/** * Utils to do UI stuff such as opening dialogs, toasts, etc. * Basically anything that may directly or indirectly import a Vue file. */ import { t } from 'fyo'; import type { Doc } from 'fyo/model/doc'; import { Action } from 'fyo/model/types'; import { getActions } from 'fyo/utils'; import { getDbError, LinkValidationError, ValueError } from 'fyo/utils/errors'; import { PurchaseInvoice } from 'models/baseModels/PurchaseInvoice/PurchaseInvoice'; import { SalesInvoice } from 'models/baseModels/SalesInvoice/SalesInvoice'; import { getLedgerLink } from 'models/helpers'; import { Transfer } from 'models/inventory/Transfer'; import { Transactional } from 'models/Transactional/Transactional'; import { ModelNameEnum } from 'models/types'; import { Schema } from 'schemas/types'; import { handleErrorWithDialog } from 'src/errorHandling'; import { fyo } from 'src/initFyo'; import router from 'src/router'; import { SelectFileOptions } from 'utils/types'; import { RouteLocationRaw } from 'vue-router'; import { evaluateHidden } from './doc'; import { showDialog, showToast } from './interactive'; import { selectFile } from './ipcCalls'; import { showSidebar } from './refs'; import { ActionGroup, DialogButton, QuickEditOptions, SettingsTab, ToastOptions, UIGroupedFields, } from './types'; export const toastDurationMap = { short: 2_500, long: 5_000 } as const; export async function openQuickEdit({ doc, hideFields = [], showFields = [], }: QuickEditOptions) { const { schemaName, name } = doc; if (!name) { throw new ValueError(t`Quick edit error: ${schemaName} entry has no name.`); } if (router.currentRoute.value.query.name === name) { return; } const query = { edit: 1, name, schemaName, showFields, hideFields, }; router.push({ query }); } export async function openSettings(tab: SettingsTab) { await routeTo({ path: '/settings', query: { tab } }); } export async function routeTo(route: RouteLocationRaw) { if ( typeof route === 'string' && route === router.currentRoute.value.fullPath ) { return; } return await router.push(route); } export async function deleteDocWithPrompt(doc: Doc) { const schemaLabel = fyo.schemaMap[doc.schemaName]!.label; let detail = t`This action is permanent.`; if (doc.isTransactional && doc.isSubmitted) { detail = t`This action is permanent and will delete associated ledger entries.`; } return await showDialog({ title: t`Delete ${getActionLabel(doc)}?`, detail, type: 'warning', buttons: [ { label: t`Yes`, async action() { try { await doc.delete(); } catch (err) { if (getDbError(err as Error) === LinkValidationError) { showDialog({ title: t`Delete Failed`, detail: t`Cannot delete ${schemaLabel} "${doc.name!}" because of linked entries.`, type: 'error', }); } else { handleErrorWithDialog(err as Error, doc); } return false; } return true; }, isPrimary: true, }, { label: t`No`, action() { return false; }, isEscape: true, }, ], }); } export async function cancelDocWithPrompt(doc: Doc) { let detail = t`This action is permanent`; if (['SalesInvoice', 'PurchaseInvoice'].includes(doc.schemaName)) { const payments = ( await fyo.db.getAll('Payment', { fields: ['name'], filters: { cancelled: false }, }) ).map(({ name }) => name); const query = ( await fyo.db.getAll('PaymentFor', { fields: ['parent'], filters: { referenceName: doc.name!, }, }) ).filter(({ parent }) => payments.includes(parent)); const paymentList = [...new Set(query.map(({ parent }) => parent))]; if (paymentList.length === 1) { detail = t`This action is permanent and will cancel the following payment: ${ paymentList[0] as string }`; } else if (paymentList.length > 1) { detail = t`This action is permanent and will cancel the following payments: ${paymentList.join( ', ' )}`; } } return await showDialog({ title: t`Cancel ${getActionLabel(doc)}?`, detail, type: 'warning', buttons: [ { label: t`Yes`, async action() { try { await doc.cancel(); } catch (err) { handleErrorWithDialog(err as Error, doc); return false; } return true; }, isPrimary: true, }, { label: t`No`, action() { return false; }, isEscape: true, }, ], }); } export function getActionsForDoc(doc?: Doc): Action[] { if (!doc) return []; const actions: Action[] = [ ...getActions(doc), getDuplicateAction(doc), getDeleteAction(doc), getCancelAction(doc), ]; return actions .filter((d) => d.condition?.(doc) ?? true) .map((d) => { return { group: d.group, label: d.label, component: d.component, action: d.action, }; }); } export function getGroupedActionsForDoc(doc?: Doc): ActionGroup[] { const actions = getActionsForDoc(doc); const actionsMap = actions.reduce((acc, ac) => { if (!ac.group) { ac.group = ''; } acc[ac.group] ??= { group: ac.group, label: ac.label ?? '', type: ac.type ?? 'secondary', actions: [], }; acc[ac.group].actions.push(ac); return acc; }, {} as Record); const grouped = Object.keys(actionsMap) .filter(Boolean) .sort() .map((k) => actionsMap[k]); return [grouped, actionsMap['']].flat().filter(Boolean); } function getCancelAction(doc: Doc): Action { return { label: t`Cancel`, component: { template: '{{ t`Cancel` }}', }, condition: (doc: Doc) => doc.canCancel, async action() { await commonDocCancel(doc); }, }; } function getDeleteAction(doc: Doc): Action { return { label: t`Delete`, component: { template: '{{ t`Delete` }}', }, condition: (doc: Doc) => doc.canDelete, async action() { await commongDocDelete(doc); }, }; } async function openEdit({ name, schemaName }: Doc) { if (!name) { return; } const route = getFormRoute(schemaName, name); return await routeTo(route); } function getDuplicateAction(doc: Doc): Action { const isSubmittable = !!doc.schema.isSubmittable; return { label: t`Duplicate`, group: t`Create`, condition: (doc: Doc) => !!( ((isSubmittable && doc.submitted) || !isSubmittable) && !doc.notInserted ), async action() { try { const dupe = doc.duplicate(); await openEdit(dupe); } catch (err) { handleErrorWithDialog(err as Error, doc); } }, }; } export function getFieldsGroupedByTabAndSection( schema: Schema, doc: Doc ): UIGroupedFields { const grouped: UIGroupedFields = new Map(); for (const field of schema?.fields ?? []) { const tab = field.tab ?? 'Main'; const section = field.section ?? 'Default'; if (!grouped.has(tab)) { grouped.set(tab, new Map()); } const tabbed = grouped.get(tab)!; if (!tabbed.has(section)) { tabbed.set(section, []); } if (field.meta) { continue; } if (evaluateHidden(field, doc)) { continue; } tabbed.get(section)!.push(field); } // Delete empty tabs and sections for (const tkey of grouped.keys()) { const section = grouped.get(tkey); if (!section) { grouped.delete(tkey); continue; } for (const skey of section.keys()) { const fields = section.get(skey); if (!fields || !fields.length) { section.delete(skey); } } if (!section?.size) { grouped.delete(tkey); } } return grouped; } export function getFormRoute( schemaName: string, name: string ): RouteLocationRaw { const route = fyo.models[schemaName] ?.getListViewSettings(fyo) ?.formRoute?.(name); if (typeof route === 'string') { return route; } return `/edit/${schemaName}/${name}`; } export async function getDocFromNameIfExistsElseNew( schemaName: string, name?: string ) { if (!name) { return fyo.doc.getNewDoc(schemaName); } try { return await fyo.doc.getDoc(schemaName, name); } catch { return fyo.doc.getNewDoc(schemaName); } } export async function isPrintable(schemaName: string) { const numTemplates = await fyo.db.count(ModelNameEnum.PrintTemplate, { filters: { type: schemaName }, }); return numTemplates > 0; } export function toggleSidebar(value?: boolean) { if (typeof value !== 'boolean') { value = !showSidebar.value; } showSidebar.value = value; } export function focusOrSelectFormControl( doc: Doc, ref: any, clear: boolean = true ) { if (!doc?.fyo) { return; } const naming = doc.fyo.schemaMap[doc.schemaName]?.naming; if (naming !== 'manual' || doc.inserted) { return; } if (!doc.fyo.doc.isTemporaryName(doc.name ?? '', doc.schema)) { return; } if (Array.isArray(ref) && ref.length > 0) { ref = ref[0]; } if (!clear && typeof ref?.select === 'function') { ref.select(); return; } if (typeof ref?.clear === 'function') { ref.clear(); } if (typeof ref?.focus === 'function') { ref.focus(); } doc.name = ''; } export async function selectTextFile(filters?: SelectFileOptions['filters']) { const options = { title: t`Select File`, filters, }; const { success, canceled, filePath, data, name } = await selectFile(options); if (canceled || !success) { await showToast({ type: 'error', message: t`File selection failed`, }); return {}; } const text = new TextDecoder().decode(data); if (!text) { await showToast({ type: 'error', message: t`Empty file selected`, }); return {}; } return { text, filePath, name }; } export enum ShortcutKey { enter = 'enter', ctrl = 'ctrl', pmod = 'pmod', shift = 'shift', alt = 'alt', delete = 'delete', esc = 'esc', } export function getShortcutKeyMap( platform: string ): Record { if (platform === 'Mac') { return { [ShortcutKey.alt]: '⌥', [ShortcutKey.ctrl]: '⌃', [ShortcutKey.pmod]: '⌘', [ShortcutKey.shift]: 'shift', [ShortcutKey.delete]: 'delete', [ShortcutKey.esc]: 'esc', [ShortcutKey.enter]: 'return', }; } return { [ShortcutKey.alt]: 'Alt', [ShortcutKey.ctrl]: 'Ctrl', [ShortcutKey.pmod]: 'Ctrl', [ShortcutKey.shift]: '⇧', [ShortcutKey.delete]: 'Backspace', [ShortcutKey.esc]: 'Esc', [ShortcutKey.enter]: 'Enter', }; } export async function commongDocDelete(doc: Doc): Promise { const res = await deleteDocWithPrompt(doc); if (!res) { return false; } showActionToast(doc, 'delete'); router.back(); return true; } export async function commonDocCancel(doc: Doc): Promise { const res = await cancelDocWithPrompt(doc); if (!res) { return false; } showActionToast(doc, 'cancel'); return true; } export async function commonDocSync( doc: Doc, useDialog: boolean = false ): Promise { let success: boolean; if (useDialog) { success = !!(await showSubmitOrSyncDialog(doc, 'sync')); } else { success = await syncWithoutDialog(doc); } if (!success) { return false; } showActionToast(doc, 'sync'); return true; } async function syncWithoutDialog(doc: Doc): Promise { try { await doc.sync(); } catch (error) { handleErrorWithDialog(error, doc); return false; } return true; } export async function commonDocSubmit(doc: Doc): Promise { const success = await showSubmitOrSyncDialog(doc, 'submit'); if (!success) { return false; } showSubmitToast(doc); return true; } async function showSubmitOrSyncDialog(doc: Doc, type: 'submit' | 'sync') { const label = getActionLabel(doc); let title = t`Submit ${label}?`; if (type === 'sync') { title = t`Save ${label}?`; } let detail = t`Save ${doc.schema.label} to database.`; if (type === 'submit') { detail = getDocSubmitMessage(doc); } const yesAction = async () => { try { await doc[type](); } catch (error) { handleErrorWithDialog(error, doc); return false; } return true; }; const buttons: DialogButton[] = [ { label: t`Yes`, action: yesAction, isPrimary: true, }, { label: t`No`, action: () => false, isEscape: true, }, ]; return await showDialog({ title, detail, buttons, }); } function getDocSubmitMessage(doc: Doc): string { const details = [t`Mark ${doc.schema.label} as submitted?`]; if (doc instanceof SalesInvoice && doc.makeQuickPayment) { const toAccount = doc.quickPaymentAccount!; const fromAccount = doc.account!; const amount = fyo.format(doc.outstandingAmount, 'Currency'); details.push( t`Payment of ${amount} will be made from account "${fromAccount}" to account "${toAccount}" on Submit.` ); } else if (doc instanceof PurchaseInvoice && doc.makeQuickPayment) { const fromAccount = doc.quickPaymentAccount!; const toAccount = doc.account!; const amount = fyo.format(doc.outstandingAmount, 'Currency'); details.push( t`Payment of ${amount} will be made from account "${fromAccount}" to account "${toAccount}" on Submit.` ); } return details.join(' '); } function showActionToast(doc: Doc, type: 'sync' | 'cancel' | 'delete') { const label = getActionLabel(doc); const message = { sync: t`${label} saved`, cancel: t`${label} cancelled`, delete: t`${label} deleted`, }[type]; showToast({ type: 'success', message, duration: 'short' }); } function showSubmitToast(doc: Doc) { const label = getActionLabel(doc); const message = t`${label} submitted`; const toastOption: ToastOptions = { type: 'success', message, duration: 'long', ...getSubmitSuccessToastAction(doc), }; showToast(toastOption); } function getSubmitSuccessToastAction(doc: Doc) { const isStockTransfer = doc instanceof Transfer; const isTransactional = doc instanceof Transactional; if (isStockTransfer) { return { async action() { const route = getLedgerLink(doc, 'StockLedger'); await routeTo(route); }, actionText: t`View Stock Entries`, }; } if (isTransactional) { return { async action() { const route = getLedgerLink(doc, 'GeneralLedger'); await routeTo(route); }, actionText: t`View Accounting Entries`, }; } return {}; } export function showCannotSaveOrSubmitToast(doc: Doc) { const label = getActionLabel(doc); let message = t`${label} already saved`; if (doc.schema.isSubmittable && doc.isSubmitted) { message = t`${label} already submitted`; } showToast({ type: 'warning', message, duration: 'short' }); } export function showCannotCancelOrDeleteToast(doc: Doc) { const label = getActionLabel(doc); let message = t`${label} cannot be deleted`; if (doc.schema.isSubmittable && !doc.isCancelled) { message = t`${label} cannot be cancelled`; } showToast({ type: 'warning', message, duration: 'short' }); } function getActionLabel(doc: Doc) { const label = doc.schema.label || doc.schemaName; if (doc.schema.naming === 'random') { return label; } return doc.name || label; }