import { Fyo, t } from 'fyo'; import { Action } from 'fyo/model/types'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import { AccountRootType } from 'models/baseModels/Account/types'; import { isCredit } from 'models/helpers'; import { ModelNameEnum } from 'models/types'; import { LedgerReport } from 'reports/LedgerReport'; import { ColumnField, GroupedMap, LedgerEntry, Periodicity, } from 'reports/types'; import { Field } from 'schemas/types'; import { fyo } from 'src/initFyo'; import { getMapFromList } from 'utils'; import { QueryFilter } from 'utils/db/types'; type DateRange = { fromDate: DateTime; toDate: DateTime }; type ValueMap = Map; type AccountNameValueMapMap = Map; type BasedOn = 'Fiscal Year' | 'Date Range'; type Account = { name: string; rootType: AccountRootType; isGroup: boolean }; export class ProfitAndLoss extends LedgerReport { static title = t`Profit And Loss`; static reportName = 'profit-and-loss'; toDate?: string; count?: number; fromYear?: number; toYear?: number; singleColumn: boolean = false; periodicity: Periodicity = 'Monthly'; basedOn: BasedOn = 'Fiscal Year'; _rawData: LedgerEntry[] = []; accountMap?: Record; constructor(fyo: Fyo) { super(fyo); } async setDefaultFilters(): Promise { if (this.basedOn === 'Date Range' && !this.toDate) { this.toDate =; this.count = 1; } if (this.basedOn === 'Fiscal Year' && !this.toYear) { this.toYear =; this.fromYear = this.toYear - 1; } } async setReportData(filter?: string) { let sort = true; if ( this._rawData.length === 0 && !['periodicity', 'singleColumn'].includes(filter!) ) { await this._setRawData(); sort = false; } const map = this._getGroupedMap(sort, 'account'); const rangeGroupedMap = await this._getGroupedByDateRanges(map); /** * TODO: Get account tree from accountMap * TODO: Create Grid from rangeGroupedMap and tree */ } async _getGroupedByDateRanges( map: GroupedMap ): Promise { const dateRanges = await this._getDateRanges(); const accountValueMap: AccountNameValueMapMap = new Map(); const accountMap = await this._getAccountMap(); for (const account of map.keys()) { const valueMap: ValueMap = new Map(); for (const entry of map.get(account)!) { const key = this._getRangeMapKey(entry, dateRanges); if (valueMap === null) { continue; } const totalBalance = valueMap.get(key!) ?? 0; const balance = (entry.debit ?? 0) - ( ?? 0); const rootType = accountMap[entry.account].rootType; if (isCredit(rootType)) { valueMap.set(key!, totalBalance - balance); } else { valueMap.set(key!, totalBalance + balance); } } accountValueMap.set(account, valueMap); } return accountValueMap; } async _getAccountMap() { if (this.accountMap) { return this.accountMap; } const accountList: Account[] = ( await this.fyo.db.getAllRaw('Account', { fields: ['name', 'rootType', 'isGroup'], }) ).map((rv) => ({ name: as string, rootType: rv.rootType as AccountRootType, isGroup: Boolean(rv.isGroup), })); this.accountMap = getMapFromList(accountList, 'name'); return this.accountMap; } _getRangeMapKey( entry: LedgerEntry, dateRanges: DateRange[] ): DateRange | null { const entryDate = +DateTime.fromISO(!.toISOString().split('T')[0] ); for (const dr of dateRanges) { if (entryDate <= +dr.toDate && entryDate > +dr.fromDate) { return dr; } } return null; } async _getDateRanges(): Promise { const endpoints = await this._getFromAndToDates(); const fromDate = DateTime.fromISO(endpoints.fromDate); const toDate = DateTime.fromISO(endpoints.toDate); if (this.singleColumn) { return [ { toDate, fromDate, }, ]; } const months: number = monthsMap[this.periodicity]; const dateRanges: DateRange[] = [ { toDate, fromDate: toDate.minus({ months }) }, ]; let count = this.count ?? 1; if (this.basedOn === 'Fiscal Year') { count = Math.ceil(((this.toYear! - this.fromYear!) * 12) / months); } for (let i = 1; i < count; i++) { const lastRange =!; dateRanges.push({ toDate: lastRange.fromDate, fromDate: lastRange.fromDate.minus({ months }), }); } return dateRanges; } async _getFromAndToDates() { let toDate: string; let fromDate: string; if (this.basedOn === 'Date Range') { toDate = this.toDate!; const months = monthsMap[this.periodicity] * Math.max(this.count ?? 1, 1); fromDate = DateTime.fromISO(toDate).minus({ months }).toISODate(); } else { const fy = await getFiscalEndpoints(this.toYear!, this.fromYear!); toDate = fy.toDate; fromDate = fy.fromDate; } return { fromDate, toDate }; } async _getQueryFilters(): Promise { const filters: QueryFilter = {}; const { fromDate, toDate } = await this._getFromAndToDates(); const dateFilter: string[] = []; dateFilter.push('<=', toDate); dateFilter.push('>=', fromDate); = dateFilter; filters.reverted = false; return filters; } getFilters() { const periodNameMap: Record = { Monthly: t`Months`, Quarterly: t`Quarters`, 'Half Yearly': t`Half Years`, Yearly: t`Years`, }; const filters = [ { fieldtype: 'Select', options: [ { label: t`Monthly`, value: 'Monthly' }, { label: t`Quarterly`, value: 'Quarterly' }, { label: t`Half Yearly`, value: 'Half Yearly' }, { label: t`Yearly`, value: 'Yearly' }, ], default: 'Monthly', label: t`Periodicity`, fieldname: 'periodicity', }, { fieldtype: 'Select', options: [ { label: t`Fiscal Year`, value: 'Fiscal Year' }, { label: t`Date Range`, value: 'Date Range' }, ], default: 'Fiscal Year', label: t`Based On`, fieldname: 'basedOn', }, { fieldtype: 'Check', default: false, label: t`Single Column`, fieldname: 'singleColumn', }, ] as Field[]; if (this.basedOn === 'Date Range') { return [ ...filters, { fieldtype: 'Date', fieldname: 'toDate', placeholder: t`To Date`, label: t`To Date`, required: true, }, { fieldtype: 'Int', fieldname: 'count', placeholder: t`Number of ${periodNameMap[this.periodicity]}`, label: t`Number of ${periodNameMap[this.periodicity]}`, required: true, }, ] as Field[]; } const thisYear = DateTime.local().year; return [ ...filters, { fieldtype: 'Date', fieldname: 'fromYear', placeholder: t`From Date`, label: t`From Date`, default: thisYear - 1, required: true, }, { fieldtype: 'Date', fieldname: 'toYear', placeholder: t`To Year`, label: t`To Year`, default: thisYear, required: true, }, ] as Field[]; } getColumns(): ColumnField[] { const columns = [] as ColumnField[]; return columns; } getActions(): Action[] { return []; } metaFilters: string[] = ['basedOn']; } async function getFiscalEndpoints(toYear: number, fromYear: number) { const fys = (await fyo.getValue( ModelNameEnum.AccountingSettings, 'fiscalYearStart' )) as Date; const fye = (await fyo.getValue( ModelNameEnum.AccountingSettings, 'fiscalYearEnd' )) as Date; /** * Get the month and the day, and * prepend with the passed year. */ const fromDate = [ fromYear, fys.toISOString().split('T')[0].split('-').slice(1), ].join('-'); const toDate = [ toYear, fye.toISOString().split('T')[0].split('-').slice(1), ].join('-'); return { fromDate, toDate }; } const monthsMap: Record = { Monthly: 1, Quarterly: 3, 'Half Yearly': 6, Yearly: 12, };