const frappe = require('frappejs'); const { DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PRECISION, DEFAULT_LOCALE } = require('./consts'); const numberFormats = { '#,###.##': { fractionSep: '.', groupSep: ',', precision: 2 }, '#.###,##': { fractionSep: ',', groupSep: '.', precision: 2 }, '# ###.##': { fractionSep: '.', groupSep: ' ', precision: 2 }, '# ###,##': { fractionSep: ',', groupSep: ' ', precision: 2 }, "#'###.##": { fractionSep: '.', groupSep: "'", precision: 2 }, '#, ###.##': { fractionSep: '.', groupSep: ', ', precision: 2 }, '#,##,###.##': { fractionSep: '.', groupSep: ',', precision: 2 }, '#,###.###': { fractionSep: '.', groupSep: ',', precision: 3 }, '#.###': { fractionSep: '', groupSep: '.', precision: 0 }, '#,###': { fractionSep: '', groupSep: ',', precision: 0 }, }; module.exports = { // parse a formatted number string // from "4,555,000.34" -> 4555000.34 parseNumber(number, format = '#,###.##') { if (!number) { return 0; } if (typeof number === 'number') { return number; } const info = this.getFormatInfo(format); return parseFloat(this.removeSeparator(number, info.groupSep)); }, formatNumber(number, format = '#,###.##', precision = null) { if (!number) { number = 0; } let info = this.getFormatInfo(format); if (precision) { info.precision = precision; } let is_negative = false; number = this.parseNumber(number); if (number < 0) { is_negative = true; } number = Math.abs(number); number = number.toFixed(info.precision); var parts = number.split('.'); // get group position and parts var group_position = info.groupSep ? 3 : 0; if (group_position) { var integer = parts[0]; var str = ''; for (var i = integer.length; i >= 0; i--) { var l = this.removeSeparator(str, info.groupSep).length; if (format == '#,##,###.##' && str.indexOf(',') != -1) { // INR group_position = 2; l += 1; } str += integer.charAt(i); if (l && !((l + 1) % group_position) && i != 0) { str += info.groupSep; } } parts[0] = str.split('').reverse().join(''); } if (parts[0] + '' == '') { parts[0] = '0'; } // join decimal parts[1] = parts[1] && info.fractionSep ? info.fractionSep + parts[1] : ''; // join return (is_negative ? '-' : '') + parts[0] + parts[1]; }, getFormatInfo(format) { let format_info = numberFormats[format]; if (!format_info) { throw new Error(`Unknown number format "${format}"`); } return format_info; }, round(num, precision) { var is_negative = num < 0 ? true : false; var d = parseInt(precision || 0); var m = Math.pow(10, d); var n = +(d ? Math.abs(num) * m : Math.abs(num)).toFixed(8); // Avoid rounding errors var i = Math.floor(n), f = n - i; var r = !precision && f == 0.5 ? (i % 2 == 0 ? i : i + 1) : Math.round(n); r = d ? r / m : r; return is_negative ? -r : r; }, removeSeparator(text, sep) { return text.replace(new RegExp(sep === '.' ? '\\.' : sep, 'g'), ''); }, getDisplayPrecision() { return frappe.SystemSettings.displayPrecision ?? DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PRECISION; }, getCurrencyFormatter() { if (frappe.currencyFormatter) { return frappe.currencyFormatter; } const locale = frappe.SystemSettings.locale ?? DEFAULT_LOCALE; const display = this.getDisplayPrecision(); return (frappe.currencyFormatter = Intl.NumberFormat(locale, { style: 'decimal', minimumFractionDigits: display, })); }, formatCurrency(value) { const currencyFormatter = this.getCurrencyFormatter(); if (typeof value === 'number') { return currencyFormatter.format(value); } if (value.round) { return currencyFormatter.format(value.round()); } const formattedCurrency = currencyFormatter(value); if (formattedCurrency === 'NaN') { throw Error( `invalide value passed to formatCurrency: '${value}' of type ${typeof value}` ); } return formattedCurrency; }, };