const frappe = require('frappejs'); const BaseList = require('./list'); const Tree = require('frappejs/client/components/tree'); // const keyboard = require('frappejs/client/ui/keyboard'); module.exports = class BaseTree extends BaseList { init() { this.meta = frappe.getMeta(this.doctype); this.body = null; = []; this.setupTreeSettings(); frappe.db.on(`change:${this.doctype}`, (params) => { this.refresh(); }); } setupTreeSettings() { // tree settings that can be overridden by meta this.treeSettings = { parentField: `parent${this.doctype}` } if (this.meta.treeSettings) { Object.assign(this.treeSettings, this.meta.treeSettings); } } async refresh() { return await; } async run() { this.makeBody(); this.body.innerHTML = ''; this.dirty = false; const rootLabel = this.treeSettings.getRootLabel ? await this.treeSettings.getRootLabel() : this.doctype; this.renderTree(rootLabel); this.trigger('state-change'); } makeBody() { if (!this.body) { this.makeToolbar(); this.parent.classList.add('tree-page'); this.body = frappe.ui.add('div', 'tree-body', this.parent); this.body.setAttribute('data-doctype', this.doctype); this.bindKeys(); } } renderTree(rootLabel) { this.rootNode = { label: rootLabel, value: rootLabel, isRoot: true, isGroup: true, children: null } this.treeWrapper = frappe.ui.create(` ${this.getTreeNodeHTML(this.rootNode)} `); const rootNode = this.treeWrapper.querySelector('f-tree-node[is-root]'); rootNode.props = this.rootNode; this.body.appendChild(this.treeWrapper); frappe.ui.on(this.treeWrapper, 'tree-node-expand', 'f-tree-node', async (e, treeNode) => { if (!treeNode.expanded) return; if (!treeNode.props.children) { const data = await this.getData(treeNode.props); const children = => ({ label:, value:, isGroup: d.isGroup, doc: d })); treeNode.props.children = children; for (let child of children) { const childNode = frappe.ui.create(this.getTreeNodeHTML(child)); childNode.props = child; treeNode.appendChild(childNode); } } }); frappe.ui.on(this.treeWrapper, 'tree-node-action', 'f-tree-node', (e, treeNode) => { if (treeNode.isRoot) return; const button = e.detail.actionEl; const action = button.getAttribute('data-action'); if (action === 'edit') { this.edit(; } else if (action === 'addChild') { this.addChildNode(; } });; // open the root node } edit(name) { frappe.desk.showFormModal(this.doctype, name); } async addChildNode(name) { const newDoc = await frappe.getNewDoc(this.doctype); const formModal = await frappe.desk.showFormModal(this.doctype,; const parentField = this.treeSettings.parentField; if (formModal.form.doc.meta.hasField(parentField)) { formModal.form.doc.set(parentField, name); } } async getData(node) { let fields = this.getFields(); let filters = {}; if (node.isRoot) { filters[this.treeSettings.parentField] = ''; } else { filters[this.treeSettings.parentField] = node.value; } return await frappe.db.getAll({ doctype: this.doctype, fields, filters, order_by: 'name', order: 'asc' }); } getTreeNodeHTML(node) { return ( ` ${this.getActionButtonsHTML()} ` ); } getActionButtonsHTML() { return [ { id: 'edit', label: frappe._('Edit') }, { id: 'addChild', label: frappe._('Add Child') }, // { id: 'delete', label: frappe._('Delete') }, ].map(button => { return ``; }) .join(''); } getFields() { let fields = [this.treeSettings.parentField, 'isGroup'] this.updateStandardFields(fields); return fields; } };