import { t } from 'fyo'; import { AccountRootType, AccountRootTypeEnum, } from 'models/baseModels/Account/types'; import { AccountReport, convertAccountRootNodeToAccountList, } from 'reports/AccountReport'; import { ReportData, RootTypeRow } from 'reports/types'; import { getMapFromList } from 'utils'; export class BalanceSheet extends AccountReport { static title = t`Balance Sheet`; static reportName = 'balance-sheet'; loading: boolean = false; get rootTypes(): AccountRootType[] { return [ AccountRootTypeEnum.Asset, AccountRootTypeEnum.Liability, AccountRootTypeEnum.Equity, ]; } async setReportData(filter?: string, force?: boolean) { this.loading = true; if (force || filter !== 'hideGroupAmounts') { await this._setRawData(); } const map = this._getGroupedMap(true, 'account'); const rangeGroupedMap = await this._getGroupedByDateRanges(map); const accountTree = await this._getAccountTree(rangeGroupedMap); for (const name of Object.keys(accountTree)) { const { rootType } = accountTree[name]; if (this.rootTypes.includes(rootType)) { continue; } delete accountTree[name]; } const rootTypeRows: RootTypeRow[] = this.rootTypes .map((rootType) => { const rootNode = this.getRootNode(rootType, accountTree)!; const rootList = convertAccountRootNodeToAccountList(rootNode); return { rootType, rootNode, rows: this.getReportRowsFromAccountList(rootList), }; }) .filter((row) => !!row.rootNode); this.reportData = await this.getReportDataFromRows( getMapFromList(rootTypeRows, 'rootType') ); this.loading = false; } async getReportDataFromRows( rootTypeRows: Record ): Promise { const typeNameList = [ { rootType: AccountRootTypeEnum.Asset, totalName: t`Total Asset (Debit)`, }, { rootType: AccountRootTypeEnum.Liability, totalName: t`Total Liability (Credit)`, }, { rootType: AccountRootTypeEnum.Equity, totalName: t`Total Equity (Credit)`, }, ]; const reportData: ReportData = []; const emptyRow = this.getEmptyRow(); for (const { rootType, totalName } of typeNameList) { const row = rootTypeRows[rootType]; if (!row) { continue; } reportData.push(...row.rows); if (row.rootNode) { const totalNode = await this.getTotalNode(row.rootNode, totalName); const totalRow = this.getRowFromAccountListNode(totalNode); reportData.push(totalRow); } reportData.push(emptyRow); } if ( { reportData.pop(); } return reportData; } }