const frappe = require('frappejs'); const keyboard = require('frappejs/client/ui/keyboard'); const Observable = require('frappejs/utils/observable'); module.exports = class BaseList extends Observable { constructor({doctype, parent, fields=[], page}) { super(); Object.assign(this, arguments[0]); this.init(); } init() { this.meta = frappe.getMeta(this.doctype); this.start = 0; this.pageLength = 20; this.body = null; this.rows = []; = []; this.setupTreeSettings(); frappe.db.on(`change:${this.doctype}`, (params) => { this.refresh(); }); } setupTreeSettings() { // list settings that can be overridden by meta this.listSettings = { getFields: list => list.fields, getRowHTML: (list, data) => { return `
`; } } if (this.meta.listSettings) { Object.assign(this.listSettings, this.meta.listSettings); } } makeBody() { if (!this.body) { this.makeToolbar(); this.parent.classList.add('list-page'); this.body = frappe.ui.add('div', 'list-body', this.parent); this.body.setAttribute('data-doctype', this.doctype); this.makeMoreBtn(); this.bindKeys(); } } async refresh() { return await; } async run() { this.makeBody(); this.dirty = false; let data = await this.getData(); for (let i=0; i< Math.min(this.pageLength, data.length); i++) { let row = this.getRow(this.start + i); this.renderRow(row, data[i]); } if (this.start > 0) { =; } else { = data; } this.clearEmptyRows(); this.updateMore(data.length > this.pageLength); this.selectDefaultRow(); this.setActiveListRow(); this.trigger('state-change'); } async getData() { let fields = this.listSettings.getFields(this) || []; this.updateStandardFields(fields); return await frappe.db.getAll({ doctype: this.doctype, fields: fields, filters: this.getFilters(), start: this.start, limit: this.pageLength + 1 }); } updateStandardFields(fields) { if (!fields.includes('name')) fields.push('name'); if (!fields.includes('modified')) fields.push('modified'); if (this.meta.isSubmittable && !fields.includes('submitted')) fields.push('submitted'); } async append() { this.start += this.pageLength; await; } getFilters() { let filters = {}; if (this.searchInput.value) { filters.keywords = ['like', '%' + this.searchInput.value + '%']; } return filters; } renderRow(row, data) { row.innerHTML = this.getRowBodyHTML(data); row.docName =; row.setAttribute('data-name',; } getRowBodyHTML(data) { return `
` + this.listSettings.getRowHTML(this, data); } getNameHTML(data) { return `${data[this.meta.titleField]}`; } getRow(i) { if (!this.rows[i]) { let row = frappe.ui.add('div', 'list-row row no-gutters', this.body); // open on click let me = this; row.addEventListener('click', async function(e) { if (! !== 'input') { await me.showItem(this.docName); } }); = 'flex'; // make element focusable row.setAttribute('tabindex', -1); this.rows[i] = row; } return this.rows[i]; } refreshRow(doc) { let row = this.getRowByName(; if (row) { this.renderRow(row, doc); } } async showItem(name) { if (this.meta.print) { await frappe.router.setRoute('print', this.doctype, name); } else { await frappe.router.setRoute('edit', this.doctype, name); } } getCheckedRowNames() { return [...this.body.querySelectorAll('.checkbox:checked')].map(check => check.getAttribute('data-name')); } clearEmptyRows() { if (this.rows.length > { for (let; i < this.rows.length; i++) { let row = this.getRow(i); row.innerHTML = ''; = 'none'; } } } selectDefaultRow() { if (!frappe.desk.body.activePage && this.rows.length) { this.showItem(this.rows[0].docName); } } makeToolbar() { this.makeSearch(); this.btnNew ='New'), 'btn-primary', async () => { await frappe.router.setRoute('new', this.doctype); }); this.btnDelete ='Delete'), 'btn-secondary hide', async () => { await frappe.db.deleteMany(this.doctype, this.getCheckedRowNames()); await this.refresh(); }); this.btnReport ='Report'), 'btn-outline-secondary hide', async () => { await frappe.router.setRoute('table', this.doctype); }); this.on('state-change', () => { const checkedCount = this.getCheckedRowNames().length; this.btnDelete.classList.toggle('hide', checkedCount ? false : true); this.btnNew.classList.toggle('hide', checkedCount ? true : false); this.btnReport.classList.toggle('hide', checkedCount ? true : false); });'click', (event) => { if('checkbox')) { this.trigger('state-change'); } }) } makeSearch() { this.toolbar = frappe.ui.add('div', 'list-toolbar', this.parent); this.toolbar.innerHTML = ` `; this.searchInput = this.toolbar.querySelector('input'); this.searchInput.addEventListener('keypress', (event) => { if (event.keyCode===13) { this.refresh(); } }); this.btnSearch = this.toolbar.querySelector('.btn-search'); this.btnSearch.addEventListener('click', (event) => { this.refresh(); }); } bindKeys() { keyboard.bindKey(this.body, 'up', () => this.move('up')); keyboard.bindKey(this.body, 'down', () => this.move('down')) keyboard.bindKey(this.body, 'right', () => { if (frappe.desk.body.activePage) { frappe.desk.body.activePage.body.querySelector('input').focus(); } }); keyboard.bindKey(this.body, 'n', (e) => { frappe.router.setRoute('new', this.doctype); e.preventDefault(); }); keyboard.bindKey(this.body, 'x', async (e) => { let activeListRow = this.getActiveListRow(); if (activeListRow && activeListRow.docName) { e.preventDefault(); await frappe.db.delete(this.doctype, activeListRow.docName); frappe.desk.body.activePage.hide(); } }); } async move(direction) { let elementRef = direction === 'up' ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling'; if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.classList.contains('list-row')) { let next = document.activeElement[elementRef]; if (next && next.docName) { await this.showItem(next.docName); } } } makeMoreBtn() { this.btnMore = frappe.ui.add('button', 'btn btn-secondary hide', this.parent, 'More'); this.btnMore.addEventListener('click', () => { this.append(); }) } updateMore(show) { if (show) { this.btnMore.classList.remove('hide'); } else { this.btnMore.classList.add('hide'); } } setActiveListRow(name) { let activeListRow = this.getActiveListRow(); if (activeListRow) { activeListRow.classList.remove('active'); } if (!name) { // get name from active page name = frappe.desk.activeDoc &&; } if (name) { let row = this.getRowByName(name); if (row) { row.classList.add('active'); row.focus(); } } } getRowByName(name) { return this.body.querySelector(`.list-row[data-name="${name}"]`); } getActiveListRow() { return this.body.querySelector(''); } };