import { DatabaseManager } from 'backend/database/manager'; import { config } from 'dotenv'; import { Fyo } from 'fyo'; import { DummyAuthDemux } from 'fyo/tests/helpers'; import path from 'path'; import setupInstance from 'src/setup/setupInstance'; import { SetupWizardOptions } from 'src/setup/types'; import test from 'tape'; import { getFiscalYear } from 'utils/misc'; export function getTestSetupWizardOptions(): SetupWizardOptions { return { logo: null, companyName: 'Test Company', country: 'India', fullname: 'Test Person', email: '', bankName: 'Test Bank of Scriptia', currency: 'INR', fiscalYearStart: getFiscalYear('04-01', true), fiscalYearEnd: getFiscalYear('04-01', false), chartOfAccounts: 'India - Chart of Accounts', }; } export function getTestDbPath(dbPath?: string) { config(); return dbPath ?? process.env.TEST_DB_PATH ?? ':memory:'; } /** * Test Boilerplate * * The bottom three functions are test boilerplate for when * an initialized fyo object is to be used. * * They are required because top level await is not supported. * * Therefore setup and cleanup of the fyo object is wrapped * in tests which are executed serially (and awaited in order) * by tape. * * If `closeTestFyo` is not called the test process won't exit. */ export function getTestFyo(): Fyo { return new Fyo({ DatabaseDemux: DatabaseManager, AuthDemux: DummyAuthDemux, isTest: true, isElectron: false, }); } const ext = '.spec.ts'; export function setupTestFyo(fyo: Fyo, filename: string) { const testName = path.basename(filename, ext); return test(`setup: ${testName}`, async () => { const options = getTestSetupWizardOptions(); const dbPath = getTestDbPath(); await setupInstance(dbPath, options, fyo); }); } export function closeTestFyo(fyo: Fyo, filename: string) { const testName = path.basename(filename, ext); return test(`cleanup: ${testName}`, async () => { await fyo.close(); }); }