const luxon = require('luxon'); const frappe = require('frappejs'); const { DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PRECISION, DEFAULT_LOCALE } = require('./consts'); module.exports = { format(value, df, doc) { if (!df) { return value; } if (typeof df === 'string') { df = { fieldtype: df }; } if (df.fieldtype === 'Currency') { const currency = getCurrency(df, doc); value = formatCurrency(value, currency); } else if (df.fieldtype === 'Date') { let dateFormat; if (!frappe.SystemSettings) { dateFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd'; } else { dateFormat = frappe.SystemSettings.dateFormat; } if (typeof value === 'string') { // ISO String value = luxon.DateTime.fromISO(value); } else if ( === '[object Date]') { // JS Date value = luxon.DateTime.fromJSDate(value); } value = value.toFormat(dateFormat); if (value === 'Invalid DateTime') { value = ''; } } else if (df.fieldtype === 'Check') { typeof parseInt(value) === 'number' ? (value = parseInt(value)) : (value = Boolean(value)); } else { if (value === null || value === undefined) { value = ''; } else { value = value + ''; } } return value; }, formatCurrency, formatNumber, }; function formatCurrency(value, currency) { let valueString; try { valueString = formatNumber(value); } catch (err) { err.message += ` value: '${value}', type: ${typeof value}`; throw err; } const currencySymbol = frappe.currencySymbols[currency]; if (currencySymbol) { return currencySymbol + ' ' + valueString; } return valueString; } function formatNumber(value) { const numberFormatter = getNumberFormatter(); if (typeof value === 'number') { return numberFormatter.format(value); } if (value.round) { return numberFormatter.format(value.round()); } const formattedNumber = numberFormatter.format(value); if (formattedNumber === 'NaN') { throw Error( `invalid value passed to formatNumber: '${value}' of type ${typeof value}` ); } return formattedNumber; } function getNumberFormatter() { if (frappe.currencyFormatter) { return frappe.currencyFormatter; } const locale = frappe.SystemSettings.locale ?? DEFAULT_LOCALE; const display = frappe.SystemSettings.displayPrecision ?? DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PRECISION; return (frappe.currencyFormatter = Intl.NumberFormat(locale, { style: 'decimal', minimumFractionDigits: display, })); } function getCurrency(df, doc) { if (!(doc && df.getCurrency)) { return df.currency || frappe.AccountingSettings.currency || ''; } if (doc.meta && doc.meta.isChild) { return df.getCurrency(doc, doc.parentdoc); } return df.getCurrency(doc); }