import { DocValue } from 'fyo/core/types'; import { Doc } from 'fyo/model/doc'; import { FiltersMap, FormulaMap, ListViewSettings, ValidationMap, } from 'fyo/model/types'; import { ValidationError } from 'fyo/utils/errors'; import { t } from 'fyo'; import { Money } from 'pesa'; import { ModelNameEnum } from 'models/types'; import { SalesInvoice } from '../SalesInvoice/SalesInvoice'; import { ApplicableCouponCodes } from '../Invoice/types'; export class CouponCode extends Doc { name?: string; couponName?: string; pricingRule?: string; validFrom?: Date; validTo?: Date; minAmount?: Money; maxAmount?: Money; removeUnusedCoupons(coupons: ApplicableCouponCodes[], sinvDoc: SalesInvoice) { if (!coupons.length) { = []; return; } =!.filter((coupon) => { return coupons.find((c: ApplicableCouponCodes) => coupon?.coupons?.includes(c?.coupon) ); }); } formulas: FormulaMap = { name: { formula: () => { return this.couponName?.replace(/\s+/g, '').toUpperCase().slice(0, 8); }, dependsOn: ['couponName'], }, }; async pricingRuleData() { return await this.fyo.db.getAll(ModelNameEnum.PricingRule, { fields: ['minAmount', 'maxAmount', 'validFrom', 'validFrom'], filters: { name: this.pricingRule as string, }, }); } validations: ValidationMap = { minAmount: async (value: DocValue) => { if (!value || !this.maxAmount || !this.pricingRule) { return; } const [pricingRuleData] = await this.pricingRuleData(); const { minAmount } = pricingRuleData; if ((value as Money).isZero() && this.maxAmount.isZero()) { return; } if ((value as Money).lt(minAmount as Money)) { throw new ValidationError( t`Minimum Amount should be greather than the Pricing Rule's Minimum Amount.` ); } if ((value as Money).gte(this.maxAmount)) { throw new ValidationError( t`Minimum Amount should be less than the Maximum Amount.` ); } }, maxAmount: async (value: DocValue) => { if (!this.minAmount || !value || !this.pricingRule) { return; } const [pricingRuleData] = await this.pricingRuleData(); const { maxAmount } = pricingRuleData; if (this.minAmount.isZero() && (value as Money).isZero()) { return; } if ((value as Money).gt(maxAmount as Money)) { throw new ValidationError( t`Maximum Amount should be lesser than Pricing Rule's Maximum Amount` ); } if ((value as Money).lte(this.minAmount)) { throw new ValidationError( t`Maximum Amount should be greater than the Minimum Amount.` ); } }, validFrom: async (value: DocValue) => { if (!value || !this.validTo || !this.pricingRule) { return; } const [pricingRuleData] = await this.pricingRuleData(); const { validFrom } = pricingRuleData; if ( validFrom && (value as Date).toISOString() < (validFrom as Date).toISOString() ) { throw new ValidationError( t`Valid From Date should be less than Valid To Date.` ); } if ((value as Date).toISOString() >= this.validTo.toISOString()) { throw new ValidationError( t`Valid From Date should be greather than Pricing Rule's Valid From Date.` ); } }, validTo: async (value: DocValue) => { if (!this.validFrom || !value || !this.pricingRule) { return; } const [pricingRuleData] = await this.pricingRuleData(); const { validTo } = pricingRuleData; if ( validTo && (value as Date).toISOString() > (validTo as Date).toISOString() ) { throw new ValidationError( t`Valid To Date should be lesser than Pricing Rule's Valid To Date.` ); } if ((value as Date).toISOString() <= this.validFrom.toISOString()) { throw new ValidationError( t`Valid To Date should be greater than Valid From Date.` ); } }, }; static filters: FiltersMap = { pricingRule: () => ({ isCouponCodeBased: true, }), }; static getListViewSettings(): ListViewSettings { return { columns: ['name', 'couponName', 'pricingRule', 'maximumUse', 'used'], }; } }