import fs from 'fs/promises'; import path from 'path'; import { UnknownMap } from 'utils/types'; import { generateCSV, parseCSV } from '../utils/csvParser'; import { getIndexFormat, getWhitespaceSanitized, schemaTranslateables, } from '../utils/translationHelpers'; /* eslint-disable no-console, @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises */ const translationsFolder = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'translations'); const PATTERN = /(? { const contents: string[] = await fs.readdir(root); const files: string[] = []; const promises: Promise[] = []; for (const c of contents) { const absPath = path.resolve(root, c); const isDir = (await fs.stat(absPath)).isDirectory(); if (isDir && !shouldIgnore(absPath, ignoreList)) { const pr = getFileList(absPath, ignoreList, extPattern).then((fl) => { files.push(...fl); }); promises.push(pr); } else if (absPath.match(extPattern) !== null) { files.push(absPath); } } await Promise.all(promises); return files; } async function getFileContents(fileList: string[]): Promise { const contents: Content[] = []; const promises: Promise[] = []; for (const fileName of fileList) { const pr = fs.readFile(fileName, { encoding: 'utf-8' }).then((content) => { contents.push({ fileName, content }); }); promises.push(pr); } await Promise.all(promises); return contents; } async function getAllTStringsMap( contents: Content[] ): Promise> { const strings: Map = new Map(); const promises: Promise[] = []; contents.forEach(({ fileName, content }) => { const pr = getTStrings(content).then((ts) => { if (ts.length === 0) { return; } strings.set(fileName, ts); }); promises.push(pr); }); await Promise.all(promises); return strings; } function getTStrings(content: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { const tStrings = tStringFinder(content); resolve(tStrings); }); } function tStringFinder(content: string): string[] { return [...content.matchAll(PATTERN)].map(([, t]) => { t = getIndexFormat(t); return getWhitespaceSanitized(t); }); } function tStringsToArray( tMap: Map, tStrings: string[] ): string[] { const tSet: Set = new Set(); for (const k of tMap.keys()) { tMap.get(k)!.forEach((s) => tSet.add(s)); } for (const ts of tStrings) { tSet.add(ts); } return Array.from(tSet).sort(); } function printHelp() { const shouldPrint = process.argv.findIndex((i) => i === '-h') !== -1; if (shouldPrint) { console.log( `Usage: ` + `\tyarn script:translate\n` + `\tyarn script:translate -h\n` + `\tyarn script:translate -l [language_code]\n` + `\n` + `Example: $ yarn script:translate -l de\n` + `\n` + `Description:\n` + `\tPassing a language code will create a '.csv' file in\n` + `\tthe 'translations' subdirectory. Translated strings are to\n` + `\tbe added to this file.\n\n` + `\tCalling the script without args will update the translation csv\n` + `\tfile with new strings if any. Existing translations won't\n` + `\tbe removed.\n` + `\n` + `Parameters:\n` + `\tlanguage_code : An ISO 693-1 code or a locale identifier.\n` + `\n` + `Reference:\n` + `\tISO 693-1 codes:\n` + `\tLocale identifier:` ); } return shouldPrint; } function getLanguageCode() { const i = process.argv.findIndex((i) => i === '-l'); if (i === -1) { return ''; } return process.argv[i + 1] ?? ''; } function getTranslationFilePath(languageCode: string) { return path.resolve(translationsFolder, `${languageCode}.csv`); } async function regenerateTranslation(tArray: string[], path: string) { // Removes old strings, adds new strings const storedCSV = await fs.readFile(path, { encoding: 'utf-8' }); const storedMatrix = parseCSV(storedCSV); const map: Map = new Map(); for (const row of storedMatrix) { const tstring = row[0]; map.set(tstring, row.slice(1)); } const matrix = => { const stored = map.get(source) ?? []; const translation = stored[0] ?? ''; const context = stored[1] ?? ''; return [source, translation, context]; }); const csv = generateCSV(matrix); await fs.writeFile(path, csv, { encoding: 'utf-8' }); console.log(`\tregenerated: ${path}`); } async function regenerateTranslations(languageCode: string, tArray: string[]) { // regenerate one file if (languageCode.length !== 0) { const path = getTranslationFilePath(languageCode); regenerateTranslation(tArray, path); return; } // regenerate all translation files console.log(`Language code not passed, regenerating all translations.`); for (const filePath of await fs.readdir(translationsFolder)) { if (!filePath.endsWith('.csv')) { continue; } regenerateTranslation(tArray, path.resolve(translationsFolder, filePath)); } } async function writeTranslations(languageCode: string, tArray: string[]) { const path = getTranslationFilePath(languageCode); try { const stat = await fs.stat(path); if (!stat.isFile()) { throw new Error(`${path} is not a translation file`); } console.log( `Existing file found for '${languageCode}': ${path}\n` + `regenerating it's translations.` ); regenerateTranslations(languageCode, tArray); } catch (err) { if ((err as NodeJS.ErrnoException).code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err; } const matrix = => [s, '', '']); const csv = generateCSV(matrix); await fs.writeFile(path, csv, { encoding: 'utf-8' }); console.log(`Generated translation file for '${languageCode}': ${path}`); } } async function getTStringsFromJsonFileList( fileList: string[] ): Promise { const promises: Promise[] = []; const schemaTStrings: string[][] = []; for (const filePath of fileList) { const promise = fs .readFile(filePath, { encoding: 'utf8' }) .then((content) => { const schema = JSON.parse(content) as Record; const tStrings: string[] = []; pushTStringsFromSchema(schema, tStrings, schemaTranslateables); return tStrings; }) .then((ts) => { schemaTStrings.push(ts); }); promises.push(promise); } await Promise.all(promises); return schemaTStrings.flat(); } function pushTStringsFromSchema( map: UnknownMap | UnknownMap[], array: string[], translateables: string[] ) { if (Array.isArray(map)) { for (const item of map) { pushTStringsFromSchema(item, array, translateables); } return; } if (typeof map !== 'object') { return; } for (const key of Object.keys(map)) { const value = map[key]; if (translateables.includes(key) && typeof value === 'string') { array.push(value); } if (typeof value !== 'object') { continue; } pushTStringsFromSchema( value as UnknownMap | UnknownMap[], array, translateables ); } } async function getSchemaTStrings() { const root = path.resolve(__dirname, '../schemas'); const fileList = await getFileList(root, ['tests', 'regional'], /\.json$/); return await getTStringsFromJsonFileList(fileList); } async function run() { if (printHelp()) { return; } const root = path.resolve(__dirname, '..'); const ignoreList = ['node_modules', 'dist_electron', 'scripts']; const languageCode = getLanguageCode(); console.log(); const fileList: string[] = await getFileList(root, ignoreList); const contents: Content[] = await getFileContents(fileList); const tMap: Map = await getAllTStringsMap(contents); const schemaTStrings: string[] = await getSchemaTStrings(); const tArray: string[] = tStringsToArray(tMap, schemaTStrings); try { await fs.stat(translationsFolder); } catch (err) { if ((err as NodeJS.ErrnoException).code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err; } await fs.mkdir(translationsFolder); } if (languageCode === '') { regenerateTranslations('', tArray); return; } writeTranslations(languageCode, tArray); } run();