const ReportPage = require('frappejs/client/desk/reportpage'); const frappe = require('frappejs'); const { unique } = require('frappejs/utils'); module.exports = class ProfitAndLossView extends ReportPage { constructor() { super({ title: frappe._('Profit and Loss'), filterFields: [ {fieldtype: 'Date', label: 'From Date', required: 1}, {fieldtype: 'Date', label: 'To Date', required: 1}, {fieldtype: 'Select', options: ['Monthly', 'Quarterly', 'Half Yearly', 'Yearly'], label: 'Periodicity', fieldname: 'periodicity'} ] }); this.method = 'profit-and-loss'; this.datatableOptions = { treeView: true } } getRowsForDataTable(data) { const { expense, income } = data; const rows = []; rows.push({ account: 'Income', indent: 0 }); for (let account of Object.keys(income)) { const row = { account, indent: 1 }; for (let periodKey of Object.keys(income[account] || {})) { row[periodKey] = income[account][periodKey]; } rows.push(row); } rows.push({ account: 'Expense', indent: 0 }); for (let account of Object.keys(expense)) { const row = { account, indent: 1 }; for (let periodKey of Object.keys(expense[account] || {})) { row[periodKey] = expense[account][periodKey]; } rows.push(row); } return rows; } getColumns(data) { debugger const columns = [ { label: 'Account', fieldtype: 'Data' } ]; if (data) { const { income, expense } = data; let currencyColumns = []; for (let account of Object.keys(income)) { const periods = Object.keys(income[account] || {}); currencyColumns.push(...periods); } for (let account of Object.keys(expense)) { const periods = Object.keys(expense[account] || {}); currencyColumns.push(...periods); } currencyColumns = unique(currencyColumns); const columnDefs = => ({ label: name, fieldname: name, fieldtype: 'Currency' })); columns.push(...columnDefs); } return columns; } }