${0},, "${0} ${1} already exists.",, "${0} ${1} does not exist",, "${0} ${1} has been modified after loading please reload entry.",, "${0} ${1} is linked with existing records.","${0} ${1} 가 기록과 연결되었습니다.", "${0} account not set in Inventory Settings.",, "${0} already saved",, "${0} already submitted",, "${0} cancelled",, "${0} cannot be cancelled",, "${0} cannot be deleted",, "${0} deleted",, "${0} entries failed",, "${0} entries imported",, "${0} entry failed",, "${0} entry imported",, "${0} fields selected",, "${0} filters applied","${0} 필터가 적용되었습니다.", "${0} has linked child accounts.",, "${0} of type ${1} does not exist",, "${0} out of ${1}","${0} ${1} 을 벗어났습니다.", "${0} party ${1} is different from ${2}",, "${0} quantity 1 added.",, "${0} row added.",, "${0} rows","${0} 행", "${0} rows added.",, "${0} saved",, "${0} shortcuts",, "${0} stored at ${1}",, "${0} submitted",, "${0} value ${1} does not exist.",, 0%,, 03-23-2022,, 03/23/2022,, "1 filter applied","1개의 필터가 적용되었습니다.", 2022-03-23,, "23 Mar, 2022",, 23-03-2022,, 23.03.2022,, 23/03/2022,, 9888900000,"02 1234 5678", "A submittable entry is deleted only if it is in the cancelled state.",, Account,계정, "Account ${0} does not exist.",, "Account Entries","계정 정보", "Account Name","계정 이름", "Account Type","계정 타입", Accounting,, "Accounting Entries",, "Accounting Ledger Entry","회계 원장 정보", "Accounting Settings","회계 설정", Accounts,계정, "Accounts Payable","결제가능한 계정", "Accounts Receivable","거래처 계정", "Accumulated Depreciation","누적 감가상각", Action,, Active,, "Add Account","계좌 추가", "Add Customers","고객 추가", "Add Group","그룹 추가", "Add Items","아이템 추가", "Add Row","행 추가", "Add Suppliers","공급자 추가", "Add Taxes","세금 추가", "Add a few customers to create your first sales invoice","첫 구매 인보이스 생성와 함께 여러 고객 추가", "Add a few suppliers to create your first purchase invoice","첫 결제 인보이스 생성과 함께 여러 공급자 추가", "Add a filter","필터 추가", "Add a remark","참고사항 추가", "Add attachment",, "Add invoice terms","인보이스 조건 추가", "Add products or services that you buy from your suppliers","공급받은 물건 또는 용역 추가", "Add products or services that you sell to your customers","공급한 물건 또는 용역 추가", "Add transfer terms",, "Add'l Discounts",, "Additional ${0} Serial Numbers required for ${1} quantity of ${2}.",, "Additional quantity (${0}) required${1} to make outward transfer of item ${2} from ${3} on ${4}",, Address,주소, "Address Display","표시되는 주소", "Address Line 1","주소 1", "Address Line 2","주소 2", "Address Name",, "Administrative Expenses","관리 비용", All,모든, Amount,총액, "Amount Paid",지불액, "Amount: ${0} and writeoff: ${1} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${2}.","Amount: ${0} and writeoff: ${1} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${2}.", "Amount: ${0} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${1}.","Amount: ${0} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${1}.", Amounts,, "An entry is cancelled only if it is in the submitted state.",, "An entry is submitted only if it is submittable and is in the saved state.",, "An error occurred.","오류가 발생하였습니다.", "Applicable anywhere in Frappe Books",, "Applicable when Quick Search is open",, "Applicable when Template Builder is open",, "Applicable when a entry is open in the Form view or Quick Edit view",, "Applicable when the List View of an entry type is open",, "Application of Funds (Assets)","자금 운용 (자산)", "Apply Discount After Tax",, "Apply and view changes made to the print template",, April,, Arial,, "Ascending Order",오름차순, Asset,자산, "Attach Image",, Attachment,, August,, "Auto Payments",, "Auto Stock Transfer",, Autocomplete,, Back,, "Back Reference",, "Bad import data, could not read file.",, Balance,잔액, "Balance Amount",, "Balance Sheet",대차대조표, Bank,은행, "Bank Accounts","은행 계좌", "Bank Entry","은행 정보", "Bank Name",은행명, "Bank Overdraft Account","당좌대월 은행 계좌 (마이너스)", Barcode,, "Base Grand Total",, "Based On",기반, Batch,, "Batch not set for row ${0}.",, "Batch set for row ${0}.",, "Bill Created","영수증 발행", Billing,, Black,"검은색 ", Blue,파란색, Both,, "Both From and To Location cannot be undefined",, Buildings,건물, Cancel,취소, "Cancel ${0}?",, "Cancel or Delete an entry.",, Cancelled,취소되었습니다., "Cannot Commit Error",, "Cannot Delete","지울 수 없습니다.", "Cannot Delete Account",, "Cannot Export",, "Cannot Import",, "Cannot Open File",, "Cannot cancel ${0} ${1} because of the following ${2}: ${3}",, "Cannot cancel ${0} because of the following ${1}: ${2}",, "Cannot delete ${0} ""${1}"" because of linked entries.",, "Cannot open file",, "Cannot perform operation.",, "Cannot read file",, "Capital Equipments",자산장비, "Capital Stock",자산주식, Cash,현금, "Cash Denominations",, "Cash Entry","현금 요소", "Cash In Hand","현금 지불", Cashflow,"현금 흐름", "Central Tax",국세, "Change DB","DB 변경", "Change File","파일 바꾸기", "Change Ref Type","참조 타입 바꾸기", "Changes made to settings will be visible on reload.",, Chargeable,지불해야하는, "Chart Of Accounts Reviewed","감사 완료된 회계 계통도", "Chart of Accounts","회계 계통도", Check,, Cheque,수표, "City / Town",시/군/구, Clear,지움, "Clearance Date",승인일, Close,닫기, "Close Frappe Books and try manually.",, "Close POS Shift",, "Close Quick Search",, Closing,결산, "Closing ${0} Amount can not be negative.",, "Closing (Cr)","결산 (대변)", "Closing (Dr)","결산 (차변)", "Closing Amount",, "Closing Cash In Denominations",, "Closing Date",, Collapse,, Color,색상, "Commission on Sales","판매 수당", Common,기타, Company,, "Company Logo","회사 로고", "Company Name","회사 이름", "Company Setup","회사 셋업", Completed,완료, Condition,조건, "Consolidate Columns","열 통합", Contacts,, Contains,초함, "Continue submitting Sales Invoice?",, "Contra Entry",반대기입, "Conversion Error",, "Conversion Factor",, "Cost Of Goods Sold Acc.",, "Cost of Goods Sold","판매된 물건 비용", "Could not connect to database file ${0}, please select the file manually",, Count,, "Counter Cash Account",, Country,국가, "Country Code","국가 번호", "Country code used to initialize regional settings.","지역 설정에 국가 번호가 사용되었습니다.", Courier,"운송 업체", Cr.,, "Cr. ${0}",, Create,생성, "Create Demo","데모 생성", "Create Purchase","결제 생성", "Create Purchase Invoice","결제 인보이스 생성", "Create Sale","판매 생성", "Create Sales Invoice","판매 인보이스 생성", "Create a demo company to try out Frappe Books",, "Create a new company and store it on your computer",, "Create a new company or select an existing one from your computer",, "Create a new entry of the same type as the List View",, "Create new ${0} entry?",, "Create your first purchase invoice from the created supplier","공급자로부터 첫 결제 인보이스 생성", "Create your first sales invoice for the created customer","고객로부터 새로운 판매 인보이스 생성", Created,생성됨, "Created By",작성자, "Creating Items and Parties","아이템과 단체 생성중", "Creating Journal Entries","저널 항목 생성중", "Creating Purchase Invoices","구매 인보이스 생성중", Credit,대변, "Credit Card Entry","신용 카드 항목", "Credit Note","신용 전표", Creditors,채권자, Currency,통화, "Currency Name",통화명, Current,현재, "Current Assets","현재 자산", "Current Liabilities","유동 부채", "Custom Field",, "Custom Fields",, "Custom Form",, "Custom Hex","사용자 16진수 설정", Customer,고객, "Customer Created","고객 생성됨", "Customer Currency","고객 통화", Customers,고객, Customizations,, "Customize Form",, "Customize your invoices by adding a logo and address details","로고와 상세 주소를 추가하여 인보이스를 만들기", Dashboard,대시보드, Data,, "Database Error",, "Database file: ${0}","DB 파일: ${0}", Date,날짜, "Date Format","날짜 형식", "Date Time",, Day,, Debit,차변, "Debit Note",차변표, Debtors,채무자, December,, "Decrease print template display scale",, Default,, "Default Account","기본 계정", "Default Cash Denominations",, "Default Location",, Defaults,, Delete,삭제, "Delete ${0}?","${0} 를 삭제합니까?", "Delete Account",, "Delete Failed","삭제에 실패하였습니다.", "Delete Group",, Delivered,, Denomination,, Depreciation,감가상각, "Depreciation Entry","감가상각 항목", Description,설명, Details,상세, "Difference Amount",, "Direct Expenses","직접 비용", "Direct Income","직접 수입", "Directory for database file ${0} does not exist, please select the file manually",, Disabled,, "Discount Account","할인 계정", "Discount Account is not set.","할인 계정이 설정되지 않았습니다.", "Discount Amount",할인액, "Discount Amount (${0}) cannot be greated than Amount (${1}).","할인액이(${0}) 총액(${1})보다 큽니다.", "Discount Percent",할인율, "Discount Percent (${0}) cannot be greater than 100.","할인율(${0})은 100보다 클 수 없습니다.", "Discounted Amount",할인액, Discounts,할인, "Display Doc",, "Display Logo in Invoice","인보이스에 로고 표시", "Display Precision","정확도 표시 수준", "Display Precision should have a value between 0 and 9.","정확도 표시 수준은 0과 9사이여야 합니다.", "Display Scale",, "Dividends Paid","배당 지급액", "Doc ${0} ${1} not set",, Docs,문서, Documentation,"설명 보기", "Does Not Contain","포함하지 않음", Done,, Dr.,, "Dr. ${0}",, Draft,초안, Duplicate,복제, "Duplicate Entry",, "Duplicate Template",, "Duplicate columns found: ${0}",, "Duties and Taxes","세금 및 이용료", "Dynamic Link",, "Earnest Money",예약금, "Electronic Equipments","전자 장비", Email,이메일, "Email Address","이메일 주소", Empty,비었음, "Empty file selected",, "Enable Barcodes",, "Enable Batches",, "Enable Discount Accounting","할인 회계 활성화", "Enable Form Customization",, "Enable Inventory",, "Enable Invoice Returns",, "Enable Point of Sale",, "Enable Price List",, "Enable Serial Number",, "Enable Stock Returns",, "Enable UOM Conversion",, Enabled,, "Enabled For",, "Enter Country to load States","국가 입력에 주(State) 입력", "Enter State","주(State) 입력", "Enter barcode",, "Entertainment Expenses",접대비, Entry,, "Entry Currency",, "Entry Label",, "Entry No","항목 번호", "Entry No.",, "Entry Type","항목 타입", "Entry has Grand Total ${0}. Please verify amounts.",, Equity,자기자본, Error,오류, "Exchange Gain/Loss",환차손, "Exchange Rate",환율, "Excise Entry","소비세 항목", "Existing Company",, Expand,, "Expected Amount",, Expense,비용, "Expense Account","비용 계정", Expenses,비용, "Expenses Included In Valuation","평가에 포함된 비용", "Expiry Date",, Export,내보내기, "Export Failed","내보내기 실패", "Export Format",, "Export Successful","내보내기 성공"," " "Export Wizard",, Failed,, Fax,팩스, Features,, February,, Field,필드, Fieldname,"필드 이름", "Fieldname ${0} already exists for ${1}",, "Fieldname ${0} already used for Custom Field ${1}",, Fieldtype,, "File ${0} does not exist.",, "File selection failed",, Fill,, Filter,필터, "Fiscal Year","회계 연도", "Fiscal Year End Date","회계 연도 종료", "Fiscal Year Start Date","회계 연도 시작", "Fix Failed",, "Fixed Asset","고정 자산", "Fixed Assets","고정 자산", Float,, "Following cells have errors: ${0}.",, "Following links do not exist: ${absentLinks .map((l) =>",, Font,서체, "For Purchase",, "For Sales",, "Forbidden Error",, "Form Section",, "Form Tab",, "Form Type",, Fr,, Fraction,비율, "Fraction Units","비율 단위", "Frappe Books does not have access to the selected file: ${0}",, "Freight and Forwarding Charges","화물 및 전달 비용", From,, "From Account",계정으로부터, "From Date","시작 일자", "From Loc.",, "From Year","시작 년도", "Full Name",이름, "Furnitures and Fixtures","집기 및 비품", GST,, "GSTIN No.","N° GSTIN", GSTR1,GSTR1, GSTR2,GSTR2, "Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal","자산 처리 차익/손실", General,일반, "General Ledger","총 원장", "Get Started",시작하기, Global,, "Go back to the previous page",, Gram,, "Grand Total",총계, "Greater Than","보다 큰", Green,초록색, "Group By","묶기 ", HSN/SAC,, "HSN/SAC Code","Code HSN/SAC", "Half Yearly",반년마다, "Half Years",반년마다, "Has Batch",, "Has Serial Number",, "Height (in cm)",, Help,도움말, "Hex Value","16진수 값", "Hidden values will be visible on Print on.",, "Hide Get Started","시작하기 숨기기 (좌측 사이드바 최상단 메뉴)", "Hide Group Amounts","그룹 총액 춤기기", "Hide Month/Year",, "Hides the Get Started section from the sidebar. Change will be visible on restart or refreshing the app.","사이드바에서 시작하기를 숨깁니다. 프로그램을 재시작하거나 새로고침하면 본 사항이 적용됩니다.", Hour,, INR,, Image,이미지, "Import Complete",, "Import Data","데이터 가져오기", "Import Data.",, "Import Type","가져오기 타입", "Import Wizard",, "Importer not set, reload tool",, Inactive,, "Include Cancelled","포함 취소", Income,수입, "Income Account","수입 계정", "Increase print template display scale",, Indigo,, "Indirect Expenses","간접 비용", "Indirect Income","간접 수입", Inflow,유입, "Instance Id","인스턴스 ID", "Insufficient Quantity",, "Insufficient Quantity.",, "Insufficient Quantity. Item ${0} has only ${1} quantities available. you selected ${2}",, Int,, "Intergrated Tax","종합 세금", "Internal Precision","내부 정확도", "Invalid Key Error",, "Invalid Quantity for Item ${0}",, "Invalid barcode value ${0}.",, "Invalid value ${0} for ${1}","${1}에 값 ${0}을 입력할 수 없습니다.", "Invalid value found for ${0}",, Inventory,, "Inventory Settings",, Investments,투자, Invoice,인보이스, "Invoice Created","인보이스 생성", "Invoice Date","인보이스 생성일", "Invoice Item",, "Invoice No","인보이스 번호", "Invoice No.","인보이스 번호.", "Invoice Value","인보이스 값", Invoices,인보이스, Is,는, "Is Custom",, "Is Empty","는 비어있음", "Is Group","는 그룹임", "Is Landscape",, "Is Not","는 아님", "Is Not Empty","는 비어있지 않음", "Is POS Shift Open",, "Is Price List Enabled",, "Is Required",, "Is Whole","는 모든", Item,아이템, "Item ${0} has Zero Quantity",, "Item ${0} is a batched item",, "Item ${0} is not a batched item",, "Item ${0} not in Stock",, "Item Description","아이템 설명", "Item Discounts",, "Item Name","아이템 이름", "Item Prices",, "Item with From location not found",, "Item with To location not found",, "Item with barcode ${0} not found.",, Items,아이템, January,, "John Doe",, "Journal Entries","저널 항목", "Journal Entry","저널 항목", "Journal Entry Account","저널 항목 계정", "Journal Entry Number Series",, "Journal Entry Print Template",, July,, June,, "Key Hints",, Kg,, Label,, Language,언어, "Left Index","좌측 요소", "Legal Expenses","법리 비용", "Less Filters","더 적은 필터", "Less Than","보다 적은", Liability,부채, Limit,, Link,, "Link Validation Error",, "Linked Entries",, List,목록, "List View",, "Load an existing company from your computer",, "Loading Report...","보고서 불러오는중…", "Loading instance...",, Loading...,불러오는중…, "Loans (Liabilities)","대출 (부채)", "Loans and Advances (Assets)","대출과 선금 (자산)", Locale,로케일, Location,, "Location Name",, Logo,로고, "Make Entry","항목 생성", "Make Payment On Submit",, "Make Purchase Receipt On Submit",, "Make Shipment On Submit",, "Mandatory Error","필수값 에러", Manufacture,, "Manufacture Date",, "Mar 23, 2022",, March,, "Mark ${0} as submitted?",, "Marketing Expenses","홍보 비용", "Material Issue",, "Material Receipt",, "Material Transfer",, May,, Meter,, Misc,잡수익, Miscellaneous,, "Miscellaneous Expenses",잡비용, Mo,, Modified,수정됨, "Modified By",수정자, Monthly,월간, Months,월간, More,, "More Filters","필터 더보기", "More shortcuts will be added soon.",, "Movement Type",, Name,이름, Navigate,Naviguer, "Need ${0} Serial Numbers for Item ${1}. You have provided ${2}",, "Net Total",총계, "New ${0}","새로운 ${0}", "New ${0} ${1}",, "New Account","새로운 계좌", "New Company",, "New Entry","새로운 항목", "New Template",, No,아니오, "No Display Entries Found",, "No Print Templates not found for entry type ${0}",, "No Value",, "No Values to be Displayed","표시할 데이터가 없습니다.", "No entries found","항목를 찾을 수 없습니다.", "No entries were imported.",, "No expenses in this period","기간 내 비용이 없습니다.", "No filters selected","필터가 선택되지 않았습니다.", "No linked entries found",, "No results found","결과를 찾을 수 없습니다.", "No rows added. Select a file or add rows.",, "No transactions yet","거래가 아직 없습니다.", "Non Active Serial Number ${0} cannot be used as Manufacture raw material",, "Non Active Serial Number ${0} cannot be used for Material Issue",, "Non Active Serial Number ${0} cannot be used for Material Transfer",, "Non Inactive Serial Number ${0} cannot be used for Material Receipt",, None,없음., "Not Found",, "Not Saved","저장되지 않음.", "Not Submitted",, "Not Transferred",, Notes,비고, November,, "Number Display",, "Number Series","번호 순", "Number of ${0}","${0}의 순번", "Number of Rows",, October,, "Office Equipments","사무 집기", "Office Maintenance Expenses","사무실 유지비용", "Office Rent","사무실 임대료", Okay,, "Onboarding Complete","온보딩 완료", "Only From or To can be set for Manufacture",, "Open Count","카운트 열기", "Open Documentation",, "Open Folder","폴더 열기", "Open Print View",, "Open Print View if Print is available.",, "Open Quick Search",, "Open Report Print View",, "Open the Export Wizard modal",, "Opening (Cr)","초기 대변", "Opening (Dr)","초기 차변", "Opening Amount",, "Opening Balance Equity","초기 자기자본", "Opening Balances","초기 잔고", "Opening Cash Amount can not be negative.",, "Opening Cash In Denominations",, "Opening Date",, "Opening Entry","초기 항목", Options,, Orange,주황색, Organisation,조직, Outflow,유출, Outstanding,, "Outstanding Amount",미지급금, POS,, "POS Counter Cash Account is not set. Please set it on POS Settings",, "POS Customer",, "POS Inventory is not set. Please set it on POS Settings",, "POS Settings",, "POS Shift Amount",, "POS Write Off Account is not set. Please set it on POS Settings",, "Pad Zeros","0 채우기", Page,페이지, Paid,지불됨, "Paid ${0}",, "Paid Change",, Parent,모, "Parent Account",모계정, Party,파티, "Patch Run","수정 시행", Pay,지급, Payable,지불가능한, Payment,지불, "Payment ${0} is Saved",, "Payment For","지불 대상", "Payment Method","지불 방법", "Payment No","지불 번호", "Payment Number Series",, "Payment Print Template",, "Payment Reference","지불 참조", "Payment Type","지불 타입", "Payment amount cannot be ${0}.","${0} 을 지불할 수 없습니다.", "Payment amount cannot be less than zero.","지불 금액은 0보다 작을 수 없습니다", "Payment amount cannot exceed ${0}.","지불 금액은 ${0}을 넘을 수 없습니다.", "Payment amount: ${0} should be greater than 0.","지불 금액: ${0} 은 0보다 커야 합니다.", "Payment amount: ${0} should be less than Outstanding amount: ${1}.","지불 금액: ${0} 은 미지급금(${1})보다 작아야 합니다.", "Payment of ${0} will be made from account ""${1}"" to account ""${2}"" on Submit.",, Payments,지급방법, "Payroll Payable",미지급급여, "Pending Qty. ${0}",, "Pending qty. ${0}",, Periodicity,주기적, Phone,전화번호, "Pick Columns",, "Pick Import Columns",, Pink,핑크, Place,장소, "Place of supply","공급 장소", "Plants and Machineries","생산 시설", "Please Wait",기다려주세요, "Please check Key Hints for valid key names",, "Please create a ${0} entry to view Template Preview.",, "Please fill all values.",, "Please restart and try again.",, "Please select a Print Template",, "Please select a valid reference type.","가용한 참조 타입을 선택하세요", "Please set GSTIN in General Settings.",, "Please set Round Off Account in the Settings.","설정에서 반올림 계정을 설정하세요", "Please set a Display Doc",, "Point of Sale",, "Postal Code",우편번호, "Postal Expenses","우편 비용", "Posting Date","송부 일자", Prefix,접두어, "Price List",, "Price List Item",, "Prime Bank",주거래은행, Print,인쇄, "Print ${0}",, "Print Settings","인쇄 설정", "Print Setup",, "Print Template",, "Print Template Name not set",, "Print Template is empty",, "Print Templates",, "Print View",, "Print and Stationery","인쇄 및 문구", Product,상품, "Profit And Loss",손익, "Profit and Loss",손익, Purchase,결제, "Purchase Acc.",, "Purchase Invoice","결제 인보이스", "Purchase Invoice Item","결제 인보이스 문서", "Purchase Invoice Number Series",, "Purchase Invoice Print Template",, "Purchase Invoice Terms",, "Purchase Invoices","결제 인보이스", "Purchase Item",, "Purchase Item Created","결제 문서 생성", "Purchase Items","구매 물건 및 용역", "Purchase Payment",, "Purchase Payment Account",, "Purchase Payments","구매 결제", "Purchase Receipt",, "Purchase Receipt Item",, "Purchase Receipt Location",, "Purchase Receipt Number Series",, "Purchase Receipt Print Template",, "Purchase Receipt Terms",, Purchases,구입, Purple,보라색, Purpose,, "Qty in Batch",, "Qty. ${0}",, "Qty. in Transfer Unit",, Quantity,갯수, "Quantity (${0}) has to be greater than zero",, "Quantity needs to be set",, Quarterly,1사분기마다, Quarters,분기, "Quick Search",, "Quick edit error: ${0} entry has no name.",, Quote,, "Quote Reference",, Rate,비용, "Rate (${0}) cannot be less zero.","비용은(${0}) 0보다 작을 수 없습니다.", "Rate (${0}) has to be greater than zero",, "Rate can't be negative.","비용은 음의 값(-) 이 될 수 없습니다.", "Rate needs to be set",, "Raw Value: ${0}",, Receivable,거래처, Receive,수취, Red,붉은색, "Ref Name","참조 이름", "Ref Type","참조 타입", "Ref. / Cheque No.","참조 및 수표 번호", "Ref. Date","참조 일자", "Ref. Name","참조 이름", "Ref. Type","참조 타입", Reference,참조, "Reference Date","참조 일자", "Reference Number","참조 번호", "Reference Type","참조 타입", References,, "Reload Frappe Books?",, Report,리포트, "Report Error","에러 리포트", "Report Issue","이슈 리포트", "Report will use more than one page if required.",, Reports,보고서, "Required fields not selected: ${0}",, "Retained Earnings","유보 이익", Return,, "Return Against",, "Return Issued",, "Reverse Chrg.",대리납부, Reverted,역전, Reverts,역전, "Review Accounts","계정 검토", "Review your chart of accounts, add any account or tax heads as needed",, "Right Index","우측 인덱스", Role,역할, "Root Type","루트 타입", "Round Off",반올림, "Round Off Account","반올림 계정", "Round Off Account Not Found","반올림 계정을 찾을 수 없습니다", "Rounded Off",반올림됨, "Row ${0}",, Sa,, Salary,급여, Sales,판매, "Sales Acc.",, "Sales Expenses","판매 비용", "Sales Invoice","판매 인보이스", "Sales Invoice ${0} is Submitted",, "Sales Invoice Item","판매 인보이스 문서", "Sales Invoice Number Series",, "Sales Invoice Print Template",, "Sales Invoice Terms",, "Sales Invoices","판매 인보이스", "Sales Item",, "Sales Item Created","판매 문서 생성", "Sales Items","판매 물건 및 용역", "Sales Payment",, "Sales Payment Account",, "Sales Payments","판매 결제", "Sales Quote",, "Sales Quote Item",, "Sales Quote Number Series",, "Sales Quote Print Template",, "Sales Quotes",, "Sales and Purchase",, Save,저장, "Save ${0}?",, "Save Customizations",, "Save Template","템플릿 저장", "Save Template File",, "Save as PDF","PDF 로 저장", "Save as PDF Successful","PDF 로 저장 완료", "Save changes made to ${0}?",, "Save or Submit an entry.",, Saved,저장됨, "Search an Item",, "Secured Loans","담보 대출", "Securities and Deposits","증권, 예금", Select,선택, "Select CoA","CoA 선택", "Select Color","색상 선택", "Select Country","국가 선택", "Select File","파일 선택", "Select Image","이미지 선택", "Select Template File",, "Select a Display Doc to view the Template",, "Select a Template type",, "Select a form type to customize",, "Select a pre-defined page size, or set a custom page size for your Print Template.",, "Select column",, "Select file","파일 선택", "Select folder","폴더 선택", "Select the template type.",, Selected,, September,, "Serial Number",, "Serial Number ${0} does not belong to the item ${1}.",, "Serial Number ${0} does not exist.",, "Serial Number ${0} is not Active.",, "Serial Number ${0} is not Inactive",, "Serial Number ${0} status is not Active.",, "Serial Number Description",, "Serial Number is enabled for Item ${0}",, "Serial Number is not enabled for Item ${0}",, "Serial Number not set for row ${0}.",, "Serial Number set for row ${0}.",, Service,서비스, "Set Discount Amount","할인액 설정", "Set Period",, "Set Print Size",, "Set Template Type",, "Set Up"," 설정하기", "Set Up Your Workspace","나의 워크스페이스 설정", "Set a Template value to see the Print Template",, "Set an Import Type","가져올 타입 선택", "Set the display language.","표시할 언어를 선택하세요", "Set the local code. This is used for number formatting.","지역 코드를 설정하세요. 본 사항은 숫자 형식에 활용됩니다.", "Set up your company information, email, country and fiscal year","회사 정보, 이메일, 국가, 회계연도 설정", "Set up your opening balances before performing any accounting entries","회계 입력 전 최초 잔고 입력", "Set up your organization","조직 설정", "Set up your tax templates for your sales or purchase transactions","판매와 결제에 대한 과세 템플릿 설정 ", "Sets how many digits are shown after the decimal point.","소숫점 아래 몇자리까지 표시할 지 설정하세요.", "Sets the app-wide date display format.","프로그램 전반에 표시할 날짜 형식을 설정하세요.", "Sets the internal precision used for monetary calculations. Above 6 should be sufficient for most currencies.","화폐간 계산에 활용할 내부 정확도를 설정하세요. 보통의 통화에서 6 이상의 값을 권장합니다.", "Setting Up Instance","인스턴스 설정중", Settings,설정, Setup,설정, "Setup Complete","설정 완료", "Setup Wizard","설정 마법사", "Setup system defaults like date format and display precision","시스템 기본 날짜 형식 및 표시 정확도로 설정", Shipment,, "Shipment ${0} is Submitted",, "Shipment Item",, "Shipment Location",, "Shipment Number Series",, "Shipment Print Template",, "Shipment Terms",, Shortcuts,, "Should entries be submitted after syncing?",, "Show HSN",, "Show Me","나에게 보이기", "Show Month/Year",, "Single Value","단일 가치", "Skip Child Tables","하위 표 생략", "Skip Transactions","하위 거래", "Smallest Currency Fraction Value",최소통화비율값, Softwares,소프트웨어, "Something has gone terribly wrong. Please check the console and raise an issue.","치명적 오류 발생. 콘솔을 열고, 문제를 보고하십시오.", "Source of Funds (Liabilities)","재원 (자산)", "Standard Chart of Accounts","계정 표준 차트", Start,시작, "Start From Row Index",, State,주, "State Tax","주세 (지방세)", Status,상태, Stock,재고, "Stock Adjustment","재고 조정", "Stock Assets","재고 자산", "Stock Balance",, "Stock Entries",, "Stock Expenses","재고 비용", "Stock In Hand",재고, "Stock In Hand Acc.",, "Stock Ledger",, "Stock Ledger Entry",, "Stock Liabilities","재고 부채", "Stock Movement",, "Stock Movement Item",, "Stock Movement No.",, "Stock Movement Number Series",, "Stock Movement Print Template",, "Stock Movements",, "Stock Not Received",, "Stock Not Shipped",, "Stock Not Transferred",, "Stock Received But Not Billed",외상재고, "Stock Received But Not Billed Acc.",, "Stock Transfer Item",, "Stock Unit",, StockTransfer,, Stores,, Su,, Submit,제출, "Submit ${0}?",, "Submit & Print",, "Submit entries?",, Submitted,제출됨, Success,, Supplier,공급자, "Supplier Created","공급자 생성됨", Suppliers,공급자, Symbol,상징, System,시스템, "System Settings","시스템 설정", "System Setup","시스템 셋업", Table,, Target,, Tax,세금, "Tax Account","세금 계정", "Tax Amount",, "Tax Assets","세금 자산", "Tax Detail","세금 상세", "Tax ID","세금 ID", "Tax Invoice Account",, "Tax Payment Account",, "Tax Rate",, "Tax Summary","세금 요약", "Tax Template",, "Tax Templates",, "Tax and Totals",, "Taxable Value","과세 가치", "Taxed Amount","과세 금액", Taxes,세금, "Taxes and Charges",, Teal,청록색, "Telephone Expenses",통신비, Template,템플릿, "Template Builder",, "Template Compilation Error",, "Template Name",, "Template Type",, "Template file saved",, Temporary,임시, "Temporary Accounts","임시 계정", "Temporary Opening","임시 개설", Terms,조건, Text,, Th,, "The following characters cannot be used ${0} in a Number Series name.",, "The following items have insufficient quantity for Shipment: ${0}",, "This Month","이번 달", "This Quarter","이번 분기", "This Year","이번 년도", "This action is permanent","본 행위는 영구적입니다.", "This action is permanent and will cancel the following payment: ${0}","이 행위는 영구적이며, 다음 결제를 취소합니다. : ${0}", "This action is permanent and will cancel the following payments: ${0}","이 행위는 영구적이며, 다음 여러 결제를 취소합니다. : ${0}", "This action is permanent and will delete associated ledger entries.","이 행위는 영구적이며, 관련된 원장 요소를 제거합니다.", "This action is permanent.","본 행위는 영구적입니다.", "Times New Roman",, To,, "To Account","수신 계정", "To Account and From Account can't be the same: ${0}","수신 계정과 송신 계정은 같을 수 없습니다. : ${0}", "To Date","종료 일자", "To Loc.",, "To Year","종료 연도", "Toggle Edit Mode",, "Toggle Key Hints",, "Toggle Linked Entries widget, not available in Quick Edit view.",, "Toggle between form and full width",, "Toggle sidebar",, "Toggle the Create filter",, "Toggle the Docs filter",, "Toggle the List filter",, "Toggle the Page filter",, "Toggle the Report filter",, "Top Expenses","최상위 비용", Total,총계, "Total Amount",, "Total Asset (Debit)","총 자산(차변)", "Total Debit: ${0} must be equal to Total Credit: ${1}","총 차변(${0})은 총 대변값(${1})과 같아야 합니다. 한 항목에 차변과 대변이 동시에 입력된 경우에도 본 에러가 발생합니다.", "Total Discount",, "Total Equity (Credit)","총 자본(대변)", "Total Expense (Debit)","총 비용(차변)", "Total Income (Credit)","총 수익(대변)", "Total Liability (Credit)","총 부채(대변)", "Total Profit","총 이익", "Total Quantity",, "Total Spending","총 지출", "Track Inventory",, Transfer,송금, "Transfer No",, "Transfer Type","송금 타입", "Transfer Unit",, "Transfer Unit ${0} is not applicable for Item ${1}",, "Transfer will cause future entries to have negative stock.",, "Travel Expenses",교통비, "Trial Balance",시산표, Tu,, Type,타입, "Type to search...","찾을 타입을 선택", UOM,, "UOM Conversion Item",, "UOM Conversions",, Unit,, "Unit Type","단위 타입", Unpaid,미지급, "Unpaid ${0}",, "Unsecured Loans","무담보 대출", "Until Date","종료 날짜", "Use Full Width",, "Use List Filters",, "User Remark","사용자 비고", "Utility Expenses","장비 비용", "Validation Error","값 검증 오류", Value,가치, "Value missing for ${0}","${0}에 대한 값이 입력되지 않았습니다.", "Value: ${0}",, Version,, View,, "View Accounting Entries",, "View Paid Invoices",, "View Purchases","지불 보기", "View Sales","판매 보기", "View Stock Entries",, "View Unpaid Invoices",, "View linked entries",, We,, "Welcome to Frappe Books","Frappe Books 에 오신것을 환영합니다", "Width (in cm)",, "Write Off",공제, "Write Off Account",공제, "Write Off Account ${0} does not exist. Please set Write Off Account in General Settings",, "Write Off Account not set. Please set Write Off Account in General Settings","공제 계정이 설정되지 않았습니다. 일반 설정에서 공제 계정을 설정하세요.", "Write Off Entry","공제 항목", "Year to Date",, Yearly,매년, Years,년, Yellow,노란색, Yes,네, "check values and click on",, "in Batch ${0}",, john@doe.com,, "to apply changes",,