import { RawCustomField } from 'backend/database/types'; import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import { getListFromMap, getMapFromList } from 'utils'; import regionalSchemas from './regional'; import { appSchemas, coreSchemas, metaSchemas } from './schemas'; import type { DynamicLinkField, Field, OptionField, Schema, SchemaMap, SchemaStub, SchemaStubMap, SelectOption, TargetField, } from './types'; const NAME_FIELD = { fieldname: 'name', label: `ID`, fieldtype: 'Data', required: true, readOnly: true, }; export function getSchemas( countryCode = '-', rawCustomFields: RawCustomField[] ): Readonly { const builtCoreSchemas = getCoreSchemas(); const builtAppSchemas = getAppSchemas(countryCode); let schemaMap = Object.assign({}, builtAppSchemas, builtCoreSchemas); schemaMap = addMetaFields(schemaMap); schemaMap = removeFields(schemaMap); schemaMap = setSchemaNameOnFields(schemaMap); addCustomFields(schemaMap, rawCustomFields); deepFreeze(schemaMap); return schemaMap; } export function setSchemaNameOnFields(schemaMap: SchemaMap): SchemaMap { for (const schemaName in schemaMap) { const schema = schemaMap[schemaName]!; schema.fields = => ({ ...f, schemaName })); } return schemaMap; } function removeFields(schemaMap: SchemaMap): SchemaMap { for (const schemaName in schemaMap) { const schema = schemaMap[schemaName]!; if (schema.removeFields === undefined) { continue; } for (const fieldname of schema.removeFields) { schema.fields = schema.fields.filter((f) => f.fieldname !== fieldname); schema.tableFields = schema.tableFields?.filter((fn) => fn !== fieldname); schema.quickEditFields = schema.quickEditFields?.filter( (fn) => fn !== fieldname ); schema.keywordFields = schema.keywordFields?.filter( (fn) => fn !== fieldname ); if (schema.linkDisplayField === fieldname) { delete schema.linkDisplayField; } } delete schema.removeFields; } return schemaMap; } function deepFreeze(schemaMap: SchemaMap) { Object.freeze(schemaMap); for (const schemaName in schemaMap) { Object.freeze(schemaMap[schemaName]); for (const key in schemaMap[schemaName]) { // @ts-ignore Object.freeze(schemaMap[schemaName][key]); } for (const field of schemaMap[schemaName]?.fields ?? []) { Object.freeze(field); } } } export function addMetaFields(schemaMap: SchemaMap): SchemaMap { const metaSchemaMap = getMapFromList(cloneDeep(metaSchemas), 'name'); const base = metaSchemaMap.base; const tree = getCombined(metaSchemaMap.tree, base); const child = metaSchemaMap.child; const submittable = getCombined(metaSchemaMap.submittable, base); const submittableTree = getCombined(tree, metaSchemaMap.submittable); for (const name in schemaMap) { const schema = schemaMap[name] as Schema; if (schema.isSingle) { continue; } if (schema.isTree && schema.isSubmittable) { schema.fields = [...schema.fields, ...submittableTree.fields!]; } else if (schema.isTree) { schema.fields = [...schema.fields, ...tree.fields!]; } else if (schema.isSubmittable) { schema.fields = [...schema.fields, ...submittable.fields!]; } else if (schema.isChild) { schema.fields = [...schema.fields, ...child.fields!]; } else { schema.fields = [...schema.fields, ...base.fields!]; } } addNameField(schemaMap); addTitleField(schemaMap); return schemaMap; } function addTitleField(schemaMap: SchemaMap) { for (const schemaName in schemaMap) { schemaMap[schemaName]!.titleField ??= 'name'; } } function addNameField(schemaMap: SchemaMap) { for (const name in schemaMap) { const schema = schemaMap[name] as Schema; if (schema.isSingle) { continue; } const pkField = schema.fields.find((f) => f.fieldname === 'name'); if (pkField !== undefined) { continue; } schema.fields.unshift(NAME_FIELD as Field); } } function getCoreSchemas(): SchemaMap { const rawSchemaMap = getMapFromList(cloneDeep(coreSchemas), 'name'); const coreSchemaMap = getAbstractCombinedSchemas(rawSchemaMap); return cleanSchemas(coreSchemaMap); } function getAppSchemas(countryCode: string): SchemaMap { const appSchemaMap = getMapFromList(cloneDeep(appSchemas), 'name'); const regionalSchemaMap = getRegionalSchemaMap(countryCode); const combinedSchemas = getRegionalCombinedSchemas( appSchemaMap, regionalSchemaMap ); const schemaMap = getAbstractCombinedSchemas(combinedSchemas); return cleanSchemas(schemaMap); } export function cleanSchemas(schemaMap: SchemaMap): SchemaMap { for (const name in schemaMap) { const schema = schemaMap[name] as Schema; if (schema.isAbstract && !schema.extends) { delete schemaMap[name]; continue; } delete schema.extends; delete schema.isAbstract; } return schemaMap; } function getCombined( extendingSchema: SchemaStub, abstractSchema: SchemaStub ): SchemaStub { abstractSchema = cloneDeep(abstractSchema); extendingSchema = cloneDeep(extendingSchema); const abstractFields = getMapFromList( abstractSchema.fields ?? [], 'fieldname' ); const extendingFields = getMapFromList( extendingSchema.fields ?? [], 'fieldname' ); const combined = Object.assign(abstractSchema, extendingSchema); for (const fieldname in extendingFields) { abstractFields[fieldname] = extendingFields[fieldname]; } combined.fields = getListFromMap(abstractFields); return combined; } export function getAbstractCombinedSchemas(schemas: SchemaStubMap): SchemaMap { const abstractSchemaNames: string[] = Object.keys(schemas).filter( (n) => schemas[n].isAbstract ); const extendingSchemaNames: string[] = Object.keys(schemas).filter((n) => abstractSchemaNames.includes(schemas[n].extends ?? '') ); const completeSchemas: Schema[] = Object.keys(schemas) .filter( (n) => !abstractSchemaNames.includes(n) && !extendingSchemaNames.includes(n) ) .map((n) => schemas[n] as Schema); const schemaMap = getMapFromList(completeSchemas, 'name') as SchemaMap; for (const name of extendingSchemaNames) { const extendingSchema = schemas[name] as Schema; const abstractSchema = schemas[extendingSchema.extends!]; schemaMap[name] = getCombined(extendingSchema, abstractSchema) as Schema; } abstractSchemaNames.forEach((name) => { delete schemaMap[name]; }); return schemaMap; } export function getRegionalCombinedSchemas( appSchemaMap: SchemaStubMap, regionalSchemaMap: SchemaStubMap ): SchemaStubMap { const combined = { ...appSchemaMap }; for (const name in regionalSchemaMap) { const regionalSchema = regionalSchemaMap[name]; if (!combined.hasOwnProperty(name)) { combined[name] = regionalSchema; continue; } combined[name] = getCombined(regionalSchema, combined[name]); } return combined; } function getRegionalSchemaMap(countryCode: string): SchemaStubMap { const countrySchemas = cloneDeep(regionalSchemas[countryCode]) as | SchemaStub[] | undefined; if (countrySchemas === undefined) { return {}; } return getMapFromList(countrySchemas, 'name'); } function addCustomFields( schemaMap: SchemaMap, rawCustomFields: RawCustomField[] ): void { const fieldMap = getFieldMapFromRawCustomFields(rawCustomFields, schemaMap); for (const schemaName in fieldMap) { const fields = fieldMap[schemaName]; schemaMap[schemaName]?.fields.push(...fields); } } function getFieldMapFromRawCustomFields( rawCustomFields: RawCustomField[], schemaMap: SchemaMap ) { const schemaFieldMap: Record> = {}; return rawCustomFields.reduce( ( map, { parent, label, fieldname, fieldtype, isRequired, section, tab, options: rawOptions, target, references, } ) => { schemaFieldMap[parent] ??= getMapFromList( schemaMap[parent]?.fields ?? [], 'fieldname' ); if (!schemaFieldMap[parent] || schemaFieldMap[parent][fieldname]) { return map; } map[parent] ??= []; const options = rawOptions ?.split('\n') .map((o) => { const value = o.trim(); return { value, label: value } as SelectOption; }) .filter((o) => o.label && o.value); const field = { label, fieldname, fieldtype, section, tab, isCustom: true, } as Field; if (options?.length) { (field as OptionField).options = options; } if (typeof isRequired === 'number' || typeof isRequired === 'boolean') { field.required = Boolean(isRequired); } if (typeof target === 'string') { (field as TargetField).target = target; } if (typeof references === 'string') { (field as DynamicLinkField).references = references; } map[parent].push(field); return map; }, {} as Record ); }