') { return { accountType: 'Cash', isGroup: false }; } else { return { accountType: ['in', ['Bank', 'Cash']], isGroup: false }; } }, paymentAccount: (doc: Doc) => { const paymentType = doc.paymentType as PaymentType; const paymentMethod = doc.paymentMethod as PaymentMethod; if (paymentType === 'Pay') { return { accountType: 'Payable', isGroup: false }; } if (paymentMethod === 'Cash') { return { accountType: 'Cash', isGroup: false }; } else { return { accountType: ['in', ['Bank', 'Cash']], isGroup: false }; } }, }; static getActions(fyo: Fyo): Action[] { return [getLedgerLinkAction(fyo)]; } static getListViewSettings(fyo: Fyo): ListViewSettings { return { columns: [ 'name', { label: t`Status`, fieldname: 'status', fieldtype: 'Select', size: 'small', render(doc) { const status = getDocStatus(doc); const color = statusColor[status] ?? 'gray'; const label = getStatusMap()[status]; return { template: `${label}`, }; }, }, 'party', 'date', 'amount', ], }; } }