import fs from 'fs-extra'; import { DatabaseError } from 'fyo/utils/errors'; import path from 'path'; import { DatabaseDemuxBase, DatabaseMethod } from 'utils/db/types'; import { getSchemas } from '../../schemas'; import { checkFileAccess, databaseMethodSet, unlinkIfExists } from '../helpers'; import patches from '../patches'; import { BespokeQueries } from './bespoke'; import DatabaseCore from './core'; import { runPatches } from './runPatch'; import { BespokeFunction, Patch } from './types'; import BetterSQLite3 from 'better-sqlite3'; import { getMapFromList } from 'utils/index'; import { Version } from 'utils/version'; export class DatabaseManager extends DatabaseDemuxBase { db?: DatabaseCore; get #isInitialized(): boolean { return this.db !== undefined && this.db.knex !== undefined; } getSchemaMap() { if (this.#isInitialized) { return this.db?.schemaMap ?? getSchemas(); } return getSchemas(); } async createNewDatabase(dbPath: string, countryCode: string) { await unlinkIfExists(dbPath); return await this.connectToDatabase(dbPath, countryCode); } async connectToDatabase(dbPath: string, countryCode?: string) { countryCode = await this._connect(dbPath, countryCode); await this.#migrate(); return countryCode; } async _connect(dbPath: string, countryCode?: string) { countryCode ??= await DatabaseCore.getCountryCode(dbPath); this.db = new DatabaseCore(dbPath); await this.db.connect(); const schemaMap = getSchemas(countryCode); this.db.setSchemaMap(schemaMap); return countryCode; } async #migrate(): Promise { if (!this.#isInitialized) { return; } const isFirstRun = this.#getIsFirstRun(); if (isFirstRun) { await this.db!.migrate(); } await this.#executeMigration(); } async #handleFailedMigration( error: unknown, dbPath: string, copyPath: string | null ) { await this.db!.close(); if (copyPath && (await checkFileAccess(copyPath))) { await fs.copyFile(copyPath, dbPath); } if (error instanceof Error) { error.message = `failed migration\n${error.message}`; } throw error; } async #executeMigration() { const version = this.#getAppVersion(); const patches = await this.#getPatchesToExecute(version); const hasPatches = !!patches.pre.length || !!; if (hasPatches) { await this.#createBackup(); } await runPatches(patches.pre, this, version); await this.db!.migrate({ pre: async () => { if (hasPatches) { return; } await this.#createBackup(); }, }); await runPatches(, this, version); } async #getPatchesToExecute( version: string ): Promise<{ pre: Patch[]; post: Patch[] }> { if (this.db === undefined) { return { pre: [], post: [] }; } const query = (await this.db.knex!('PatchRun').select()) as { name: string; version?: string; failed?: boolean; }[]; const runPatchesMap = getMapFromList(query, 'name'); /** * A patch is run only if: * - it hasn't run and was added in a future version * i.e. app version is before patch added version * - it ran but failed in some other version (i.e fixed) */ const filtered = patches .filter((p) => { const exec = runPatchesMap[]; if (!exec && Version.lte(version, p.version)) { return true; } if (exec?.failed && exec?.version !== version) { return true; } return false; }) .sort((a, b) => (b.priority ?? 0) - (a.priority ?? 0)); return { pre: filtered.filter((p) => p.patch.beforeMigrate), post: filtered.filter((p) => !p.patch.beforeMigrate), }; } async call(method: DatabaseMethod, ...args: unknown[]) { if (!this.#isInitialized) { return; } if (!databaseMethodSet.has(method)) { return; } // @ts-ignore const response = await this.db[method](...args); if (method === 'close') { delete this.db; } return response; } async callBespoke(method: string, ...args: unknown[]): Promise { if (!this.#isInitialized) { return; } if (!BespokeQueries.hasOwnProperty(method)) { throw new DatabaseError(`invalid bespoke db function ${method}`); } const queryFunction: BespokeFunction = BespokeQueries[method as keyof BespokeFunction]; return await queryFunction(this.db!, ...args); } #getIsFirstRun(): boolean { const db = this.getDriver(); if (!db) { return true; } const noPatchRun = db .prepare( `select name from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and name = 'PatchRun'` ) .all().length === 0; db.close(); return noPatchRun; } async #createBackup() { const { dbPath } = this.db ?? {}; if (!dbPath) { return; } const backupPath = this.#getBackupFilePath(); if (!backupPath) { return; } const db = this.getDriver(); await db?.backup(backupPath); db?.close(); } #getBackupFilePath() { const { dbPath } = this.db ?? {}; if (dbPath === ':memory:' || !dbPath) { return null; } let fileName = path.parse(dbPath).name; if (fileName.endsWith('.books')) { fileName = fileName.slice(0, -6); } const backupFolder = path.join(path.dirname(dbPath), 'backups'); const date = new Date().toISOString().split('.')[0]; const version = this.#getAppVersion(); const backupFile = `${fileName}-${version}-${date}.books.db`; fs.ensureDirSync(backupFolder); return path.join(backupFolder, backupFile); } #getAppVersion() { const db = this.getDriver(); if (!db) { return '0.0.0'; } const query = db .prepare( `select value from SingleValue where fieldname = 'version' and parent = 'SystemSettings'` ) .get() as undefined | { value: string }; db.close(); return query?.value || '0.0.0'; } getDriver() { const { dbPath } = this.db ?? {}; if (!dbPath) { return null; } return BetterSQLite3(dbPath, { readonly: true }); } } export default new DatabaseManager();