{ "name": "SystemSettings", "label": "System Settings", "isSingle": true, "isChild": false, "fields": [ { "fieldname": "dateFormat", "label": "Date Format", "fieldtype": "AutoComplete", "options": [ { "label": "23/03/2022", "value": "dd/MM/yyyy" }, { "label": "03/23/2022", "value": "MM/dd/yyyy" }, { "label": "23-03-2022", "value": "dd-MM-yyyy" }, { "label": "03-23-2022", "value": "MM-dd-yyyy" }, { "label": "2022-03-23", "value": "yyyy-MM-dd" }, { "label": "23 Mar, 2022", "value": "d MMM, y" }, { "label": "Mar 23, 2022", "value": "MMM d, y" }, { "label": "23.03.2022", "value": "dd.MM.yyyy" } ], "default": "MMM d, y", "required": true, "allowCustom": true, "description": "Sets the app-wide date display format.", "section": "Default" }, { "fieldname": "hideGetStarted", "label": "Hide Get Started", "fieldtype": "Check", "default": false, "description": "Hides the Get Started section from the sidebar. Change will be visible on restart or refreshing the app.", "section": "Default" }, { "fieldname": "version", "label": "Version", "fieldtype": "Data", "default": "0.0.0", "readOnly": true, "section": "Default" }, { "fieldname": "allowFilterBypass", "label": "Allow to bypass filters", "fieldtype": "Check", "default": false, "description": "When linking documents, if no match is found and filtering is in effect, allow to disable filters.", "section": "Default" }, { "fieldname": "locale", "label": "Locale", "fieldtype": "AutoComplete", "default": "en-IN", "required": true, "allowCustom": true, "description": "Set the local code. This is used for number formatting.", "section": "Number Display" }, { "fieldname": "displayPrecision", "label": "Display Precision", "fieldtype": "Int", "default": 2, "required": true, "minvalue": 0, "maxvalue": 9, "description": "Sets how many digits are shown after the decimal point.", "section": "Number Display" }, { "fieldname": "currency", "label": "Currency", "fieldtype": "AutoComplete", "default": "INR", "readOnly": true, "required": true, "section": "Number Display" }, { "fieldname": "internalPrecision", "label": "Internal Precision", "fieldtype": "Int", "minvalue": 0, "default": 11, "description": "Sets the internal precision used for monetary calculations. Above 6 should be sufficient for most currencies.", "hidden": true }, { "fieldname": "countryCode", "label": "Country Code", "fieldtype": "Data", "default": "in", "description": "Country code used to initialize regional settings.", "hidden": true }, { "fieldname": "instanceId", "label": "Instance Id", "fieldtype": "Data", "readOnly": true, "hidden": true }, { "fieldname": "darkMode", "label": "Dark mode", "fieldtype": "Check", "default": false, "description": "Sets the theme of the app.", "section": "Theme" } ], "quickEditFields": [ "locale", "dateFormat", "currency", "displayPrecision", "hideGetStarted" ] }