import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'; import { t } from 'fyo'; import { ConfigKeys } from 'fyo/core/types'; import { Doc } from 'fyo/model/doc'; import { BaseError } from 'fyo/utils/errors'; import { ErrorLog } from 'fyo/utils/types'; import { truncate } from 'lodash'; import { IPC_ACTIONS, IPC_MESSAGES } from 'utils/messages'; import { fyo } from './initFyo'; import router from './router'; import { getErrorMessage, stringifyCircular } from './utils'; import { MessageDialogOptions, ToastOptions } from './utils/types'; import { showMessageDialog, showToast } from './utils/ui'; function shouldNotStore(error: Error) { const shouldLog = (error as BaseError).shouldStore ?? true; return !shouldLog; } async function reportError(errorLogObj: ErrorLog) { if (!errorLogObj.stack) { return; } const body = { error_name:, message: errorLogObj.message, stack: errorLogObj.stack, more: stringifyCircular(errorLogObj.more ?? {}), }; if ( { console.log(body); } await ipcRenderer.invoke(IPC_ACTIONS.SEND_ERROR, JSON.stringify(body)); } function getToastProps(errorLogObj: ErrorLog) { const props: ToastOptions = { message: ?? t`Error`, type: 'error', actionText: t`Report Error`, action: () => reportIssue(errorLogObj), }; return props; } export function getErrorLogObject( error: Error, more: Record ): ErrorLog { const { name, stack, message } = error; const errorLogObj = { name, stack, message, more }; fyo.errorLog.push(errorLogObj); return errorLogObj; } export async function handleError( logToConsole: boolean, error: Error, more?: Record ) { if (logToConsole) { console.error(error); } if (shouldNotStore(error)) { return; } const errorLogObj = getErrorLogObject(error, more ?? {}); await reportError(errorLogObj); const toastProps = getToastProps(errorLogObj); await showToast(toastProps); } export async function handleErrorWithDialog( error: Error, doc?: Doc, reportError?: false, dontThrow?: false ) { const errorMessage = getErrorMessage(error, doc); await handleError(false, error, { errorMessage, doc }); const name = ?? t`Error`; const options: MessageDialogOptions = { message: name, detail: errorMessage }; if (reportError) { options.detail = truncate(options.detail, { length: 128 }); options.buttons = [ { label: t`Report`, action() { reportIssue(getErrorLogObject(error, { errorMessage })); }, }, { label: t`OK`, action() {} }, ]; } await showMessageDialog(options); if (dontThrow) { if ( { console.error(error); } return; } throw error; } export async function showErrorDialog(title?: string, content?: string) { // To be used for show stopper errors title ??= t`Error`; content ??= t`Something has gone terribly wrong. Please check the console and raise an issue.`; await ipcRenderer.invoke(IPC_ACTIONS.SHOW_ERROR, { title, content }); } // Wrapper Functions export function getErrorHandled(func: Function) { return async function errorHandled(...args: unknown[]) { try { return await func(...args); } catch (error) { await handleError(false, error as Error, { functionName:, functionArgs: args, }); throw error; } }; } export function getErrorHandledSync(func: Function) { return function errorHandledSync(...args: unknown[]) { try { return func(...args); } catch (error) { handleError(false, error as Error, { functionName:, functionArgs: args, }).then(() => { throw error; }); } }; } function getIssueUrlQuery(errorLogObj?: ErrorLog): string { const baseUrl = ''; const body = ['


', 'Add some description...', '']; if (errorLogObj) { body.push( '

Error Info

', '', `**Error**: _${}: ${errorLogObj.message}_`, '' ); } if (errorLogObj?.stack) { body.push('**Stack**:', '```', errorLogObj.stack, '```', ''); } body.push(`**Version**: \`${}\``); body.push(`**Platform**: \`${}\``); body.push(`**Path**: \`${router.currentRoute.value.fullPath}\``); body.push(`**Language**: \`${fyo.config.get(ConfigKeys.Language)}\``); if ( { body.push(`**Country**: \`${}\``); } const url = [baseUrl, `body=${body.join('\n')}`].join('&'); return encodeURI(url); } export function reportIssue(errorLogObj?: ErrorLog) { const urlQuery = getIssueUrlQuery(errorLogObj); ipcRenderer.send(IPC_MESSAGES.OPEN_EXTERNAL, urlQuery); }