import { t } from 'fyo'; import Doc from 'fyo/model/doc'; import { FormulaMap, ListsMap } from 'fyo/model/types'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import countryInfo from '../../../fixtures/countryInfo.json'; export function getCOAList() { return [ { name: t`Standard Chart of Accounts`, countryCode: '' }, { countryCode: 'ae', name: 'U.A.E - Chart of Accounts' }, { countryCode: 'ca', name: 'Canada - Plan comptable pour les provinces francophones', }, { countryCode: 'gt', name: 'Guatemala - Cuentas' }, { countryCode: 'hu', name: 'Hungary - Chart of Accounts' }, { countryCode: 'id', name: 'Indonesia - Chart of Accounts' }, { countryCode: 'in', name: 'India - Chart of Accounts' }, { countryCode: 'mx', name: 'Mexico - Plan de Cuentas' }, { countryCode: 'ni', name: 'Nicaragua - Catalogo de Cuentas' }, { countryCode: 'nl', name: 'Netherlands - Grootboekschema' }, { countryCode: 'sg', name: 'Singapore - Chart of Accounts' }, ]; } export class SetupWizard extends Doc { formulas: FormulaMap = { fiscalYearStart: async () => { if (! return; const today = DateTime.local(); // @ts-ignore const fyStart = countryInfo[].fiscal_year_start as | string | undefined; if (fyStart) { return DateTime.fromFormat(fyStart, 'MM-dd') .plus({ year: [1, 2, 3].includes(today.month) ? -1 : 0 }) .toISODate(); } }, fiscalYearEnd: async () => { if (! { return; } const today = DateTime.local(); // @ts-ignore const fyEnd = countryInfo[].fiscal_year_end as | string | undefined; if (fyEnd) { return DateTime.fromFormat(fyEnd, 'MM-dd') .plus({ year: [1, 2, 3].includes(today.month) ? 0 : 1 }) .toISODate(); } }, currency: async () => { if (! { return; } // @ts-ignore return countryInfo[].currency; }, chartOfAccounts: async () => { const country = this.get('country') as string | undefined; if (country === undefined) { return; } // @ts-ignore const code = (countryInfo[country] as undefined | { code: string })?.code; if (code === undefined) { return; } const coaList = getCOAList(); const coa = coaList.find(({ countryCode }) => countryCode === code); if (coa === undefined) { return coaList[0].name; } return; }, }; static lists: ListsMap = { country: () => Object.keys(countryInfo), chartOfAccounts: () => getCOAList().map(({ name }) => name), }; }