import { DocValue } from 'fyo/core/types'; import { Doc } from 'fyo/model/doc'; import { FiltersMap, FormulaMap, HiddenMap, ValidationMap } from 'fyo/model/types'; import { ValidationError } from 'fyo/utils/errors'; import { ModelNameEnum } from 'models/types'; import { Money } from 'pesa'; import { Invoice } from '../Invoice/Invoice'; export abstract class InvoiceItem extends Doc { account?: string; amount?: Money; baseAmount?: Money; exchangeRate?: number; parentdoc?: Invoice; rate?: Money; quantity?: number; tax?: string; setItemDiscountAmount?: boolean; itemDiscountAmount?: Money; itemDiscountPercent?: number; itemDiscountedTotal?: Money; itemTaxedTotal?: Money; get isSales() { return this.schemaName === 'SalesInvoiceItem'; } get discountAfterTax() { return !!this?.parentdoc?.discountAfterTax; } get enableDiscounting() { return !!; } async getTotalTaxRate(): Promise { if (! { return 0; } const details = ((await this.fyo.getValue('Tax',, 'details')) as Doc[]) ?? []; return details.reduce((acc, doc) => { return (doc.rate as number) + acc; }, 0); } formulas: FormulaMap = { description: { formula: async () => (await this.fyo.getValue( 'Item', this.item as string, 'description' )) as string, dependsOn: ['item'], }, rate: { formula: async (fieldname) => { const rate = (await this.fyo.getValue( 'Item', this.item as string, 'rate' )) as undefined | Money; if ( fieldname !== 'itemTaxedTotal' && fieldname !== 'itemDiscountedTotal' ) { return rate ?? this.fyo.pesa(0); } const quantity = this.quantity ?? 0; const itemDiscountPercent = this.itemDiscountPercent ?? 0; const itemDiscountAmount = this.itemDiscountAmount ?? this.fyo.pesa(0); const totalTaxRate = await this.getTotalTaxRate(); const itemTaxedTotal = this.itemTaxedTotal ?? this.fyo.pesa(0); const itemDiscountedTotal = this.itemDiscountedTotal ?? this.fyo.pesa(0); const isItemTaxedTotal = fieldname === 'itemTaxedTotal'; const discountAfterTax = this.discountAfterTax; const setItemDiscountAmount = !!this.setItemDiscountAmount; const rateFromTotals = getRate( quantity, itemDiscountPercent, itemDiscountAmount, totalTaxRate, itemTaxedTotal, itemDiscountedTotal, isItemTaxedTotal, discountAfterTax, setItemDiscountAmount ); return rateFromTotals ?? rate ?? this.fyo.pesa(0); }, dependsOn: [ 'item', 'itemTaxedTotal', 'itemDiscountedTotal', 'setItemDiscountAmount', ], }, baseRate: { formula: () => (this.rate as Money).mul(this.parentdoc!.exchangeRate as number), dependsOn: ['item', 'rate'], }, quantity: { formula: async () => { if (!this.item) { return this.quantity as number; } const itemDoc = await this.fyo.doc.getDoc( ModelNameEnum.Item, this.item as string ); const unitDoc = itemDoc.getLink('unit'); if (unitDoc?.isWhole) { return Math.round(this.quantity as number); } return this.quantity as number; }, dependsOn: ['quantity'], }, account: { formula: () => { let accountType = 'expenseAccount'; if (this.isSales) { accountType = 'incomeAccount'; } return this.fyo.getValue('Item', this.item as string, accountType); }, dependsOn: ['item'], }, tax: { formula: async () => { return (await this.fyo.getValue( 'Item', this.item as string, 'tax' )) as string; }, dependsOn: ['item'], }, amount: { formula: () => (this.rate as Money).mul(this.quantity as number), dependsOn: ['item', 'rate', 'quantity'], }, baseAmount: { formula: () => (this.amount as Money).mul(this.parentdoc!.exchangeRate as number), dependsOn: ['item', 'amount', 'rate', 'quantity'], }, hsnCode: { formula: async () => await this.fyo.getValue('Item', this.item as string, 'hsnCode'), dependsOn: ['item'], }, itemDiscountedTotal: { formula: async () => { const totalTaxRate = await this.getTotalTaxRate(); const rate = this.rate ?? this.fyo.pesa(0); const quantity = this.quantity ?? 1; const itemDiscountAmount = this.itemDiscountAmount ?? this.fyo.pesa(0); const itemDiscountPercent = this.itemDiscountPercent ?? 0; if (this.setItemDiscountAmount && this.itemDiscountAmount?.isZero()) { return rate.mul(quantity); } if (!this.setItemDiscountAmount && this.itemDiscountPercent === 0) { return rate.mul(quantity); } if (!this.discountAfterTax) { return getDiscountedTotalBeforeTaxation( rate, quantity, itemDiscountAmount, itemDiscountPercent, !!this.setItemDiscountAmount ); } return getDiscountedTotalAfterTaxation( totalTaxRate, rate, quantity, itemDiscountAmount, itemDiscountPercent, !!this.setItemDiscountAmount ); }, dependsOn: [ 'itemDiscountAmount', 'itemDiscountPercent', 'itemTaxedTotal', 'setItemDiscountAmount', 'tax', 'rate', 'quantity', 'item', ], }, itemTaxedTotal: { formula: async (fieldname) => { const totalTaxRate = await this.getTotalTaxRate(); const rate = this.rate ?? this.fyo.pesa(0); const quantity = this.quantity ?? 1; const itemDiscountAmount = this.itemDiscountAmount ?? this.fyo.pesa(0); const itemDiscountPercent = this.itemDiscountPercent ?? 0; if (!this.discountAfterTax) { return getTaxedTotalAfterDiscounting( totalTaxRate, rate, quantity, itemDiscountAmount, itemDiscountPercent, !!this.setItemDiscountAmount ); } return getTaxedTotalBeforeDiscounting(totalTaxRate, rate, quantity); }, dependsOn: [ 'itemDiscountAmount', 'itemDiscountPercent', 'itemDiscountedTotal', 'setItemDiscountAmount', 'tax', 'rate', 'quantity', 'item', ], }, }; validations: ValidationMap = { rate: async (value: DocValue) => { if ((value as Money).gte(0)) { return; } throw new ValidationError( this.fyo.t`Rate (${this.fyo.format( value, 'Currency' )}) cannot be less zero.` ); }, itemDiscountAmount: async (value: DocValue) => { if ((value as Money).lte(this.amount!)) { return; } throw new ValidationError( this.fyo.t`Discount Amount (${this.fyo.format( value, 'Currency' )}) cannot be greated than Amount (${this.fyo.format( this.amount!, 'Currency' )}).` ); }, itemDiscountPercent: async (value: DocValue) => { if ((value as number) < 100) { return; } throw new ValidationError( this.fyo.t`Discount Percent (${ value as number }) cannot be greater than 100.` ); }, }; hidden: HiddenMap = { itemDiscountedTotal: () => { if (!this.enableDiscounting) { return true; } if (!!this.setItemDiscountAmount && this.itemDiscountAmount?.isZero()) { return true; } if (!this.setItemDiscountAmount && this.itemDiscountPercent === 0) { return true; } return false; }, setItemDiscountAmount: () => !this.enableDiscounting, itemDiscountAmount: () => !(this.enableDiscounting && !!this.setItemDiscountAmount), itemDiscountPercent: () => !(this.enableDiscounting && !this.setItemDiscountAmount), }; static filters: FiltersMap = { item: (doc: Doc) => { const itemList = doc.parentdoc!.items as Doc[]; const items = => d.item as string).filter(Boolean); let itemNotFor = 'Sales'; if (doc.isSales) { itemNotFor = 'Purchases'; } const baseFilter = { for: ['not in', [itemNotFor]] }; if (items.length <= 0) { return baseFilter; } return { name: ['not in', items], ...baseFilter, }; }, }; static createFilters: FiltersMap = { item: (doc: Doc) => { return { for: doc.isSales ? 'Sales' : 'Purchases' }; }, }; } function getDiscountedTotalBeforeTaxation( rate: Money, quantity: number, itemDiscountAmount: Money, itemDiscountPercent: number, setDiscountAmount: boolean ) { /** * If Discount is applied before taxation * Use different formulas depending on how discount is set * - if amount : Quantity * Rate - DiscountAmount * - if percent: Quantity * Rate (1 - DiscountPercent / 100) */ const amount = rate.mul(quantity); if (setDiscountAmount) { return amount.sub(itemDiscountAmount); } return amount.mul(1 - itemDiscountPercent / 100); } function getTaxedTotalAfterDiscounting( totalTaxRate: number, rate: Money, quantity: number, itemDiscountAmount: Money, itemDiscountPercent: number, setItemDiscountAmount: boolean ) { /** * If Discount is applied before taxation * Formula: Discounted Total * (1 + TotalTaxRate / 100) */ const discountedTotal = getDiscountedTotalBeforeTaxation( rate, quantity, itemDiscountAmount, itemDiscountPercent, setItemDiscountAmount ); return discountedTotal.mul(1 + totalTaxRate / 100); } function getDiscountedTotalAfterTaxation( totalTaxRate: number, rate: Money, quantity: number, itemDiscountAmount: Money, itemDiscountPercent: number, setItemDiscountAmount: boolean ) { /** * If Discount is applied after taxation * Use different formulas depending on how discount is set * - if amount : Taxed Total - Discount Amount * - if percent: Taxed Total * (1 - Discount Percent / 100) */ const taxedTotal = getTaxedTotalBeforeDiscounting( totalTaxRate, rate, quantity ); if (setItemDiscountAmount) { return taxedTotal.sub(itemDiscountAmount); } return taxedTotal.mul(1 - itemDiscountPercent / 100); } function getTaxedTotalBeforeDiscounting( totalTaxRate: number, rate: Money, quantity: number ) { /** * If Discount is applied after taxation * Formula: Rate * Quantity * (1 + Total Tax Rate / 100) */ return rate.mul(quantity).mul(1 + totalTaxRate / 100); } function getRate( quantity: number, itemDiscountPercent: number, itemDiscountAmount: Money, totalTaxRate: number, itemTaxedTotal: Money, itemDiscountedTotal: Money, isItemTaxedTotal: boolean, discountAfterTax: boolean, setItemDiscountAmount: boolean ) { const isItemDiscountedTotal = !isItemTaxedTotal; const discountBeforeTax = !discountAfterTax; /** * Rate calculated from itemDiscountedTotal */ if (isItemDiscountedTotal && discountBeforeTax && setItemDiscountAmount) { return itemDiscountedTotal.add(itemDiscountAmount).div(quantity); } if (isItemDiscountedTotal && discountBeforeTax && !setItemDiscountAmount) { return itemDiscountedTotal.div(quantity * (1 - itemDiscountPercent / 100)); } if (isItemDiscountedTotal && discountAfterTax && setItemDiscountAmount) { return itemDiscountedTotal .add(itemDiscountAmount) .div(quantity * (1 + totalTaxRate / 100)); } if (isItemDiscountedTotal && discountAfterTax && !setItemDiscountAmount) { return itemDiscountedTotal.div( (quantity * (100 - itemDiscountPercent) * (100 + totalTaxRate)) / 100 ); } /** * Rate calculated from itemTaxedTotal */ if (isItemTaxedTotal && discountAfterTax) { return itemTaxedTotal.div(quantity * (1 + totalTaxRate / 100)); } if (isItemTaxedTotal && discountBeforeTax && setItemDiscountAmount) { return itemTaxedTotal .div(1 + totalTaxRate / 100) .add(itemDiscountAmount) .div(quantity); } if (isItemTaxedTotal && discountBeforeTax && !setItemDiscountAmount) { return itemTaxedTotal.div( quantity * (1 - itemDiscountPercent / 100) * (1 + totalTaxRate / 100) ); } return null; }