const frappe = require('frappejs'); const BaseControl = require('./base'); const DataTable = require('frappe-datatable'); const controls = require('./index'); const Modal = require('frappejs/client/ui/modal'); class TableControl extends BaseControl { make() { this.makeWrapper(); this.makeDatatable(); this.setupToolbar(); } makeWrapper() { this.wrapper = frappe.ui.add('div', 'table-wrapper', this.getInputParent()); this.wrapper.innerHTML = `
`; } makeDatatable() { this.datatable = new DataTable(this.wrapper.querySelector('.datatable-wrapper'), { columns: this.getColumns(), data: this.getTableData(), layout: 'fluid', addCheckboxColumn: true, getEditor: this.getTableInput.bind(this), }); } setupToolbar() { this.wrapper.querySelector('.btn-add').addEventListener('click', async (event) => { this.doc[this.fieldname].push({}); await this.doc.commit(); this.refresh(); }); this.wrapper.querySelector('.btn-remove').addEventListener('click', async (event) => { let checked = this.datatable.rowmanager.getCheckedRows(); this.doc[this.fieldname] = this.doc[this.fieldname].filter(d => !checked.includes(d.idx)); await this.doc.commit(); this.refresh(); this.datatable.rowmanager.checkAll(false); }); } getInputValue() { return this.doc[this.fieldname]; } setInputValue(value) { this.datatable.refresh(this.getTableData(value)); } setDisabled() { this.refreshToolbar(); } getToolbar() { return this.wrapper.querySelector('.table-toolbar'); } refreshToolbar() { const toolbar = this.wrapper.querySelector('.table-toolbar'); if (toolbar) { toolbar.classList.toggle('hide', this.isDisabled() ? true : false); } } getTableData(value) { return value || this.getDefaultData(); } getTableInput(colIndex, rowIndex, value, parent) { let field = this.datatable.getColumn(colIndex).field; if (field.disabled || field.forumla || this.isDisabled()) { return false; } if (field.fieldtype==='Text') { // text in modal parent = this.getControlModal(field).getBody(); } return this.getControl(field, parent); } getControl(field, parent) { field.onlyInput = true; const control = controls.makeControl({field: field, parent: parent}); // change will be triggered by datatable control.skipChangeEvent = true; return { initValue: (value, rowIndex, column) => { column.activeControl = control; control.parentControl = this; control.doc = this.doc[this.fieldname][rowIndex]; control.set_focus(); return control.setInputValue(control.doc[]); }, setValue: async (value, rowIndex, column) => { this.doc._dirty = true; control.handleChange(); }, getValue: () => { return control.getInputValue(); } } } getControlModal(field) { this.modal = new Modal({ title: frappe._('Edit {0}', field.label), body: '', primary: { label: frappe._('Submit'), action: (modal) => { this.datatable.cellmanager.submitEditing(); modal.hide(); } } }); this.modal.on('hide', () => { this.datatable.cellmanager.deactivateEditing(); this.datatable.cellmanager.$focusedCell.focus(); }); return this.modal; } getColumns() { return this.getChildFields().map(field => { return { id: field.fieldname, field: field, content: field.label, editable: true, sortable: false, resizable: true, dropdown: false, align: ['Int', 'Float', 'Currency'].includes(field.fieldtype) ? 'right' : 'left', format: (value) => frappe.format(value, field) } }); } getChildFields() { return frappe.getMeta(this.childtype).fields.filter(f => f.hidden ? false : true); } getDefaultData() { // build flat table if (!this.doc) { return []; } if (!this.doc[this.fieldname]) { this.doc[this.fieldname] = [{idx: 0}]; } return this.doc[this.fieldname]; } checkValidity() { if (!this.datatable) { return true; } let data = this.getTableData(); for (let rowIndex=0; rowIndex < data.length; rowIndex++) { let row = data[rowIndex]; for (let column of this.datatable.datamanager.columns) { if (column.field && column.field.required) { let value = row[column.field.fieldname]; if (value==='' || value===undefined || value===null) { let $cell = this.datatable.cellmanager.getCell$(column.colIndex, rowIndex); this.datatable.cellmanager.activateEditing($cell); return false; } } } } return true; } }; module.exports = TableControl;