import AdmZip from 'adm-zip'; import { getAppPath, getPluginFolderNameFromInfo } from 'backend/helpers'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import { DatabaseError } from 'fyo/utils/errors'; import type { Knex } from 'knex'; import path from 'path'; import { getSchemas } from 'schemas/index'; import { SchemaStub } from 'schemas/types'; import { PluginInfo } from 'utils/types'; import type DatabaseCore from './core'; import { PluginConfig } from './types'; export async function executeFirstMigration( db: DatabaseCore, countryCode: string ) { if (!db.knex) { throw new DatabaseError('Database not initialized'); } const isFirstRun = await getIsFirstRun(db.knex); if (!isFirstRun) { return; } const schemas = getSchemas(countryCode); db.setSchemaMap(schemas); await db.migrate(); } export async function getIsFirstRun(knex: Knex): Promise { const query = await knex('sqlite_master').where({ type: 'table', name: 'PatchRun', }); return !query.length; } export async function getPluginInfoList(knex: Knex): Promise { let plugins: { info: string }[]; try { plugins = (await knex('Plugin').select(['info'])) as { info: string; }[]; } catch { return []; } return{ info }) => JSON.parse(info) as PluginInfo); } export async function unzipPluginsIfDoesNotExist( knex: Knex, infoList: PluginInfo[] ): Promise { for (const info of infoList) { const pluginsRootPath = getAppPath('plugins'); const folderName = getPluginFolderNameFromInfo(info); const pluginPath = path.join(pluginsRootPath, folderName); if (fs.existsSync(pluginPath)) { continue; } deletePluginFolder(info); fs.ensureDirSync(pluginPath); const data = (await knex('Plugin') .select('data') .where({ name: })) as { data: string; }[]; const pluginZipBase64 = data[0].data; const zipBuffer = Buffer.from(pluginZipBase64, 'base64'); const pluginFilePath = path.join(pluginPath, `${folderName}.books_plugin`); fs.writeFileSync(pluginFilePath, zipBuffer); const zip = new AdmZip(pluginFilePath); zip.extractAllTo(pluginPath); } } function deletePluginFolder(info: PluginInfo) { const pluginsRootPath = getAppPath('plugins'); const folderNamePrefix = getPluginFolderNameFromInfo(info, true) + '-'; let folderNames: string[] = []; try { folderNames = fs.readdirSync(pluginsRootPath); } catch {} for (const folderName of folderNames) { if (!folderName.startsWith(folderNamePrefix)) { continue; } fs.removeSync(path.join(pluginsRootPath, folderName)); } } export async function getPluginConfig(info: PluginInfo): Promise { const folderName = getPluginFolderNameFromInfo(info); const pluginRoot = path.join(getAppPath('plugins'), folderName); const config: PluginConfig = { info, schemas: [], paths: { folderName, root: pluginRoot, }, }; const schemasPath = path.resolve(pluginRoot, 'schemas.js'); if (fs.existsSync(schemasPath)) { config.paths.schemas = schemasPath; config.schemas = await importSchemas(schemasPath); } const modelsPath = path.resolve(pluginRoot, 'models.js'); if (fs.existsSync(schemasPath)) { config.paths.models = modelsPath; } return config; } async function importSchemas(schemasPath: string): Promise { try { const { default: { default: exportedSchemas }, } = (await import(schemasPath)) as { default: { default: unknown }; }; if (isSchemaStubList(exportedSchemas)) { return exportedSchemas; } } catch {} return []; } function isSchemaStubList(schemas: unknown): schemas is SchemaStub[] { if (!Array.isArray(schemas)) { return false; } return schemas.every( (sch) => typeof sch === 'object' && typeof (sch as SchemaStub)?.name === 'string' ); }