const frappe = require('frappejs'); // const Search = require('./search'); const Router = require('frappejs/common/router'); const Page = require('frappejs/client/view/page'); const views = {}; views.Form = require('./formpage'); views.List = require('./listpage'); views.Print = require('./printpage'); views.FormModal = require('./formmodal'); views.Table = require('./tablepage'); const DeskMenu = require('./menu'); module.exports = class Desk { constructor(columns=2) { frappe.router = new Router(); frappe.router.listen(); let body = document.querySelector('body'); //this.navbar = new Navbar(); this.container = frappe.ui.add('div', '', body); this.containerRow = frappe.ui.add('div', 'row no-gutters', this.container) this.makeColumns(columns); this.pages = { formModals: {}, List: {} }; this.routeItems = {}; this.initRoutes(); // = new Search(this.nav); } makeColumns(columns) { = null; = null; this.columnCount = columns; if (columns === 3) { this.makeMenu(); = frappe.ui.add('div', 'col-md-4 desk-center', this.containerRow); this.body = frappe.ui.add('div', 'col-md-6 desk-body', this.containerRow); } else if (columns === 2) { this.makeMenu(); this.body = frappe.ui.add('div', 'col-md-10 desk-body', this.containerRow); } else if (columns === 1) { this.makeMenuPage(); this.body = frappe.ui.add('div', 'col-md-12 desk-body', this.containerRow); } else { throw 'columns can be 1, 2 or 3' } } makeMenu() { this.menuColumn = frappe.ui.add('div', 'col-md-2 desk-menu', this.containerRow); = new DeskMenu(this.menuColumn); } makeMenuPage() { // make menu page for 1 column layout this.menuPage = null; } initRoutes() { frappe.router.add('not-found', async (params) => { if (!this.notFoundPage) { this.notFoundPage = new Page({title: 'Not Found'}); } await; this.notFoundPage.renderError('Not Found', params ? params.route : ''); }) frappe.router.add('list/:doctype', async (params) => { await this.showViewPage('List', params.doctype); }); frappe.router.add('table/:doctype', async (params) => { await this.showViewPage('Table', params.doctype, params); }) frappe.router.add('edit/:doctype/:name', async (params) => { await this.showViewPage('Form', params.doctype, params); }) frappe.router.add('print/:doctype/:name', async (params) => { await this.showViewPage('Print', params.doctype, params); }) frappe.router.add('new/:doctype', async (params) => { let doc = await frappe.getNewDoc(params.doctype); // unset the name, its local await frappe.router.setRoute('edit', doc.doctype,; // focus on new page frappe.desk.body.activePage.body.querySelector('input').focus(); }); frappe.router.on('change', () => { if ( {; } }) } toggleCenter(show) { const current = !'hide'); if (show===undefined) { show = current; } else if (!!show===!!current) { // no change return; } // add hide'hide', !show); if (show) { // set body to 6 frappe.desk.body.classList.toggle('col-md-6', true); frappe.desk.body.classList.toggle('col-md-10', false); } else { // set body to 10 frappe.desk.body.classList.toggle('col-md-6', false); frappe.desk.body.classList.toggle('col-md-10', true); } } async showViewPage(view, doctype, params) { if (!params) params = doctype; if (!this.pages[view]) this.pages[view] = {}; if (!this.pages[view][doctype]) this.pages[view][doctype] = new views[view](doctype); const page = this.pages[view][doctype]; this.toggleCenter(page.fullPage ? false : true); await; } async showFormModal(doctype, name) { if (!this.pages.formModals[doctype]) { this.pages.formModals[doctype] = new views.FormModal(doctype); } await this.pages.formModals[doctype].showWith(doctype, name); return this.pages.formModals[doctype]; } async setActiveDoc(doc) { this.activeDoc = doc; if ( && ! { await frappe.desk.showViewPage('List', doc.doctype); } if (frappe.desk.pages.List[doc.doctype]) { frappe.desk.pages.List[doc.doctype].list.setActiveListRow(; } } setActive(item) { let className = 'list-group-item-secondary'; let activeItem = this.sidebarList.querySelector('.' + className); if (activeItem) { activeItem.classList.remove(className); } item.classList.add(className); } addSidebarItem(label, action) { let item = frappe.ui.add('a', 'list-group-item list-group-item-action', this.sidebarList, label); if (typeof action === 'string') { item.href = action; this.routeItems[action] = item; } else { item.addEventHandler('click', () => { action(); this.setActive(item); }); } } }