import { assertDoesNotThrow, assertThrows, } from 'backend/database/tests/helpers'; import { ModelNameEnum } from 'models/types'; import { default as tape, default as test } from 'tape'; import { closeTestFyo, getTestFyo, setupTestFyo } from 'tests/helpers'; import { StockMovement } from '../StockMovement'; import { MovementType } from '../types'; import { getItem, getSLEs, getStockMovement } from './helpers'; const fyo = getTestFyo(); setupTestFyo(fyo, __filename); const itemMap = { Pen: { name: 'Pen', rate: 700, }, Ink: { name: 'Ink', rate: 50, }, }; const locationMap = { LocationOne: 'LocationOne', LocationTwo: 'LocationTwo', }; /** * Section 1: Test Creation of Items and Locations */ test('create dummy items & locations', async (t) => { // Create Items for (const { name, rate } of Object.values(itemMap)) { const item = getItem(name, rate); await fyo.doc.getNewDoc(ModelNameEnum.Item, item).sync(); t.ok(await fyo.db.exists(ModelNameEnum.Item, name), `${name} exists`); } // Create Locations for (const name of Object.values(locationMap)) { await fyo.doc.getNewDoc(ModelNameEnum.Location, { name }).sync(); t.ok(await fyo.db.exists(ModelNameEnum.Location, name), `${name} exists`); } }); /** * Section 2: Test Creation of Stock Movements */ test('create stock movement, material receipt', async (t) => { const { rate } = itemMap.Ink; const quantity = 2; const amount = rate * quantity; const stockMovement = await getStockMovement( MovementType.MaterialReceipt, new Date('2022-11-03T09:57:04.528'), [ { item:, to: locationMap.LocationOne, quantity, rate, }, ], fyo ); await (await stockMovement.sync()).submit(); t.ok('SMOV-')); t.equal(stockMovement.amount?.float, amount); t.equal(stockMovement.items?.[0].amount?.float, amount); const name =!; const sles = await getSLEs(name, ModelNameEnum.StockMovement, fyo); t.equal(sles.length, 1); const sle = sles[0]; t.notEqual(new Date(, 'Invalid Date'); t.equal(parseInt(, 1); t.equal(sle.item,; t.equal(parseFloat(sle.rate), rate); t.equal(sle.quantity, quantity); t.equal(sle.location, locationMap.LocationOne); t.equal(await fyo.db.getStockQuantity(, quantity); }); test('create stock movement, material transfer', async (t) => { const { rate } = itemMap.Ink; const quantity = 2; const stockMovement = await getStockMovement( MovementType.MaterialTransfer, new Date('2022-11-03T09:58:04.528'), [ { item:, from: locationMap.LocationOne, to: locationMap.LocationTwo, quantity, rate, }, ], fyo ); await (await stockMovement.sync()).submit(); const name =!; const sles = await getSLEs(name, ModelNameEnum.StockMovement, fyo); t.equal(sles.length, 2); for (const sle of sles) { t.notEqual(new Date(, 'Invalid Date'); t.equal(sle.item,; t.equal(parseFloat(sle.rate), rate); if (sle.location === locationMap.LocationOne) { t.equal(sle.quantity, -quantity); } else if (sle.location === locationMap.LocationTwo) { t.equal(sle.quantity, quantity); } else { t.ok(false, 'no-op'); } } t.equal( await fyo.db.getStockQuantity(, locationMap.LocationOne), 0 ); t.equal(await fyo.db.getStockQuantity(, quantity); }); test('create stock movement, material issue', async (t) => { const { rate } = itemMap.Ink; const quantity = 2; const stockMovement = await getStockMovement( MovementType.MaterialIssue, new Date('2022-11-03T09:59:04.528'), [ { item:, from: locationMap.LocationTwo, quantity, rate, }, ], fyo ); await (await stockMovement.sync()).submit(); const name =!; const sles = await getSLEs(name, ModelNameEnum.StockMovement, fyo); t.equal(sles.length, 1); const sle = sles[0]; t.notEqual(new Date(, 'Invalid Date'); t.equal(sle.item,; t.equal(parseFloat(sle.rate), rate); t.equal(sle.quantity, -quantity); t.equal(sle.location, locationMap.LocationTwo); t.equal(await fyo.db.getStockQuantity(, 0); }); /** * Section 3: Test Cancellation of Stock Movements */ test('cancel stock movement', async (t) => { const names = (await fyo.db.getAllRaw(ModelNameEnum.StockMovement)) as { name: string; }[]; for (const { name } of names) { const slesBefore = await getSLEs(name, ModelNameEnum.StockMovement, fyo); const doc = (await fyo.doc.getDoc( ModelNameEnum.StockMovement, name )) as StockMovement; if (doc.movementType === MovementType.MaterialTransfer) { t.equal(slesBefore.length, (doc.items?.length ?? 0) * 2); } else { t.equal(slesBefore.length, doc.items?.length ?? 0); } await doc.cancel(); const slesAfter = await getSLEs(name, ModelNameEnum.StockMovement, fyo); t.equal(slesAfter.length, 0); } t.equal(await fyo.db.getStockQuantity(, null); }); /** * Section 4: Test Invalid entries */ async function runEntries( item: string, entries: { type: MovementType; date: Date; valid: boolean; postQuantity: number; items: { item: string; to?: string; from?: string; quantity: number; rate: number; }[]; }[], t: tape.Test ) { for (const { type, date, items, valid, postQuantity } of entries) { const stockMovement = await getStockMovement(type, date, items, fyo); await stockMovement.sync(); if (valid) { await assertDoesNotThrow(async () => await stockMovement.submit()); } else { await assertThrows(async () => await stockMovement.submit()); } t.equal(await fyo.db.getStockQuantity(item), postQuantity); } } test('create stock movements, invalid entries, in sequence', async (t) => { const { name: item, rate } = itemMap.Pen; const quantity = 10; await runEntries( item, [ { type: MovementType.MaterialReceipt, date: new Date('2022-11-03T09:58:04.528'), valid: true, postQuantity: quantity, items: [ { item, to: locationMap.LocationOne, quantity, rate, }, ], }, { type: MovementType.MaterialTransfer, date: new Date('2022-11-03T09:58:05.528'), valid: false, postQuantity: quantity, items: [ { item, from: locationMap.LocationOne, to: locationMap.LocationTwo, quantity: quantity + 1, rate, }, ], }, { type: MovementType.MaterialIssue, date: new Date('2022-11-03T09:58:06.528'), valid: false, postQuantity: quantity, items: [ { item, from: locationMap.LocationOne, quantity: quantity + 1, rate, }, ], }, { type: MovementType.MaterialTransfer, date: new Date('2022-11-03T09:58:07.528'), valid: true, postQuantity: quantity, items: [ { item, from: locationMap.LocationOne, to: locationMap.LocationTwo, quantity, rate, }, ], }, { type: MovementType.MaterialIssue, date: new Date('2022-11-03T09:58:08.528'), valid: true, postQuantity: 0, items: [ { item, from: locationMap.LocationTwo, quantity, rate, }, ], }, ], t ); }); test('create stock movements, invalid entries, out of sequence', async (t) => { const { name: item, rate } = itemMap.Ink; const quantity = 10; await runEntries( item, [ { type: MovementType.MaterialReceipt, date: new Date('2022-11-15'), valid: true, postQuantity: quantity, items: [ { item, to: locationMap.LocationOne, quantity, rate, }, ], }, { type: MovementType.MaterialIssue, date: new Date('2022-11-17'), valid: true, postQuantity: quantity - 5, items: [ { item, from: locationMap.LocationOne, quantity: quantity - 5, rate, }, ], }, { type: MovementType.MaterialTransfer, date: new Date('2022-11-16'), valid: false, postQuantity: quantity - 5, items: [ { item, from: locationMap.LocationOne, to: locationMap.LocationTwo, quantity, rate, }, ], }, ], t ); }); closeTestFyo(fyo, __filename);