import { Frappe } from 'frappe'; import { ConfigKeys } from 'frappe/core/types'; import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import { getCountry, getCounts, getDeviceId, getInstanceId, getLanguage, } from './helpers'; import { Noun, NounEnum, Platform, Telemetry, TelemetrySetting, Verb, } from './types'; /** * # Telemetry * * ## `start` * Used to initialize state. It should be called before interaction. * It is called on three events: * 1. On db initialization which happens everytime a db is loaded or changed. * 2. On visibility change if not started, eg: when user minimizeds Books and * then comes back later. * 3. When `log` is called if not initialized. * * ## `log` * Used to make entries in the `timeline` which happens only if telmetry * is set to 'Allow Telemetry` * * ## `error` * Called in errorHandling.ts and maintains a count of errors that were * thrown during usage. * * ## `stop` * This is to be called when a session is being stopped. It's called on two events * 1. When the db is being changed. * 2. When the visiblity has changed which happens when either the app is being shut or * the app is hidden. * * This function can't be async as it's called when visibility changes to 'hidden' * at which point async doesn't seem to work and hence count is captured on `start()` * * ## `finalLogAndStop` * Called when telemetry is set to "Don't Log Anything" so as to indicate cessation of * telemetry and not app usage. */ export class TelemetryManager { #url: string = ''; #token: string = ''; #started = false; #telemetryObject: Partial = {}; #interestingDocs: string[] = []; frappe: Frappe; constructor(frappe: Frappe) { this.frappe = frappe; } set platform(value: Platform) { this.#telemetryObject.platform ||= value; } set interestingDocs(schemaNames: string[]) { this.#interestingDocs = schemaNames; } get hasCreds() { return !!this.#url && !!this.#token; } get started() { return this.#started; } get telemetryObject(): Readonly> { return cloneDeep(this.#telemetryObject); } async start() { ||= getCountry(); this.#telemetryObject.language ??= getLanguage(this.frappe); this.#telemetryObject.deviceId ||= getDeviceId(this.frappe); this.#telemetryObject.instanceId ||= getInstanceId(this.frappe); this.#telemetryObject.openTime ||= new Date().valueOf(); this.#telemetryObject.timeline ??= []; this.#telemetryObject.errors ??= {}; this.#telemetryObject.counts ??= {}; this.#started = true; await this.#postStart(); } async log(verb: Verb, noun: Noun, more?: Record) { if (!this.#started) { await this.start(); } if (!this.#getCanLog()) { return; } const time = new Date().valueOf(); if (this.#telemetryObject.timeline === undefined) { this.#telemetryObject.timeline = []; } this.#telemetryObject.timeline.push({ time, verb, noun, more }); } error(name: string) { if (this.#telemetryObject.errors === undefined) { this.#telemetryObject.errors = {}; } this.#telemetryObject.errors[name] ??= 0; this.#telemetryObject.errors[name] += 1; } stop() { this.#started = false; //@ts-ignore this.#telemetryObject.version = ?? ''; this.#telemetryObject.closeTime = new Date().valueOf(); const data = JSON.stringify({ token: this.#token, telemetryData: this.#telemetryObject, }); this.#clear(); if ( this.frappe.config.get(ConfigKeys.Telemetry) === TelemetrySetting.dontLogAnything ) { return; } navigator.sendBeacon(this.#url, data); } finalLogAndStop() { this.log(Verb.Stopped, NounEnum.Telemetry); this.stop(); } async #postStart() { await this.#setCount(); await this.#setCreds(); } async #setCount() { if (!this.#getCanLog()) { return; } this.#telemetryObject.counts = await getCounts( this.#interestingDocs, this.frappe ); } async #setCreds() { if (this.hasCreds) { return; } const { url, token } = await this.frappe.auth.getTelemetryCreds(); this.#url = url; this.#token = token; } #getCanLog(): boolean { const telemetrySetting = this.frappe.config.get( ConfigKeys.Telemetry ) as string; return telemetrySetting === TelemetrySetting.allow; } #clear() { // Delete only what varies delete this.#telemetryObject.openTime; delete this.#telemetryObject.closeTime; delete this.#telemetryObject.errors; delete this.#telemetryObject.counts; delete this.#telemetryObject.timeline; delete this.#telemetryObject.instanceId; delete; } }