import DatabaseCore from './core'; import { BespokeFunction } from './types'; export class BespokeQueries { [key: string]: BespokeFunction; static async getLastInserted( db: DatabaseCore, schemaName: string ): Promise { const lastInserted = (await db.knex!.raw( 'select cast(name as int) as num from ?? order by num desc limit 1', [schemaName] )) as { num: number }[]; const num = lastInserted?.[0]?.num; if (num === undefined) { return 0; } return num; } static async getTopExpenses( db: DatabaseCore, fromDate: string, toDate: string ) { const expenseAccounts = db .knex!.select('name') .from('Account') .where('rootType', 'Expense'); const topExpenses = await db .knex!.select({ total: db.knex!.raw('sum(cast(debit as real) - cast(credit as real))'), }) .select('account') .from('AccountingLedgerEntry') .where('reverted', false) .where('account', 'in', expenseAccounts) .whereBetween('date', [fromDate, toDate]) .groupBy('account') .orderBy('total', 'desc') .limit(5); return topExpenses; } static async getTotalOutstanding( db: DatabaseCore, schemaName: string, fromDate: string, toDate: string ) { return await db.knex!(schemaName) .sum({ total: 'baseGrandTotal' }) .sum({ outstanding: 'outstandingAmount' }) .where('submitted', true) .where('cancelled', false) .whereBetween('date', [fromDate, toDate]) .first(); } static async getCashflow(db: DatabaseCore, fromDate: string, toDate: string) { const cashAndBankAccounts = db.knex!('Account') .select('name') .where('accountType', 'in', ['Cash', 'Bank']) .andWhere('isGroup', false); const dateAsMonthYear = db.knex!.raw('strftime("%Y-%m", ??)', 'date'); return await db.knex!('AccountingLedgerEntry') .where('reverted', false) .sum({ inflow: 'debit', outflow: 'credit', }) .select({ yearmonth: dateAsMonthYear, }) .where('account', 'in', cashAndBankAccounts) .whereBetween('date', [fromDate, toDate]) .groupBy(dateAsMonthYear); } static async getIncomeAndExpenses( db: DatabaseCore, fromDate: string, toDate: string ) { const income = await db.knex!.raw( ` select sum(cast(credit as real) - cast(debit as real)) as balance, strftime('%Y-%m', date) as yearmonth from AccountingLedgerEntry where reverted = false and date between date(?) and date(?) and account in ( select name from Account where rootType = 'Income' ) group by yearmonth`, [fromDate, toDate] ); const expense = await db.knex!.raw( ` select sum(cast(debit as real) - cast(credit as real)) as balance, strftime('%Y-%m', date) as yearmonth from AccountingLedgerEntry where reverted = false and date between date(?) and date(?) and account in ( select name from Account where rootType = 'Expense' ) group by yearmonth`, [fromDate, toDate] ); return { income, expense }; } }