const frappe = require('frappejs'); const Observable = require('frappejs/utils/observable'); const triggerEvent = name =>`http:${name}`); module.exports = class HTTPClient extends Observable { constructor({ server, protocol = 'http' }) { super(); this.server = server; this.protocol = protocol; frappe.config.serverURL = this.getURL(); // if the backend is http, then always client! frappe.isServer = false; this.initTypeMap(); } connect() { } async insert(doctype, doc) { doc.doctype = doctype; let filesToUpload = this.getFilesToUpload(doc); let url = this.getURL('/api/resource', doctype); const responseDoc = await this.fetch(url, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(doc) }); await this.uploadFilesAndUpdateDoc(filesToUpload, doctype, responseDoc); return responseDoc; } async get(doctype, name) { name = encodeURIComponent(name); let url = this.getURL('/api/resource', doctype, name); return await this.fetch(url, { method: 'GET', headers: this.getHeaders() }) } async getAll({ doctype, fields, filters, start, limit, sortBy, order }) { let url = this.getURL('/api/resource', doctype); url = url + '?' + frappe.getQueryString({ fields: JSON.stringify(fields), filters: JSON.stringify(filters), start: start, limit: limit, sortBy: sortBy, order: order }); return await this.fetch(url, { method: 'GET', }); } async update(doctype, doc) { doc.doctype = doctype; let filesToUpload = this.getFilesToUpload(doc); let url = this.getURL('/api/resource', doctype,; const responseDoc = await this.fetch(url, { method: 'PUT', body: JSON.stringify(doc) }); await this.uploadFilesAndUpdateDoc(filesToUpload, doctype, responseDoc); return responseDoc; } async delete(doctype, name) { let url = this.getURL('/api/resource', doctype, name); return await this.fetch(url, { method: 'DELETE', }); } async deleteMany(doctype, names) { let url = this.getURL('/api/resource', doctype); return await this.fetch(url, { method: 'DELETE', body: JSON.stringify(names) }); } async exists(doctype, name) { return (await this.getValue(doctype, name, 'name')) ? true : false; } async getValue(doctype, name, fieldname) { let url = this.getURL('/api/resource', doctype, name, fieldname); return (await this.fetch(url, { method: 'GET', })).value; } async fetch(url, args) { triggerEvent('ajaxStart'); args.headers = this.getHeaders(); let response = await frappe.fetch(url, args); triggerEvent('ajaxStop'); if (response.status === 200) { let data = await response.json(); return data; } if (response.status === 401) { triggerEvent('unauthorized'); } throw Error(await response.text()); } getFilesToUpload(doc) { const meta = frappe.getMeta(doc.doctype); const fileFields = meta.getFieldsWith({ fieldtype: 'File' }); const filesToUpload = []; if (fileFields.length > 0) { fileFields.forEach(df => { const files = doc[df.fieldname] || []; if (files.length) { filesToUpload.push({ fieldname: df.fieldname, files: files }) } delete doc[df.fieldname]; }); } return filesToUpload; } async uploadFilesAndUpdateDoc(filesToUpload, doctype, doc) { if (filesToUpload.length > 0) { // upload files for (const fileToUpload of filesToUpload) { const files = await this.uploadFiles(fileToUpload.files, doctype,, fileToUpload.fieldname); doc[fileToUpload.fieldname] = files[0].name; } } } async uploadFiles(fileList, doctype, name, fieldname) { let url = this.getURL('/api/upload', doctype, name, fieldname); let formData = new FormData(); for (const file of fileList) { formData.append('files', file,; } let response = await frappe.fetch(url, { method: 'POST', body: formData }); const data = await response.json(); if (response.status !== 200) { throw Error(data.error); } return data; } getURL( { return this.protocol + '://' + this.server + (parts || []).join('/'); } getHeaders() { const headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }; if (frappe.session && frappe.session.token) { headers.token = frappe.session.token; }; return headers; } initTypeMap() { this.typeMap = { 'Autocomplete': true , 'Currency': true , 'Int': true , 'Float': true , 'Percent': true , 'Check': true , 'Small Text': true , 'Long Text': true , 'Code': true , 'Text Editor': true , 'Date': true , 'Datetime': true , 'Time': true , 'Text': true , 'Data': true , 'Link': true , 'DynamicLink': true , 'Password': true , 'Select': true , 'Read Only': true , 'File': true , 'Attach': true , 'Attach Image': true , 'Signature': true , 'Color': true , 'Barcode': true , 'Geolocation': true } } close() { } }