import { Fyo, t } from 'fyo'; import { Action } from 'fyo/model/types'; import { Verb } from 'fyo/telemetry/types'; import { getSavePath, saveData, showExportInFolder } from 'src/utils/ipcCalls'; import { getIsNullOrUndef } from 'utils'; import { generateCSV } from 'utils/csvParser'; import { Report } from './Report'; import { ExportExtention, ReportCell } from './types'; interface JSONExport { columns: { fieldname: string; label: string }[]; rows: Record<string, unknown>[]; filters: Record<string, string>; timestamp: string; reportName: string; softwareName: string; softwareVersion: string; } export default function getCommonExportActions(report: Report): Action[] { const exportExtention = ['csv', 'json'] as ExportExtention[]; return => ({ group: t`Export`, label: ext.toUpperCase(), type: 'primary', action: async () => { await exportReport(ext, report); }, })); } async function exportReport(extention: ExportExtention, report: Report) { const { filePath, canceled } = await getSavePath( report.reportName, extention ); if (canceled || !filePath) { return; } let data = ''; if (extention === 'csv') { data = getCsvData(report); } else if (extention === 'json') { data = getJsonData(report); } if (!data.length) { return; } await saveExportData(data, filePath); report.fyo.telemetry.log(Verb.Exported, report.reportName, { extention }); } function getJsonData(report: Report): string { const exportObject: JSONExport = { columns: [], rows: [], filters: {}, timestamp: '', reportName: '', softwareName: '', softwareVersion: '', }; const columns = report.columns; const displayPrecision = ( as number) ?? 2; /** * Set columns as list of fieldname, label */ exportObject.columns ={ fieldname, label }) => ({ fieldname, label, })); /** * Set rows as fieldname: value map */ for (const row of report.reportData) { if (row.isEmpty) { continue; } const rowObj: Record<string, unknown> = {}; for (const c in row.cells) { const { label } = columns[c]; const cell = getValueFromCell(row.cells[c], displayPrecision); rowObj[label] = cell; } exportObject.rows.push(rowObj); } /** * Set filter map */ for (const { fieldname } of report.filters) { const value = report.get(fieldname); if (getIsNullOrUndef(value)) { continue; } exportObject.filters[fieldname] = String(value); } /** * Metadata */ exportObject.timestamp = new Date().toISOString(); exportObject.reportName = report.reportName; exportObject.softwareName = 'Frappe Books'; exportObject.softwareVersion =; return JSON.stringify(exportObject); } export function getCsvData(report: Report): string { const csvMatrix = convertReportToCSVMatrix(report); return generateCSV(csvMatrix); } function convertReportToCSVMatrix(report: Report): unknown[][] { const displayPrecision = ( as number) ?? 2; const reportData = report.reportData; const columns = report.columns!; const csvdata: unknown[][] = []; csvdata.push( => c.label)); for (const row of reportData) { if (row.isEmpty) { csvdata.push(Array(row.cells.length).fill('')); continue; } const csvrow: unknown[] = []; for (const c in row.cells) { const cell = getValueFromCell(row.cells[c], displayPrecision); csvrow.push(cell); } csvdata.push(csvrow); } return csvdata; } function getValueFromCell(cell: ReportCell, displayPrecision: number) { const rawValue = cell.rawValue; if (rawValue instanceof Date) { return rawValue.toISOString(); } if (typeof rawValue === 'number') { const value = rawValue.toFixed(displayPrecision); /** * remove insignificant zeroes */ if (value.endsWith('0'.repeat(displayPrecision))) { return value.slice(0, -displayPrecision - 1); } return value; } if (getIsNullOrUndef(cell)) { return ''; } return rawValue; } export async function saveExportData( data: string, filePath: string, message?: string ) { await saveData(data, filePath); message ??= t`Export Successful`; showExportInFolder(message, filePath); }