import { Action } from 'fyo/model/types'; import { Verb } from 'fyo/telemetry/types'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import { ModelNameEnum } from 'models/types'; import { codeStateMap } from 'regional/in'; import { ExportExtention } from 'reports/types'; import { getSavePath } from 'src/utils/ipcCalls'; import { showMessageDialog } from 'src/utils/ui'; import { invertMap } from 'utils'; import { getCsvData, saveExportData } from '../commonExporter'; import { BaseGSTR } from './BaseGSTR'; import { TransferTypeEnum } from './types'; const GST = { 'GST-0': 0, 'GST-0.25': 0.25, 'GST-3': 3, 'GST-5': 5, 'GST-6': 6, 'GST-12': 12, 'GST-18': 18, 'GST-28': 28, 'IGST-0': 0, 'IGST-0.25': 0.25, 'IGST-3': 3, 'IGST-5': 5, 'IGST-6': 6, 'IGST-12': 12, 'IGST-18': 18, 'IGST-28': 28, } as Record; const CSGST = { 'GST-0': 0, 'GST-0.25': 0.125, 'GST-3': 1.5, 'GST-5': 2.5, 'GST-6': 3, 'GST-12': 6, 'GST-18': 9, 'GST-28': 14, } as Record; const IGST = { 'IGST-0.25': 0.25, 'IGST-3': 3, 'IGST-5': 5, 'IGST-6': 6, 'IGST-12': 12, 'IGST-18': 18, 'IGST-28': 28, } as Record; interface GSTData { version: string; hash: string; gstin: string; fp: string; b2b?: B2BCustomer[]; b2cl?: B2CLStateInvoiceRecord[]; b2cs?: B2CSInvRecord[]; } interface B2BCustomer { ctin: string; inv: B2BInvRecord[]; } interface B2BInvRecord { inum: string; idt: string; val: number; pos: string; rchrg: 'Y' | 'N'; inv_typ: string; itms: B2BItmRecord[]; } interface B2BItmRecord { num: number; itm_det: { txval: number; rt: number; csamt: number; camt: number; samt: number; iamt: number; }; } interface B2CLInvRecord { inum: string; idt: string; val: number; itms: B2CLItmRecord[]; } interface B2CLItmRecord { num: number; itm_det: { txval: number; rt: number; csamt: 0; iamt: number; }; } interface B2CLStateInvoiceRecord { pos: string; inv: B2CLInvRecord[]; } interface B2CSInvRecord { sply_ty: 'INTRA' | 'INTER'; pos: string; typ: 'OE'; // "OE" - Errors and omissions excepted. txval: number; rt: number; iamt: number; camt: number; samt: number; csamt: number; } export default function getGSTRExportActions(report: BaseGSTR): Action[] { const exportExtention = ['csv', 'json'] as ExportExtention[]; return => ({ group: `Export`, label: ext.toUpperCase(), type: 'primary', action: async () => { await exportReport(ext, report); }, })); } async function exportReport(extention: ExportExtention, report: BaseGSTR) { const canExport = await getCanExport(report); if (!canExport) { return; } const { filePath, canceled } = await getSavePath( report.reportName, extention ); if (canceled || !filePath) { return; } let data = ''; if (extention === 'csv') { data = getCsvData(report); } else if (extention === 'json') { data = await getGstrJsonData(report); } if (!data.length) { return; } await saveExportData(data, filePath, report.fyo); report.fyo.telemetry.log(Verb.Exported, report.reportName, { extention }); } async function getCanExport(report: BaseGSTR) { const gstin = await report.fyo.getValue( ModelNameEnum.AccountingSettings, 'gstin' ); if (gstin) { return true; } showMessageDialog({ message: 'Cannot Export', detail: 'Please set GSTIN in General Settings.', }); return false; } export async function getGstrJsonData(report: BaseGSTR): Promise { const toDate = report.toDate!; const transferType = report.transferType!; const gstin = await report.fyo.getValue( ModelNameEnum.AccountingSettings, 'gstin' ); const gstData: GSTData = { version: 'GST3.0.4', hash: 'hash', gstin: gstin as string, fp: DateTime.fromISO(toDate).toFormat('MMyyyy'), }; if (transferType === TransferTypeEnum.B2B) { gstData.b2b = await generateB2bData(report); } else if (transferType === TransferTypeEnum.B2CL) { gstData.b2cl = await generateB2clData(report); } else if (transferType === TransferTypeEnum.B2CS) { gstData.b2cs = await generateB2csData(report); } return JSON.stringify(gstData); } async function generateB2bData(report: BaseGSTR): Promise { const fyo = report.fyo; const b2b: B2BCustomer[] = []; const schemaName = report.gstrType === 'GSTR-1' ? ModelNameEnum.SalesInvoiceItem : ModelNameEnum.PurchaseInvoiceItem; for (const row of report.gstrRows ?? []) { const invRecord: B2BInvRecord = { inum: row.invNo, idt: DateTime.fromJSDate(row.invDate).toFormat('dd-MM-yyyy'), val: row.invAmt, pos: row.gstin && row.gstin.substring(0, 2), rchrg: row.reverseCharge, inv_typ: 'R', itms: [], }; const items = await fyo.db.getAllRaw(schemaName, { fields: ['baseAmount', 'tax', 'hsnCode'], filters: { parent: invRecord.inum as string }, }); items.forEach((item) => { const hsnCode = item.hsnCode as number; const tax = as string; const baseAmount = (item.baseAmount ?? 0) as string; const itemRecord: B2BItmRecord = { num: hsnCode, itm_det: { txval: fyo.pesa(baseAmount).float, rt: GST[tax], csamt: 0, camt: fyo .pesa(CSGST[tax] ?? 0) .mul(baseAmount) .div(100).float, samt: fyo .pesa(CSGST[tax] ?? 0) .mul(baseAmount) .div(100).float, iamt: fyo .pesa(IGST[tax] ?? 0) .mul(baseAmount) .div(100).float, }, }; invRecord.itms.push(itemRecord); }); const customerRecord = b2b.find((b) => b.ctin === row.gstin); const customer = { ctin: row.gstin, inv: [], } as B2BCustomer; if (customerRecord) { customerRecord.inv.push(invRecord); } else { customer.inv.push(invRecord); b2b.push(customer); } } return b2b; } async function generateB2clData( report: BaseGSTR ): Promise { const fyo = report.fyo; const b2cl: B2CLStateInvoiceRecord[] = []; const stateCodeMap = invertMap(codeStateMap); const schemaName = report.gstrType === 'GSTR-1' ? ModelNameEnum.SalesInvoiceItem : ModelNameEnum.PurchaseInvoiceItem; for (const row of report.gstrRows ?? []) { const invRecord: B2CLInvRecord = { inum: row.invNo, idt: DateTime.fromJSDate(row.invDate).toFormat('dd-MM-yyyy'), val: row.invAmt, itms: [], }; const items = await fyo.db.getAllRaw(schemaName, { fields: ['hsnCode', 'tax', 'baseAmount'], filters: { parent: invRecord.inum }, }); items.forEach((item) => { const hsnCode = item.hsnCode as number; const tax = as string; const baseAmount = (item.baseAmount ?? 0) as string; const itemRecord: B2CLItmRecord = { num: hsnCode, itm_det: { txval: fyo.pesa(baseAmount).float, rt: GST[tax] ?? 0, csamt: 0, iamt: fyo .pesa(row.rate ?? 0) .mul(baseAmount) .div(100).float, }, }; invRecord.itms.push(itemRecord); }); const stateRecord = b2cl.find((b) => b.pos === stateCodeMap[]); const stateInvoiceRecord: B2CLStateInvoiceRecord = { pos: stateCodeMap[], inv: [], }; if (stateRecord) { stateRecord.inv.push(invRecord); } else { stateInvoiceRecord.inv.push(invRecord); b2cl.push(stateInvoiceRecord); } } return b2cl; } function generateB2csData(report: BaseGSTR): B2CSInvRecord[] { const stateCodeMap = invertMap(codeStateMap); const b2cs: B2CSInvRecord[] = []; for (const row of report.gstrRows ?? []) { const invRecord: B2CSInvRecord = { sply_ty: row.inState ? 'INTRA' : 'INTER', pos: stateCodeMap[], typ: 'OE', txval: row.taxVal, rt: row.rate, iamt: !row.inState ? (row.taxVal * row.rate) / 100 : 0, camt: row.inState ? row.cgstAmt ?? 0 : 0, samt: row.inState ? row.sgstAmt ?? 0 : 0, csamt: 0, }; b2cs.push(invRecord); } return b2cs; }