import frappe from 'frappe'; import runPatches from 'frappe/model/runPatches'; import patches from '../patches/patches.json'; export default async function runMigrate() { const canRunPatches = await getCanRunPatches(); if (!canRunPatches) { return await frappe.db.migrate(); } const patchList = await fetchPatchList(); await runPatches(patchList.filter(({ beforeMigrate }) => beforeMigrate)); await frappe.db.migrate(); await runPatches(patchList.filter(({ beforeMigrate }) => !beforeMigrate)); } async function fetchPatchList() { return await Promise.all( ({ version, fileName, beforeMigrate }) => { if (typeof beforeMigrate === 'undefined') { beforeMigrate = true; } const patchName = `${version}/${fileName}`; // This import is pseudo dynamic // webpack runs static analysis on the static portion of the import // i.e. '../patches/' this may break on windows due to the path // delimiter used. // // Only way to fix this is probably upgrading the build from // webpack to something else. const patchFunction = (await import('../patches/' + patchName)).default; return { patchName, patchFunction, beforeMigrate }; }) ); } async function getCanRunPatches() { return ( ( await frappe.db .knex('sqlite_master') .where({ type: 'table', name: 'PatchRun' }) .select('name') ).length > 0 ); }