import { Fyo } from 'fyo'; import { DocValue, DocValueMap } from 'fyo/core/types'; import { Doc } from 'fyo/model/doc'; import { CurrenciesMap, DefaultMap, FiltersMap, FormulaMap, HiddenMap } from 'fyo/model/types'; import { DEFAULT_CURRENCY } from 'fyo/utils/consts'; import { ValidationError } from 'fyo/utils/errors'; import { getExchangeRate, getNumberSeries } from 'models/helpers'; import { Transactional } from 'models/Transactional/Transactional'; import { ModelNameEnum } from 'models/types'; import { Money } from 'pesa'; import { FieldTypeEnum, Schema } from 'schemas/types'; import { getIsNullOrUndef, safeParseFloat } from 'utils'; import { Defaults } from '../Defaults/Defaults'; import { InvoiceItem } from '../InvoiceItem/InvoiceItem'; import { Party } from '../Party/Party'; import { Payment } from '../Payment/Payment'; import { Tax } from '../Tax/Tax'; import { TaxSummary } from '../TaxSummary/TaxSummary'; export abstract class Invoice extends Transactional { _taxes: Record = {}; taxes?: TaxSummary[]; items?: InvoiceItem[]; party?: string; account?: string; currency?: string; netTotal?: Money; grandTotal?: Money; baseGrandTotal?: Money; outstandingAmount?: Money; exchangeRate?: number; setDiscountAmount?: boolean; discountAmount?: Money; discountPercent?: number; discountAfterTax?: boolean; submitted?: boolean; cancelled?: boolean; get isSales() { return this.schemaName === 'SalesInvoice'; } get enableDiscounting() { return !!; } get isMultiCurrency() { if (!this.currency) { return false; } return!.currency !== this.currency; } get companyCurrency() { return ?? DEFAULT_CURRENCY; } constructor(schema: Schema, data: DocValueMap, fyo: Fyo) { super(schema, data, fyo); this._setGetCurrencies(); } async validate() { await super.validate(); if ( this.enableDiscounting && ! ) { throw new ValidationError(this.fyo.t`Discount Account is not set.`); } } async afterSubmit() { await super.afterSubmit(); // update outstanding amounts await this.fyo.db.update(this.schemaName, { name: as string, outstandingAmount: this.baseGrandTotal!, }); const party = (await this.fyo.doc.getDoc('Party',!)) as Party; await party.updateOutstandingAmount(); } async afterCancel() { await super.afterCancel(); await this._cancelPayments(); await this._updatePartyOutStanding(); } async _cancelPayments() { const paymentIds = await this.getPaymentIds(); for (const paymentId of paymentIds) { const paymentDoc = (await this.fyo.doc.getDoc( 'Payment', paymentId )) as Payment; await paymentDoc.cancel(); } } async _updatePartyOutStanding() { const partyDoc = (await this.fyo.doc.getDoc( ModelNameEnum.Party,! )) as Party; await partyDoc.updateOutstandingAmount(); } async afterDelete() { await super.afterDelete(); const paymentIds = await this.getPaymentIds(); for (const name of paymentIds) { const paymentDoc = await this.fyo.doc.getDoc(ModelNameEnum.Payment, name); await paymentDoc.delete(); } } async getPaymentIds() { const payments = (await this.fyo.db.getAll('PaymentFor', { fields: ['parent'], filters: { referenceType: this.schemaName, referenceName:! }, orderBy: 'name', })) as { parent: string }[]; if (payments.length != 0) { return [ Set({ parent }) => parent))]; } return []; } async getExchangeRate() { if (!this.currency) { return 1.0; } const currency = await this.fyo.getValue( ModelNameEnum.SystemSettings, 'currency' ); if (this.currency === currency) { return 1.0; } const exchangeRate = await getExchangeRate({ fromCurrency: this.currency!, toCurrency: currency as string, }); return safeParseFloat(exchangeRate.toFixed(2)); } async getTaxSummary() { const taxes: Record< string, { account: string; rate: number; amount: Money; [key: string]: DocValue; } > = {}; type TaxDetail = { account: string; rate: number }; for (const item of this.items ?? []) { if (! { continue; } const tax = await this.getTax(!); for (const { account, rate } of (tax.details ?? []) as TaxDetail[]) { taxes[account] ??= { account, rate, amount: this.fyo.pesa(0), }; let amount = item.amount!; if (this.enableDiscounting && !this.discountAfterTax) { amount = item.itemDiscountedTotal!; } const taxAmount = amount.mul(rate / 100); taxes[account].amount = taxes[account].amount.add(taxAmount); } } return Object.keys(taxes) .map((account) => { return taxes[account]; }) .filter((tax) => !tax.amount.isZero()); } async getTax(tax: string) { if (!this._taxes![tax]) { this._taxes[tax] = await this.fyo.doc.getDoc('Tax', tax); } return this._taxes[tax]; } getTotalDiscount() { if (!this.enableDiscounting) { return this.fyo.pesa(0); } const itemDiscountAmount = this.getItemDiscountAmount(); const invoiceDiscountAmount = this.getInvoiceDiscountAmount(); return itemDiscountAmount.add(invoiceDiscountAmount); } async getGrandTotal() { const totalDiscount = this.getTotalDiscount(); return ((this.taxes ?? []) as Doc[]) .map((doc) => doc.amount as Money) .reduce((a, b) => a.add(b), this.netTotal!) .sub(totalDiscount); } getInvoiceDiscountAmount() { if (!this.enableDiscounting) { return this.fyo.pesa(0); } if (this.setDiscountAmount) { return this.discountAmount ?? this.fyo.pesa(0); } let totalItemAmounts = this.fyo.pesa(0); for (const item of this.items ?? []) { if (this.discountAfterTax) { totalItemAmounts = totalItemAmounts.add(item.itemTaxedTotal!); } else { totalItemAmounts = totalItemAmounts.add(item.itemDiscountedTotal!); } } return totalItemAmounts.percent(this.discountPercent ?? 0); } getItemDiscountAmount() { if (!this.enableDiscounting) { return this.fyo.pesa(0); } if (!this?.items?.length) { return this.fyo.pesa(0); } let discountAmount = this.fyo.pesa(0); for (const item of this.items) { if (item.setItemDiscountAmount) { discountAmount = discountAmount.add( item.itemDiscountAmount ?? this.fyo.pesa(0) ); } else if (!this.discountAfterTax) { discountAmount = discountAmount.add( (item.amount ?? this.fyo.pesa(0)).mul( (item.itemDiscountPercent ?? 0) / 100 ) ); } else if (this.discountAfterTax) { discountAmount = discountAmount.add( (item.itemTaxedTotal ?? this.fyo.pesa(0)).mul( (item.itemDiscountPercent ?? 0) / 100 ) ); } } return discountAmount; } formulas: FormulaMap = { account: { formula: async () => { return (await this.fyo.getValue( 'Party',!, 'defaultAccount' )) as string; }, dependsOn: ['party'], }, currency: { formula: async () => { const currency = (await this.fyo.getValue( 'Party',!, 'currency' )) as string; if (!getIsNullOrUndef(currency)) { return currency; } return!.currency as string; }, dependsOn: ['party'], }, exchangeRate: { formula: async () => { if ( this.currency === ( ?? DEFAULT_CURRENCY) ) { return 1; } if (this.exchangeRate && this.exchangeRate !== 1) { return this.exchangeRate; } return await this.getExchangeRate(); }, }, netTotal: { formula: async () => this.getSum('items', 'amount', false) }, taxes: { formula: async () => await this.getTaxSummary() }, grandTotal: { formula: async () => await this.getGrandTotal() }, baseGrandTotal: { formula: async () => (this.grandTotal as Money).mul(this.exchangeRate! ?? 1), }, outstandingAmount: { formula: async () => { if (this.submitted) { return; } return this.baseGrandTotal!; }, }, }; getItemDiscountedAmounts() { let itemDiscountedAmounts = this.fyo.pesa(0); for (const item of this.items ?? []) { itemDiscountedAmounts = itemDiscountedAmounts.add( item.itemDiscountedTotal ?? item.amount! ); } return itemDiscountedAmounts; } hidden: HiddenMap = { setDiscountAmount: () => true || !this.enableDiscounting, discountAmount: () => true || !(this.enableDiscounting && !!this.setDiscountAmount), discountPercent: () => true || !(this.enableDiscounting && !this.setDiscountAmount), discountAfterTax: () => !this.enableDiscounting, }; static defaults: DefaultMap = { numberSeries: (doc) => getNumberSeries(doc.schemaName, doc.fyo), terms: (doc) => { const defaults = as Defaults | undefined; if (doc.schemaName === ModelNameEnum.SalesInvoice) { return defaults?.salesInvoiceTerms ?? ''; } return defaults?.purchaseInvoiceTerms ?? ''; }, date: () => new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10), }; static filters: FiltersMap = { party: (doc: Doc) => ({ role: ['in', [doc.isSales ? 'Customer' : 'Supplier', 'Both']], }), account: (doc: Doc) => ({ isGroup: false, accountType: doc.isSales ? 'Receivable' : 'Payable', }), numberSeries: (doc: Doc) => ({ referenceType: doc.schemaName }), }; static createFilters: FiltersMap = { party: (doc: Doc) => ({ role: doc.isSales ? 'Customer' : 'Supplier', }), }; getCurrencies: CurrenciesMap = { baseGrandTotal: () => this.companyCurrency, outstandingAmount: () => this.companyCurrency, }; _getCurrency() { if (this.exchangeRate === 1) { return this.companyCurrency; } return this.currency ?? DEFAULT_CURRENCY; } _setGetCurrencies() { const currencyFields = this.schema.fields.filter( ({ fieldtype }) => fieldtype === FieldTypeEnum.Currency ); for (const { fieldname } of currencyFields) { this.getCurrencies[fieldname] ??= this._getCurrency.bind(this); } } }