import { t } from 'fyo'; import { Action } from 'fyo/model/types'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import { Invoice } from 'models/baseModels/Invoice/Invoice'; import { Party } from 'models/regionalModels/in/Party'; import { ModelNameEnum } from 'models/types'; import { codeStateMap } from 'regional/in'; import { Report } from 'reports/Report'; import { ColumnField, ReportData, ReportRow } from 'reports/types'; import { Field, OptionField } from 'schemas/types'; import { isNumeric } from 'src/utils'; import getGSTRExportActions from './gstExporter'; import { GSTRRow, GSTRType, TransferType, TransferTypeEnum } from './types'; export abstract class BaseGSTR extends Report { place?: string; toDate?: string; fromDate?: string; transferType?: TransferType; usePagination: boolean = true; gstrRows?: GSTRRow[]; loading: boolean = false; abstract gstrType: GSTRType; get transferTypeMap(): Record { if (this.gstrType === 'GSTR-2') { return { B2B: 'B2B', }; } return { B2B: 'B2B', B2CL: 'B2C-Large', B2CS: 'B2C-Small', NR: 'Nil Rated, Exempted and Non GST supplies', }; } get schemaName() { if (this.gstrType === 'GSTR-1') { return ModelNameEnum.SalesInvoice; } return ModelNameEnum.PurchaseInvoice; } async setReportData(): Promise { this.loading = true; const gstrRows = await this.getGstrRows(); const filteredRows = this.filterGstrRows(gstrRows); this.gstrRows = filteredRows; this.reportData = this.getReportDataFromGSTRRows(filteredRows); this.loading = false; } getReportDataFromGSTRRows(gstrRows: GSTRRow[]): ReportData { const reportData: ReportData = []; for (const row of gstrRows) { const reportRow: ReportRow = { cells: [] }; for (const { fieldname, fieldtype, width } of this.columns) { const align = isNumeric(fieldtype) ? 'right' : 'left'; const rawValue = row[fieldname as keyof GSTRRow]; let value = ''; if (rawValue !== undefined) { value = this.fyo.format(rawValue, fieldtype); } reportRow.cells.push({ align, rawValue, value, width: width ?? 1, }); } reportData.push(reportRow); } return reportData; } filterGstrRows(gstrRows: GSTRRow[]) { return gstrRows.filter((row) => { let allow = true; if ( { allow &&= codeStateMap[] ===; }; return (allow &&= this.transferFilterFunction(row)); }); } get transferFilterFunction(): (row: GSTRRow) => boolean { if (this.transferType === 'B2B') { return (row) => !!row.gstin; } if (this.transferType === 'B2CL') { return (row) => !row.gstin && !row.inState && row.invAmt >= 250000; } if (this.transferType === 'B2CS') { return (row) => !row.gstin && (row.inState || row.invAmt < 250000); } if (this.transferType === 'NR') { return (row) => row.rate === 0; // this takes care of both nil rated, exempted goods } return (_) => true; } async getEntries() { const date: string[] = []; if (this.toDate) { date.push('<=', this.toDate); } if (this.fromDate) { date.push('>=', this.fromDate); } return (await this.fyo.db.getAllRaw(this.schemaName, { filters: { date, submitted: true, cancelled: false }, })) as { name: string }[]; } async getGstrRows(): Promise { const entries = await this.getEntries(); const gstrRows: GSTRRow[] = []; for (const entry of entries) { const gstrRow = await this.getGstrRow( as string); gstrRows.push(gstrRow); } return gstrRows; } async getGstrRow(entryName: string): Promise { const entry = (await this.fyo.doc.getDoc( this.schemaName, entryName )) as Invoice; const gstin = (await this.fyo.getValue( ModelNameEnum.AccountingSettings, 'gstin' )) as string | null; const party = (await this.fyo.doc.getDoc('Party',!)) as Party; let place = ''; if (party.address) { const pos = (await this.fyo.getValue( ModelNameEnum.Address, party.address as string, 'pos' )) as string | undefined; place = pos ?? ''; } else if (party.gstin) { const code = party.gstin.slice(0, 2); place = codeStateMap[code] ?? ''; } let inState = false; if (gstin) { inState = codeStateMap[gstin.slice(0, 2)] === place; } const gstrRow: GSTRRow = { gstin: party.gstin ?? '', partyName:!, invNo:!, invDate:!, rate: 0, reverseCharge: !party.gstin ? 'Y' : 'N', inState, place, invAmt: entry.grandTotal?.float ?? 0, taxVal: entry.netTotal?.float ?? 0, }; for (const tax of entry.taxes ?? []) { gstrRow.rate += tax.rate ?? 0; } this.setTaxValuesOnGSTRRow(entry, gstrRow); return gstrRow; } setTaxValuesOnGSTRRow(entry: Invoice, gstrRow: GSTRRow) { for (const tax of entry.taxes ?? []) { const rate = tax.rate ?? 0; gstrRow.rate += rate; const taxAmt = entry.netTotal!.percent(rate).float; switch (tax.account) { case 'IGST': { gstrRow.igstAmt = taxAmt; gstrRow.inState = false; } case 'CGST': gstrRow.cgstAmt = taxAmt; case 'SGST': gstrRow.sgstAmt = taxAmt; case 'Nil Rated': gstrRow.nilRated = true; case 'Exempt': gstrRow.exempt = true; case 'Non GST': gstrRow.nonGST = true; } } } async setDefaultFilters() { if (!this.toDate) { this.toDate = DateTime.local().toISODate(); } if (!this.fromDate) { this.fromDate = DateTime.local().minus({ months: 3 }).toISODate(); } if (!this.transferType) { this.transferType = 'B2B'; } } getFilters(): Field[] { const transferTypeMap = this.transferTypeMap; const options = Object.keys(transferTypeMap).map((k) => ({ value: k, label: transferTypeMap[k], })); return [ { fieldtype: 'Select', label: t`Transfer Type`, placeholder: t`Transfer Type`, fieldname: 'transferType', options, } as OptionField, { fieldtype: 'AutoComplete', label: t`Place`, placeholder: t`Place`, fieldname: 'place', options: Object.keys(codeStateMap).map((code) => { return { value: code, label: codeStateMap[code], }; }), } as OptionField, { fieldtype: 'Date', label: t`From Date`, placeholder: t`From Date`, fieldname: 'fromDate', }, { fieldtype: 'Date', label: t`To Date`, placeholder: t`To Date`, fieldname: 'toDate', }, ]; } getColumns(): ColumnField[] | Promise { const columns = [ { label: t`Party`, fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'partyName', width: 1.5, }, { label: t`Invoice No.`, fieldname: 'invNo', fieldtype: 'Data', }, { label: t`Invoice Value`, fieldname: 'invAmt', fieldtype: 'Currency', }, { label: t`Invoice Date`, fieldname: 'invDate', fieldtype: 'Date', }, { label: t`Place of supply`, fieldname: 'place', fieldtype: 'Data', }, { label: t`Rate`, fieldname: 'rate', width: 0.5, }, { label: t`Taxable Value`, fieldname: 'taxVal', fieldtype: 'Currency', }, { label: t`Reverse Chrg.`, fieldname: 'reverseCharge', fieldtype: 'Data', }, { label: t`Intergrated Tax`, fieldname: 'igstAmt', fieldtype: 'Currency', }, { label: t`Central Tax`, fieldname: 'cgstAmt', fieldtype: 'Currency', }, { label: t`State Tax`, fieldname: 'sgstAmt', fieldtype: 'Currency', }, ] as ColumnField[]; const transferType = this.transferType ?? TransferTypeEnum.B2B; if (transferType === TransferTypeEnum.B2B) { columns.unshift({ label: t`GSTIN No.`, fieldname: 'gstin', fieldtype: 'Data', width: 1.5, }); } return columns; } getActions(): Action[] { return getGSTRExportActions(this); } }