import { Fyo, t } from 'fyo'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import { ModelNameEnum } from 'models/types'; import { LedgerReport } from 'reports/LedgerReport'; import { ColumnField, GroupedMap, LedgerEntry, ReportData, ReportRow, } from 'reports/types'; import { Field, FieldTypeEnum } from 'schemas/types'; import { QueryFilter } from 'utils/db/types'; type ReferenceType = | ModelNameEnum.SalesInvoice | ModelNameEnum.PurchaseInvoice | ModelNameEnum.Payment | ModelNameEnum.JournalEntry | 'All'; export class GeneralLedger extends LedgerReport { static title = t`General Ledger`; static reportName = 'general-ledger'; usePagination: boolean = true; loading: boolean = false; ascending: boolean = false; reverted: boolean = false; referenceType: ReferenceType = 'All'; groupBy: 'none' | 'party' | 'account' | 'referenceName' = 'none'; _rawData: LedgerEntry[] = []; constructor(fyo: Fyo) { super(fyo); } async setDefaultFilters() { if (!this.toDate) { this.toDate =; this.fromDate ={ years: 1 }).toISODate(); } } async setReportData(filter?: string) { this.loading = true; let sort = true; if (filter !== 'grouped' || this._rawData.length === 0) { await this._setRawData(); sort = false; } const map = this._getGroupedMap(sort); this._setIndexOnEntries(map); const { totalDebit, totalCredit } = this._getTotalsAndSetBalance(map); const consolidated = this._consolidateEntries(map); /** * Push a blank row if last row isn't blank */ if ( !== -3) { this._pushBlankEntry(consolidated); } /** * Set the closing row */ consolidated.push({ name: -2, // Bold account: t`Closing`, date: null, debit: totalDebit, credit: totalCredit, balance: totalDebit - totalCredit, referenceType: '', referenceName: '', party: '', reverted: false, reverts: '', }); this.reportData = this._convertEntriesToReportData(consolidated); this.loading = false; } _setIndexOnEntries(map: GroupedMap) { let i = 1; for (const key of map.keys()) { for (const entry of map.get(key)!) { entry.index = String(i); i = i + 1; } } } _convertEntriesToReportData(entries: LedgerEntry[]): ReportData { const reportData = []; for (const entry of entries) { const row = this._getRowFromEntry(entry, this.columns); reportData.push(row); } return reportData; } _getRowFromEntry(entry: LedgerEntry, columns: ColumnField[]): ReportRow { if ( === -3) { return { isEmpty: true, cells: => ({ rawValue: '', value: '', width: c.width ?? 1, })), }; } const row: ReportRow = { cells: [] }; for (const col of columns) { const align = col.align ?? 'left'; const width = col.width ?? 1; const fieldname = col.fieldname; let value = entry[fieldname as keyof LedgerEntry]; const rawValue = value; if (value === null || value === undefined) { value = ''; } if (value instanceof Date) { value = this.fyo.format(value, FieldTypeEnum.Date); } if (typeof value === 'number' && fieldname !== 'index') { value = this.fyo.format(value, FieldTypeEnum.Currency); } if (typeof value === 'boolean' && fieldname === 'reverted') { value = value ? t`Reverted` : ''; } else { value = String(value); } row.cells.push({ italics: === -1, bold: === -2, value, rawValue, align, width, }); } return row; } _consolidateEntries(map: GroupedMap) { const entries: LedgerEntry[] = []; for (const key of map.keys()) { entries.push(!); /** * Add blank row for spacing if groupBy */ if (this.groupBy !== 'none') { this._pushBlankEntry(entries); } } return entries; } _pushBlankEntry(entries: LedgerEntry[]) { entries.push({ name: -3, // Empty account: '', date: null, debit: null, credit: null, balance: null, referenceType: '', referenceName: '', party: '', reverted: false, reverts: '', }); } _getTotalsAndSetBalance(map: GroupedMap) { let totalDebit = 0; let totalCredit = 0; for (const key of map.keys()) { let balance = 0; let debit = 0; let credit = 0; for (const entry of map.get(key)!) { debit += entry.debit!; credit +=!; const diff = entry.debit! -!; balance += diff; entry.balance = balance; } /** * Total row incase groupBy is used */ if (this.groupBy !== 'none') { map.get(key)?.push({ name: -1, // Italics account: t`Total`, date: null, debit, credit, balance: debit - credit, referenceType: '', referenceName: '', party: '', reverted: false, reverts: '', }); } /** * Total debit and credit for the final row */ totalDebit += debit; totalCredit += credit; } return { totalDebit, totalCredit }; } async _getQueryFilters(): Promise { const filters: QueryFilter = {}; const stringFilters = ['account', 'party', 'referenceName']; for (const sf of stringFilters) { const value = this[sf]; if (value === undefined) { continue; } filters[sf] = value as string; } if (this.referenceType !== 'All') { filters.referenceType = this.referenceType as string; } if (this.toDate) { ??= []; ( as string[]).push('<=', this.toDate as string); } if (this.fromDate) { ??= []; ( as string[]).push('>=', this.fromDate as string); } if (!this.reverted) { filters.reverted = false; } return filters; } getFilters() { return [ { fieldtype: 'Select', options: [ { label: t`All`, value: 'All' }, { label: t`Sales Invoices`, value: 'SalesInvoice' }, { label: t`Purchase Invoices`, value: 'PurchaseInvoice' }, { label: t`Payments`, value: 'Payment' }, { label: t`Journal Entries`, value: 'JournalEntry' }, ], label: t`Ref Type`, fieldname: 'referenceType', placeholder: t`Ref Type`, }, { fieldtype: 'DynamicLink', label: t`Ref Name`, references: 'referenceType', placeholder: t`Ref Name`, emptyMessage: t`Change Ref Type`, fieldname: 'referenceName', }, { fieldtype: 'Link', target: 'Account', placeholder: t`Account`, label: t`Account`, fieldname: 'account', }, { fieldtype: 'Link', target: 'Party', label: t`Party`, placeholder: t`Party`, fieldname: 'party', }, { fieldtype: 'Date', placeholder: t`From Date`, label: t`From Date`, fieldname: 'fromDate', }, { fieldtype: 'Date', placeholder: t`To Date`, label: t`To Date`, fieldname: 'toDate', }, { fieldtype: 'Select', label: t`Group By`, fieldname: 'groupBy', options: [ { label: t`None`, value: 'none' }, { label: t`Party`, value: 'party' }, { label: t`Account`, value: 'account' }, { label: t`Reference`, value: 'referenceName' }, ], }, { fieldtype: 'Check', label: t`Include Cancelled`, fieldname: 'reverted', }, { fieldtype: 'Check', label: t`Ascending Order`, fieldname: 'ascending', }, ] as Field[]; } getColumns(): ColumnField[] { let columns = [ { label: '#', fieldtype: 'Int', fieldname: 'index', align: 'right', width: 0.5, }, { label: t`Account`, fieldtype: 'Link', fieldname: 'account', width: 1.5, }, { label: t`Date`, fieldtype: 'Date', fieldname: 'date', }, { label: t`Debit`, fieldtype: 'Currency', fieldname: 'debit', align: 'right', width: 1.25, }, { label: t`Credit`, fieldtype: 'Currency', fieldname: 'credit', align: 'right', width: 1.25, }, { label: t`Balance`, fieldtype: 'Currency', fieldname: 'balance', align: 'right', width: 1.25, }, { label: t`Party`, fieldtype: 'Link', fieldname: 'party', }, { label: t`Ref Name`, fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'referenceName', }, { label: t`Ref Type`, fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'referenceType', }, { label: t`Reverted`, fieldtype: 'Check', fieldname: 'reverted', }, ] as ColumnField[]; if (!this.reverted) { columns = columns.filter((f) => f.fieldname !== 'reverted'); } return columns; } }