import { getMoneyMaker, MoneyMaker } from 'pesa'; import { markRaw } from 'vue'; import { AuthHandler } from './core/authHandler'; import { DatabaseHandler } from './core/dbHandler'; import { DocHandler } from './core/docHandler'; import { DatabaseDemuxConstructor } from './core/types'; import { ModelMap } from './model/types'; import { DEFAULT_CURRENCY, DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PRECISION, DEFAULT_INTERNAL_PRECISION, } from './utils/consts'; import * as errors from './utils/errors'; import { format } from './utils/format'; import { t, T } from './utils/translation'; import { ErrorLog } from './utils/types'; export class Frappe { t = t; T = T; format = format; errors = errors; isElectron = false; pesa: MoneyMaker; auth: AuthHandler; doc: DocHandler; db: DatabaseHandler; _initialized: boolean = false; errorLog?: ErrorLog[]; methods?: Record; temp?: Record; constructor(DatabaseDemux?: DatabaseDemuxConstructor) { /** * `DatabaseManager` can be passed as the `DatabaseDemux` for * testing this class without API or IPC calls. */ this.auth = new AuthHandler(this); this.db = new DatabaseHandler(this, DatabaseDemux); this.doc = new DocHandler(this); this.pesa = getMoneyMaker({ currency: 'XXX', precision: DEFAULT_INTERNAL_PRECISION, display: DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PRECISION, wrapper: markRaw, }); } get initialized() { return this._initialized; } get docs() { return; } get models() { return this.doc.models; } get singles() { return; } get schemaMap() { return this.db.schemaMap; } async initializeAndRegister( models: ModelMap = {}, regionalModels: ModelMap = {}, force: boolean = false ) { if (this._initialized && !force) return; await this.#initializeModules(); await this.#initializeMoneyMaker(); this.doc.registerModels(models, regionalModels); this._initialized = true; } async #initializeModules() { this.methods = {}; this.errorLog = []; // temp params while calling routes this.temp = {}; await this.doc.init(); await this.auth.init(); await this.db.init(); } async #initializeMoneyMaker() { const values = (await this.db?.getSingleValues( { fieldname: 'internalPrecision', parent: 'SystemSettings', }, { fieldname: 'displayPrecision', parent: 'SystemSettings', }, { fieldname: 'currency', parent: 'SystemSettings', } )) ?? []; const acc = values.reduce((acc, sv) => { acc[sv.fieldname] = sv.value as string | number | undefined; return acc; }, {} as Record); const precision: number = (acc.internalPrecision as number) ?? DEFAULT_INTERNAL_PRECISION; const display: number = (acc.displayPrecision as number) ?? DEFAULT_DISPLAY_PRECISION; const currency: string = (acc.currency as string) ?? DEFAULT_CURRENCY; this.pesa = getMoneyMaker({ currency, precision, display, wrapper: markRaw, }); } close() { this.db.close(); this.auth.logout(); } store = { isDevelopment: false, appVersion: '', }; } export { T, t }; export default new Frappe();