# Fields Fields are properties a the document instance that are defined in its DocType. ## Field Types ### Data Small, single line text (140 chars) ### Text Long multi-line text ### Int Integer ### Float Number ### Currency Number with currency ### Code Code string (like Text but monospaced) ### Date Date (formatted by [SystemSettings.dateFormat](../utilities/system-settings.md)) ### Select Dropdown with fixed options. Options must be set in the `options` property ``` { fieldtype: "Select", fieldname: "status", label: "Status", options: [ "Open", "Closed", "Pending" ] } ``` ### Link Reference to another document set by `target` ``` { fieldtype: "Link", fieldname: "customer", label: "Customer", target: "Customer" } ``` ### Table Property with child documents, the type of children is defined by `childtype` property ``` { fieldtype: "Table", fieldname: "items", label: "Items", target: "InvoiceItem" } ```